‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Watch Tonight’s Endurance HoH Competition

CBS has announced that tonight’s Big Brother Head of Household competition will be featured live on the Feeds with an endurance battle for fans to enjoy! Whether you’re watching tonight’s eviction show out west or catching it live during the east coast broadcast the HoH comp will be available for everyone to watch starting after 10PM ET. If you can’t watch, then join us for our live comp recap!

Update: Join our live endurance comp recap here to find out who won!

Big Brother Endurance comp on Live Feeds

We’ll be down a big competitor for tonight’s challenge, if the vote goes as we’re predicting, but there should be plenty more fighting for the power this week and that will make for a high stakes game.

The “outsiders” know they need this one and we already saw Alex provide an impressive “eat s**t, Cody” performance during her first competition. I’m hoping she brings that same spirit to the game tonight and doesn’t give up easily. A win for her side could give us some good drama this week.

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Tonight's HoH Endurance Comp is bringing back The Wall! Space theme this time. Get signed up now –> https://t.co/nsJOatQ2un #BB19 pic.twitter.com/E5VIkYL20N

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) July 13, 2017

Tonight’s HoH competition will be an endurance battle and that means we’ll be able to watch it all live only on the Feeds. Now I know, last week we expected endurance but instead just got a live comp. Well this week CBS has explicitly called it out as an “endurance HoH competition” so that should be what we end up seeing starting soon after the east coast broadcast concludes.

Want to watch the upcoming Endurance HoH Comp? You will need your Big Brother Live Feeds through CBS’s All Access. There’s a free one-week trial that you can use to get started and see what you think. After that the cost is $5.99/mo, or about 20 cents a day. Silly cheap entertainment if you want it.

Try 1 Week Free of All Access

Try Live Feeds 1 Week Free! Only $5.99 per month thereafter. Sign-up now.

Get signed up now to avoid the rush and be ready to watch starting right around 10PM ET (7PM PT) tonight right after the live eviction show ends. The stakes are high and all sides will be fighting to win control to keep their own safe. Who do you want to see pull it off? Share your pick below!



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  1. Hope Alex or someone from the outsiders wins so they can shake up the house and everybody can scramble, otherwise it might be a boring week…

    • Ramses or Alex for the win this week. I don’t think Christmas will be able to play and who knows what she would do if she gets HOH.

    • This show Big Brother 19 is horrible. I hate the fact that you guys brought back Paul. This show is boring and you all have made it clear that Paul should have won last season. Everything is giving him an advantage to win this season of the Big Brother show. This makes me not want to watch this show. I like the fact Cody wanted to shake the show up early on when he was in power but you (production) is clearly in favor of Paul. I hate it because I am one who feels that Paul should not have won last season, so stop giving him the favorite to win all of the temptation that is in favor of him to win. You will not only lose me as an avid watcher of the show but more Big Brother watchers.

  2. A Jessica win would give me the MOST life right now. Hit me with it, BB!

    • Are you my best friend Bob’s brother? I would like to see Kevin win, then we would get some insight into his game.

      • yep, I think your right, AND, I think he will put up Kevin and Paul, yes, Paul, just to make a big move.

      • Doesn’t Paul still have safety one more week? I think he does because of “America’s choice” (i.e. production)…

      • PAUL?? That would would be interesting! Some believe its better to shoot low and hit than aim high and miss, some think the opposite. We shall see. It will certainly be good tv!

      • LOL,Nope, just my new best friend, and I can’t find that #$%$# anywhere…I think he changed his name,because he didn’t want to be my new best friend, sorry BOB, you are stuck with me until the end of BB 19

      • He’d be found faster if he was on a wine bottle as not many seem to be drinking milk anymore due to being lactose intolerant! hahahaha

  3. Who would Ramses put on the block? Any guesses? He never talks game with anyone. I’m very curious. He’s a strange kid.

  4. This will come down to Alex and Jessica though I think (I have serious doubts that Raven can participate and Christmas would definetely be out…the only way either would be able to compete is if they do the stress box from season 6 and that doesn’t take as much construction that has kept them inside all week and if they gave them another obstacle because they could kneel). I hope Alex turns to Jessica to say listen, will you be as loyal to me as you were to Cody? I wasn’t going to put you up anyway but I have an option to play it safe or to do a big move. I will do it if I know I have you because I believe I will have four solid and I can work on the other.

      • She could (I forget about her) but given her career I am guessing while she is very thin, thats mkre genetics and being in her late twenties whereas Jessica is really small and a cheerleader I think Alex actively has been keeping stretching and kind a non formal yoga workout.

  5. Idk…I have one eye open & one eye closed in regards to this season of Big Brother. Paul, I believe was brought in for entertainment value, but without Victor, he comes off as a Dictator. The rest of the HG are just so so to me, & come off as very Bland, which makes for a Boring BB House…JMO, Btw.

  6. I am looking to when Paul is no longer safe!! That is when things should get interesting!!!

  7. So happy to have you guys keeping me updated since I can’t get the feeds in Canada. Thanks!!

    • I hate these because the person i hate the most always win them with the exeption james in 17 taking out Clelly.

      • I agree. And it’s shame that she also hurt her foot, but I think Raven might be a player that had a good chance.

      • What’s up with Christmas situation? Haven’t been on ‘feeds’ or read anything. Because I don’t think they’ll let her play this comp?

      • No feeds since I’ve been home. I have no idea if she is back. I agree with you, they won’t let Christmas play this tonight, especially just 24 hours after the surgery. It’s ok she can sit this one, I think she is safe for this week.

      • Yeah..post-op? In some cases, Dr’s encourage them to walk, but..we’ll see. She can sit on this one. Too bad, because I wanna see her on a comp like this one.

      • If its a female to win..Will be the female that survives the cold water and the severe body cramps that comes with the challenge….Alex persona tells me she might be able to succeed while Jessica would not be a lover of cold water and endure experiencing painful cramps for a long period…If either can take a page from Rachel and “zone out” during the comp they may win it…Rachel was a master at “zoning out” during endurance comps…

  8. Stop with the endurance comps!!!! I wanna see who wins hoh the night of. Come on, go back to the olden days!!!!

  9. I just hope they don’t do another “battle back”. It’s been done already and I would not like to see that again. I’d rather see the current HG’s dynamic changes as the weeks go by.

  10. Who wants meatballs for lunch!!!! Let’s get this show started…..

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