Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 13 Nominations

Nominations today on Big Brother 25

After multiple conversations with their allies, this week’s Head of Household on Big Brother 25 has narrowed down their choices for nominations! We’ve got your spoiler results for the latest round of nominations for Week 13 as the Final 5 HGs now have two Noms on the Block.

This week’s Head of Household made a lot of promises before and after winning this week’s Head of Household competition. He even made a formalized Final 3 with two of their fellow Big Brother houseguests. So which of those promises did Matt wind up keeping? Let’s find out!

Big Brother 25 Week 13 Nominations:

  • Matt nominated: Felicia & Cirie

The nominations went according to plan and Matt decided to stick with nominating Cirie and Felicia for eviction this week. This means that the only way these nominations will change is if one of them gets out there and wins the Power of Veto for Week 13 of Big Brother. If one of them wins the Veto, Matt will then be forced to put either Bowie or Jag on the block, but which move will he go with?

We will have to wait and see if there is a potential for that to happen or if Felicia and Cirie will find themselves still sitting in the nomination chairs come Thursday night’s eviction. Be on the lookout throughout the weekend for more spoilers and plans, and possible plan changes as the F5 for Big Brother 25 move into this weekend’s events.

Veto comp will be held on Saturday and with only five HGs left everyone will be playing. Yes, even Cirie.

What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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