Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Power of Veto Plans for Week 3

It is Power of Veto Day inside the Big Brother 25 house and this week’s Head of Household is set on getting one major target out of the house. The nominations have been set and all of the Big Brother houseguests except one know what the goal is for this week. Now it comes down to who is playing in the Veto and if there is a chance that this plan can be blown up before it is carried out.

As we know, Felicia is the Head of Household this week and she has nominated Jag and Cameron for eviction with the hopes that whoever wins Saturday’s Power of Veto Competition will take one of them off the block. Her ultimate goal this week is to backdoor Hisam because she knew that if she put him up initially, he would fight hard to take himself down. With his comp record so far this season, she couldn’t chance that happening.

Hisam is convinced that he can be comfortable this week and that Jag is Felicia’s target and if for some reason Jag wins the Power of Veto, then Matt would be the backdoor option. However, that isn’t the case and even though Felicia had planned to keep Bowie and Red in the dark about this plan due to her worry that they would run and tell Hisam, they were both filled in on it Friday night on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

Despite not being looped into the plan from the start, both Bowie and Red told Felicia that they would be okay with Hisam going on the block if one of the current nominees were taken down. Red was even told that if he were picked to play and won, he could take Cameron off the block during this week’s Veto Ceremony.

So which Big Brother HGs are playing in this week’s Power of Veto Competition? Let’s find out!

Power of Veto Players for Week 3:

  • Felicia (HOH)
  • Jag & Cameron (Nominees)
  • Izzy, Red, and Cory
  • Bowie is hosting

Now that we have confirmation that Hisam was not picked for the Veto Competition this week, we have a true backdoor scenario that could play out this week. With the way that the Power of Veto player picks went, Izzy, Red, and Cory will likely pull Cameron off the block as Felicia wishes. Obviously, if Jag wins, he will pull himself off and that will put Felicia in a position where she can put Hisam up and Operation Backdoor Hisam will be in full swing!

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