Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cirie Coaches Blue On How To Flip The Vote

Cirie Fields on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cirie Fields on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Currently, Jag plans to keep his initial nominations the same. Blue has been his target since he decided to nominate America and her, but Blue has a false sense of security. Because Blue and America will likely remain on the block after the Power of Veto Ceremony, both need to start fighting for their game life. The houseguests also must decide who they want to keep in the game.

They all must pick who is better for the Big Brother 25 end game. Matt and Bowie will likely respect Jag’s wishes and vote out Blue this week. However, Cirie and Felicia don’t necessarily have to follow Jag’s requests. Felicia also may still believe that America is Jag’s target.

Around 10:45 PM BBT, Felicia and Cirie discussed the double eviction and who they should vote to stay,  America or Blue. Cirie emphasized that she wanted whoever would take a shot at Matt and Jag to stay in the game. Felicia and Cirie thought that Blue may be that person. They knew that Bowie wouldn’t try to evict Jag or Matt.

Additionally, Cirie talked about why she believed Matt and Jag wanted to take Bowie to the end. They see her as someone easy to beat. They also see her as someone very loyal to them. Felicia tried to slightly argue that she thought Matt and Jag could be loyal to their final four because they may see them in the same way.

Big Brother 25-Cirie
Cirie Fields – BB25 – CBS

Cirie disagreed. She believes Matt and Jag see them as not so easy to beat because of how they may be able to sway a jury. It was a short conversation, but Cirie seemed to want to drill the idea that whoever could win a competition and take a shot at Matt and Jag is best for their game. 

Felicia seemed to agree. After their conversation, Cirie ran into Blue in the bathroom. She coached her to emphasize that her future plans involve targeting Matt and Jag. This is the best way to secure Felicia’s vote this week. Blue and Cirie also discussed working together to campaign at Felicia.

The interesting thing about Cirie trying to help Blue get Felicia’s vote (at least that’s how it seems from these conversations) is that Matt and Bowie are already locked to vote out Blue. It would take a lot to convince either to betray Jag. Therefore, at best, Cirie can hope for a tie vote. This would put the power in Jag’s hands.

And that may be what Cirie wants. She may want Jag to get some blood on his hands by voting out Blue directly. However, it’s also a dangerous play because if America does win the next Head of Household, she could target Felicia and Cirie for not voting to keep her. 

Additionally, there is the added fact that Felicia has thrown Cirie under the bus all weekend. Felicia could use this move by Cirie (if she continues to help Blue’s campaign) to further make her a target to Matt and Jag.

Big Brother 25-Blue
Blue Kim on BB25 – CBS

Do you think Cirie is trying to force a tie to get some blood on Jag’s hands? Let us know in the comment section.



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