‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night?

Julie Chen on Big Brother
Host Julie Chen Moonves on Big Brother

A special Sunday eviction episode arrived to send a Final 4 Houseguest out the door and deliver us to the season’s F3 for Big Brother 25. Just a few days left before the confetti falls on this year’s winner! Read on for our live recap of this special eviction show and find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother.

Houseguests Bowie Jane, Felicia Cannon, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz are all that remains of the original seventeen and one of these four will be $750,000 richer by the end of the week. At the last episode we saw Bowie Jane win her third HOH reign which secured her a spot in F3. Following that the Veto competition cemented another spot in the coveted Final 3. Now tonight we’ll see that Veto competition play out and a last eviction vote to make it all final.

“But First,” we need to get the Nominations revealed and that Veto competition wrapped up. Of course this week the actual nominations are meaningless because the real power rests with the Veto holder. So why then is Bowie about to be sweating this decision so much? Let’s see what they show us in the episode but on Thursday night Bowie Jane was seriously struggling with her nominations and went to great lengths to protect one of the HGs from the Block.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 14 Nominations:

  • Bowie Jane nominates: Felicia & Matt
Bowie Jane makes her nominations on BB25 - CBS
Bowie Jane makes her nominations on BB25 – CBS

While two HGs have to sit on the Block it all comes down to who holds the medallion. If Bowie won the Veto then she could pick which of the other three would be the sole voter. Or if one of the other three wins PoV that HG will be the only vote cast. Powerful stuff right here!

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 14 Veto competition:

  • Jag wins the Power of Veto
HGs compete for Veto - CBS
HGs compete for Veto – CBS

There’s no need to head to the Diary Room. This eviction vote will be cast in the open and revealed immediately. Think you know who is about to become the 6th Juror? There was a LOT of debating this decision over the weekend and still in the hours leading up to Sunday’s show. Now it’s time to make it official.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 14 Votes:

  • Jag votes to evict: Felicia
Felicia Cannon with Julie Chen - CBS
Felicia Cannon with Julie Chen – CBS

Big Brother 25 – Final 3:

  • Bowie Jane
  • Felicia Cannon
  • Matt Klotz
Matt Klotz, Bowie Jane, and Jag Bains on BB25 - CBS
Matt Klotz, Bowie Jane, and Jag Bains on BB25 – CBS

Next up, the final HOH competitions! Round 1 will playout overnight and then the next round will follow before the finale with the third part on the live show. We’ve been waiting all night for the results with Feeds down until just after 3AM BBT. Now we’ve gotta listen for which HG won…

Big Brother 25 – Final HOH Round 1:

Only TWO episodes left in the season. Tuesday 8/7c brings back the Memory Lane episode while Thursday at 8/7c is our long awaited two-hour season finale. Finally! The winner of Big Brother 25 is set to be revealed as the seven Jurors gather for their chance to cast a vote and award $750,000. Who do you think it will be?

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