Big Brother 25: Eviction Prediction Week 6

Izzy and Felicia face off on Big Brother 25 - CBS

Who would of thought it? Not me! Just kidding, of course we all expected the possibility of a vote flip which the Big Brother 25 season has practically patented as a core principle to their weekly routine. These HGs are bonkers and we’re reaping all the rewards! So who is going home tonight on Big Brother?? Let’s run through it.

Once Cameron set his nominations for Izzy and Felicia the suspicions soon followed that he was secretly targeting Cirie. Well, kinda if we’re okay to believe what Cameron has been saying in his Diary Rooms. Seems more like Cameron wanted to scare Cirie but eliminate Izzy. I think he may get both of those wishes at this point.

BB25 – Will the Vote Flip In Week 6?

Earlier this week the eviction vote was soundly set for eliminating Felicia this week. The majority of HGs saw a value in keeping Izzy and letting Ms Felicia head home, but nothing last forever. Thanks to both America’s and Cameron’s individual efforts the vote started to sway and soon changed.

Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 – CBS

America warned Cameron that he wasn’t so safe and secure last week and it really fought accepting the news that Jared couldn’t be trusted but he’s got to be considering that possibility now. Then Cameron took a turn and tried to shake things up by letting Felicia know she lacked the votes to stay and that got her talking which lead to more HGs doing the same. Sure enough, by the end of Wednesday night the vote had flipped. Izzy would be going out the door.

BB25 – Who Will Be Voted Out In Week 6?

Right now it does look like there could be a 6-3 vote to evict Izzy Gleicher over Felicia Cannon. The three left in the dark would be Blue, Cirie, and Jared though is Cirie ever really left in the dark? I think she knows and when she does this could shift to a landslide instead as she’ll be sure to tell her son how to vote and that would mean Blue follows suit.

Izzy Gleicher realizes her fate on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Izzy Gleicher realizes her fate on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Now there was also talk overnight of Matt sticking back to the other side just for show and putting his vote in the column to keep Izzy which would make it 5-4 instead. Those margins would be narrow but all it takes is five votes to evict this week.

We’ve still got hours left to go and this house can move quickly but I do think we’ll likely be seeing Izzy out the door come tonight. Of course there’s still the mysterious tease from Julie Chen Moonves that there will be a big announcement tonight that will affect the Jury. Could be an expanded Jury and Izzy will have made that cut? If not, then she’s heading home instead.

Who do you think will be evicted from Big Brother 25 tonight? Cast your vote in our poll below!



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