Big Brother 22 Final 3: Enzo Palumbo – Better Or Worse This Season?

Enzo Palumbo on BB22

Continuing in our review of the final Houseguests of Big Brother 22 today we’re going to take a look at Enzo’s game this season and how it compares to his original season 12 appearance where he strode through the game as part of his Brigade/Bragade alliance. Is he doomed to repeat his mistakes this time around or can he up his earlier rank of third place that year. Let’s take a look.

Enzo Palumbo: BB12 vs BB22

Enzo was the oldest HG this season and offers up the widest gap of time between his original to the current season for the Final 3 as he returns from his Season 12 appearance where he finished third after Hayden evicted him over his fellow Brigade member Lane. The Meow Meow has some regrets there he’d like to make up for and this season he’s been doing it, or at least working hard to make it happen.

In Season 12, Enzo had just two comp wins with one Veto and one Luxury (a 3D television). Not bad for making it to 3rd place but it wasn’t going to be a polished resume win with that record especially if he had gone there with Hayden (BB12’s winner – 4 HOH & 1 Veto).

Enzo’s biggest achievement in BB12 would be the creation of the Brigade alliance with Matt, Lane, and Hayden, though it’s noted that Matt claims to have been the mastermind behind this powerful grouping in the season. They truly controlled the season with a stack of wins, much like Enzo saw with his mighty alliances this time around.

Speaking of this time around, BB22 has been a good one for Enzo. He started off strong with a Veto win in Week 1 and an HOH win in Week 4 before going dormant until a Week 11 HOH win where we saw him decide to play for himself, gasp!, and left Cody to fend off Christmas. Big Brother is not a team sport, but it helps from time to time.

Securing a sure thing spot in the F3 was the right move I’d argue and I’m glad he did it. Where I think he fell apart was during the Triple when he was the deciding vote that kept Nicole, Cody’s right hand, in the game. Big mistake. HUGE! Now Cody has Nicole waiting to take him to the end along with Enzo doing the same instead of Enzo being in the position where he could have been the one to shore up support. Tsk tsk.

Can Enzo win in the end? Ehh, not against Cody, that’s for sure. Could he beat Nicole? I think he makes a strong case especially with her as a former winner where Jurors could like him better and feel it’s time for his victory over her repeat win. He’ll need to take Nicole for any chance but just the other night we heard Enzo saying he could beat both Cody and Nicole and just needed to get to F2 for that to happen. Should he win R3 and be in the position to choose I think he’ll take Cody for their Jersey Boy pair who were never on the Block all season then only to see his loss in a way Cody knows far too well.

As of last night, Enzo is down to one last chance to make it to the F2 on his own after losing out in Round 1. He’ll need to win Round 2 of the final HOH and then beat out Nicole in Round 3 to earn his spot. That’s going to be a tough, tough battle that I’m not sure he’ll pull off but we’ll soon know.

Enzo in BB12: 0 HOH & 1 Veto – Penguin punishment – 3rd place
Enzo in BB22: 2 HOH & 1 Veto – 0x Twist – TBD place

Verdict: This has been a stronger turnout for Enzo on BB22. He’s won two more HOHs so far and could end up in the F2, a big upgrade for him. Plus he didn’t wear a penguin suit and sneak food as a HN, so that’s an improvement. Does he have the resume or support to win? I don’t put his odds high, but this is the year of continuous surprises. Either way, Enzo has outperformed his original appearance this time around. Of course, he’ll likely forever regret that terrible VTE David move that kept Nicole in the game. It’ll drag him down for years to come.

What’s your take on Enzo’s two seasons? Do you think he’s done better or worse this time around? Share your thoughts below!

Source: BB Wiki Fandom, BB12 archives, BB22 results



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