Big Brother 17: Who Went Home Last Night? Live Eviction Show Results

Last night on Big Brother 17 the remaining Houseguests had to choose whether John McGuire or Becky Burgess would be evicted as they went inside the Diary Room to reveal their votes. After that it was time for a new Head of Household.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 live eviction
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 live eviction – Source: CBS

There had been a lot of activity in the past few days of plotting and planning against Vanessa. While CBS tried to make that appear as a danger for her in the current week, most of the talk was actually how to get her out in the upcoming round. This week’s HoH could decide all of that and CBS has confirmed it will be an endurance HoH comp that will play out online so have your Live Feeds ready!

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The votes look stacked against Becky and with her toe injury from the Veto comp it may be best for her to go now, rest up, and get ready for the returning Juror twist that we expect to arrive next week. Maybe we’ll hear more about that in tonight’s show.

Big Brother 17 Week 8 Votes:

  • Steve votes to evict Becky
  • Vanessa votes to evict Becky
  • Meg votes to evict Becky
  • Austin votes to evict Becky
  • That’s enough votes. It’s official.
  • Julia votes to evict Becky
  • James votes to evict Becky

By a vote of 6-0, Becky was evicted from the Big Brother house.

The surviving players will head out back for a new competition and if Austin is right, then Vanessa may be willing to throw this comp expecting safety from all sides of the house. Throwing such an important competition seems like a bad idea, but you never know so let’s see what happens.

This week’s Head of Household competition won’t be finished during the show but instead will spill over in to the Live Feeds where we’ll be watching the comp play out until there’s a winner and HG put in control of the next nominations!

Big Brother 17 Week 9 HoH Competition – “Ready, Set, Whoa!”:

  • HGs have to hold a running position & “Go!” at the right time in 6 rounds
  • Round 1: Meg is last & eliminated
  • Find out who won HoH in our endurance competition results post here.

When tonight’s episode ends we’ll be racing back to the Big Brother Feeds to watch the live HoH comp. Join us on there with the Feeds’ Free Trial & see what the fuss is all about.

The new Head of Household will have to make nominations on Friday followed by the Power of Veto competition on Saturday. We’ve got a lot of fun events ahead on the Live Feeds so don’t miss your chance to watch along with us.



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  1. I hope they do not have NFL tonight. Last week, I do not know what time they showed Big Brother if at all. Caught the whole episode the next morning. They do not need to show these no bearing NFL games on prime TV slots. They had a show after the football game and it was not Big Brother. Nuts!

  2. Wow..Looks like Steve is going to get a family edit..They must be intrigue with his game.

  3. Wow, they really are stretching this episode with pointless filler tonight.

    Crazy steve looks quite nice tonight though.

  4. If Becky goes tonight and Vanessa or Steve win HoH I’m pretty sure Vanessa is going to win this season. The other HG’s have missed their opportunity and the “Trio” is still together. If Vanessa wins HoH the house will be 5 against 3 (Vanessa, Steve, Austin, Liz, and Julia vs. James, Meg, John)……….bad odds with only 6 weeks left in the game. Nobody 4 REAL!!!

    • I hope Vanessa wins HOH and puts up Austin and Liz. They were too scared to take her out and wanted someone else to do it.

      • That’s exactly what she is going to do if she wins HoH. The “Trio” are the last group/alliance in the house and the biggest obstacle to her reaching “final four”……………..the rest of the HG’s are “fish in a barrel” for DJ ‘Nessa! Nobody 4 EVER!!!

  5. Let’s see if she hobbles out the door like she was doing around the house. And her toe was wrapped so I want to see her shoes. See if she was milking it.

    • She does have flat sandles on. But she’s walking fine. Why did Austin have to carry her around today.

  6. Did Meg and James try at all to keep Becky in the house this week? I wanted to root for those two but they are just so clueless it’s not even funny. Becky was one of the few people in the house actually on their side.

  7. Lol wtf is up with steve’s good bye message to Becky? That kid is either just super fake or bi polar.

  8. Did you (all) hear that audience response? I said Becky would be a “fan favorite”, future All – Star, and she deserved better than a 6 – 0 eviction. The only regret Becky should have is playing with this season of (wannabe) HG’s that is all IMO. Nobody 4 LATER!!!

  9. Meg, Meg, Meg you picked the wrong show to go on. Should of went on “The Dating Game”.

  10. :'( Becky…
    Win the next HoH comp JMac! I really really wish see Becky rejoin to the game!

  11. The way this house flip-flops I wonder if it actually makes a difference who wins HoH tonight.

  12. Jokers said someone from another BB site said Vanessa won..Not sure if that would be a heat or the comp.

  13. Suggestion for Zingbot: “Why is there a homeless man in the house ? Oh sorry, it’s Austin.”

  14. I think James is at a disadvantage in this one because he has short legs. Austin has a lot of body to launch. JMac the favorite?

  15. Funny how Steve and Austin talked about throwing this comp and there they are right in there with the final 3.

  16. The bench people should just shut up while the people still in it are trying to concentrate. Of course its the twins with the big mouths making most of the noise.

  17. If Steve wins he is not going to put up Vanessa. That’s why he has not thrown this comp yet. He wants to keep her.

    • There a whole bunch of people on twitter that are threatening to commit a ritual suicide if Austin win.

  18. It was really close but Austin’s height was definitely an advantage because he could reach further for the button.

    Now watch Austin back out of putting up Vanessa. He is going to chicken out and put up JMac and Meg.

  19. I guess Austin’s long legs won out. Goodbye James. I knew that punk wasn’t going to throw it.

  20. Feeds off- AGAIN!

    Austin was motivated because now he can stay up in the HoH room groping and smothering Liz. Perhaps this is the week he breaks her neck while holding her face in place so he can kiss her before she squirms away.

  21. Austine is a coward,has spent his whole time either hiding behind Vanessa or the twins,nothing but a paper tiger,no guts,no glory!(or 500,000)

  22. If I was Johnny Mac.. I would convince the Austwins and the crew to throw the HOH.. allow me to win…then i would put Vanessa on the block next to Austin….the Austin and his Angels be goin crazy…tears will be flowing .. I would deal with Austin..and everybody else EXCEPT Vanessa.saying if anyone wins they can pull austin off then i would blindside Liz leaving Vanessa and Liz on the block

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