‘Big Brother 23’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Made Final 3?

Julie Chen on Big Brother

Big Brother 23 was back on Thursday with its live eviction episode featuring the bonus Veto ceremony for Week 11 leading into the sole vote of the round. By the end of the night, our Final 3 was revealed and a blindside cut deep. It’s time to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother!

This was the last regular vote and eviction of the BB23 season. Can you believe it’s almost over?? This season has clipped along and really it’s been pretty good on a lot of fronts, but yes, I think I’m ready for it to wrap up and then we’ll move on to Celebrity Big Brother 3 early next year (expecting it late Jan / early Feb). “But First,” we need to knock this one out and that starts tonight with the fallout from the Veto comp and then on to the Veto meeting + eviction vote.

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ with the legacy plan or the new Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

Lots of Jury House content which is a smart move considering the F4 have been giving us some real snoozer days recently. It’s fun to watch the Jurors react to Tiffany then Hannah arriving. The Jury celebrates Tiffany for her leading role in “the master plan” for the duos +1 plan with the Cookout.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 11 Veto Ceremony:

  • Xavier decides to NOT use the Veto
  • Final noms are: Azah & Kyland

This should all happen in one fell swoop with the Veto decision being revealed and the vote rolling right behind it. It’s now time for Derek to cast the sole vote to evict…

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 11 Vote:

  • Derek votes to evict: Kyland

By a vote of 1-0, Kyland has been evicted from Big Brother! Ohh wow, and things got tense quick as Kyland went after Xavier for not telling him sooner. Kyland overstayed his welcome and started verbally going after Xavier about his (X’s) nephew. Xavier was not having it and was getting agitated. Soon Julie was demanding for Kyland to immediately exit the house. Woooo.

And with that, congratulations to our Final 3 of BB23!

Big Brother 23 Results – Final 3:

  • Xavier
  • Azah
  • Derek F

It’s time to vote for America’s Favorite Houseguest! The prize money is doubled to $50,000 this year and voting is open until Sept 29th at 9AM PT.

Big Brother 23 – America’s Favorite HG:

Big Brother 23 – Final HOH Round 1:

Now we’re down to our Final 3 and less than a week to go before the season finale on September 29th (9/8c). Remember that overall we still have three episodes left this season including tomorrow (Friday) night at 8/7c with what we should expect to be the Memory Lane episode that leads us into the first of the final three HOH competitions. Then on our Sunday episode (8/7c), we should hopefully at least the first part and maybe even also the second part of the final HOH. The end is nigh!

After the show, we’ll be heading back to wait for the Live Feeds to watch the fallout of tonight’s vote and the start of the next round of planning for the final week of Big Brother 23. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now! CBS noted earlier the Feeds might be down until around 11PM (PT?) but the other week they said 12AM ET and came back at 9PM ET. So be ready either way and we’ll be watching for results and the last spoilers of BB23.

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