We’re down to our last weekly exercise of “Counting The Votes” for Big Brother 19 but this week we’re looking in a different direction. It’s time to consider how the Jury will be casting their votes and we’ll need to take in to account the suggestions of a bitter Jury this year.
The first two rounds of the final HoH are done and we know Paul and Josh will face off in the third and final competition of the season on Wednesday night during the Big Brother finale. The winner there could determine who wins the whole thing, or maybe it’ll go the same way no matter which one of them takes the victory.
Paul is planning to win R3 but is banking on Josh taking him to F2 even if he loses it. Josh spoke for weeks of targeting Paul only to pass up on the opportunities. Now just ahead of a possible choice to finally make good on that Josh is actually talking about keeping Paul over Christmas. Fool.
If the guys decide to take each other no matter what then we’ve got just one scenario ahead of us with Paul versus Josh for the Jury votes. In case Josh does make the smarter move then we’ve got a second with Josh versus Christmas. What I don’t see happening is a Christmas versus Paul since Paul is set on taking Josh with him to the end.
Jury Votes Scenario: Paul v. Josh
This is the most likely situation in my mind because I believe Paul will definitely take Josh and to me Paul is more likely to win this same Round 3 competition again this year. And on the other hand, if Josh wins it instead apparently he’s back to considering taking Paul.
If Paul wins and takes Josh it’s just another edge for Paul. If Josh wins and takes Paul instead of Christmas then it’s another ding in Josh’s record for making such a foolish choice. And despite all the “bitter jury” details we’re hearing, I don’t think it’ll matter with Paul against the unlikable Josh. Josh was a jerk to most of the Jurors and while they may be angry at Paul I don’t see enough of them going the so-very-bitter route to change the outcome.
- Cody: Paul – Cody had mentioned to Jessica at one point if the house was foolish enough to let Paul get to the end then he’d get his vote. Well here we are.
- Elena: Paul – She’s discovered Paul played her, but she’s still going to favor him over Josh.
- Mark: Josh – Maybe. He semi-bonded with Josh eventually after all their fights and it could be enough of an excuse to not vote for Paul.
- Matthew: Paul – He was a crummy player and thinks Raven is amazing. He’s also still probably crazy enough to think he was one of Paul’s closest allies.
- Jason: Josh – Now here was a bitter Juror walking out the door and I’m not sure he’ll be getting over it anytime soon. If we get a bitter vote it’ll be with Jason.
- Raven: Paul – The puppet master will want her apprentice to win and don’t forget, August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month, y’all!
- Alex: Paul – Jason will want her to be bitter, and she probably will be a little, but she’ll end up voting for game and out of loyalty. She just probably won’t like it one bit.
- Kevin: Paul – He told Julie he knew Paul would do what he had to do. I don’t see Kevin discovering enough evidence in the Jury house to flip him against Paul.
- Christmas: Paul – She groomed Josh for weeks only to tell him to do what’s best for his game. Seems the connection faded. Meanwhile, she’s got a crush on Paul.
Paul beats Josh by at least 7-2.
Jury Votes Scenario: Josh v. Christmas
If Josh wins R3 then he absolutely should cut Paul. It’d be a huge feather in his cap and be enough leverage in case anyone was uncertain. I don’t think he’d need that though if he were up against Christmas.
Looking at the season’s stats, Josh has several comp wins while Christmas has been handed two default-wins. While Josh fought with HGs, so did she, just maybe not quite as loud as Josh managed.
- Cody: Josh – Cody might not like Josh, but I don’t see how he’d justify voting to support Christmas’s game.
- Elena: Josh – She’s discovered Paul played her, but she’s still going to favor him over Josh.
- Mark: Josh – Like before, he semi-bonded with Josh and I don’t see a reason for him to vote for Christmas.
- Matthew: Josh – A toss-up, but he can just go with pure stats to decide and a lack of reasons to vote for Christmas.
- Jason: Josh – Josh got out the guy who betrayed Jason. That’ll earn his vote.
- Raven: Josh – Somewhat of a toss-up since she wasn’t close with either Josh or Christmas, but she’ll see the group think and go with it.
- Alex: Josh – She’ll go with achievements and Josh has them over Christmas.
- Kevin: Christmas – If anyone is going to support Christmas then it’d be Kevin, but even that isn’t a guaranteed vote, especially if like all season he asks Paul what to do.
- Paul: Josh – Josh took out the big man in the game. If Paul is confident he himself would have won then he’d have to reward the one who ended his game. Then again, Vanessa didn’t.
Josh beats Christmas by at least 8-1.
Now I’m not going to in-depth tackle Paul v. Christmas because I don’t see that happening, but quickly, should that occur, then I’d say Paul probably sweeps it completely against her. I’d say her game doesn’t have a leg to stand on, but no need to go the punny route here.
So there we go. I’m expecting Paul to pull off the victory and be crowned the winner of Big Brother 19. He deserves it if he gets to F2, but I said the same thing last year. If Josh wises up enough to win R3 and cut Paul then the $500K is his for the taking.
What do you think will happen? Cast your vote below and share your own vote count predictions below in the comments. Then join us back here at 8PM ET on Wednesday.
I think Christmas does better against Josh than 8-1. Let’s face it. Paul carried both of them to the end the same way. Christmas can argue she had to alter her strategy because she broke her foot. She can say she got to the end despite her handicap. She can also argue sje and Paul did the strategy while Josh just carried out their plan. She got blood on her hands and made bold moves. I think she could get some votes.
Josh did win a few comps on his own, unlike xmas.
In the Josh vs. Christmas scenario, your reasoning says Elena favors Paul over Josh haha
I actually think Jason will vote the way Alex will vote.
I don’t think we are giving Alex enough credit. She just might vote for Josh.
Paul promised to help her start marketing her bikini line, why would she vote josh and chance Paul being mad and not helping her. What has Josh promised her. Alex said she has not worked. Paying job for over a year so she is banking in this bikini line being her new source of income.
And a promise from Paul has been proven to be sacrosanct.
credit for voting josh? umm..nope
Jason has been showing a lot of independence. He may not follow.
I actually think it would be opposite. Jason might be swayed by Alex and Mark by Elena. I do think Elena and Mark will vote they way they want. Mark loves BB and will vote as a super fan, Elena is looking for fame after the show, so since Paul has promised her oppurtunites I think she votes Paul.
And Paul’s promises have been proven to be worth exactly … what?
Elena was acting quite different in the jury house. Cody and Mark may have swayed her.
If a houseguest can separate game and real life, I think they believe Paul that he has helped and hung out with houseguests from his first season, so why wouldn’t he help them? Now I only saw Bridgette, and Victor with Paul post show , but I didn’t follow his every move so I don’t know if he did anything with or for them . I do know when Josh asked him the other day about last years cast, he mentioned all of them, Josh seemed Impressed but when I listened some of the people he saw in person and others might have come to LA but didn’t visit him, it was Paul creative story telling.
If Paul is in F2, he wins…no if’s and but. Bank on it…😉
Agreed, but I don’t like it.
Me too.
Counting schmounting, Paul has more than earned this win. Earned, not to be confused with deserved! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b557b389bfca38f4b2f137b0bee761059d96556fb0244f47c69d0a72db77d3b6.gif
I fail to see how “earned” and “deserved” are not synonymous in this context.
I agree . In MY opinion , if someone earns something, they deserve it.
He has earned it based on his effort to control the game, being the puppet master. But due to the way he has acted in this game, some people don’t feel he deserves to win.
Still seems synonymous to me. You could have said “He deserves it based on his effort to control the game. But due to the way he has acted in this game, some people don’t feel he deserves to win” and it would mean the same thing.
Yeah… maybe.
With such a compliant cast of characters, was it really necessary to resort to the awful tactics he did?
I know some people believe anything goes in Big Brother … but if that’s the case why have a jury?
To determine a winner?
I’m sure they could devise something that left one player.
Then it would have to be a competition of some sort. The whole basis of the game is that it’s a “social experiment”. I think the social aspect should determine the winner, just as it does now with a jury.
This is the conundrum.
The social aspect may sink a player … and the jury is called bitter.
If they ignore the social aspect … they’re not.
For those of us who have watched BB for a long time, have you noticed the types of people they bring into the game has drastically changed? I was looking back at the pictures of the people. They target different personalities now.
Yeah, sure seems that way.
Yep, but that’s the risk you take by playing a dishonest game like Paul.
I like this view on the jury as a perspective.
In determining the winner, the jury will match the game with the human factor since they were they were directly involved.
I don’t think any of us think anything goes in Big Brother, but based on production’s actions (or lack thereof) this season, we may all be mistaken.
I don’t think Paul thinks up all of that on his own, I think Production has a big hand in what Paul says during DR visits. It seems very scripted to me.
A lot of it is very scripted, and has been for some time. Seems more so recently, though. Production seems to have thoughts and slogans hiding in the wings and whips them out and attributes them to certain HGs when the time is right.
I occasionally go to EDs twitter and others. They have been hinting at it for a while, they just don’t go into too much detail. I would love to find a blog on how much they really do.
Some are very obvious – “it is my job as Head of Household to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will turn the keys for my two nominees and their faces will appear on the memory wall …” All of those kinds of things, all the same, all the time. The things to look for are sentences and phrases that don’t sound like anyone would say them under those circumstances like that in real life.
I just watched season 2 this summer, and they had to read some of the HOH rules from a card. They usually read from a card when hosting veto competitions too. I think that’s just so that if somebody is watching for the first time they know what’s going on. The scripted Dr’s are the most annoying. I saw a video by the twins, and they said they went to a casting call for the show against other twins. They said in the audition they want you to say stuff like “blood on my hand”
Yes the new overused phrase this season was “ride or die”. Is the “Fast and Furious” movie connected with CBS? I can’t remember if it was one of the movies they got to see in a luxury comp before.That, and “blood on my hands” are so annoying in a game that has such wacky competitions. Like they’re trying to make more serious than it really is
From time to time I also believe parts of it is scripted.
I believe ANYTHING goes that doesn’t break the rules decided by BB. A N Y T H I N G! Use everything at your disposal, just like you would if you were playing any other game. Take the rules as far as you can then bend them, if it benefits your game. Just don’t be a bad sport or sore loser when/if you lose.
Hi K, hey is that a joke or for real when Will Kirby said he is announcing BB’s least favorite houseguest tomorrow?
I think it’s sarcasm. You know that wouldn’t be politically correct. lol
Since I am NOT politically correct, I would LOVE it!!!!
ME, too!!!! haha
Well, I’m talking about the obvious … let’s say Matt. Breaks every Have Not rule in existence, and winds up with one whopping penalty vote. Would kinda scare me into not making even one tiny infraction.
He broke a rule for which BB had a predetermined punishment and he got his punishment.
I think it’s supposed to be one penalty vote per infraction. Not one penalty vote for an entire week of infractions.
I haven’t read the rules, so I have to leave that to BB’s discretion. If that’s the way the rule reads, I assume they could say he broke one rule multiple times. If he broke a different rule, he would receive another penalty. Just my guess.
That is definitely how it should be. After a certain point then the person should be removed from the game
Most of their rules are discretionary, except for physical vilolence. You touch somebody, you’re evicted on the spot. (butt poking is ok) If they have implented their rules stricktly, it could affect the show.
I read that one.
Rule #246…Butthole, titty, penis and vagina poking are all acceptable as long as clothing is being worn by the person being poked, the pokee. Poking retribution is allowed; a poke for a poke. Poking wars are considered horseplay after 5 consecutive pokes each. Poking a bare butthole, titty, penis, or vagina without permission will be deemed an infraction and a penalty will be implemented after fingerprinting of the pokee. Finger cots and/or gloves are not allowed to be worn by pokers.
You made it especially for me! You’re the best, Cy! lolol
I have a couple of the threads that contain your goat banners bookmarked for when I need a really good laugh. :D
Agreed, but would ANYTHING go at the jury votes? If someone played me during the game, I would play them during jury vote. Call me bitter in that case (I may be) however there is many worse words I could call someone as dishonest/disloyal to me in a game.
I would have to laugh at anyone who would be bitter about someone being dishonest or disloyal in a game of deceit, the game of BB. I also would call that a sore loser and bad sport of the game. jmo
What about the racism from BB 15 that wasn’t breaking the rules, just a disclaimer before the show, or telling somebody “I just don’t like you” as the reason for nominating them the first week?
FYI Cody told Megan “I just don’t like you” after she told him that she was in the Navy and that the Navy hated the Marines.
Of course there was more to it, but the they didn’t air that part in the episode and that’s why everybody thinks Cody started the bullying. They really were trying edit him as the villain from the beginning.
Obviously, we only know what’s been leaked regarding the Cody-Megan interaction. I will say this, though: the Navy & Marine Corps have a healthy rivalry, but have each other’s backs when it comes down to it. They’ll razz each other and name-call in a brotherly sort of way (and they ARE brother services – both are under the Department of the Navy, after all), but they generally get along ok in my experience. I have a feeling that something about Cody may have triggered (in the CLINICAL sense, because that word is a clinical term in Mental Health circles) Megan/her PTSD. Maybe her abuser was a Marine & Cody’s just being one was enough. Maybe he looked like Cody and that’s all it took. I just can’t shake the feeling that there was much more to it than Cody’s simply being a Marine that made Megan have such a negative reaction to him in only a week’s time. Just my $ .02. =)))
I didn’t see that season but I heard about it. Sh*t happens.
I know this has been tossed around, but I think America should get one jury vote.
I’ve heard that before and think it’s a good idea.
That would automatically change the complexion of the game.
They could have 10 jurors and have America cast the 11th vote. The only problem is – like AFP – that vote will go wherever production wants it to go.
wow, very good point. I don’t trust AFP voting now.
Noooooo. They need to make the jury smaller, not bigger. 8 jurors + one fan vote.
That’s fine, too, just an uneven number.
I like the “America” getting the 11th jury vote idea, for sure. IMO the best way to do it would be to make sure that casuals (formerly known as TV-onlies) DO NOT get the chance to vote! I think that would eliminate any kind of “outside” influence on that nonsense. Here’s a couple examples of how they could make that happen:
1. The 11th Jury vote is ONLY advertised on feeds – NOT on the show. Maybe they put the notice on screen after the Disclaimer, but before feeds fully load.
2. They could create a voting section on the side (where the chats are) – they did it a couple seasons ago for costumes for photo day & Have Not Foods – why not for a feeders-only jury vote??
3. To further discourage mass voting, maybe they could post a quiz question that you have to answer correctly BEFORE you get to vote – the answer would be something that you would ONLY know if you’d been watching feeds or reading blogs faithfully.
Obviously, I’m pipe dreaming here since Grodner HATES feeders, but in my perfect world, HGs would have to answer for any shi*ty behavior they exhibit ALL season!!!
There is a big distinction. Many thought in the early days of the season, I’m speaking of HG’s, thought terminal tilly deserved to win because of her health status. Both Mattress and 12/25 were willing to put their game aside and let her win. That would not be earning a win. Same when people say, “they already have money, why should they win”, because they deserve the money over someone that might already be well off? No, not what BB is about, it’s a game, not a charity. Many said last year that Victor should win based on his families financial situation, to which I said, no way. BB is earned, not deserved, that’s the difference.
Okay, I understand what you mean. You’re talking about deserving the PRIZE, whereas I thought you were talking about deserving to win the GAME. Also, I think if “Terminal Tilly” won because others put their game aside to let her win, that’s still earned. Doesn’t matter the reason, it’s still earned. Plus, for all they know, she could have been using that as strategy for exactly this reason. I don’t know if you’re a Survivor fan, but Johnny Fairplay faked his grandmother’s death for sympathy to try to get ahead in the game. If HGs threw away their game because of Raven’s health concerns (real or not), she still would have earned the win if she got it.
Yep, faked her death and didn’t win, thank goodness. Couldn’t stand his weasel ass.
Poor FiddleDeeDee, I have a feeling you are going to be explaining this for a LOOOOONG time. LOL
– Earn: to obtain money in return for labor or services.
– Deserve: do something or have or show qualities of reward.
Based on these definitions, Fiddle is right. Paul earned his money. Deserve? Not so much.
But I think Paul does deserve it, even based on these definitions. Paul did things and showed qualities of reward: He outplayed everyone in the house. He controlled the game. He got everyone out – almost in the exact order he wanted to the entire summer. In the game of Big Brother, I would absolutely say that is deserving.
If I believed all his action was 100% his then I agree, sadly … I don’t think so, he often gives me a vibe he is an actor.
One thing that mind baffles me is that Josh was trying to get him according to the edited show. If Josh went through with it, I think that would put him final 2 almost guaranteed. He would have won over Christmas and Kevin. His final speech would be simply that he won comps unlike the other person (not given) and that he probably made the biggest move and took out Paul.
Last season, Paul was a pretty good guy and funny. This season, he’s been a complete douche. A lot of people believe his actions do not deserve to win. However, he has completely run the game, has controlled just about every vote. So he’s earned the right to win the game as being the puppet master That’s how I differentiate it.
Yes, except there’s no one less deserving than him left. The other two were nothing more than puppets, whether they win or not.
Oh the joy I would have if the jurors were still bitter on finale night. If someone decided to prove to Raven and Matt that they were suckered and make Paul fess up to it from the questions that they are allowed to ask. However, I think we have all come to the conclusion that production has decided or had decided before it had even started that this would be Paul’s year to win.
yep…Paul will win.
Maybe Cody should ask Paul who he considered in his opinion the puppet master was all through the game? Then we’ll get to hear his response while Matt and Raven listens.
If the Crazy Cuban wins the final comp … I think Paul is toast.
So you think josh is lying that he is taking Paul? I would love to see a blindside and have an exciting finale but Paul has been following Josh around making him promise to take him if he wins.
The follow up will mostly play on Josh’s emotions if he has doubts in his mind by the time he faces Paul for final eviction in the event that Josh wins R3 HoH.
That’s the brainwashing part. Don’t let Josh out of your sight for even five seconds; he might just have the time to think for himself for once, and Paul doesn’t want that to happen.
Josh said the other day, that they need to stop the brain washing.He is on to him.
Good idea. Fingers crossed.
He’s said he’s going to evict him if he wins … but we shall see.
When did he say this? I haven’t seen him talk to cameras to us viewers for a few days. He has been telling Paul he is taking him, josh feels he can beat Paul? Xmas has said she isn’t excepting Josh to take her. I hope there is something going on we aren’t seeing.
Paul got this. It will be.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85abd388de48ae3f64b19e5ee6ec7beb8e338059444077631c89a719f9f759fa.gif
That probably puts Cody as AFP
Boooom! Misted! haha
Josh has got it.
me too.
Oh yes!..but.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/941686a285c650cb18e912673f3ba56c0fb649c07679f4303c9900855cbdc479.jpg
We should start a discussion on who the celebs will be… has that happened anywhere? I say #1 will be Stephen Baldwin.
16 blind people. See what happens.
Since they’re celebs, I was going to say 16 stupid people, but we’ve already had that.
The word “celebrities” encompasses a whole lot of people these days.
Tony Danza?
He was great in Taxi and Who’s the Boss. He qualifies! ;)
As long as Carot Top isn’t on the show. He’s terrifying after taking all the steroids.
lol…I saw a picture of Raven’s mother the other day and commented that she reminded me of Carrot Top.
Not with that white strip in the middle of her head. She does remind me of an aging Bette Midler.
Yes, I used to love watching him, but he looks ready for a stroke.
Yep. Everybody on DWTS supposedly qualifies.
Is that show still on? Last time I watched, I didn’t even know who most of the competitors were.
The dancers are the stars now
Debbie Gibson and Nick Lachey and his obnoxious wife are on this season. Shark Tank lady.
Yeah, Vanessa did pretty good last night. I loved the violinist. I hope she goes all the way.
Nick wasn’t that good, but I’m rooting for him.
90210 cast. None of them are currently working on anything interesting. They all need the money. Growing Pains cast. Kirk Cameron may not do it since he is a lunatic fanatic, but Tracey Gold might and Jeremy.
I was thinking of Tori Spelling the other day, but she’s an ABC person, so probably not on CBS.
Isn’t she always pregnant?
That’s what I was thinking – maybe she could squeeze a couple of months in between babies. But there are a lot of candidates out there who aren’t Aaron Spelling’s daughter. How about Molly Quinn – the girl who played Castle’s daughter.
I have no idea who Quinn or Castle are.
You never watched Castle? Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic? This is Molly Quinn (she played Alexis Castle)
Natural redhead…pretty.
No, never have. There are very few TV shows I watch.
I don’t know why, but you laughing at me made me laugh, Jello. lol
I think she has a film career or at least one in the way. It will be a huge downgrade for her to do BB.
I believe that she recently had her 5th child.
Are they all bozo’s babies? I’m really not sure which one is the bigger bozo.
She and Dean McDermott sort of deserve each other, I guess. Neither seems to have too strong a belief in monogamy.
I saw online that she was fighting with someone about a garage sale item. She must be really desperate and only because she chose to cheat on her husband. She’ll do BB in a heartbeat.
Don’t you remember her husband cheated on her several years ago and came crying back to her. Shortly after she was pregnant again.
Her father disinherited her after he spent a couple of millions on her first wedding. She cheated on her first husband and her dad disowned her , now she is poor and her brother is worth millions.
Who was her first husband? I only remember Dean. Or was she married when she met Dean? I do know Dean cheated on her. She would be a good pick though for CBB.
She was married to some geeky guy who looked like her dad. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3cbdbe12414a7c4f31b9d64ad3bc5e175eb650dd425c363b8e84441f07095f9.jpg
I read something about Tori Spelling.
Stevie Wonder? Will be alot of dancing in the house. Could be fun.
The guy I want on the show.
Watch Me, Myself and I on CBS.
Would be a good promotion for his show and a CBS guy. Bonus.
They do have summers off.
#2 Flava Flav
#3 Lindsey Lohan
#4 Leif Garrett
#Victoria Beckman
#Ricky Martin
#Katy Perry
#Michele Obama
Here are some that I would like to see:
Bret Michaels
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie (as a pair)
One of the Kardashian Clan
Nikki Minaj
Farrah Abraham
Chad Ochocinco (Johnson)
To name a few. Some of them drive me crazy (Nikki) but would be a great train wreck. And I picked some way past prime people, because its just fun.
if josh wins i’ll cringe
Me too!
Why does Paul want to take Josh? I don’t remember hearing his reasoning, does he really think jury would choose Christmas over him?
Don’t know…he’s pretty much got it wrap up with either one of them.
Paul believes in personal and biased judgement. If you attack him, he will target you. So he believes Josh has ruffled lots of shoulders in the jury compared to Christmas. Same reason he could never have taken Kevin to the final if even if he has had a zero game play.
By his calculation, he likely has lost his votes with Cody, Mark and Elena who would not like to vote Josh either for his erratic behaviors but might consider Christmas. He then blamed Jason and Alex’s betrayals on Josh and Christmas. So, he had Josh got into people’s face the most.
I want Paul to win, but I do wish Josh would tell him about his goodbye messages to Alex, Jason, Kevin.
Josh won’t tell Paul. He knows the game is still on and final success now largely depends on the jury. Those messages are his secret apologies and confessions that could pardon the dirtiness Paul intentionally stained him with while he (Paul) was keeping his hands clean.
Maybe because Josh was loyal to him all season. He was loyal to Victor last season and probably would have taking him to the finals.
Ok…will the real Paul, PLEASE stand up. (come clean) You are losing your fans, and possibly your jury votes. Who are you,..the guy that played last season, or this season? We need too know, because this isn’t FRIENDSHIP!!
Paul-…”you are either with me, or against me, or there is no friendship”. The word is Gumpie!….lol Don’t know how he is spelling it.
“Ok…will the real Paul, PLEASE stand up.”
The two faces of Paul. Which is real? The guy who told Alex He was evicting her but blamed it on Christmas and Josh. The guy who then ran to Christmas crying and saying “Alex was mean to me!”.
How about changing the veto so that the person who holds it also has the power to replace any nominee taken off the block … not the HOH.
I would rather they do away with the veto so the house guests spend the week campaigning but I like your idea. Adds a new wrinkle to the game.
How bout you can’t vote unless you win a comp….any comp…be it HOH…veto…reward etc. you win you vote….there won’t be any floaters and there won’t be showmances for protection….meat sheilds are a thing of the past….no coercion of votes..no throwing of comps…everyone would have to play to win from day one….if you don’t you are a target.
Sounds good. Anything to prevent another 19.
No showmances, no meat shields, no coercion of votes, no competition throwing … play to win or get out. In other words, don’t play like Season 19. Works for me.
Add in outside popularity means you are a have or have not. Where we vote for our least favourites.
In some Big Brother countries, conspiracy in terms of nomination or votes is not allowed. HGs by that rule, risk disqualication if they discuss eviction votes/nomination among themselves towards targeting another HG.
Please josh take the R3 win and save this season! that would be awesome!
Josh liked Elena and always flirted with her. Although she doesn’t seem into him at all, she didn’t seem into mark either and if Josh wins she’ll give him what he wanted all season. Kevin will choose Paul over any of the two.
I don’t think Mark or josh was Elena’s ideal type. I know she didn’t like Josh and I don’t think she would like like Josh just because he won. Mark and Elena confused me. I watched late at night. He would ask for a kiss and they would sneak in the HN room kiss and she would leave, then she would come back and ask for a hug. It was a weird relationship. Did she use him? Did she want to distance herself from a showmance? Did she not want more then kissing on tv (like the nightly Maven sessions)? I guess we will see the next few weeks.
In Elena’s interview with Julie she said she liked Mark, that she just didn’t want to do too much in the house.
That is what I thought. I know people say she dressed sexy, it I think part of her was reserved. She talked about some pretty graphic things that her dad had done so I think she is careful about really caring about someone and serious dating. I hope she gives him a chance , if not I hope he finds a nice girl. I know he wasn’t everyone’s favorite and he cried a lot but I would rather date a sensitive guy then a cold one.
They seem happy in jury. I actually respect that she wasn’t willing to go too far in the house and held back.
• How much to the houseguest in the backyard? The one with the straggly beard?
He’s one of three from 16 houseguests … I bet that that houseguest is feared.
• How much to that houseguest in the kitchen? The one who looks like a meatball?
Just one of three from 16 houseguests; I’d vote for him sooner than Paul.
• How much to that houseguest in the red room? The one with her foot in a boot?
She really hasn’t won even one thing; for this one I would never root.
• How much for those people in the big house? So bitter they complain and moan?
When push comes to shove they’ll vote for gameplay and give $500K to the gnome.
I could live with Josh or even Christmas, but not Paul. Paul has had a huge leg up on everyone else with major assists from Production. This season has caused me to lose faith in the fairness of the game.
I think production has put too much time into this season to not let Paul get to F2.
I think the BB secret is that Raven and Matt are brother and sister.
Raven and Matt spent the season having sex so ewwww
lol. My point exactly. i don’t know what does trailer people do, but I heard they practice incest.
Seriously? Come on, now. Yes, incest happens all over the place & we here in PA pick on West Virginia A LOT about being incestuous, but it’s not really something that happens EVERYWHERE in the state! In fact, it happens a lot in many rural areas all over the country. Sorry, but that’s a really unfair generalization. I live in a rural area of PA and know plenty of “trailer people” who are good, kind, loving, hard-working, and not the least bit incestuous.
If Josh is stupid enough to cut Christmas over Paul at F2, then he absolutely deserves to lose. That would also tie with Jess for ‘dumbest game move of BB19.’
Exactly. Of all the game moves Steve Moses may or may not have made in BB 17, the one he is remembered for is cutting Vanessa at the most critical time. If given the chance, Josh should make the same move with Paul. No question; that would be his move of the game.
If Paul comes out evicted final 3, Mark will stand up and cheer. I think it would clinch marks vote and codys for Josh.
Mark, Jason and Cody, at least.
I would vote for Josh to win, if he has the guts to evict Paul.
Then maybe Paul is playing and will not take Josh . Win last one and take his enamored crush and say adios Josh!
Wouldn’t put it past him, tbh. It would be just like Paul to lie to everyone, including America.
Now that would be best twist ever!
That would epic in its own way for sure.
Well, I still think Paul will lose. I think in the round table they will continue to talk and realize all that Paul did to them and that he was never with them as they thought. Kevin may not change his mind but I am sure he will learn a few things when he gets there.
Naw . It’s not big friendship. You don’t have to like , persuade, need, or is it necessary to like anyone or make friends. The point is to get to the end and somehow manage to get ppl out and then have them vote for you even with having a hand in their eviction. None of them deserves to win over Paul . They did absolutely nada, zero .. nothing . Paul will simply win because it’s just the simplest win after a very bizarre season .
Not all of them think they don’t deserve to win. For example, Raven believes she played the best game to her ability and was even the puppet master. Josh thinks he is the smartest and most intelligent guy on the show and some other HGs are just meatballs. Jason believes he was one of the best contenders but was unfairly betrayed by his trust on friendship. Christmas likes the way she played and thinks she made the biggest possible moves in the game. Cody believes it wasn’t a level playing field as advantages was giving to Paul from the get go and the rest were idiots who foolishly rewarded followed Paul all season (Cody’s thoughts).
For different reasons, the HGs do not consider themselves as stupid/floaters/minions as we see them to be or rather as they were. They think Paul is a cheat rather than a player. But he still likely going to win though.
I don’t care who deserves to win I stated that I think he will lose. Don’t mix the 2 up. People vote for the winner and loser and people don’t always vote with thought of who deserves it, they sometimes vote with feelings. I could be wrong but it is my opinion about what will happen.
Saw this on Facebook
He`s so hot…I wanna marry him.
You and Jessica need to move over, he already has me.
That`s what you think. I know he loves me more… but guess what?? I don`t mind sharing, I let u and Jess have him once in a while…
lol. I don’t share.
Classic Marine move, speed-marrying a sex-worker.
Ew. What is that ? Creepy stalker .
Ew ! What is that? Creepy stalker weirdo😳
Screams …… DESPERATE!!!
Say what? How is that desperate? Come on!
This article seems to be a 180 degree flip from the one that was two articles ago.
Yup , because they were hoping to throw viewers off of the complete obvious . Not gonna happen . Even if we were as daft as these players , the writing on the wall is pretty clear. OR maybe they trying to throw us off again . Not so fast ! Nope . Not buying it . Paul will be crowned.
The best show ever would be Josh winning the third round tomorrow night, and voting Paul out. That would be the biggest and best BB shocker of all time. The look on Paul’s face alone would last for me into the next season. That is a recording I would keep and watch over, and over, and over, and over, etc…………………….
Paul will win , as he should . There’s no secret there. Josh lost to Xmas by 5-7 min . I don’t think it will be Xmas and either of them, def josh and paul . I know , shocker ! The votes are exactly how I would suspect them to go as well and w a 7-2 vote Paul will win , yay !!!!!! Game over. Everyone can now resume to their regularly scheduled life. 👍👍👑
Actually, Christmas lost to Josh by 5-7 minutes.
Yup , what I meant , ty for catching that ☺️👍
I figured. Dyslexia (is that one of Raven’s diseases?) runs rampant at this point in a BB season. LOL
Haha ! Actually, that is not one that I have heard that raving Raven mutter.
Someone better tell her. Whoever grabs her after the finale, suggest she add Dyslexia to her disease repertoire. She can just make up what she thinks it is (like with all the rest of her diseases).
Dyslexic Mensa Puppet Master…. hmmm…. Sounds like a new CBS All Access show.
With a GPA of DANCE!!! Hahahahahaha
Oh well fellow viewers, we may be at the eve of the death of big brother as we know it if Paul loses tomorrow. Julie can change the motto from “Play, or get played!” to “Any fool with two feet, (wait scratch that) Any FOOL carried to the end can WIN!” P.s Make sure imagine Julie saying it with her anchorwomen voice for the full effect.
Won’t happen hun. It’s paul or an angry lynch mob 😂
Paul should win. He played the game, which is more than can be said for most of the other HGs. But as easy as this win will have been for him, I think most of the bullying, harassing, lying and backstabbing was unnecessary and overkill.
Yes , but it didn’t start with him . Him getting a lot of bashing for that but he didn’t start it , he used it to his advantage once he saw it and all the mob mentality and meanness seemed to rub off on them all.
It might have not started with him, but it could have ended with him. And a few of the HGs tried to put at least somewhat of a stop to it all, and all they got was evicted for their efforts.
No matter who gets the $500k tomorrow night the sun will rise Thursday and BB will continue. It has good ratings this season especially in the coveted 18-49 demographic, ratings are the best since BB16. It was renewed through BB20 and as long as Julie wants to do it, Les will let her do it.
Spread that knowledge to world tr8pp..’the power of knowledge saves lives. ha! seriously..I feel hopeful. (ง︡’-‘︠)ง
That’s good, Cy. No need for despair. We’ll always have your goats!
It may rain here on Thursday.
Well thank you for all the information you’ve provided, and the effort it may have taken to gather it. However, as assuring is all those wonderful things are, neither of them puts any of my concerns at ease. What I meant by “the death of big brother as we know it” is that any FOOL can win Big Brother after tomorrow if Paul walks away without the win. If that happens, I’m concerned from this point on that any incompetent player can be carried to the end and win the game from the better player. It may start a new trend and certainly ruin my experience watching in the future, and perhaps many others. There is a lot terrible shows that secures tons of ratings these days under the “sun”, I just want of my all time favorites to join the list. I digress.
No effort at all, it’s all been reported in the media and stated here by others previously. It’s always been a matter of opinion as to who deserves to win and who doesn’t and the source of much debate. The outcome this year won’t make any difference in the long term and people can choose to watch or not. Many have been disappointed in the past but interesting to note, most are back here this year watching and posting.
As I’ve written previously and I’ll address it again, these are CONCERNS I have. Let me make it clear and direct, if JOSH wins this game, it’ll be the first time I’ve seen an idiot like him win. If he does, I’m concerned it may start a trend of the house pet winning the game, I wouldn’t enjoy that. I’ve witnessed a number of things I used to love deminish in quality over the years, although they’re not extinct, they don’t hold the same value. Again, thanks for attempting to ease my concerns, ( I guess that’s what you’re doing,I’m not sure), but I still have them.
I wonder if Josh might have a chance if he talked the jurors up. Paul came up with strategies and moves, but Josh was one of the main people that made it happen. Paul hid behind Josh to keep his own hands clean, which was just plain cowardice.
Josh knows a lot about the HGs, so it would be a great idea if he mentioned personal things about them in a positive way. They love being the center of attention. I hope Paul speaks first.
I heard him rehearsing it the other day, I didn’t like it. He mentioned the friendship bracelets as strategy, bad idea. I hope he omits that or Forrest Chump will win.
Or it was just a strategic move. That doesn’t mean it will play out as he hoped but doesn’t mean cowardice. He showed otherwise last season. Paul overthought it maybe?
Perhaps. Most people who lay low and take charge from behind the scenes admit their actions once Hg’s have been evicted, at the very least. Paul didn’t admit his involvement in their evictions, even in the goodbye messages to them. That’s what has me leaning towards cowardice, although I know it’s not a term most would use to describe Paul. (It’s more of a feeling I get when I watch him.)
It just might come back to bite him that he didn’t accept responsibility for the evictions.
Josh can’t take Christmas
She will win if he does because she can say she needs the money to pay for the medical bills since we all know big brother is cheap as duck.
How do we know that? And there is something called insurance 😉
On RHAP whats his name winner of bb15 said that they charged him on his stipend for toletrees that they had to buy him and that they made who ever it was pay for stitches out of stipend
Oh! That’s interesting.
Well bbuk only costs 4.5 million to make and since BBUS is simpler and reuses challenges every year I would be surprised if it was more then 2 million.
If that’s the case they should lower the 500k prize.
Lower the price?
really? So I guess Raven has to pay for her stitches and whatnot LOL
She got injured on the show, so I think they have to pay for her medical bills. Josh will beat Christmas, but maybe not Paul. it depends on what he says during the speech. BB probably insist that he take Paul or he needs to tell us that so we can be pleasantly surprise when he takes Christmas instead. I doubt he’ll win final comp though.
The contracts that contestants sign are basically slave contracts to where they have complete control over the contestants. They could easily say her injury had nothing to do with the show and got off scout free.
I agree but I don’t think CBS wants bad publicity if it comes out that they didn’t pay for her medical expenses.
She got injured on the show, but it was her own doing. I am sure CBS has the BB house insured for anything that may come up. I don’t think anyone has ever been injured before on BB?
Jason helped 🎄get hurt 😾
I don’t think “helped” is the right word, but I get your meaning. Prior to her getting hurt, she was always jumping on Jason and all kinds of physical stuff.
Well what is the right word then ?
How about Jason caused 🎄 to get hurt ? Maybe that IS closer 😸
Jason also liked to initiate roughhousing
Then again, I am pretty sure that Humpty Dumpty was pushed, shhhh ! It’s a secret 😸
Lol !!! After that he wanted to evict her , smh .. she got her hurt , was an accident and he didn’t want to feel the guilt and look at her anymore i guess 🙄
She was a total biatch to him after she got hurt and after she found out it was broken! That was BS! It was an accident and he felt horrible! She should’ve not been such a biatch about it. He didn’t force her onto his back
Haven’t you seen anyone get tripped before ? That us what it looked like to me . That is one way to ‘ accidentally ‘ get rid of a strong competitor . Not saying that 🎄 is a strong competitor, just that Jason might have thought so 😸
Yeah, they were goofing around so who knows how that works but I would be very very surprised if CBS didn’t pay for her medical bills.
Yeah I would be surprised if Josh won the final comp.
Check it out … from Big Brother Access:
Josh is letting us know if he wins last round/F3, he’s choosing Paul to go against. #BB19
Did he share why? He’s been flip flopping on it…
Josh thinks Christmas will have the votes to beat him in the end. He has a better shot with Paul. (BB Access)
Awww .. dangit . Xmas I don’t think could beat him . I don’t know how they view him , we got to see a total different side then they did, but over Xmas I think he would have had it . Best of luck to all .
They are so bored in the jury house that they have to create art. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/08b570c41190702368ead25fa0a9b9df5f2b6a37572d570a950cd8f072d4c892.png
My gawd, Matt is still wearing that blue tank!
And here I thought, after the purple shirt, we’d seen the last of it. Should’ve known better.
Art therapy. Working through the bitter…🎈
I like Elena’s the best 👍😸
Where was codys? Did he refuse…again?
Good for Cody!
So all those people that say you have no personality can see you do. (Although these pictures do look like mugshots) LOL but good for him!
I totally ‘understand’ (get) Cody! He has a dry sense of humour and he is very militant. He doesn’t let people in easily. Clearly not the right person to play a game like BB but, it doesn’t make him a bad person.
I have mad respect for people who are not fake! Cody isn’t the type of person to have 50 friends, he’s the type to have a handful of friends, True friends! Real friends! He doesn’t pretend to be anyone else but himself. He stays true to himself! I think that’s a great quality in a person. & I love how “loyal” Jessica and Cody were to each other! & how much they cared for one another and how they had each other’s back’s no matter what! I think it’s great & I think it’s great that this guy would do whatever it takes to protect Jessica! Just like E.D. did for Danielle, it wasn’t a showmanse, obviously, it was a father & daughter but the same idea. E.D. put a target on himself to save his daughter and that was incredible!
And knowing Cody was doing that for someone he deeply cared about speaks volumes about his character IMO! Even if they don’t work out (I hope they do,) they cared for each other and that meant more to them than throwing each other under the bus for $500,000!
There have been marriages and babies that came from “BB showmanses” so it’s not completely unrealistic for Jessica and Cody to last!
My husband Chris never understand & it drives him crazy when people on shows like BB become BFFs immediately and give speeches saying “I love you all” (or things like that) but every relationship whether it’s ‘friendship’ or a ‘relationship’ is on overdrive and magnified times 100 because you are together 24/7. People get to know people quickly! He’s like “these people can’t have strong feelings this quickly” (although he liked “Jody” ha ha) and I have to remind him that he fell in love with me immediately! Haha He was “in love” with me before we even got together LOL
We worked together and became friends (LONG story which I would love to share but I’m sure you’re not interested LOL) before we started “dating!” Chris didn’t think “I had or would ever have any interested in him” so he never “took the bait I tossed him” and he thought I was just a flirt (which is true, I’m a huge flirt) but, I did like him!!
So one night at a friends house a bunch of us were there hanging out, having some drinks and I just grabbed him alone on the balcony and kissed him & he hasn’t left my side since! 15 years later & he is still glued to my hip ❤️ LOL
So, relationships like Jessica and Cody’s can happen fast! Had Chris and I been in the big brother house, we would’ve been like Jessica and Cody. And I explain that to him b/c again he is like many people and doesn’t understand how people can “click that quickly!” It makes me laugh because we were in the “real world” when we first got together and he always wanted to be with even before I kissed him! & Even though he had a “crush” on me, he didn’t think I would ever be interested in him but he is such a GOOD person (We truly found our soulmates!) so of course I was interested!
So every year when we watch BB and there are showmanses or even just close friendships, Chris says he doesn’t understand how these people could fall for each other that quickly, I always have to remind himfter I kissed him, he wanted to be with me all of the time! Hang out with me, go places together, just be in my presence every day since I had kissed him!
Anyway, where was I going with this? LOL
I forget! Oh yeah, I like Cody! LMFAO after all of that. Blah blah sorry babe
See….. he isn’t as bad as some people think. :-) I get Cody! I understand him. He has a dry sense of humour and he is very militant. He’s just misunderstood…..
When they showed the jury Cody had me laughing. I love his dry sense of humor. I am the same way.
Elena looks so natural and pretty here…why does Raven have to wear so much make up?
I think Elena is gorgeous! With or without make up. My husband doesn’t agree but he’s wrong LOL Her boobs are way too big but at least they are real! If they were fake then it would be laughable!
They make her body look “bigger” than it actually is. I think she could be a plus size model.
I think Elena is beautiful. Raven does wear too much makeup and that dark red she wears does not even look good on her.
I agree, she has a natural beauty and doesn’t need tons of concealer and makeup.
I thought this was fake at first LOL no Cody! Shocking!
Here’s Cody’s…
yeah I saw in your comment below and then I ended up using my stupid talk to type and I wrote you a mini bio LMAO
Foooorrr REAL, Matt is still wearing that freaking blue shirt! LMAO
Continuing stink on Reddit and Twitter about only All Access paid subscribers having their AFP votes count:
“CBS should make non-All Access people aware of that when they try to vote. Probably over 80% of votes cast won’t count.”
Deb from Twitter: “I called and spoke to a human and he said All Access votes are the only ones that count.”
This may fall within the category of Truth in Advertising. I looked everywhere to find that disclaimer, and couldn’t find it anywhere, although it was somewhere. CBS is open to lawsuits if this is contested.
Looks like the only AFP votes being counted are the ones being submitted by paying All Access subscribers. Julie does not announce that on the TV shows, and that information is not stated anywhere on CBS’s website (including the voting terms and conditions). I copied that statement from Twitter, but I was unable to find it on line anywhere myself.
Well that’s just crap 💩
I copied my comment from above…………
I still do not know if this is 100% or not, but from my understanding, votes for “America’s Favourite HG” are ONLY counted if you have an “All Access” account!
BS! Crap! 💩 That is stupid & unfair!! I have NO choice due to the fact I am Canadian and I cannot get the feeds (like I once could!) Just like I couldn’t watch BBOTT (or whatever it was called.) & just like Americans can’t watch Big Brother Canada! Stupid! Why the divide!?
AND if this is true, why does it not say it when we go to vote? Why did Julie not announce it when she announces that we can vote? Why waste our time getting us to vote when it doesn’t even count?
Apparently CBS is doing it this way because “people who watch the live feeds ONLY truly know what’s going on in the house!” OK, that makes sense IF there was NO SUCH THING as the freaking INTERNET MORONS!
but let’s play devils advocate here! Say a majority of BB fans ONLY watch the episodes! AS IF!!!!! I am pretty sure the number is extremely low of viewers who only watch the episode!!
Come on CBS, it’s 2017! Are you kidding me right now!?
People who do NOT watch the live feeds STILL KNOW EXACTLY what’s going on! WE ARE NOT in the dark b/c we don’t watched the live feeds!!! EVERYTHING that has happened this season we are ALL VERY aware of unless we’ve been hiding under a rock and only come out to watch the freaking episodes!
CBS have you ever heard of the Internet? YouTube? BBAD? BBN?
Seriously, what percentage of Big Brother fans ONLY watch the episodes? What percentage of a BB fans have NO IDEA what is going on aside from the actual episodes? I bet that number is a EXTREMELY low! Very very low!
If the number was high then I would be all for this! But it’s not! There’s just no way!
Sure, people who just watching the TV episodes could vote for Raven because they believe her, or vote for Paul because they think he is some big mastermind & these people do not realize the house is full of sheep etc. But come on!!!! Especially the season! UNREAL!!!
WHY hide it if that’s the fact? Why not announce that only people with an all access account will have a vote for America’s favourite HG?
I really hope this info is not factual!
This season just gets better by the minute hey folks!?
I said that last week and everyone said I was wrong! I tried to put up several comments about it and they all got blocked!
What ??
none of them will count.
I really don’t believe everything I read on the internet.
Good night fellow BB19 enthusiasts
Need to talk to some of my friends about tomorrow’s show now https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00bd91dac01a27fa8c4f53e101668bda4c1c47185c4df950f9d4d181b759eb76.gif
Have fun!
In case you missed it .
After finale interviews with Dr. Will are on Facebook Live so you should be able to access it … Yeah .. 😸😸😸😸😸
Remember recently on one of the BB primetime shows where they showed all the evicted houseguests in the jury mansion? Raven was shown bragging to everyone about how she (and Matt) were in an alliance with Paul, and played an integral part and blah blah blah?
I thought about this briefly afterwards and I hate to say it… I even hate to think it but she is not exactly wrong about this. They were in an alliance with Paul and for the most part, always knew what was going to happen or what the plans were. I know she sounded somewhat delusional when she said that but if you really stop and think about it all, it’s kinda true.
We just all have a hard time hearing it because it’s Raven; she lies about everything and anything, thinks her game was excellent (not), and won nothing (HOH or Vetoes).
Well she did say it was me & paul. I dont know about paul but i pulled the strings & knew what was going on. So…delusional.
I always said Raven was a terrible liar! But maybe I was wrong, she got to you buddy! Now read my comment and it will help snap you back into reality! LOL 😉
Yes Raven always knew what was going to happen because Paul told her, just like he did with everyone else in his “alliance” until it was their turn to go. Raven was always expendable! She wasn’t an important part of “Paul’s alliance,” she didn’t make any moves at all and she didn’t manipulate anyone to further “their alliance” etc. if that makes any sense?
She just sat there and said “yes Paul, OK Paul whatever you say master” Matt volunteered to be a pawn for Paul many times but that was the extent of their alliance. She was simply just a vote for Paul and she was always expendable to him.
I disagree (with all due respect. I’m helping you come back to reality) hee hee 😜 with your assessment of Raven not lying in the jury house.
It’s isn’t about Raven saying she was in an alliance with Paul but, she said she knew about all his other fake alliances. that’s not true, she just did what Paul told her to do & she thought Paul was taking her to the end.
On top of that, she said it was “her and Paul pulling the strings” and then she said “I don’t know about Paul but I was pulling the strings” (or something along those lines!) So, she is delusional! And she is absolutely lying. What strings did she ever pull? How did she ‘personally’ ever control the house on her own? And make things happen on her own?
She didn’t know Paul had deals with everyone else in the “alliance.” Raven was in the exact same boat as all of the other duos. Raven thought she was going to the end with Matt and Paul, just like all the other duos thought.
Paul simply would go to Matt and Raven (who are usually in bed) to tell them what to do, they were not privileged with any more info than anyone else Paul had deals with.
I hear what you’re saying, and I also know it’s difficult for you to say but, I think you might be drinking a little bit of Paul’s Kool-Aid. (Just kiddin) Raven have no idea what was going on, all she knew was to do when Paul told her to do it. Nothing more nothing less.
Raven was not pulling any ones string, no one in that house was listening to Raven. No one! Well aside from Matt LOL
Sorry, this was a little repetitive but I’m just trying to wrap my head around how you are seeing this scenario with Raven & hopefully I helped bring you back to reality 💜
Shake it off Ron 😉
Omigawd, thanks for that. I have snapped back into reality, LOL. I think it’s time to get some much needed sleep. Tomorrow is a big day in the land of BB.
Phew 😅 Welcome back to reality! We got your back Ron!!
It must’ve been frightful on Ravens side there for a BIT! I am happy she didn’t suck you in too far!
Get some sleep dude LOL
😂😂 yes and no , she thought they were the more important alliance , and to some extent they kinda were , but yeah … they didn’t do much at all besides lay around and take orders.
There’s only one thing Raven was pulling on over the summer, and it was definitely not strings…
Lol Matt’s pud!
She didn’t win one thing either ?? Yes , she was pretty correct with that , but Paul inserted himself w all the couples so they all kind of worked with him.
Not one of them believed Raven, not even Matt. Just one more lie to add to her resume of delusions.
Did you guys see the video of the earthquake? Paul made them go outside.
Josh was scared.
Oh, and they handed Raven, too, while waiting for the aftershock. Lol
They had an earthquake? Good grief . I saw the hurricanes all over but no earthquake. Sad ..
Great assessment! Based on seeing the jury last week I would guess that Josh would get a few more votes, Paul winning by one or two votes maybe. However, as we all know things change quickly and people get over things eventually. (will a few weeks be long enough, we shall see)
It’s likely the jury will be less bitter by tomorrow, BB gave the jury enough time to reflect! So I agree with all the above aside from Jason.
I think Jason will give Paul the win. Alex will get in his ear, I don’t think it will be the other way around due to watching the entire season where Alex never listen to Jason and that’s part of the reason they are both sitting in the jury house now. I don’t see that changing. Mind you after typing what I just typed, Jason might not listen to Alex because of this exact reason.
Interesting! I’m debating with myself LOL
I think Jason finally realizes listening to Alex the whole time wasn’t good for either of them, and he has no reason to listen to her anymore. They might not even vote the same because Jason is very bitter, and Alex sees that it’s a game.
I agree. Hence why I was debating with myself at the end of my comment LOL
Lol !! I think he will be the one to not vote for Paul , he seems that he was more peeved then all of them . Paul was just saying he won’t make f2, or he just trying to get sympathy from Josh and Xmas . I hope it is them ( paul and josh) at the end. 🙏
Paul kept telling them all season that nobody was going to vote for him at F2 because he is a vet. More like he wasn’t playing to win.
I’ve read other places there are a number of HGs who simply don’t want “the vet” or “a vet” to win (regardless of game play or friendship), Christmas among them. So it will be interesting after all this to see where her vote will actually go.
Lol. Meatball, his heart is in the right place…
The earthquake:
Mexico City was hit pretty badly. Send prayers for all the victim’s families, guys.
Caribbean, Puerto Rico , all getting hit w cat5 hurricanes as well . What in the ?? Is happening. Prayers and thoughts with everyone that is going through all of this Chatostrophic weather. 🙏🙏
Absolutely, Saturn.
This is just a short clip of the rumbling at the BB house.
Poor Josh was so scared – it was his first earthquake.
They were fine but Josh was a little shook up.
I was, too, when I felt my first earthquake. Yes, they happen on the east coast, it’s just super rare. So, yeah, know how he felt.
Paul controlled the narrative the entire season… mad respect for Paul’s game. I can only imagine how he came up with the plan. Was it vet experience or production? 50/50? Such a great display of manipulation.
Is this the end of the feeds on such an exciting season, Paul in the middle and josh and Christmas on either side of him in bed sleeping? Paul needs his competition close until he wins? There are 8 empty beds. Why not take the 3 twins beds that are next to each other?
They all like one another , they were the only alliance I guess and they have real friendship me thinks ?
They weren’t the only alliance. Paul left with him the two individuals he is most confident he has the best chances over. It is not based on friendship at all. Josh and Christmas are feeling the same way others sitting in the jury would have felt about Paul and their alliance if in the final with him. Paul is happy finding them easy opponents and still subtly playing hard on them while as underdogs, Josh is only counting his chances and Christmas is satisfied giving up.
I agree. It’s more like “keep your enemies closer.”
RE: Voting!
I still do not know if this is 100% or not, but from my understanding, votes for “America’s Favourite HG” are ONLY counted if you have an “All Access” account!
BS! Crap! 💩 That is stupid & unfair!! I have NO choice due to the fact I am Canadian and I cannot get the feeds (like I once could!) Just like I couldn’t watch BBOTT (or whatever it was called.) & just like Americans can’t watch Big Brother Canada! Stupid! Why the divide!?
AND if this is true, why does it not say it when we go to vote? Why did Julie not announce it when she announces that we can vote? Why waste our time getting us to vote when it doesn’t even count?
Apparently CBS is doing it this way because “people who watch the live feeds ONLY truly know what’s going on in the house!” OK, that makes sense IF there was NO SUCH THING as the freaking INTERNET MORONS!
but let’s play devils advocate here! Say a majority of BB fans ONLY watch the episodes! AS IF!!!!! I am pretty sure the number is extremely low of viewers who only watch the episode!!
Come on CBS, it’s 2017! Are you kidding me right now!?
People who do NOT watch the live feeds STILL KNOW EXACTLY what’s going on! WE ARE NOT in the dark b/c we don’t watched the live feeds!!! EVERYTHING that has happened this season we are ALL VERY aware of unless we’ve been hiding under a rock and only come out to watch the freaking episodes!
CBS have you ever heard of the Internet? YouTube? BBAD? BBN?
Seriously, what percentage of Big Brother fans ONLY watch the episodes? What percentage of a BB fans have NO IDEA what is going on aside from the actual episodes? I bet that number is a EXTREMELY low! Very very low!
If the number was high then I would be all for this! But it’s not! There’s just no way!
Sure, people who just watching the TV episodes could vote for Raven because they believe her, or vote for Paul because they think he is some big mastermind & these people do not realize the house is full of sheep etc. But come on!!!! Especially the season! UNREAL!!!
WHY hide it if that’s the fact? Why not announce that only people with an all access account will have a vote for America’s favourite HG?
I really hope this info is not factual!
This season just gets better by the minute hey folks!?
Hope you are getting enough sleep TinaLee, isn’t it nighttime there six months of the year 😾 I am just getting up 😸
Having people watch the feeds vote makes some sense, but having the disqus commentators vote also makes sense .
On the survey I saw, have no idea if it is the ‘ official ‘ poll … Cory had 36% when I first saw it a week ago, and it us still unchanged with Cory leading with 36% 😾 But it is not fixed … Nooooooooo!
Sorry you cannot get the feeds but you are in Canada, where they speak French but carry British currency What ! It is like your country has an identity crisis 😸
Been to Toronto, Young St., Montreal, Le Round, and Quebec, Old Québec and a rail car to go up a hill, loved the buildings and food in Quebec … But I am half French, my stomach and tongue are for sure 😸
It was many moons ago but it was cool, cold even 😸
Manifique ! Oh Canada
That was it Canadian Bacon with John Candy.
Canadians … They walk among us !!!!
You don’t need to have an all access account, you only need a cbs login which is free. I voted just fine and only used my cbs login and I don’t have all access.
Sure you can vote; anyone with a CBS account can vote, but I’ve seen too many places where it’s stated that the only votes actually counted are those votes that come in through CBS All Access. Supposedly (if this is the case), it’s being done so people like Jessica can’t post on social media sites for everyone alive to stack the voting boxes for Cody. CBS wants only fans of the show to vote, and they feel “real” fans of the show will have All Access. Might not be fair or true, but that’s what I’ve seen. But Tinalee is right; if All Access is the only way to vote, CBS and Julie should have been clearly stating that, and they haven’t been doing that.
It didn’t say that when I voted but who knows. I agree too, if that’s the case it should be stated.
I thought the same thing Tina but everyone on this site said I was wrong. I did first read that you had to be an all access subscriber to have your votes count. I had many people say I was wrong. So, I voted everyday, whether my votes counted or not I’ll never know.
All three are trash of the lowest sort. I won’t be watching… It’s a shame what once was fun to watch was just sickening. I only watched the spoilers to see if paul’s low class minions were as stupid as I thought. Now one of the scummiest people alive is going to be rewarded with a big payday… cbs, you have sunk… this was a horrific bb and you are as big as scum as paul for allowing this to happen…
I don’t think CBS is to be blamed for how the HGs turned out to play. The BB game is a social experiment and lIke boxing, it is not designed for the player with the most civil behavior to win. The jury is there at the end with liberty to jugde and retaliate in their view of how fairly and unfairly they have been outplayed.
Yes, it’s ultimately the stupid HGs that made the moves (or lack thereof) so they’re to blame BUT when BB decided the first temptation was 3 weeks of safety, they HAD to know Paul would be most popular right out of the gate and that America would vote for him to get it. That’s the only instance where I blame BB and believe they gave Paul an unfair advantage.
The golden apple that Josh took early on in the game was also apparently meant for Paul.
It was Cody’s own fault that he alienated himself from his alliance. If I was playing and I was part of Cody’s alliance I wouldn’t trust him again. The object is to win the game, not be nice, not gather social media fans but to outwit and outplay the others so you can make it to the end. If I had the chance to play and chose who I would play like it would be Paul. I’d rather be calling the shots and making game plays than blindly following until I was evicted.
You should at least watch the final round because if Josh manages to win it, and he decides to take Christmas, it’ll be a hoot.
The arguments at this point on who played the best game are funny. It is not up to us, it is up to the people who played. I think Paul will lose which makes sense after the strange game that was played but it is not like I have a say. I was right last year that Nicole would win but I may be wrong this year. My husband thinks I am wrong which makes me want to be right more.
Wanting to be right for spite. I love it!
We have to hope that 1.) Josh wins R3 and 2.) that Josh actually sticks with his “take Christmas to F2” plan.
I don’t like any of the F3 but if I was able to pick I’d say Josh but ONLY because 1.) It’d be a good game move and he’d most certainly win and 2.) I’d love to see the look on Paul’s face when Josh picked Christmas over him. Ooooooh boy! That would be excellent!
I hope Paul wins and takes Christmas so we can see one last crying jag from josh.
I would love to see Cody, Jessica refuse to cast votes and just walk out. But if they do that, they may not get their payment for the season. But I bet production would take notice. Refuse to vote, it is as simple as that. I would love for all of them to refuse to vote and walk out.
Jezebel isn’t in the jury and will not be voting for the winner.
Jessica doesn’t get to cast a vote as she never made it to the jury. I would love to see Cody walk out and say he’s not voting, then be first for the AFP money and he couldn’t get it!