‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results

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The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

With the Besties twist complete the selection process back to the regular style with three chips being pulled. Taylor got HG Choice and went with Alyssa, which raised eyebrows later, then Jasmine and Kyle were drawn to play as well.

There has been so much back and forth since the Nominations on Friday. After Taylor sent Indy and Terrance to the Block with the target on Terrance she started to have other considerations. Joseph was suddenly promoting himself to be a pawn and Taylor told Indy she wanted her to save herself. Huhwhat?

Now if Joseph had fallen backwards into winning the Veto then it’d all be moot but he didn’t even get drawn to play and then Michael, Mr. Veto King this season, was out of the running too. Kyle though says he would lock these noms down if he had the PoV. So who won the Power of Veto this week on Big Brother?

Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Kyle won the Power of Veto

Kyle is already up talking to Taylor and they’re discussing saving Terrance. Then Joseph came up and was celebrating Kyle’s win too. Joseph actually *wants* to go up?? Mercy.

Wait, wait. Talk is shifting and maybe now Joseph won’t be nominated and we’re back to Kyle’s earlier goal of not using the Veto which would then send Indy out the door. She’ll be wearing the unitard in that case. The curse continues!

Here’s what HGs “won”:

  • Jasmine: trip to London
  • Indy: unitard
  • Joseph & Taylor: chained together
  • Alyssa: $5K
  • Terrance: fake tattoos

Who do you want out the door this week? Share your pick below.

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