Confirmed! Big Brother Reindeer Games is coming to play this winter. Starting Monday, December 11th there will be nine players gathered in the Big Brother House for six episodes with the season ending Thursday, December 21st. The big prize? $100K.
We don’t have the Reindeer Games cast yet, but Julie mentioned Jordan, Derek X, and Tiffany as Santa’s helpers. Not sure if that means they’re playing along too or not. Then Julie revealed one of the BB25 HGs would join this next cast. Hmm.
Reindeer Games Schedule:
Monday Dec 11th (8-10pm)
Tuesday Dec 12th (9/8c)
Thursday Dec 14th (8/7c)
Monday Dec 18th (9/8c)
Tuesday Dec 19th (9/8c)
Thursday Dec 21st (8/7c) | Finale
Apparently there will be no host, similar to how they handled BBOTT, but then there’s also no Feeds. Also no Houseguests?? So, umm, huhwhat? I guess it’ll just be taped episodes of Big Brother competitions and someone gets $100K at the end. This is… dumb? I don’t know what to make of it.
Are you ready for more Big Brother this winter? Host Julie Chen Moonves announced on Sunday’s episode that she’ll have a “huge announcement” for fans on Thursday’s season finale show that sounds like we’re getting teased (threatened??) with another installment of BB after Big Brother 25 wraps up this week.
Julie revealed, “Big Brother 25 might be coming to an end, but the BB Universe has a BIG holiday surprise in store. Find out what that means Thursday on finale night.” Well let’s not wait that long because I wanna speculate!
We’re getting a winter season. I think that’s settled at this point as fans have been hearing rumors and even direct hints from CBS channels. The writer strike effects haven’t been cleaned up yet and that’s going to leave some gaps in the upcoming winter television season. So why not borrow from their Celebrity Big Brother playbook and put together a gapfill season here for us.
Former HGs had been tweeting about maybe coming back and that included teases from Dan Gheesling, Taylor Mack, and others for a possible “Legends” season which is a great idea. If they go with “winners season” then you’ve only got so many options and that could be tough to get enough. Instead with a “legends” theme it’s even easier than All-Stars. There are plenty of former fan favorites who played a poor game but were fun, entertaining, and well loved. Now those HGs could be tossed in too, right?
Whatever CBS does it’ll need to be short. Coming off the longest season ever we are burned out and it’s not just the writers and updaters who have been on the job everyday for nearly a hundred straight days, it’s the fans too! CBS, you’re wearing all of us out! So give us a couple of months to rest and be back in January with a Celeb-like 3-4 week run of a fun, rapid season and you’ve got a recipe for success.
But wait, Julie said “holiday surprise.” Would they really try to cram this in for 2-3 weeks from in December? I think they’d have a hard to pulling former HGs from their families over late December because remember many of these HGs have moved on, grown up, and want that time with family! Sure, not all, but I’d think enough would say they don’t want to spend Christmas in Studio 18 and I don’t think the viewers would be there for it either.
So timing wise I’m curious to see what CBS is proposing because “holiday” ties us in to a few dates and they’ve got to be kidding if they think we’ll be ready again around Thanksgiving for more Big Brother. But we’re not in the driver seat on this one so now we sit back and wait for Thursday’s announcement for this upcoming Winter 2023/2024 season of Big Brother.
Very recently I heard rumors from my sources of a super short season of Big Brother being a possibility, like less than 2 weeks. It didn't make sense to me if it was going to happen in February/March, but "Holiday" time makes it more believable. That's what I got for now. #bb25
— Big Brother Gossip ๐บ๐ฆ (@BBGossip) November 6, 2023