We’ve got your Big Brother spoilers for the final Wildcard competition on BB23 with three Houseguests competing for a second chance at safety here.
Competing today we had Claire (Queens), Whitney (Aces), and Azah (Jokers). The pressure was on for Whitney to win her chance at safety as the Kings were looking towards her and Hannah but Hannah had already burned her chance to play. So who pulled off the win?
Big Brother 23 Week 4 ‘Wildcard’ Twist:
- Claire won the Wildcard comp
- Claire accepted the Safety
- Safety twist: safety for Claire’s team for 1 week -or- safety for Claire until Jury
- Claire selected safety for herself until Jury
Feeds came back to Kyland and Claire discussing her success and he was happy for her win. They also talked about other possible ways a future Wildcard safety twist could work. They don’t know it’s over as of this week.
With Claire’s team seemingly not in any danger this week it was probably an easy choice for Claire to take the Jury guarantee. That’s huge!
Now we’re off to the nominations waiting game for the HOH to name which two Houseguests will be sitting on the Block heading into Saturday’s Veto comp. Who do you want to see up there?
What do you think of these results? Share your thoughts below.
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