‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

Spoilers are in for the latest Power of Veto meeting of Big Brother 24 after the Feeds returned and we’ve got the results for you. No surprises here if you’ve been following the Feeds and there has been a LOT to follow as the Leftovers debated what they wanted to see happen with the medallion. Not everyone was on the same page.

Kyle won the power in this week’s Veto after Taylor had sent Indy and Terrance to the Block before having a change of mind and deciding to target Alyssa. HOHs always like having “reasons” this one was going to be that Alyssa had taken Taylor’s prize, a trip to London. Taylor was apparently out second and there was little chance she’d be keeping that prize to the end. But when you need “reasons” most any will do. So what’s Kyle gonna do?

Well, he was not about to directly let Taylor renom his showmance because he felt it was shady, especially just two days after they, ahem, you know, in the Have Not room. Taylor didn’t like this refusal by Kyle because she felt it was a direct strike against the alliance.

I get both their perspectives on this. If Alyssa is going anyway, why not now, but it’s especially damaging to Kyle’s relationship (game-wise, I mean here, mostly) with Alyssa which rolls into her Jury vote. Taylor can always plead the fifth and say to this week’s evictee that it was all Kyle’s vote, since neither of the noms are her core allies anyway. Win, win.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 6

  • Kyle decided to NOT use the Veto
  • Indy & Terrance are this week’s final noms

As of now, really either of the noms could go and it won’t crack the house, but I do think it’ll be Indy out the door. And why not, she’s wearing the unitard punishment from the Veto comp and there’s nothing like a good curse in Big Brother lore to keep running. Indy has suggested she’d bail on Jury if she gets voted out this week, but I’d wager that’s an empty threat. She’ll be the first to Jury and let’s be honest, she was probably heading there soon either way.

The bonus here for viewers will be the extra drama within the Leftovers. This will give both Kyle and Taylor an axe to grind within their numbers and could prove interesting when the next one gets in position to make a move. We shall see!

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