Big Brother 19 Casting Director Announces Launch Of Houseguest Search

Casting Director Robyn Kass has made the awaited announcement for Big Brother 19 casting, officially gearing up the launch of CBS’s search for the next summer season’s Houseguests. Are you ready for your chance at one of the coveted Big Brother keys?

Robyn Kass talks Big Brother 18 on CBS LA

While the online application system has been up and running for BB19 since the end of last season it won’t be until later this month when Kassting begins digging through your submissions watching every single video and reading all the applications to bring us our next team of Live Feeds fodder.

Making the announcement on Friday, Robyn Kass confirmed it was that time of year again. As BBCAN5 wraps up its final cast decisions ahead of the premiere next month Robyn Kass and her team are freed up to shift back to BBUS and its own upcoming season.

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YES! #BB19 Kassting crew officially starts in a week! Follow me 4 updates on open calls, etc! Excited 2 get this party started! #noregrets

— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) February 17, 2017

While no official date or timeline has been set for the season we’re expecting Big Brother 19 to premiere in late June 2017. Working back from there we should expect open call events to take place in March and April, similar to recent seasons, and online applications to continue on through most of April. This year the online application deadline is May 5, 2017 but don’t wait until then and risk missing your chance.

If you’re planning to apply for BB19 then there are a few things to keep in mind. You can either apply online, which includes a video submission, or you can go in person to an open call event, but you do not need to do both. You can do both, but I’d recommend focusing on one and doing that to the best of your abilities. BB12’s Matt Hoffman made the case for doing a video and having complete control over your audition versus risking the unknowns of a live event with other Big Brother hopefuls.

Apply now online at the official casting site or start working on what you want to say at your open call audition. There’s no better way to prepare than with some guidance from past Houseguests like BB16 winner Derrick Levasseur, BB12 mastermind Matt Hoffman, and even the casting director herself.

We will update you on additional details for Big Brother 19 and its casting announcements as more is released. Open call info will start to appear soon along with timelines on casting finalists. Then before you know it we’ll be getting ready for the new season with another all-new house design, the release of the cast, and all the fun that comes with it!

Be sure to download our Big Brother app then join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates for even more Big Brother news.



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  1. They’ve done a bad casting jobs the last few years. Either a new casting company needs to be hired, or CBS needs to get out of the way.

  2. We’ll see the same bunch of self centered brain dead wanna be actors. And a couple of despised former contestants.

    • Please have different age groups. It would be great watching people who have different thoughts and abilities. More fun to watch.

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