Big Brother 23 just wrapped up this week but there’s always more Big Brother to be enjoyed and now we’re hearing host Julie Chen confirm the return of Big Brother 24 coming at us in the summer of 2022! “But first,” we’ll soon be enjoying CBBUS3 this winter!
Yes, Celebrity Big Brother is coming back and while we don’t know the exact premiere date just yet Julie is telling us in the video below to expect it in February 2022. And while CBBUS is always a treat, I’m even more excited for BB24 next year. Always great to have that return confirmed and while CBS hasn’t rolled out an official announcement I think it’s safe to take this as the next best thing.
twitter-tweet">#BB23 is over but #BB24 and #BBCeleb are coming. See you soon โบ๏ธโบ๏ธ
— Julie Chen Moonves (@JCMoonves) September 30, 2021
During the BB23 finale, we got the usual teaser ad calling for Houseguest Hopefuls to ready themselves to apply for Big Brother 24 so if you’re starting to consider throwing your hat in the ring then get ready and do it! After the alliance this season we should be in for a very different approach next year and I’m really curious to see what that means for alliances moving forward. Think you’ve got what it takes to make it in the Big Brother 24 house? Then apply now!
And of course, we’ll be back for both CBBUS3 this winter and Big Brother 24 this coming summer. Always excited to have you join us and we’ll look forward to more Big Brother soon! Find us on Facebook and Twitter then download our Big Brother App to always stay connected and never miss another spoiler.