Big Brother 25 Spoilers: America Warns Cameron – You Were The Target

Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 - CBS

We had some good action Monday night on the Live Feeds as HGs started to get serious about the upcoming vote and the inevitable shift in the house power on Big Brother 25. Here are a few updates and spoilers from the Feeds on the latest reveals happening inside the game right now.

With Cirie’s trio being split up one way or the other the other Houseguests started to realize it was time to sit up and look for a chance to carve their own path forward. America was on the forefront of that mission as she worked the Big Brother house looking to reset the outlook on the next few weeks.

Along with America telling Jag that Blue could no longer be trusted (just wait for Jag to run that one back) we also saw America going to meet with Cameron where she spent her visit dropping some hard truths on that little piggy’s head. Hmm, probably should have gone with some sort of huff and puff and blew his house of cards reference down here instead.

Flashback to 11:45 PM BBT 9/11 (get the Free Trial to watch) to find America talking with Cameron in the HOH room. She’s been there about ten minutes going over the votes as Cameron is pressed for Izzy to go and at the moment it doesn’t look like that’s happening. Or at least it wasn’t at that point and we’ve got days to go before anything is decided.

America talks with Cameron on Big Brother 25 - CBS
America talks with Cameron on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Cameron comments to America that he was frustrated that Jared put him on the Block just because Red was Jared’s target. Uh, just a moment there, cowboy. “Cam, Red was never the target. It was you.” *Boom* It doesn’t sink in though for Cameron.

“No,” counters Cameron. “Yes,” insists America. No. Yes! No. YES! “And now I’m like saying way too much. I shouldn’t be saying this but you were the target last week.” “No,” again states Cameron who is refusing to believe the absolute truth there. Cameron doesn’t believe this because he thinks he’s tight with Jared. You’re not, Cameron. You are definitely not.

America goes on to try and explain that Cameron was the target last week. “Who is ‘they’?” asks Cameron. “The same people that you put up…” says America. Cameron asks her to be frank and she is. “Jared,” reveals America.

Cameron asks why he would have been Jared’s target though. “Because you were Izzy’s target,” explains America. “Okay, interesting,” says Cameron.

It’s all true, what America just told him but we can also see that Cameron is stubborn. He has his views on the Big Brother 25 dynamics and he would have to admit he was wrong to then make that shift. Will he take to heart what America has told him and shift his priorities for working with HGs moving forward?

America Lopez on Big Brother 25 - CBS
America Lopez on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Cameron doesn’t have a lot of options because he doesn’t have any loyalties really left in the game. He’s a competitor and others can use him for that strength, but Cameron is a bit of a poison pill to groups and trust. We’ll need to see a real crack in the house alignments for Cameron to be part of anything solid moving forward, but I do think it’s doable even if it isn’t likely.

What do you think Cameron does with this info from America? Will he keep it to himself or run it back to Jared and Cirie?



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