‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won HoH?

Want to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother 19 after a Backdoor plan lead by HoH Paul Abrahamian was brought to the finish line against Cody Nickson? Could the house seal the deal? An online Endurance HoH Comp followed this week’s eviction episode so get ready for the return of “The Wall!”

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19 Episode 8

Three nominees this week with Ramses joining Paul’s picks, Alex and Cody. One of these three would be heading out the door and away to sequester as we await next week’s bonus Friday night episode for a Battle Back adventure, as Julie Chen confirms.

Julie revealed that while Christmas’s surgery went well yesterday, she was not cleared yet to return to the house. Instead she’ll be casting her vote live from the hospital. Well that’s a first.

Ready to find out who was voted off Big Brother and who takes control in the Endurance Comp on the Live Feeds starting at 10PM ET? Here is our live recap of Thursday’s results show with all the answers. Download our Big Brother App, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for the latest Big Brother spoilers all summer!

Big Brother 18 Live Feeds featuring HoH endurance comp

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 2 Votes:

  • Jessica votes to evict: Ramses
  • Kevin votes to evict: Ramses
  • Christmas votes to evict: Ramses
  • Raven votes to evict: Cody
  • Dominique votes to evict: Cody
  • Mark votes to evict: Cody
  • Jason votes to evict: Cody
  • Josh votes to evict: Cody
  • Elena votes to evict: Cody
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Matthew votes to evict: Cody

By a vote of 7-3, Cody Nickson has been evicted from Big Brother 19!

Outside the house Julie lets Cody know he’ll have a chance to get back in the game with the Battle Back next week. Oh, and Cody took off his toad costume. Boo! Anyway, Cody sounds happy to have a second chance at the game. Now on to tonight’s HoH comp, it’s The Wall! We’re going to be watching it live on the Feeds starting at 10PM ET!

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Tonight's HoH Endurance Comp is bringing back The Wall! Space theme this time. Get signed up now –> https://t.co/nsJOatQ2un #BB19 pic.twitter.com/E5VIkYL20N

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) July 13, 2017

Big Brother 19 Week 3 HoH comp:

When Thurday’s episode ended we raced back to the Big Brother Feeds to watch the live endurance competition! Join us on there with the Live Feeds’ Free Trial & see what the fun is all about.



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  1. i really need them to stop showing Christmas break her foot i get nauseous every time….

  2. i really need then to stop showing Josh’s speech it’s equally nausieating

      • I don’t think Cody will go after Josh that soon. Unless he is able to talk someone else into doing it. Josh is not a physical or mental threat in challenges, but he does make things uncomfortable.

  3. Funny Josh yelling at Jessica but today on the feeds he’s telling her I want you to have a good week. I’ve got your back. SMH

  4. Cody complains about Josh making victim noises when his girl does it literally 24/7…

  5. What a friggin joke. Vote from the hospital. Glad we’re watching the “Doctors” and not Big Brother.

  6. Does Christmas’s vote matter that much? I mean I guess a vote is a vote, but for this week, does it matter THAT much?

  7. She will be voting while on painkillers who knows who she ends up voting for.

  8. This was all on BBAD last night. It was actually one of the most interesting episodes of BBAD in a while

  9. With Cody out of the way I think Paul needs to find his way to not end up as a target. Yeah he’s safe but its only one more week. I like him but your boy needs to scoot over and give someone else some room.

      • Mark & Elena suspect him, too. Elena told Alex as much during their chat in HoH last night. Paul is trying HARD to deflect the attention & blame to Ramses, but it’s not working very well.

  10. Battle back with 3 people?? That’s not even a battle back that’s a let Cody come back….

  11. Hmmm could Cody be staying. Funny Dom was saying to Alex today we got this.

  12. OK I got a little nervous there. I hate Cody. As long as Cody is out I’m good for this week.

  13. “There’s no loyalty with those people”
    …he was the one who betrayed his own alliance…

    • I would’ve preferred a more exciting endurance comp than this but I’d prefer this than that ridiculous chicken wire competition.

  14. Get Jessica out this week so they have to compete against each other in the NoSurprise Battle Back

    • My question is, if they knew about the battleback, why didn’t they tell Jillian about it when she was evicted?

      • Not during her eviction interview. Last year, everybody was told in their eviction interview by Julie, except for the two kicked off on their respective season premieres

      • Because they didn’t want us to know. I’m sure they told Jillian and Cameron considering they are sequestered.

      • I am thinking they decided last minute to bring the battle back, back. Hate Cody but he will keep the game interesting. If it was Jessica on the block and voted out, no battle back. (I was actually hoping for her to go.)

      • Nope, always planned. Why do you think we haven’t seen Cameron or Jillian on social media?

      • It’s because their sequestered. I don’t follow social media either, but Jokers usually mentions them.

    • Of course it all depends on who wins HOH, but I would think targets would include Josh, Ramses, Jessica and maybe Jason. There’s not one person in that situation that could beat Cody in a Battle Back unless there are a bunch of mental comps. I have to say with Jillian, Cameron, and Cody being 3 of the 4 competing… If the comps are mostly physical, its going to be pretty obvious who production wants back.

  15. If (when?) cody comes back – won’tt be surprised if cody/paul team up with alex. They would be formidable

  16. I’m wondering if this vote will screw over Kevin or Dom more…i feel like Jason is the more obvious scapegoat but everyone will be scrambling to figure out where that third vote came from! This is exciting!

    • Flash problem usually. Make sure you have latest version. Try switching browser if that doesn’t do it.

  17. Best part of Grody leaving, no more of the perpetual never ending Jess and cody show.

  18. Alex is definitely the favorite in this one…it’s a good thing for them Paul won last week, cause he’d kill this kind of comp

  19. Kind of wish they’d explain the temptation on the show, would probably encourage more people to vote

    • Well, if the show encourages people to vote we would have a whole bunch of casuals voting

      • But it also leads to some people feeling voting doesn’t matter. Explaining the twist on the show would do much more for them when it comes to a vote

  20. Wtf did Christmas DO ? Did she & Paul plan for her to vote Ramses ? Or did she go rogue ? Or maybe she had too much Morphine post-op ?

  21. Well, if Cody wins, I think it’s safe to say the house will stop him from returning…guess that somehow in the end affects the week short they are thanks to Megan

  22. I still don’t like Cody, but it was nice to see a little bit of personality from the guy once he was out of the house. Makes me think that it won’t the end of the world if he does battle his way back… Assuming he doesn’t turn back into a robot of course.

    • His exit from the BB was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. He shouldn’t be allowed to come back after that. He’s disgusting.

  23. I was smiling the whole time during Cody’s interview. It was nice to see him being respectful.

  24. Do you guys think Christmas believed Cody? Although that still wouldn’t help me make sense of her vote.

  25. I hate that Cody is out and will come right back. I don’t think there is much competition with Jillian, Cameron and if Ramses doesn’t win HOH he will probably be evicted next week. What a BORING BB Battle Back that will be.

    • It’s not always physical. In BB16, they played shuffleboard, and that’s how Nicole got back in the house. And plus if Cody comes back in, he will go right back out. He’s learned nothing from this. He said he would play the same exact game that got him evicted.

  26. I still say, that Christmas should not be allowed to come back into the game…. It’s never been allowed before and it should not be allowed now. Not fair to the other house guests.

    • Seems pretty run of the mill to me. BB16 was the most bizarre season ever. We got to see a Big Brother savant play in Derick.

  27. They sure are bending over backwards to accomodate Christmas, I don’t like it. Also why did Christmas vote for Ramses?

    Now, I can’t believe I am saying this but, I like the idea of Cody coming back, because he will take on Paul and most of the sheep that are left won’t. It would be fun to see.

  28. Kevin does it again..but, didn’t he tell Paul he was going to vote to evict Ramses to throw everyone off. He BS’s his way out of every situation!

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