The Big Brother 22 Houseguests have reached a milestone in their All-Stars journey this season as we’ve turned the corner into the home stretch with just six players left in the game after Thursday’s Triple Eviction. With the arrival of today’s Power of Veto competition, this will mark an important shift in strategy and planning as we reach this important milestone: everyone will play!
After two months of weekly plotting and planning by the HOHs and their crew to often find ways to elbow out their targets and competition we’re finally seeing that opportunity taken away and everyone getting a seat at the Veto comp table. The Big Brother 22 Final 6 includes Christmas, Cody, Enzo, Memphis, Nicole, and Tyler with one of those names walking away with a half million dollars.
This week we’ve got Cody as HOH, again, and just last night he sent Tyler and Christmas to the Block to face off for the chance at safety. That means the other remaining HGs, Enzo, Memphis, and Nicole will have to suit up and join in. That’s not to say everyone of them wants to win this Veto but then again, with so few renom possibilities we’re getting to the “better you than me” approach.
So with all that said there won’t be any player pick gathering this morning on the Feeds as we’ve already got today’s roster settled. The mystery for now is what comp they’ll face and a few HGs have speculated it could be the annual BB Comics which would make sense with everyone on the field. Watch for more on that later plus we’ll have updates on what the HGs are planning for strategy on today’s Veto competition.
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