The Final 5 spent a low-key evening in the Big Brother 25 house despite two people going on the block earlier in the day. The two new nominees know that veto is do or die, but they’re a little more focused on being nice to everyone else in case they have to campaign post-veto.
Matt, Jag and Bowie are all sitting on cloud nine, as they know no matter what happens, the three of them are untouchable this week – unless Matt decides to make a move. Read on to find out what’s most likely going to happen after Friday night talks and strategizing.
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, October 27, 2023:
3:51 PM BBT – Feeds return following the nomination ceremony. Matt nominated Cirie and Felicia. Everyone is playing pool and not acting like two people were just put on the block.
4:12 PM BBT – Matt tells Bowie he feels bad. She tells him at least it’s done now. He asks if she thinks they’ll be awkward this week. She tells him they don’t think so.
4:21 PM BBT – Felicia tells the cameras “Mr. B, I don’t know how I’m doing it, but I’m going to those final 2 chairs.”
4:45 PM BBT – Matt and Jag make a heart out of Q-tips next to the photo of Reilly with Matt’s family that he got in his HOH room.
4:52 PM BBT – Felicia is grilling some meat for dinner.
4:53 PM BBT – Cirie tells Matt she still loves him even though he put her on the block.
5:25 PM BBT – Final 5 are having dinner together outside.
5:47 PM BBT – Bowie says Cirie and Felicia are being so nice. Jag says they have to be but three hours ago they were trying to get Matt to put them up. Bowie says now they’re going to want them to use the veto on them.
5:48 PM BBT – Jag says they’re so close to the end. Bowie says she thought they’d be bitter, but luckily they’re not.
5:49 PM BBT – Bowie and Jag talking about how no matter what happens this week they decide what happens. They have nothing to worry about.
6:15 PM BBT – Matt and Jag say Reilly didn’t even do anything wrong and her worst case scenario happened when Hisam won HOH. Matt says if Reilly won veto, he probably would have gone home. Jag says he loves Reilly but he’s glad Matt didn’t go home. He says Matt wouldn’t have gotten to tell his story and be a representation of the deaf community.
6:16 PM BBT – Matt says Jag is representing his community also. Matt tells him he’s doing a good job at that. Jag says likewise.
6:20 PM BBT – Matt says his whole goal was to represent his community. Jag says same. They agree of course they want to win, but the most important thing to them was their representation.
6:22 PM BBT – Matt says he and Reilly would have been the big showmance of the season.
6:29 PM BBT – Felicia has been contemplating for a bit and says “what next?” to herself.
6:45 PM BBT – Jag says the story of the season is The Minutemen.
6:47 PM BBT – Bowie Jane goes to the HOH room and tells Matt and Jag “the mamas are reading Bibles in the comic room.”
7:15 PM BBT – Matt, Jag and Bowie are going over past competitions and studying for any possible question competitions coming up.
7:42 PM BBT – Jag says even though they control the vote, it will be so much easier if Felicia or Cirie don’t win the veto. He says it’ll be so annoying for them to campaign against whoever ends up on the block next to the other one. Matt says even if Bowie wins veto they’re going to try to get her to use it too.
7:56 PM BBT – Felicia has joined the HOH group. They talk about their food supply getting restocked.
8:30 PM BBT – Matt wonders what Jared’s secret was. He says he doesn’t think he was just an exterminator. He says he knew a lot of people, so there was something else there.
8:31 PM BBT – Felicia says when she goes back home after this, her life will just go back to normal. The younger people will try to spin off into other things, they say.
8:45 PM BBT – Everyone is quiet and tired.
8:49 PM BBT – They talk about when the last person goes to the jury house. They think the person who gets 5th is only in the jury house a day or two.
9:25 PM BBT – Matt, Jag, Bowie and Felicia are having a late-night snack. Cirie is in bed reading the Bible.
9:29 PM BBT – Felicia and Matt are folding laundry.
10:38 PM BBT – Bowie Jane tells Jag that if he didn’t win the Johnny Mac HOH he was toast. She says everyone wanted him out. Jag says he put up half the house that week and felt sick about it. Jag says he hit his button so hard in that competition that his hand was swollen. He says he knew he and Matt would go up if they didn’t win it.
10:40 PM BBT – Bowie says all the dramatic and paranoid people got vote out because of their own undoings.
10:42 PM BBT – Jag tells Bowie they are in the Final 4 because they are surviving this week.
10:45 PM BBT – Bowie says she got rid of America’s Cory shrine.
10:55 PM BBT – Jag asks Bowie if he or her should win the next HOH. She says whatever is best.
10:58 PM BBT – Bowie Jane asks Jag why Matt fell off the wall when he did. Jag says Matt is good with sprints. But when it’s something that requires holding on his muscles tighten up. It’s how swimmers train. They move fast and then are done.
11:02 PM BBT – Bowie Jane tells Jag that Cirie needs to go this week. Jag says they need to talk to Matt to convince him that Cirie goes.
11:25 PM BBT – Bowie and Jag say the jury won’t want to vote for either of them. Bowie says her jury management hasn’t been great. Jag says Felicia and Cirie – and maybe Matt – beat them in the end.
11:30 PM BBT – Jag asks Bowie if she wins final HOH would she pick him. She says 100 percent. Jag says he wants to sit next to her.
11:53 PM BBT – Lights out. Houseguests are off to bed early for the veto completion Saturday.
Based on the talks between Jag and Bowie Jane, it is sounding more and more like the Matt is not in their Final 2 plans. And I think it is a safe to say Matt isn’t seeing Jag in his. So at this point, it sounds like Bowie Jane might be a Final 2 sure thing if Cirie and Felicia are the next two houseguests out of the house.
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