Big Brother 25: The Best And Worst Moments Of Week 3

I know we’re all still buzzing from the Pressure Cooker competition and are focused on Big Brother 25 Week 4 already, but we still have to take a look back at the moments we loved, and didn’t love from BB25 Week 3. So let’s take a look.

The Best Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 3

Felicia Wins HOH. I was very happy when Felicia won HOH, even if I wasn’t totally happy with how it played out. And the best part about it was that she got her spices and butter in her HOH basket.

Julie Announces The Return of The Pressure Cooker. We’ll have more on this in our Week 4 roundup, but I don’t recall being more excited from a Julie Chen announcement. We waited 18 years for that competition to return. So exciting.

Hisam’s Exit Interview. It might have been nervous laughter, but I’ve never seen a houseguest be so amused by their own eviction. It was really refreshing to see Hisam smiling and happy though. I just didn’t expect it to be over getting evicted. Hisam was a fun villain in my opinion, and I would have really liked to have seen him stay.

Cory Using His Brain. Not many people in the house are really thinking that clearly, but Cory seems to be laser focused on what needs to happen. And he’s being very influential on some people. I’m so far pretty impressed with how he’s playing the game.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 25 Week 3

Felicia, Cirie and Izzy Turn on Hisam. I still think this was a bad move. And depending on how this current week plays out, they might just regret not getting Cameron out over Hisam. Sure, Hisam lacks self-awareness and is a bit of a dictator, but why didn’t they just talk to him, instead of backstabbing him in Week 3. It just makes no sense to me. He was clearly a loyal ally and a fierce competitor.

Hisam Gets False Hope. As if the backdoor plan wasn’t bad enough, Cirie, Izzy and Felicia have a whole conversation with Hisam that would have lead anyone to believe they were flipping the vote to keep him. Then they didn’t. They did the same thing with Reilly. Why not talk about that and decide BEFORE you tell the nominee. That’s unintentional cruelty.

Jared and Blue. One thing about Big Brother is they will force a showmance edit no matter how real a showmance is or not. And this season, their only option to feature is the Blue and Jared pairing. They’ve made out, and Jared has told her how had he wants to **** her (gag), but it’s not worth showing us their whatevermance during the episodes. Enough showmances!

What were your favorite and not-so-favoirte moments from BB25 Week 3?





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