Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 3: Saturday Highlights

Matt Klotz and Chicken Jag on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Matt Klotz and Chicken Jag on Big Brother 25 – CBS

What a mess of a day in the Big Brother 25 house as Houseguests continued their scramble to pull off a smooth Backdoor plan only to turn around and move to the brink of throwing it all away, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

For several days the new HOH, Felicia, was working on the plan to get out Hisam by keeping things undercover to avoid a hint of the plan. Despite *every single other HG knowing* the plan they managed to get through the Veto comp without Hisam’s intervention. The rest would be a cakewalk, right? Right?? Have mercy, the HGs came up with a new plan. Read on to find out what’s happening now with the whole Backdoor plan.

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Catch up on Friday’s Overnight Highlights before moving on to yesterday’s events below.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, August 19, 2023:

7:30 AM BBT – Few HGs up and starting their day.

8:15 AM BBT – Cameron and Cory discussing how the Veto could go down this week. They’re hoping Hisam doesn’t even get picked so they can possibly take luxury prizes if that comp happens this round.

8:30 AM BBT – Felicia meeting with Blue upstairs. Blue telling her how convincing she was yesterday with Hisam as he tried giving her game advice.

8:40 AM BBT – Felicia discusses another alliance with Blue. Jag had told Blue about it yesterday so Jag came to hear it from Felicia. Felicia says it’d be the two of them plus Jag, Matt, Izzy, Jared, and Cirie.

9:25 AM BBT – Veto players were picked. Hisam was not included. There is much rejoicing.

9:40 AM BBT – Red tells Felicia that Hisam still doesn’t suspect a thing.

9:55 AM BBT – Felicia relays the news to Cirie that Hisam will be surprised by her move. She says he’s going to hate her for this.

10:00 AM BBT – Cory and Izzy have been talking game for a while. They’re trying to decide who will likely make it to F7. Cory thinks Felicia will still be there. They discuss not trusting Bowie Jane very much.

10:05 AM BBT – Jared complains to Cirie about Izzy. He wants to get her out so she doesn’t tell their secret. He says he’s tired of worrying if he’s going to offend her. (Izzy called Jared out on the way he was talking to Blue about sexuality and sex life. This is possibly his reaction to that.)

10:15 AM BBT – America tells Jag they need to get power to reset the way the rest of the house looks at them.

10:20 AM BBT – America and Blue discuss who could be targeted next week. Blue expects Red and Cameron.

10:30 AM BBT – Felicia pulls Matt aside to reassure him that she’s just trying to make it look like she’s going after Matt for a renom, but really the plan remains to get out Hisam.

11:10 AM BBT – Cirie says she hopes they get to watch the comp. She says last week was so boring with the 5 hours of isolated lockdown.

11:40 AM BBT – Feeds cut for Veto comp.

2:26 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Jag is washing off slime while wearing the medallion. Jag won Veto!

2:40 PM BBT – Hisam tells Cirie and Izzy he wants them to renom and target Matt.

2:50 PM BBT – After they leave Izzy is there and camtalks her frustrations over a potential flip of the plan. She also discusses how much she dislikes Cameron. She’s like either Red or Cameron out this week but knows if Red leaves now then Cameron and Hisam would pair up and be tight.

3:15 PM BBT – Jared says the comp was very comedic and was fun to watch.

3:30 PM BBT – America tells Jag they need to recruit Meme. America says Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy are running that group. She knows Cory is close to Cirie but also trying to stay in the middle.

3:45 PM BBT – Hisam talking with Cirie again and he feels Felicia isn’t going to go after Matt like he wants. So if he can’t get Matt out then he wants Blue out this week.

4:30 PM BBT – Izzy tells Hisam that he talks over others and doesn’t let them feel heard. She thinks he may be pushing too hard to tell others what to do rather than guiding them.

4:50 PM BBT – Cirie updates Felicia on the latest. She let Matt know that Hisam was pushing hard to get him out. Felicia shares that she told Matt that it may look like she’s going for him but it’s really Hisam as the target.

5:05 PM BBT – Izzy joins Matt, Cirie, and Felicia in the HOH room. Izzy tells them about Hisam’s extended talk and his frustration that Felicia isn’t going after Matt like he wants. They think he’s fixated on Matt like he was on Reilly last week.

5:10 PM BBT – Jared joins the group and shares that he thinks Red might know the plan. They all say that yes, Red knows. They know that Red knew when he was trying to bait Felicia into telling him what he already knew.

5:20 PM BBT – Bowie Jane shows up. Felicia explains she’s going to just placate Hisam by saying he’ll put up Matt, but she still plans to renom Hisam.

5:30 PM BBT – Hisam joins the HOH group for a meeting of The Professors. It’s a staged meeting. They all tell Hisam that Felicia is going to renom Matt (she won’t).

5:50 PM BBT – Feeds returned after a brief break. Jag is in a chicken costume as a punishment from winning Veto.

5:55 PM BBT – Cirie tells Jared that Red probably doesn’t trust them now that he knows what they didn’t tell him. Cirie also thinks Meme avoided that discussion where they lied to Hisam so she could fake ignorance. Cirie isn’t a fan of Meme right now.

6:15 PM BBT – Jared lets Cory know another alliance has formed with him (J), Blue, Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Jag, and Matt. Cory advises Jared about pairing up with Blue like he’s been doing.

7:30 PM BBT – Izzy is alone in the Comic room and counting votes. She curses and counts again. More curses. Izzy explains that with Hisam gone they’ll be in the minority and fall victim to the other side who she believes is building an army against them.

7:35 PM BBT – Cirie joins Izzy and gets the update on Izzy’s fears.

7:45 PM BBT – Felicia comes in and they decide to go upstairs to discuss. They’re letting her know there’s a problem with this BD Hisam plan and might need to go after Red instead.

7:50 PM BBT – Upstairs Cirie is explaining to Felicia that they will be outnumbered 7-5 if they let Hisam go this week. They also decide Meme can’t be trusted.

8:15 PM BBT – Cirie is suggesting to get out Bowie or Meme this week instead. Red has also been discussed. Felicia is now on board with these fears and says Hisam can not go this week. They need to keep him.

8:20 PM BBT – The flailing continues as Bowie becomes the target then a few minutes later it’s America.

8:50 PM BBT – Meme has joined the upstairs discussion between Cirie and Izzy. Meme suggests Blue as an alternative to Hisam going.

9:00 PM BBT – Blue talks with Matt and America at the hammock. Blue thinks Hisam is catching on to what’s happening. She tells Matt that Hisam is still pushing to get him on the Block. They discuss next week targets. Blue would put up Red and Cameron.

9:25 PM BBT – Bowie tells Meme that she feels left out from conversations in the game. She thinks they should watch out for each other and check in.

9:35 PM BBT- Red talking with Cameron with concerns that he was left out of the BD Hisam plan. He says he had to drag it out of Felicia and alliances shouldn’t work that way. Cameron says he’s trying to earn his way into the Professors alliance.

9:40 PM BBT – Meme is pacing in Storage again. She’s frustrated and talking herself through it.

10:10 PM BBT – Bowie and Felicia talking in the backyard. Felicia says they need to be thinking longterm right now and getting rid of Hisam is fun, but not strategic for where they are now.

10:15 PM BBT – Cory and Cameron check in. Cameron promises Cory he’s not keeping info from him, just being quiet.

10:50 PM BBT – Cameron and Red talking in the backyard. Cameron is frustrated that he feels like he has been sidelined. Cameron looks forward to when they’ve gotten out Cirie and Felicia.

11:05 PM BBT – Upstairs another group has gathered with Bowie, Cirie, Cory, Felicia, and Jared. Izzy isn’t there but has been included in theory. Felicia announces her new plan is to renom America. Cory worries what will happen when Hisam finds out they were plotting against him. Cirie says they’ll just tell him that was the plan of the other side. Cory and Jared disagree with the new plan and still want Hisam out.

11:20 PM BBT – The HOH group has now shifted back to the BD Hisam plan. Felicia says they’ll do that after all.

11:30 PM BBT – The group of six plans to evict Hisam on Thursday and then bring in Cameron and Red so they have eight total and a numbers advantage over the other side. They’re currently calling themselves the “Make It Happen” group.

11:45 PM BBT – Jared and Cory talk privately. They’re relieved that Hisam is back on track as the target but are worried about how quickly America became the target instead.

12:00 AM BBT – Jag is back from DR with more chicken costumes including a swimsuit and pajamas. He’s even got chicken flip flops.

12:10 AM BBT – Felicia sharing her wine and celebrating a great week with Bowie, Cirie, Izzy, and oh yes Hisam too.

12:20 AM BBT – HOH group breaks up and leaves Felicia who is already getting into bed and enjoying her music.

12:25 AM BBT – America tells Matt that she directly applied for Big Brother and wasn’t a recruit.

12:30 AM BBT – Cirie updating Izzy on the vote plan. Izzy says the target was America when she went into the DR but when she came back it was Hisam again.

1:00 AM BBT – Izzy asks Cirie what’s really going on with the vote. Cirie says they’re too far down this path to change now and that Hisam will find out the whole house was against him if he stays. Izzy asks about the idea of doing the group of eight now but Cirie isn’t sure Red and Cameron will work with them. Cirie says they will hold info back from those two for now. She adds she does not trust Meme.

1:30 AM BBT – Jared and Blue having another late night chat. Jared still pushing the idea that he’d be perfect for Blue.

2:30 AM BBT – Most HGs have been in bed asleep.

3:00 AM BBT – Blue and Jared are calling it a night and heading to bed too.

Okay, so after switching up the plan from getting out comp beast Hisam to America, huhwhat?, it looks like everything is back on track to get out Hisam. But that rollercoaster took only a few minutes of Izzy’s paranoia over losing the numbers advantage for the entire group to be buying in on the new plan.

We’ve still got another day and a half to go before the Veto meeting where Felicia and crew will need to be committed to the plan to make it happen. Will Felicia have the resolve to go after a big target in Hisam with the entire house’s support, or will she bail and go after a much lesser target like America?

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now and get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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