Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cameron Tells Felicia That She Doesn’t Have The Votes To Stay

Big Brother 25 Felicia

Cameron has been playing on the defense ever since this Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Ceremony. Well, he’s kind of been fighting for his Big Brother game since the start. However, he had a major opportunity to cause a bit more damage with his current Head of Household reign, but things aren’t going the way he wanted. Cameron has been trying to hold on to hope that he could still get out his target for the week Izzy.

Nevertheless, a conversation with America lit a bigger fire and switch in his mind. He has seemingly put together all the pieces he wasn’t putting together earlier in the week. Cameron had another conversation with America earlier today where she made it undeniable that Felicia is about to leave the game.

Cameron claimed he didn’t care and everyone else was dumb but him for keeping Izzy just to spite him. He refused to be bamboozled or rattled.  In his conversation with America, he also mentioned having a plan to confront Cirie about her being the reason that Red and his friendship in the house fell apart. He would also tell her that he knows Jared is being used to get to him. Cameron ended the conversation with America, and then immediately told Felicia that she was leaving the game. He also told her to not trust anyone.

Big Brother 25 America and Cameron talk game on 9/13

Cameron letting Felicia know that she’s in danger of eviction made her go around the house to question people about whether they’re about to vote her out. She talked to Jag, Bowie, Mecole, and Blue first. Meanwhile, Cameron worked hard to convince Jared that he needed to vote out Izzy over Felicia this week. He then worked on convincing Matt and Jag to get Izzy out of the game. For the next few hours, both Felicia and Cameron will likely work to secure her votes to stay. 

Cameron throwing these major bombs will definitely shake up things for the day. However, they probably will push people even further towards working hard to take him out next week. But like every week, it will depend on who wins the upcoming Head of Household.

Cameron will likely continue to do things to try to shake up the game before eviction, so expect a fairly interesting day of Live Feeds. 

Will Cameron and Felicia be able to get the votes to save her?



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