Big Brother 22 Final 2: Latest Claims On Who They Take To The End

Cody and Nicole on BB22

Big Brother 22’s All-Stars season is coming to a close as we’re down to one comp left and then it’s just the Jury between us and the season’s winner. Just two days to go until the two-hour event on Wednesday night (9/8c) then the sweet, sweet release of this blerg season. Phew!

So who wins it? Well first we have to back up and see who gets to the end and that’s what we’ll look at here for the latest on what HGs are saying on their plans.

Enzo is out of the running for making any decisions after he managed to lose both the first and second final HOH comps, surprising no one. That leaves us with Cody Calafiore and Nicole Franzel calling the shots on this season’s F2.

Last night on the Feeds we heard from both HGs but only one of those gave private camtalk confirmation of their plans for Wednesday night.

Flashback to 11 PM BBT 10/25 (get your Free Trial of the Feeds) and you’ll have Enzo working on Cody while Nicole is in the DR. Enzo told Cody how mad he was at Hayden back in BB12 for taking Lane over him to the end. He’s setting Cody up for his emotional reaction when/if he gets cut that night. Enzo laid it on thick telling Cody how he (E) promised Cody on Day 1 that he’d take him (C) to the end and he meant it. This of course being the suggestion that Cody should do the same.

Skip ahead to 11:30 PM BBT when it’s Enzo’s turn for the DR and Nicole asks Cody what Enzo was saying while she was gone. She wants to know if Cody is considering taking Enzo. Cody says he is thinking about it… then says he’s just teasing her and isn’t going to take Enzo. Cody promises he’s taking Nicole to F2. She’s not convinced. “If you’re going to cut me, tell me so I can cut you,” says Nicole. Cody says she’s trying to use that as an excuse to not feel bad about cutting him (C). She assures him she isn’t going to do that. They go back and forth for a bit of accusing the other mixed with promises that they won’t cut each other.

Nicole tells Cody her concerns are rooted in Enzo’s apparent good mood combined with the lack of him (E) approaching her at all to influence her decision on cutting or keeping him for F2 should she win R3. Now I wouldn’t say Enzo is happy about this situation at all. He’s been fairly down and discouraged about the whole situation when he’s alone and camtalks.

Jump again to 12:24 AM BBT as Nicole is alone in the kitchen working on some food prep. She starts mumbling quietly that “he thinks I’m looking for an excuse to cut him but that’s not true at all.” So does that mean she’s keeping Cody or just not seeking excuses to cut him? I’d say she plans to keep him around for F2 if she wins R3 and gets to make that call.

So are both Cody and Nicole planning to take each other? Seems to be the case so far and that’s crazy to me. Could be their “mom” has truly convinced them to see this alliance through to the end. Meanwhile, to me, Enzo seems the easy win for both but we’ve seen this happen before when R3 winners are afraid to take the likable F3 HG with them to the end for fear of a bitter Jury ranking charisma over accomplishments.

What do you think Nicole and Cody would do for F2? Are they playing each other to hide their true plans? Does Enzo have a path to the F2 or is the BB16 duo truly set to take each other to stand before the Jury? Vote now in our polls below.

Who Will Cody Take To F2? Vote:

Who Will Nicole Take To F2? Vote:



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