Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 13: Friday Daytime Highlights

Felicia playing pool in the backyard on Big Brother – CBS

It is Nomination Day inside the Big Brother 25 house and this week’s Head of Household spent their day holding their one-on-one conversations. This week’s nominees know they are going on the block, but they are both hoping that they are both pawns for Week 13 of Big Brother.

With Matt in the HOH, there should be no surprises as to what takes place this week, but Matt is playing it off like there is a bigger plan in the works. Read on to get all the details of the conversations that took place inside the Big Brother house on Friday before the Nomination Ceremony took place.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, October 27, 2023:

9:45 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

10:05 AM BBT – Matt and Jag are talking in the HOH room. Jag is telling Matt that he is his best friend in this house and he is so happy for him.

10:10 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt that out of the other three, Bowie is for sure going to bring them to F3. He isn’t sure about Felicia and Cirie though, Says that Blue was in both of their ears and Cirie wanted to tell Bowie something before the HOH. Starts pushing that Cirie would take a shot at them if she gets a chance.

10:08 AM BBT – Jag and Matt are talking scenarios for next week and how they can make it to F3. Jag is talking about Cirie in this scenario and not Felicia, implying that Felicia is the target this week.

10:23 AM BBT –ย  Matt and Jag discuss what to tell Felicia and Cirie about them being nominated. Jag mentions that Bowie thinks that the more comps she wins, the bigger the target gets on her. They decide to tell them that Bowie won’t fight for the Veto if she isn’t on the block.

10:33 AM BBT – Matt wonders when the F4 person gets cut. He speculates that they might go right after Veto on Sunday (It has been confirmed that there will be a live eviction on Sunday, November 5th).

10:55 AM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that she can’t shake her yucky feeling. Jag asks if something happened or if someone said something to her. She says no, she just feels like everyone targeted her in the HOH competition. Jag says that they were targeting him too.

10:58 AM BBT – Felicia tells Jag that her gut is telling her she is going to be on the block again. Jag encourages Felicia to talk to Matt when he gets out of the DR.

11:00 AM BBT – Cirie and Bowie are in the backyard talking about Felicia getting upset about being on the block so much but she was going around throwing people under the bus. Bowie tells Cirie she feels like they knew people were throwing them under the bus, but they didn’t realize how much. Cirie says she has no idea how long Felicia has been throwing her under the bus.

11:08 AM BBT – Bowie, Matt, and Cirie are in the kitchen now talking about how the vibes are already off. Bowie heads outside, Cirie tells her she’ll be out in a minute. Cirie asks Matt if Felicia is starting already and he tells her that Felicia is already assuming she is going up.

11:11 AM BBT – Cirie asks Matt if she even has to ask who is going up? He says he has to put two people up. Cirie reminds him that he told her he would never put her up. He says he knows, he has to talk to Bowie.

11:13 AM BBT – Matt is implying to Cirie that her and Felicia will be going up. Cirie is saying that Bowie has never been on the block and if they are in a four, and he keeps putting one of them up it doesn’t look good. She says that on anyone else’s HOH, she expects it, but not his.

11:15 AM BBT – Matt reiterates that Bowie can’t win the Veto and if she goes up, she might play harder for the Veto. Cirie says that nothing is going to happen to Bowie with the three of them controlling the vote (Matt only if there is a tie).

11:17 AM BBT – Felicia tells Bowie that everyone watching is probably trying to figure out what she has done to make it on the block six times, about to be seven. Bowie asks if she has talked to Matt yet and she tells her no, she doesn’t have to. Mentions that Cirie is in there.

11:37 AM BBT – Cirie talking to herself in the backyard saying Felicia looks pissed off.

11:52 AM BBT – Matt tells Bowie about his conversation with Cirie. Says that she was pushing for Bowie to go up because she hasn’t been up yet, but he isn’t going to do that. He says he is just going to have to burn that bridge.

11:55 AM BBT – Bowie mentions that if he were to put her (B) up next to Felicia and Cirie won the Veto, she would take Felicia down and then Bowie and Jag will end up on the block together on Matt’s HOH. Matt hadn’t even thought about that.

12:01 PM BBT – Bowie tells Matt that two days ago, Cirie was pushing the 2-2 vote to force Jag to break the tie, but then claimed it wasn’t her when Felicia threw her under the bus for it.

12:02 PM BBT – Matt confirms that Felicia is his target this week.

12:13 PM BBT – Bowie wonders what Cirie wanted to tell her, but she doubts she will tell her anything now.

12:33 PM BBT – Jag tells Cirie that Felicia started to freak out yesterday asking him and Matt if they were going to do to her what they did to Blue. Cirie says that Felicia told her that if the two of them (F&C) end up on the block, she knows they got played by Matt and Jag.

12:35 PM BBT – Felicia comes back outside and says Bowie has been upstairs in the HOH for an hour, she must be up there crying to Matt. Cirie says it doesn’t matter, Matt’s going to put the two of them up anyway and Felicia says then they will know their plan. Meanwhile, Jag is in the HOH room telling Matt and Bowie that Felicia and Cirie are freaking out because they (M&B) has been up here so long.

12:40 PM BBT – Cirie mentions that now all three of them are up there talking. Felicia says that Bowie must be crying up there and it works every time. Cirie says she didn’t sound like she was crying when she went in there a little while go. Felicia says it’s rude because they all have to talk to Matt.

12:43 PM BBT – Matt tells Felicia that she is going to be a pawn and Felicia instantly starts to fight him telling him she has been a pawn six times. Asks who is going up next to her. He tells her it will be her and Cirie. Says he needs Bowie to be comfortable.

12:46 PM BBT – Matt tells Felicia that best case is they put Bowie up and she goes, worst case Cirie goes. Felicia asks if she can trust them this week and he reassures her that she can.

12:52 PM BBT – On her way out of the HOH room, Felicia tells Matt she is trusting them on this one. Gives him a hug, tells him she’s got him all the way to the end, and leaves.

12:55 PM BBT – Cirie’s turn with Matt. He breaks the news that he has to put her and Felicia up.

12:57 PM BBT – Matt tells Cirie that everyone wants Felicia out. Says that he really can’t have Jag and Bowie playing hard in this Veto either in case he decides to make a big move. He reassures her that no matter what, Cirie is here next week.

1:00 PM BBT – Cirie asks Matt if their ultimate plan is him, Jag, and Bowie in F3? He says that for his game, he would like to see Felicia gone this week, but he also knows he might have to take a shot at Jag. Cirie asks if Matt wins the Veto, what’s the plan. He says maybe he uses it and Jag goes.

1:03 PM BBT – Matt is talking about the possibility of Jag going up and whether Bowie and Felicia would vote him out. Matt says that he will just straight up tell Bowie that they have no chance against Jag in the end.

1:05 PM BBT – Cirie tells Matt that she is hoping for a Veto win that gives them an opportunity to make a big move. Matt thinks that if Bowie wins, he might even be able to convince her to use it.

1:11 PM BBT – Matt tells Jag he is totally losing a jury vote this week. He then recaps his conversations with Felicia and Cirie. Meanwhile, Cirie is telling Felicia about her conversation with Matt and says that she thinks that there might be a world where he takes a shot at Jag.

1:15 PM BBT – Felicia says that just means they can’t let Bowie or Jag win the Veto. Meanwhile, Matt is telling Jag that he told Cirie there is a chance he would put Jag up if one of them won the Veto, but tells Jag there is no way he is touching the block. If one of them wins, Bowie goes up.

1:22 PM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are talking about how if Bowie makes it to F2, she won’t win. Felicia says there is nothing that Bowie could say that would convince her to give her a vote. Says that Bowie never made an independent move and she feels like she never saw the real Bowie Jane.

1:27 PM BBT – Jag says it’s clear to him that Felicia and Cirie completely made up the fact that Matt was gunning after him. Matt agrees.

1:40 PM BBT – Bowie joins Matt and Jag in the HOH room. Matt retells her the conversations he had with Felicia and Cirie.

2:00 PM BBT – Matt, Jag, and Bowie are rehashing the events from the last week. Meanwhile, Felicia and Cirie are playing pool

2:22 PM BBT – Matt, Jag, and Bowie rename their F3 to The Mafia.

2:33 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for Nomination Ceremony.

The feeds are currently down for the Nomination Ceremony and there should be no surprises this week on Big Brother 25. Cirie and Felicia know they will be on the block, but Felicia thinks that she is a pawn and Cirie thinks that there is a bigger plan in the works. Be on the lookout for spoilers when the feeds return and we will see if anything changes after Saturday’s Power of Veto Competition!

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