‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 12

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box
The BB Veto medallion – CBS

The stage is set for the first of two evictions this coming Thursday night with the looming DE on Big Brother 25 and we have the latest spoilers from today’s Veto Meeting. No funny business this time around with just one Veto medallion in play, compared to last week’s Multiplicity Veto. So what did the Veto winner do this time? Read on for the latest.

Jag secured the Veto. Again. Third week in a row even. Wowza. His plan has been set for days so this move isn’t a surprise, though I guess it’s surprising that there wasn’t a flip involved or wavering on his part. Jag stuck to his plan and seems to still want Blue out. No reason to change up the other Nom and get any extra blood on him with that one.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 12

  • Jag did NOT use the Veto
  • America & Blue are this week’s final noms

America made a pitch last night with scenarios of which HGs were more likely than her to make sure Blue went off to Jury, but Jag wasn’t biting. He appreciated her pitch, but said the Noms would stay as they were and he stuck to that.

Later in the night we did hear from Cirie and Felicia as they discussed the idea of keeping Blue over America. They both think Blue would be more likely to go after Matt and Jag compared to America. I’m not sure I agree with that, but I do think Blue has shown to be a tougher competitor than America so far. The ladies are just spinning their wheels though as I don’t see there being much of a chance of this vote flip. But we’ve seen a LOT of flips this season so you never know what could happen by Thursday night.

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