Big Brother 25 Winner: Finale Results – Who Won? & America’s Favorite Revealed

Host Julie Chen with F2 Matt Klotz and Jag Bains - CBS
Host Julie Chen with F2 Matt Klotz and Jag Bains – CBS

Welcome to the season finale of Big Brother 25 with the winner results coming up by the end of the night along with who won the Final HOH, which HG is evicted, and who was this year’s Favorite Houseguest. We’ll be live recapping the entire show starting at 8PM ET so stick with us right here for all the results, spoilers, and fun to close out this season of Big Brother.

We’re also anxious awaiting the announcement from Julie Chen Moonves about this upcoming winter “holiday surprise” season. Just when we thought we were done, they pull us back in! Fingers crossed those it’ll be something unique, fun, and short!

“But First,” let’s see what happens tonight on the BB25 finale. Houseguests Bowie Jane, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz are all that remain and one of them will be walking away with $750K in their pocket. Not bad for a 100 days’ work, right?

Big Brother 25 โ€“ Final HOH Round 1:

You’ll recognize this competition from BB17 where HGs ride on a rope swing, get dipped in something icky, and then slammed against a wall. Do that for a few hours and you’ve got yourself a Round 1 winner. We already know the spoiler results, but let’s see how it played out.

  • Winner of Round 1: Matt

Bowie lasted 1h24mins while the guys decided to do rock-paper-scissors to finally settle the first round just before three hours. Matt went rock, Jag picked scissors. Jag didn’t fight it and drops making Matt the winner of the first round.

Final 3 HGs compete in Round 1 on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Final 3 HGs compete in Round 1 on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Big Brother 25 Finale – Jury Round Table

Will we hear from a bitter Jury or a happy one that’s glad with who has ended up in the F3? They’ll gather again with former HG Dr. Will leading the discussion and he’ll help guide them through the decision at hand.

As I expected, Cirie is very pro-Matt while Cameron is pushing for Jag. Bowie isn’t getting much, but no one is surprised by that, right? The big hold up on Matt is how Jurors feel he did not own his game. Cameron says Jag getting evicted does not disqualify his game from being the winner.

Cirie Fields and Cameron Hardin on finale night - CBS
Cirie Fields and Cameron Hardin on finale night – CBS

Big Brother 25 โ€“ Final HOH Round 2:

The “losers” from Round 1 now move on to face off again in Round 2 with the winner here heading to face the first round’s winner. We heard the two HGs each took over an hour to complete their portions and the downtime lasted just about six hours, so this must be some wildly complex competition ahead in the second round.

For Round 2, Jag and Bowie Jane have to sort and order all the competitions and place them in their respective BB universes. This one was pretty tough and took them a LONG time.

  • Winner of Round 2: Jag
Round 2 of Final HOH on BB25 - CBS
Round 2 of Final HOH on BB25 – CBS

Big Brother 25 Final HOH Round 3 – Jury-Verse

Now it’s Jag versus Matt as they have to battle it out by figuring out which statement is false. Winner here gets to pick who joins him in the Final Two!

  • Round 1: Both get a point
  • Round 2: Both get a point
  • Round 3: Both get a point
  • Round 4: Both get a point
  • Round 5: Both get a point
  • Round 6: Neither get a point
  • Tiebreaker: Jag wins!

This is Jag’s TENTH competition win. That’s a huge record for Big Brother. Very impressive. So who does he take and will it matter to the Jury’s decision?

Matt Klotz and Jag Bains in Round 3 - CBS
Matt Klotz and Jag Bains in Round 3 – CBS

Big Brother 25 โ€“ Final Eviction:

This could be for all the marbles right here as we’ve seen year after year when someone completely screws up and takes the wrong HG. The easy choice to win is taking Bowie, but HGs routinely prefer the harder route. Just too close to the forest to see the trees on this one.

  • Final Evicted HG: Bowie Jane

That makes our Final 2 of BB25: Jag Bains and Matt Klotz. This marks the first time an evicted Houseguest has made it to the F2. Impressive.

Jury questions Big Brother Final 2 - CBS
Jury questions Big Brother Final 2 – CBS

Before the Jury votes they get to ask both Matt & Jag some questions. I’d say this doesn’t go well for Matt. He struggled with his answers while Jag was very assertive and direct. Will the Jury see it that way too?

Winner of Big Brother 25 โ€“ Jury Votes:

  • Cameron votes for:
  • Cory votes for: Jag
  • Blue votes for: Jag
  • America votes for: Jag
  • Cirie votes for: Matt
  • Felicia votes for: Matt
  • Bowie Jane votes for: Jag

Jag Bains wins Big Brother 25!

Confetti falls on BB Winner Jag Bains - CBS
Confetti falls on BB Winner Jag Bains – CBS

Big Brother 25 โ€“ Americaโ€™s Favorite HG:

You’ve been voting all week for the AFP crown. Now it’s time to find out which favorite HG gets the $50,000 bonus cash prize. Top three vote-getters were: Cameron, Cirie, and Matt.

  • America’s Favorite Houseguest is… Cameron!
Cameron wins AFP - CBS
Cameron wins AFP – CBS

What do you think of these results? Did the right HG win the season? What about the final eviction and the Fav HG results? Are you happy with how the season turned out? And don’t forget, there’s always more Big Brother coming up soon.

Speaking of more Big Brother, get ready for Big Brother Reindeer Games. Six episode season starting Monday, December 11th with what looks to be nine HGs over a two week period so probably the end on Friday, December 22nd. Julie noted one of the BB25 HGs will join this next season. So maybe Cameron as AFP?

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