This is it! Our final round of Live Feed Highlights for Big Brother 19. It’s been a long three months and these Houseguests have really dragged out the final days on the Feeds, but that’s how these go each season. Tuesday ended with little fanfare as Christmas continued to appear resigned to leaving in third no matter what the others might be considering. Speaking of, Josh shared some new thoughts on how he planned to lose the game.
If youโve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, September 19, 2017:
7:30 AM BBT – Josh is the first one up. He’s wandering and gets ready for a shower.
8:20 AM BBT – Josh is talking in the Lounge about how much he’s loved this experience.
8:25 AM BBT – Josh asks everyone to vote for Christmas to win AFP because he’s decided to take Paul to F2. Josh believes the Jury doesn’t want a Vet to win. (Josh forgets the Jury is not filled with superfans like himself.)
9:00 AM BBT – Josh is cleaning the kitchen while Christmas and Paul remain cuddled up and sleeping.
10:45 AM BBT – Josh finally managed to get Paul and Christmas out of bed. They’re talking about life after Big Brother and wondering about the Jurors.
11:45 AM BBT – HGs hanging out in the kitchen goofing around and chatting.
12:30 PM BBT – HGs are packing up and getting ready to move out tomorrow.
1:30 PM BBT – Paul is practicing his speech again in the kitchen while Josh and Christmas take another nap.
1:40 PM BBT – Christmas is getting dressed in her R2 comp and the guys are confused. She says she was told to wear it so they could do more retells her of performance. She says it makes her feel awful to relieve that experience.
2:00 PM BBT – HGs back to packing up.
2:07 PM BBT – Big Brother calls HGs to lockdown in HoH room. Paul shouts that the finale is today. (Nope.) Feeds cut to Fish.
3:15 PM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs still confused. (Big Brother might have been fixing/preparing something in the house.)
4:05 PM BBT – HGs back to packing. Paul is cleaning the house.
4:35 PM BBT – Paul is trying to wash dishes while Christmas stands behind him rubbing all over his back and arms.
4:40 PM BBT – Christmas goes to talk with Josh in Storage. She tells him whatever happens they’ll all be okay and she’s not worried.
5:10 PM BBT – Christmas talking with Josh in the Lounge. She isn’t worried about her fans or what she’s done in the house and says they can shove it up their judgmental ass if they don’t like it.
5:30 PM BBT – Paul is trying to sleep while Christmas plays with his head and Josh continues to pack and prepare for moving out.
6:45 PM BBT – Josh is awake by himself and working on snacks while Christmas and Paul nap.
7:10 PM BBT – Josh cam talking about the finale. He says he’s gone over it and he knows it sounds crazy, but he’s taking Paul to final 2 if he wins the final HOH. He says he doesn’t think the jury wants to see a vet win the game. He says that himself and Paul are both hated, so he has a better shot at beating Paul than Christmas.
7:13 PM BBT – Josh says Paul hasn’t played an aggressive game or made any moves. Josh saysย he made all the big moves himself.
7:15 PM BBT – Josh claims he played a strategic social game (social? really?). Josh says he played the middle and was cool with everyone.
9:05 PM BBT – The final 3 are having their last dinner together in the BB19 house.
9:30 PM BBT – Christmas tells Paul the DR needs them to do their hair and wear the same clothes from some other day in the house so they can reshoot DRs.
10:05 PM BBT – F3 are all cuddled up in one bed and just hanging out waiting for the end.
10:25 PM BBT – Christmas heads in to DR. Paul and Josh talk about the big show. Josh says he’s scared and nervous. Paul says they’ve got guaranteed money so why be nervous. Paul says he’s still hoping to call up his girl and see if he’s happy or sad about that.
10:45 PM BBT – Josh says they should start a business together. Paul discusses the costs of starting a dispensary.
11:00 PM BBT – Christmas is back. She’s hanging out while Paul takes a shower and they discuss the season. Paul says he found it fascinating this time around with how people acted.
11:35 PM BBT – F3 hanging out in bed and talking about how hard production works on the show. Christmas starts saying she’s going to get the boot and then suggests she’ll probably fall during the show and break a wrist.
12:00 AM BBT – HGs were napping with the lights on. Josh got up and turned them off then moved to his round bed.
12:40 AM BBT – Josh is back up and taking a shower. Paul and Christmas stay in bed together with a little chatter.
12:53 AM BBT – Josh is in bed again. Paul rolls over and spoons Christmas for a change. They are done for the night.
Josh doubled down on Tuesday for his plans to take Paul to the F2 and when/if he does that then he’ll lose and rightfully so. It’s a foolish move, especially to do it under the idea that Paul hasn’t made any moves this season. Sounds like someone is going to get a rough wake up call when he gets out of the house.
And that is it for the season’s Live Feed Highlights Reports! I hope you’ve enjoyed our season long effort to bring you daily and nightly updates each and every single day of the entire season. Phew. Time to take a breather, but we’ll be back this winter for Celebrity Big Brother!
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโs Live Feeds which means itโs always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Thanks Matthew for all of your work putting these together this summer. They have always been a great way to start my day each day!
I second that, this season had to have been tough to monitor without throwing the device you work with out the window at least once a week.
I read every article, but these daily re-caps are my favs. Thank you, Matthew, for all of your hard work.
Are you kidding me??? Josh has to be smarter than this. Not the brightest crayon in the box but just go back to the mindset you had just one week go josh dang…. I know he is scared bc xmas hasnt pissed anyone in jury off but you always need to make the bigger move.
Just when I think this season can’t get any worse, it does. Probably doesn’t matter really as I am sure Paul will most likely win round 3 anyways, but man I would so love for Josh to win and take Christmas. Getting Paul out would be awesome.
Taking Christmas to the end would be a worse decision than taking Nicole last season. Bitter jurors would vote for Christmas out of jealousy / spite! She doesn’t deserve to even be considered for the win.
Thank you Matthew.
Team Paul! Go win what you should have gotten last season, the big money.
It’s been fun, BBN. Life is real. BB isn’t. Enjoy!
I am sure Paul is gonna win but for me personally, I want Josh to win.
I’m not so sure, WW, but if Paul doesn’t win, he should have! I don’t think Josh is mature enough to be awarded that much money. If he wins, maybe his familia will keep it under lock and key until he gets a little more life experience.
I think his familia will spend it.
I don’t want any of them to win, but more so don’t want Paul to win. Crappy season, glad to see it be done.
Try to tell Cody that!
He’s about to find out what “real life” is with Jezebel. He’ll be high tailing it back to the woods and his off grid life. That will be his real life, alone and miserable, forever.
It’s gonna take a while to air out the stink this cast left in that house!
Thanks Matt!
Thank you Matthew! I’ve enjoyed reading the updates and comments. There is a big difference in what CBS shows viewers and what is actually happening in the house.
Oh my gosh, can you believe what Josh is saying… Josh made all the move’sยก!!!! !!! and Paul did nothing now,….
Josh made all the moves that Paul told him…that’s about it…
Josh made all the moves, but only because Raven the Puppet Master was controlling him. :)
LOL totally ๐
I guess that’s it then. I’ll see you guys when Celebrity BB hits the fan. Thanks Matt.
Before I go, Thank you Matthew
I really get the sense that Josh is overly concerned with being friends with everyone when they leave the house, so he will almost certainly take Paul but I am hoping to be wrong.
I think that Josh has truly enjoyed himself this summer and actually does want to be friends. He doesn’t seem to realize that he has irritated some of the hg’s and they may hold that against him. I can see Alex and Jason staying friends after the season, beyond that I’m not so sure that there will be ongoing contact between the others (unless they are paid to appear together of course). Certainly don’t see the shomances lasting.
Do you see any “future showmance” a la Nicole and Victor? Maybe Josh and Elena??
Josh and Paul?
If Josh won $500k, Elena would suddenly find him attractive don’t you think? His momma would send her packing I bet, ha ha
She could buy so many new facial features with that dough!
Christmas was pretty mean to Josh last night at the dinner table…what is her problem?
Her behavior lately is bizarre. Think the ole Xmas tree is lit up.
I thought she was kind of funny … coaching him on how to treat women … like Big Sister advice :-)
She definitely has “issues”!
Yes!! A lady should never be rushed to make herself pretty now say something nice. ๐She is cray cray!
And did anyone see her claw rubbing Paul’s hair while he slept?? It looked creepy like bunny boiler creepy!!
He didn’t seem to concerned when he was the house lap dog fetching on command, why would he be so concerned now…He wasn’t thinking…
I disagree. I think the very reason he was the lap dog is because he wanted to fit in and be accepted. Once he felt like he fit in, he stopped most of the attacks.
Another example of how Paul plays to everyone’s sensitivities. He knows Josh is loving the “friendship” & being treated like a little boy. And he’s letting Christmas think there might be something romantic developing between them.
Crafty like a snake?? lol
Yes he reads people like a book and plays them
Thanks again Matt for all your work this season. An interesting season to say the least, we’ll see how things wind up tonight.
I personally don’t think Josh will win the last round and I am hoping he doesn’t because I don’t want him to make that stupid choice and taking Paul if he could have evicted him at F3
The Crazy Cuban can go from hero to zero in .0000067 seconds.
Win, evict Paul – hero
Win, take Paul – zero
I read a post the other day from someone stating Paul has already been paid by production when he came on the show and that’s why he got immunity from the first the 3 evictions.
What is it with ๐? She can’t seem to keep her hands off the gnome. Does she realize that he is only tolerating it to get her vote? after the final is over it will be hands off, lol
Good morning T. Christmas is locked in a house, sexually frustrated and sees a guy who looks like her ex fiances doppelganger. That has to wreck havoc on the ole psyche. She could use a bit of sunshine and an afternoon with her friends so they can tell her to snap out of it.
What did Matthew mean re Paul commenting that he plans to “call up his girl & see if he’s happy or sad about it”? Is he referring to a girlfriend outside of the house?
Yes, apparently he was dating someone before the season and hopes to continue after.
Truly unfair for Paul to lead Christmas on then.
after everything that Paul has done, you take issue with this?!?!
It’s a lie. It’s something Paul has done all season. Why would he stop now?
I don’t think he was…. didn’t Christmas just want to snuggle?
I keep thinking back a couple or three weeks back that Paul said he got some sad news and he was crying. I wonder if this is kind of what he was talking about.
Would they give him that kind of info?
that I don’t know but it has not settled with me since he first said it.
I believe it had something to do with his family being evacuated due to the fires in California. I can’t believe they would ever tell people that someone broke up with them while they were in the house. How would they even know?
LOL Maybe I could rush over there and slap her like Cher in Moonstruck and say ‘Snap Out Of It’!
Show this man some money. He has a Mercedes to buy his Mama.
50K, well, 30K after taxes… That should buy a used, high mileage Mercedes for her.
They take that much? I thought at least 10k. ๐
Well, I believe they have to withhold like 25% but the ultimate tax liability would depend on his tax bracket. Either way, 50K isn’t going far!
Can’t you see Josh if he won $500k, strolling down the streets of Miami in a fur coat, with lots of gold chains …. no, make that dancing down the streets. LOL
To quote Lionel Richie ” there will be parties in the street; all night long”
We should go Alf!
Josh entourage. We would get a free dinner at a nice restaurant..not Dennys!
And meet his momma cos she’d definitely be keeping an eye on him
Wrongway Willies job will be security. Keep an eye out for Ravens Mom. She will track the money like a bloodhound.
Well then, Willie is our man. He won’t take any crap from anybody. The ? is can Willie dance?
Brings that Bruno Mars song Uptown Funk to a whole new meaning.
Exactly, lol
There’s our Josh, LOL. Perfect
He’ll be banging the finest pots and pans that money can buy.
Or hire someone to bang them for him?
Yeah! Steal a page out of Paul’s playbook!
Hilarious image!
The worst part would be that he would think he played an incredible game instead of what actually happened, which is that he was a puppet for Paul.
Thanks for running this place all summer, Matthew. It’s been a lot of fun reading the posts and chatting with other fans!!!
Seconded. Thanks for everything.
Yes, I agree! It was great to see how different we all thought. Amazing how we all saw the same game and yet saw things from a different prospective.
I think they hate her more than Paul.
Even a bitter jury will likely see the strength in Paul’s game play. There will be some bitter votes, but I still think Paul wins pretty easily. It just isn’t going to be unanimous like he seems to think.
Paul’s “game” has been played as part of a team with the producers for the whole season with insider info and interventions to protect him at every step. His instigation of really mean hate campaigns against other players have made the season offensive and a new low.
His fans may certainly call Paul’s constant, dishonest character attacks on other players, their lives and families “masterful.” I found it reprehensible and the core of the worst season on record.
Paul may “win” but Big Brother has jumped the shark, real damage done to the series.
You don’t need to tell me. I’m not a Paul fan. I don’t want to see him win, but just looking at the facts, and I think it happens. They’ll see him as making the moves even if he was a jackass in the house.
Or they may see it as a season where a single veteran player was put in the house, was given unprecedented production advantages, made “moves” based on targeting and very personally and dishonestly attacking the characters, lives and families of other players. I hope the a majority of the jury if not all will have gained perspective and will revolt both against Paul as the producers anointed winner and against the really nasty way he “played.”
It will be hard to have interest in watching another season comparable to this new low.
Raven’s a super genius and master minded everything. Mensa member.
…..and nobody better forget it!!!!
And don’t forget “puppet master”
Thanks for all your time matt! Enjoyed everything you wrote.. dunno what I’m going to do now lol.. reading this is one of the 1st things I do before my kids wake up and I have to start my day! Can’t wait until celebrity BB! Can’t wait to see what kind of celebs they can get to play.. hopefully not all D list reality stars.. lol but it would be fun to see snooki or jwow in the house! They would make for some comedy drama!! At least for me lol.. wonder if they will do 16 contestants or a shorter amount! Guess we will have to wait and see! Hopefully they will give more info have tonight finale.. not sure who I want to win was team Paul in the beginning and couldn’t stand Josh but now Josh has grown on me he made the show funny! Just hope Kevin or anyone beside cody gets AFP.. dude is a douche and hated him since the 1st show before he even showed his cards!!
Well Josh you are a meatball if you take Paul to the finals, that is if you win the final HOH……. ๐
Thank you, Matt! I enjoyed reading all of your posts; thanks for taking all of that time to make them for our enjoyment. My personal favorites were the Eww and Awws. See you in a while for the celebrity big brother!
What ???? No game talk. LOL
Well, you have to admit that for Paul to be in the BB house 2 seasons from day 1 to finale, is something that won’t be repeated anytime soon.
We can only hope and pray ๐
I don’t know… next season might be All Stars. 3 in a row???
Oh, you are torturing me, just the idea of that, NO. The gnome has worn out his welcome. lol
Oh, I’m with you 100%. I wouldn’t put it past them though.
PLEASE…no returning players!! We need all new HGs. Hopefully fans of the game and have some knowledge of how to play. Leaders and not blind followers-competitors…please!!
You took the words right outa my mouf!!! LOL
It is impressive. Russell Hantz from Survivor is the closest comparison. 2 seasons back to back. Paul and Russell. Both so close to the money but left at the alter in both seasons.
2 seasons of BB is a lot more grueling since it is for 3 months. Survivor is more physical, but only last 39 days.
Good morning Captain. Enjoy the show tonight.
Survivor films both seasons back to back. Russell finished and went right into the next season. This Started around the same time Russell was filming.
“This season weโre also doing back-to-back seasons because of budget cuts, and thatโs just the truth. We are having to do two seasons to save money, because every television show is undergoing some sort of a cut,โProbst said. โAnd I think thatโs going to be hard on people. Itโs a long time to be away from home. Weโre gone nearly four months. Six weeks was one thing; 14 weeks is another,โ he said.”
I didn’t know that. Must be pretty tuff to do. Who knows.
IDK, if someone can break their foot, have surgery and recover and still come in 3rd? wouldn’t happen on Survivor
To add to your point. Beastmode Cowboy from Big Brother was medically evacuated from Survivor.
That’s the thing, as I said Survivor is more physical. BB is a lot more psychological. Both can be very draining.
Personally I would like to do Survivor but staying in a hotel with hot showers and a restaurant . I just want to try the comps lol
You’d get my vote as favorite player of the season.
One of those Alaskan Bush people shows was busted. Images of them spending their nights in a motel 6 or something similar and then getting up to film the show. Outdoor outhouse by day. hot tub by night.
Ah, thanks for the vote. ;-)
Survivor HILTON… a whole new game! lol
Survivor is tougher because a lot of times they have to compete even when their stomach is growling and they have not eaten enough! That is why when they win the rewards which is food, they are so happy! The immunity challenges are also, way harder than what they do in the Big Brother House. What they should do is invite Kim Spradlin, Survivor winner who has a very good social game and a beast in competitions! She probably will do very well in Big Brother!
Oh yeah!..but there’s always ..’He’s playing with the most stupid people on earth’ he he
No matter how he did it, he still spent 6 months isolated from the world in that crazy house.
it’s a record.
Josh believes the Jury doesnโt want a Vet to win
Umm, were you not in the same house where everyone was so far up Pauls ass?
You will have to excuse Josh. His head was up there as well. He did see the light once in a while and then went right back into the darkness.
I seriously think that Josh thinks he has the win because of his goodbye messages there close to the end.
I really don’t think it will matter about Josh’s messages if he(J) wins the final comp and consciously “decides” to take Paul over Christmas. More evidence that Paul still continued his manipulation of Josh, even with his(J) game on the line. How can you vote for someone to win who is still doing exactly what the competitor(Paul) wants you to do???
Josh will be really Blind Side’d
What about last season? A VET one!!!! Dejavu
7:13 PM BBT โ Josh says Paul hasnโt played an aggressive game or made any moves. Josh says he made all the big moves himself.
Oh boy….
What a meatball…
Says the guy who has had maybe a total of 2 independent thoughts of his own all summer.
That is what happens when a minion thinks! They use up all their brain cells and now gasping for air! Sad and pathetic! Give Josh one week to recharge and get his brain cells working again! Just follow Paul and follow the script!
Christmas looks seriously stoned in some of the footage on youtube. Hope she doesn’t get addicted to the pain meds they’ve been giving her.
I think both Josh and Paul, if they are F2, have significant challenges tonight with regards to the Q&A session and final speeches. Josh has to remain calm, explain the moves he made and why. He needs to acknowledge that, like most of the jury, he was taken in by Paul and manipulated by him, and that he knew Paul had to be evicted but there was no support. He could mention that he did try to bring it up with Jason and Alex. If he got to choose who to take to F2 and he chose Paul then this last argument is moot.
Paul, on the other hand, has to admit to the game he played, apologize to those he hurt and explain his reasons. If he thinks he still has them fooled, he is in trouble, I don’t believe they will respond favorably if he comes off too full of himself.
I am looking forward to see how it goes down and who comes out with the $500K
It will be interesting to see if Paul is clued in that Josh threw him under the bus before he gives his speech. Is the q and a before or after speech? If it is after he will have some quick back pedaling to do if he again says how he wasn’t one orchestrating the evictions.
Pretty sure it is before the speeches.
I believe you’re right. I think they give their final speech just before the live voting.
Oh no, Paul won’t have to back peddle. He will definitely point out that he orchestrated everything. He won’t try to hide that. Paul would be an idiot if he didn’t use that.
I think he should use that too but why the lying about it during goodbye messages?
No kidding, IMO I think not if, when Paul finds out about what Josh did. I’m pretty sure Josh has sealed his fate
It’s before the final speech.
I dont see that being a problem for Paul. He is definitely aware of the game he has played and will own up to it. Josh on the other hand….delusional is they come. No way he has the mental capabilities to do what you said or even realize thats what he needs to do.
I strongly agree. I can’t wait to hear his speech.
Oh. I can’t wait to hear him explain what moves he made and why. Hope he goes first.
Thank you for the updates all season Matthew Boyer.
Josh is a fool and he’ll find out right away when the game is over and he gets runner up. Smh.
Ah, but a fool with $50K!
True, but could you imagine finding out that you tossed away $450,000 just for being a moron?
Oh yeah if he gets to choose and takes Paul, sure
I’m with ya on this one.
True. What is this kid thinking??? SMH…a lot!!!
Sounds like Cody from Derrick’s season. Different rationale, but same stupid move,
With ya on that one too.
Lol its funny that they need more footage for the finale. You think they would have enough. Maybe CBS is making more edits to make these people look good.
That’s a stretch…
They don’t have enough years left to make enough edits for that.
Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I look forward to reading your posts everyday. You’re the best BB site out there. :)
Thank you Matthew for the updates every day. I for one would have quit watching BB long ago if I didn’t have the updates to read. I am so disgusted with this season and it was good to read the updates and not have to see or hear the HG’s !! Here’s to next season. Hopefully we never have to go through THIS experience again!!
Thank you, Matthew and Brendan for all the hard work you do on behalf of the viewers and fans. If the houseguests had worked even one-quarter as hard as you both have, we’d have had a much better season.
And as far as Josh goes:
7:13 PM BBT โ Josh says Paul hasnโt played an aggressive game or made any moves. Josh says he made all the big moves himself.
… We might as well have Raven sitting in F2. So incredibly delusional. If Josh wins R3 and takes Paul to F2, he doesn’t even deserve the $50K he’ll walk away with. He should share it with Raven so they each afford at least half a brain.
Thank you Matthew!
Thanks, Matthew, for all your time & effort with this!!
Sounds like DR has gotten into Josh’s head.
Oh yeah, why else would he have changed his mind like that.
Josh, (smh), what an idiot. One of Paul’s most effective moves was bringing Forrest Chump to the end to get the win! Unbelievable, the delusions this cast has. I’m so scared for Paul. If he loses to a giant 12 y/o, it may take a long time to recover. It’s 1000x more humiliating than losing to Nicole.
Awesome!! Is that Josh’s fist?!?!?
lol Josh or Paul…Thanks Jammin dad.
Pretty hairy, could be Paul…
I just saw this. I can’t believe I almost missed mutant goat. lol
Did you get Pluto’s approval? haha
The only negative to Paul winning is a fool getting 50 grand, Christmas deserves it more. Smh. Oh well, there’s an up and down to everything. What is he going to do with it, skip to the candy store??
How does Christmas deserve the $50 grand What has she done this season besides touch herself? I don’t care for Josh all that much, but he’s won a few comps on his own, and a few times played the game on his own.
Played the game on his own?? HA! Ok Raven.
He’s played more of a game than Christmas. For Christmas to win a HOH, every player had to purposely jump the gun. When they were going after Cody, who was doing the actual taunting? Not Christmas.
Look above Raven. I’ve elaborated.
Again, no point in arguing with you….
She also touched Paul…a lot, lol.
Ok… so she gets paid 50 grand for touching Paul, I think we call that a prostitute.
The comps he did win is because Paul cleared all the good competitors out. There was no one left to beat. Fyi Alex three that veto ,because of Paul’s convincing she didn’t sense the danger ahead.
No point in going back and forth with you…. we’ve done it before.
Thank you. We have? I don’t remember.
Yes, your like a 12 year old. You don’t understand that it’s ok if two people disagree with each other.
Well if a 12 y/o can see Josh didn’t play his own game, and you can’t, what age of mentality does that make you?? Good day.
My daughter loves Frozen… have you seen it? There’s a song… Let it go, let it go…. la la la…. :-)
Do you have kids? are you old enough to have them yet?
No I haven’t. I don’t watch cartoons, that’s for you. Thanks for asking. :). I must go now. Enjoy your day!
I haven’t actually seen Frozen, but I have no problem saying I like cartoons and good animated films…. Love Toy Story…Love Scooby doo…. Love the Jetsons… I guess that shows my age too.
No hard feelings MG !!!
You guys should hug it out…
hug hug :-)
That’s more like it
Don’t push it. Lol
None at all!
She’s touched Jason, Kevin, Josh and finally Paul. Just sayin’ … ;-)
Ha ha… true true… That one episode where she was touching herself. You would think the males watching would have liked that. But something about it was just plain wrong.
It’s like the scenes where Raven is scooting herself across the bathroom floor (like a dog in heat) with her hand inside the tiniest shorts I’ve ever seen on an adult … I don’t know how the men felt, but for me, really unappetizing.
I missed that, but I don’t find her attractive.
I think her alias should be Pennyven or Ravenwise…
I want to add my thanks, Matt! Looking forward to Celebrity BB… should be a step up from this season, hopefully.
I think anything is a setup up from watching Paul all season.
If Josh’s speech is good, production wrote it. He doesn’t seem to be nervous one bit going head to head with Paul. Hmmm? That’s odd.
He’s gotten a lot more confident over the past 2 weeks…. I noticed that too.
Oh is that what you think?? Ok.
Again, no point in arguing with you…..
There isn’t, you’re correct this time.
It’s like arguing with a 12 year old.
Then don’t.
Now, now…play nice…lol
waiting for the proverbial pots and pans, haha
Now’s when you get the popcorn and enjoy !!! :-)
Just don’t use the old “agree to disagree” adage. I had a troll get really mad at me for that. So I started trolling him and disappeared from here…thank goodness. He was horrible…
Note taken !!!!
LOL. You all ought to sign up for BB 20.
Nah, we all have too much common sense for that. We would never get through casting.
Since most of us are on this site a lot, we could call ourselves celebrities.
I am a LEGEND in my own mind…
HA! I don’t play at all actually. When I was a kid and stayed inside during recess, the teacher asked me why, and I answered, “because I don’t play.” Lol
So serious. Are you Cody’s long lost cousin? Just kidding…lol
All in good fun…we love all BB fans(well most…)
Actually Cody and I are a lot alike! I’m just a little smarter, I know when to fake it, Cody doesn’t. Lol Paul would have thought I was his season 19 version of Victor, not a Victoria like Josh. I would have cut him when he least expected. I love Paul, but as a fan, not a houseguest. Lol
I’d wager that you are more than a “little smarter” than Cody. Not really a fan of Paul, but I have to give him credit for orchestrating this season’s outcomes, in every situation, to his complete benefit.
A lot of the previous players of BB think that a lot of Paul’s DR interviews were completely orchestrated. I believe Paul is much much smarter than all the other players in this season, but he would have to know a lot more about what is going on in the game to orchestrate it the way he has. This has become a scripted show thru and thru.
He’s a hell of a salesman to sell all of these HGs down the river to jury and to not have been on the block once. Not taking into account the week Cody failed to because of the PoP, of course.
How kind of you. Yea Paul is an acquired taste, you either love him or hate him. I respect your opinions of the game and enjoy reading your comments, because you have the ability to shelf your personal opinions, and truthfully analyze what’s unfolding in the game. That’s rare here. Rants are fun to read as well but I prefer a little more substance from time to time, a little validity thrown in there. Lol
Thanks. I do try to judge on actual game play. Do I agree with the tactics used, no. Were they effective, absolutely. This is a game to win $500K. Nowhere does it say that you have to be a nice person, be honest, trustworthy, ethical, loyal, blah, blah, blah…You are in there to play a social game for a great deal of money, not to make friends, find a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, hang out, eat cereal, get a tan, work out, pass the summer, etc. Get a clue people!!!
Amen! I observed an all time high of that sanctimonious pov this season, and it has me confused and annoyed. No one comes to bb for the running of becoming the next top bff! I don’t get it. Smh
And thank you too…
I agree with’re one of the few that analyzes their game strategy to get to the end, not too much on their character .. I read your comments too.
Thank you
Thank you Cyril. Btw I love your comments and ESPECIALLY the illustrations! Best on the site!
Ha haaa! Miss New York! I almost choked on a hall’s when I opened this!
He told Paul yesterday he’s very nervous and scared, and Paul’s response was, “why? We’re both going to win money, so what’s there to be nervous about?”
Ok. I didn’t catch that. I haven’t observed him as nervous as Paul.
I don’t think Paul’s going to lose this time around. Josh has pretty much put a sock in the idea of taking X, so they’re both gonna will money. Unless the jury is both bitter and filled with people who just don’t want a vet to win regardless of game play, Paul will win. If those two issues are making Paul nervous, maybe he should be.
Yep and I have no idea about this jury either. I’m usually good at predicting jury votes. Last year I knew Gnat and Day would vote the other way. This year, I’m concerned about Mark and Jason.
How did Josh do a 180 in one day on who he wants to bring to F2? For the past week, all he’s been talking about is how he can’t beat Paul. But now he thinks no-one will vote for a vet???? If he’s really a “superfan”, then he would have remembered Nicole won last season over him. Production must have put that in his head.
Sounds like Production whispering in his ear to me!
Paul has been saying that all along to him as well. Why Josh believes it after what happened last season makes no sense tho.
Selective amnesia.
Isn’t that absolutely crazy?? Fool what are you basing this off?? It just happened last year! Lol
Josh is a sucker for a good brainwashing. If anyone wants to practice your brainwashing techniques, Josh is your man.
Raven, Matthew, Alex… I think you can add them to the list.
Right. The entire entourage, for that matter.
Exactly! Paul has been saying that for weeks, “I can’t win”, so it is better to take me to the end.
Paul has said it from the first week. So it is ingrained in Josh’s, and I use this term loosely, mind.
I totally agree with that. HG for years have talked about production asking stuff a certain way or telling them something.
I would rather see Paul/Josh in F2. Josh says they’re both hated by the Jury. (maybe) He believe he made all the big moves, (nope) He is pro-active in the game though, but with that mind set, I expect to see him go all out arguing why he deserves 500k. He’s a crazy emotional player. He always got something to say. lol and Christmas…really has nothing.
It will be interesting to see Paul’s reactions to Josh’s speech and his belief he made all the moves and Paul didn’t. Not to mention, learning about Josh’s goodbye messages. But that’s what Paul is good at; thinking on his feet and presenting a good persuasive argument. Would be boring if it was Christmas at end, I agree!
That’s my point. I’d rather see them debate. Paul/Josh are both animated…It’ll be good! lol
Makes a lot of sense. Paul has been practicing his F2 speech and will be more prepared.
I give that to Paul, he is always “working” and working others. Josh should be practicing so he doesn’t become too emotional.
Paul’s head has been in the game since he walked through the front door.
Yep… He was probably studying his mistakes from last season too.
He was definitely thinking more about jury management and how he wanted to be portrayed by them, for sure.
We’ll find out tonight how much Josh hurt him in the exit interviews.
At least this train wreck of a season will finally be over and we can move on to Survivor!! YEAH!!
A fool never learns.
Thank you Matthew!
Awwe Christmas, the gift that keeps on giving… “Christmas talking with Josh in the Lounge. She isnโt worried about her fans or what sheโs done in the house and says they can shove it up their judgmental ass if they donโt like it.”
Bless her heart…
I don’t think anything she’s done in the house will impact her fans. Did you see she has like 500K Instagram fans going into the house?
She also has 2 books out
I didn’t see she has two books. So this is all publicity for her, more than the others.
The Badass Body Diet: The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty
The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits–Body, Mind, and Spirit
And this publicity can work either way, good or bad. Not everyone is going to like the way she behaved on the show.
You should read some of the reviews, pretty hilarious. She isn’t that well liked.
I don’t know anything about her fans, I don’t follow her (or any of them on their social media accounts, just the show). Not that anyone should live their life to please anyone but to say something like that to your 500K Instagram followers, a gem she is.
Isn’t she warm and fuzzy?
I can’t imagine being her boyfriend.
LOL, hope that works well for her!
These 3 make me sick…jesus
“Paul says heโs still hoping to call up his girl and see if heโs happy or sad about that.”
What does that mean?
I take he means that he wants to see if he’s excited and happy to see her again or if he doesn’t really want to see her again (implying he might have some feelings for Christmas?).
thank you for all your hard work on updates and feeds , simply amazing job :)
Thank you BBN, I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done on our behalf!!
I was hoping Josh would take Paul out at f2, but now that he has decided to go to f2 with him, I have just accepted that Paul will win. If Josh does take Paul to f2, he deserves to lose. yuk
Thank you Matthew Boyer. You helped me understand things several times. It also kept me from trying to watch all the feeds, especially since I didn’t have the time.
Thank you, again.
1st. Thank you Matthew and Branden for your tireless efforts to keep us informed on what these dingus bat-heads did all season (don’t like stupid idiots so).
2nd If Josh takes Paul he deserves 2nd place. Ultimate dingus bat-head.
Hmmmdidnt think I would say this but…Josh has a point taking Paul to F2. Paul has not made any obvious big moves in the house. He convinced ppl he was with them which ultimately made them believed they were working with him, but never did he take any risk. However Josh on the other hand risked his social game to be hated over liked to make obvious decisions that sent ppl packing. We the audience know he was Paul’s puppet but the jury actually does not, because they were also puppets. All they saw was Paul betray them. We will see if Josh can sell this point to win over Paul. This is why I can respect the risks Cody made coming into the game. It was also smart of Josh to use goodbye msgs to blow up Paul’s jury management goodbye messages as well. A smart move. We will see if Josh figures that out. He should take those quiet moment s the other two huddle in bed to figure that out.
Josh, the puppet master. He and Raven should hang out
Way to go JOSH!! (I just watched the PVR’D show!!)
And CODY? Hahaha….. I called it!
Love him or hate him he got americas votes.
I’m Canadian & wanted both Trump & Cody to win on these games shows! Bhahahaha! Opps…… an election ISN’T a gameshow.
My bad!
Yikes! Heh heh!