It has been a wild couple of days inside the Big Brother 24 house with this week’s eviction plan changing and half of the house having no idea about the new plan. As we know from last night’s episode, Turner won HOH this week and has nominated Brittany and Michael for week 3 of Big Brother. The plan this week was to use them as pawns to backdoor Taylor and that’s what a large group of BB24 houseguests think is still the plan, but with the creation of a new alliance, that plan changed rather quickly.
The original plan this week was for Turner to use Brittany and Michael as pawns to take another shot at Taylor. His fellow Big Brother houseguests were hoping that the third time would be a charm, but that all changed when Ameerah started questioning Joseph for not joining in on ostracizing Taylor. Joseph got annoyed that Ameerah was questioning him just because he was offering to be a friend to Taylor who has been isolated by most of the house.
Joseph went to talk to Turner and Monte prior to the Veto Competition taking place on Saturday. During this conversation, Joseph put the bug in Monte and Turner’s ear that it might be best for them to get rid of Ameerah because she is going to target Monte and Joseph next week. Monte agreed that if she thinks that Joseph is siding with Taylor that Ameerah might take a shot at them and that’s when they started talking about switching up the plan. In fact, right before the feeds went down for the Veto Competition, Turner promised Taylor that she was completely safe this week.
When Michael and Brittany went on to win the Veto Competition, that further solidified the deal because if Taylor or Nicole won the Veto, the chances of them using it on Brittany and Michael would have been slim. After the Veto played out, a new alliance formed called The Leftovers which includes Kyle, Monte, Joseph, Turner, Michael, Brittany, and Taylor and this caused a huge power shift inside the Big Brother house.
The current plan inside the Big Brother 24 house is for Brittany and Michael to use the Veto on themselves and for Turner to then shock the other half of the house by renom’ing Terrance and Ameerah instead of Nicole and Taylor. Ameerah is the new target and with them only needing six votes to get her out, The Leftovers rule the vote.
This should make for some major fallout and you know we are Team Fun Feeds over here. Stay tuned for our Veto Ceremony spoilers and our Feeds Highlights for all the details of how the house gets flipped upside down!
What do you think of The Leftovers and the new plan to get Ameerah out this week? Do you think it’s a good move for Turner and his newly formed alliance?
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