Big Brother Houseguests gathered in New York this past weekend to support Meg Maley and her fundraiser for The Arthritis Foundation. And just as good HGs do, they shared lots of photos.

Meg gathered several of her BB17 HG friends plus some earlier seasons as well to come out and help the event. From the pics they shared on Twitter and Instagram we spotted John McGuire, Becky Burgess, Jason Roy, Jackie Ibarra, Adam Poch, Enzo Palumbo, Andy Herren and GinaMarie Zimmerman. Survivor castaways were on hand too, including Kelley Wentworth, Stephen Fishbach, and more.
Fans had the chance to do a meet & greet with the Big Brother cast members as part of the fundraiser, but the HGs also found time to hangout and have a good time on their own. Check out the photos below to see what the Houseguests were up to in New York.
Image source: @MegMaley, @BeckyBurgess17, @TheJayRoy
Wonderful seeing all the smiling faces. Thanx to all for a successful, fun filled event to benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
I wish I went but I was busy…
their 15 min are up .
They were donating their time to benefit charity. You’re really going to hassle them over that?