The Big Brother 23 cast is one step closer to reality for the 2021 season as one of the Big Brother casting producers announced the completion of another important step in the process.
Jesse Tannenbaum took over as the Big Brother Casting Director for season 23 this year after Robyn Kass stepped away to pursue new opportunities. You’ll know Jesse’s work from his previous Big Brother casting efforts for Over The Top which definitely delivered a fun cast for an interesting season. We’ll soon see if he can do it again!
Part of Tannenbaum’s casting efforts this year is Alex Stern, Reality TV Casting Producer, who recently announced her work here is done. She was quick to clarify that didn’t mean casting was finalized, just that it was now out of their hands and off to the network and production side of things. Remember that CBS has the final say on which Houseguest hopefuls ultimately receive the coveted Big Brother key.
twitter-tweet">This doesn’t mean cast is locked and finalized. This just means I’ve done my job and now the powers that be will do theirs 🙏🏼
— Alex Stern (@AlexSternGirl) May 29, 2021
This timeline matches up with what we heard earlier this spring with the news that potential finalists would be notified by mid-May. So it seems those who have made the downselect cut are off to the next round where more will be eliminated and the lucky few will step closer to that front door.
Remember the new season starts July 7th for Big Brother 23 and we’ll be here all summer for the fun. Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Download our Big Brother App for all the latest spoilers, rumors, and updates all season long! Best of luck to all BB23 finalists!