‘Big Brother 23’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Endurance Last Night? Week 9

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Thursday’s Big Brother 23 live eviction show ended with the latest HG voted out and now we need a new Head of Household. And nothing like an Endurance Comp to settle the question of who won HOH last night!. Would it be The Cookout winning out over the dwindling competition or could the power shift in any meaningful way this week? Read on for the results and see who will be calling the shots in the week ahead as the new HOH.

We’ve got our coverage of the Endurance battle right here on the site so stick with us and share your thoughts throughout the competition. We’ll keep sharing the latest and pictures from the comp as it rolls along.

Houseguests are hanging on to the rope swings again for this comp, so no slip & slide after all. The swings will spin around and slam the HGs into an inflated elephant. The last HG hanging on will be the new HOH! Remember that Claire was the “secret HOH” from the High Rollers twist so she has to throw it at some point here.

Big Brother 23 Week 9 HoH Comp – The Flying BB-inos:

  • 5:50 PM BBT – Comp is getting started…
  • 5:55 PM BBT – Derek F fell during the commercial break
  • 5:58 PM BBT – Alyssa is down too! Cookout has won it already.
  • 6:03 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Six remain while Alyssa and DF are already down.
  • 6:07 PM BBT – Hannah says her head hurts
  • 6:10 PM BBT – Azah is hurting too
  • 6:12 PM BBT – Claire drops (intentional)
  • 6:13 PM BBT – Hannah drops
  • 6:14 PM BBT – Xavier is down
  • 6:15 PM BBT – Azah says her feet are slipping
  • 6:16 PM BBT – Azah is down. Tiffany & Kyland remain
  • 6:20 PM BBT – Silent concentration from Tiff & Ky
  • 6:25 PM BBT – Kyland asked HGs to give him & Tiff a moment. Feeds cut & came back quickly, perhaps declining his request.
  • 6:30 PM BBT – Kyland’s butt hit the disc after he slipped. He’s DQ’d. Tiffany wins!

Tiffany is the new Head of Household. Again. She’ll be at risk going into this DE next week, but congrats to Tiffany! She’ll likely put up Alyssa and Xavier. As long as Alyssa doesn’t win HOH then she won’t have to renom Claire, revealing a hidden alliance.

Have-Nots are the first three down: Derek F, Alyssa, and Claire.

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Nominations should be coming up on Friday so get ready for those spoilers soon, then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. Itโ€™ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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