Robyn Kass, the casting director for BBUS & BBCAN, announced this week via Twitter that Big Brother 18 casting will begin in March 2016 with open call auditions not far behind.
Big Brother casting generally ramps up in the spring though online applications for BB18 have been rolling since the end of last season. Now it looks like Kassting is just about ready to dig through your piles of videos to find the next cast of Big Brother!
As for open calls, well you’ll have to wait a bit. Kass suggests we might not see those audition events listed before April. Taking a look back at last year’s casting calendar, we had the first open calls announced in early March and a dozen events held that same month. Hmm.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">#BB18 casting will begin the first week of March. We usually have open call locations listed by April. :) #letsdothis #noregrets
— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) February 1, 2016
Now I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about Big Brother 18 being an All-Stars this summer just because of the seemingly late open call announcement date. The expected Big Brother 18 start date isn’t until late June 2016 which would leave plenty of time in there for things to ramp up in April and still be ready to go with an all-new cast. On the other hand, I wouldn’t necessarily rule out an All-Stars 2 season just because of applications and open calls. We’ve often had HGs who applied one year and made it on another so casting ahead of an AS2 season wouldn’t be a waste.
If you want to be a Houseguest then you better get ready. Apply now online at the official casting site or start working on what you want to say at your open call audition. No better way to prepare than with some guidance from past Houseguests like BB16 winner Derrick Levasseur, BB12 mastermind Matt Hoffman, and even the casting director herself.
We will keep you posted on further details for Big Brother 18 and any other casting announcements. We’ll soon know more about the open calls, when finalists decisions will be made, and eventually even when the new season begins, the all-new house design, and just who will be our cast of Houseguests for this summer’s BB18!
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Update: Robyn Kass announced via Twitter the deadline for online applications (more details on how to apply for Big Brother online) is April 22, 2016. Kass advises Big Brother Hopefuls to avoid waiting until the last minute as I suspect extensions will not be given. Best of luck!
#BB18 application deadline is April 22nd. My advice- don't wait til the last min. Get your app in now. #noregrets
— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) February 16, 2016
Hmmm, all new house design? So the kitchen ants will finally get luxury accommodations???
I’d like to see more of a mix of nationalities ~~ men and women who have migrated here from other countries and are now US citizens.
How about a cast of ALL ‘older’ house guests ~~ in their late 30’s, 40’s, 50’s???
That would be boring. I want a variety of different ages and race.
Old people are more rational/calm, and thus less exciting to watch. I.E. Donny.
I kind of hope its an all star season. I think we are overdue for one.
I’d just be afraid they’ll bring back Rachel for it. While she does deserve to be in an AS season, I’m also over the same drama she brings with her depression act.
I don’t see Rachel coming back, especially since she is about to have a kid.