We wrapped up Live Eviction night on Big Brother 23 as the Final 8 HGs emerged from the latest round and awaited their next challenge in an Endurance Battle later tonight. It’s time to find out who was voted out last night and who won HOH!
Tiffany’s HOH was cut short but lived on in spirit thanks to Claire’s success in the High Rollers room where she relieved Tiffany of the burden of HOH and not being able to play just so she herself could end up not being able to play tonight for the next HOH and kept her noms the same… So yeah, um, okay!
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode and Endurance HOH! You can stream the episode live on CBS’s Paramount+ with the legacy plan or the new Premium plan in most markets across the US and the HOH comp on either plan so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.
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Big Brother 23 Results – Week 8 Votes:
- Derek F votes to evict: Sarah Beth
- Claire votes to evict: Sarah Beth – only counts in event of a tie
- Alyssa votes to evict: Sarah Beth
- Tiffany votes to evict: Kyland
- Azah votes to evict: Sarah Beth
- Hannah votes to evict: Sarah Beth
- That’s enough votes.
- Xavier votes to evict: Sarah Beth
By a vote of 5-1, Sarah Beth has been evicted from Big Brother 23.
When the vote is done we’ll need a new Head of Household and we’re doing it in grand fashion tonight with an Endurance comp! Crank up your Live Feeds and get ready to watch all the action play out there. Let’s see what happens next!
Big Brother 23 Results – Week 9 HoH Comp – The Flying BB-inos:
Hang on tight! It’s the return of the swing style comp where HGs will be holding on, swinging around the backyard, and slamming into a giant elephant. Well, not a real elephant, of course. Who can hold on the longest? Anyone putting bets yet on Xavier and Kyland?
- Results! Follow our live coverage here to find out who won HOH…
Important change! CBS is now planning TWO double eviction episodes after previously having a two-hour event scheduled in two weeks. They probably saw how bad it’d be to knock out a third of the Cookout Six in one night going F7 to F4. So next two Thursdays will be Doubles instead of a Triple. Phew!
Also, Zingbot arrives for this weekend’s Veto comp and we’ll see him on Wednesday’s episode.
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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