Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Who Won HoH Endurance Comp Last Night?

CBS announced this week’s Big Brother HoH winner would be decided in another endurance competition following tonight’s eviction and fans could watch it play out in full online.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 HoH endurance comp
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 HoH endurance comp – Source: CBS All Access

Follow an exciting pattern of high stress challenges the return of another endurance competition was greatly welcomed and I couldn’t wait to see who pulled off the win in the battle to see who gets to take a big swing at evicting Vanessa Rousso as HGs planned overnight.

In the past few endurance competitions we had seen John, James, and Julia have strong performances along with several other HGs so there are a lot of potential winners here. Vanessa could be in real trouble though if it’s like the slip & slide one the other week where she did not perform well.

Once last night’s Big Brother eviction show was over we got to watch parts of the HoH competition online on the Live Feeds and you can join us too with the Free Trial. It’s a one-week test run of the feeds, but if you decide to keep it then you can watch the entire season for $6. Silly cheap.

Big Brother 17 Week 9 HoH Competition – “Ready, Set, Whoa!”:

  • HGs have to hold a running position & “Go!” at the right time in 6 rounds
  • Round 1: Meg is last & eliminated!
  • 7:10 PM BBT – We are still waiting on the Feeds…
  • 7:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back! Julia was eliminated.
  • 7:25 PM BBT – Vanessa flinched, let go of a button, and she was eliminated.
  • 7:30 PM BBT – John, James, Steve, and Austin are the only HGs left.
  • 7:32 PM BBT – GO! 4 guys dash to their buttons, but several missed. Feeds cut.
  • 7:37 PM BBT – Feeds return for a moment and we see John was eliminated.
  • 7:45 PM BBT – Feeds are still on Loops. I don’t know what’s going on.
  • 7:46 PM BBT – Feeds came back. John was definitely eliminated.
  • 7:48 PM BBT – Feeds cut again. Sigh.
  • 7:55 PM BBT – Feeds back. Steve is out. James & Austin remain.
  • 7:58 PM BBT – Austin beat James. Austin is the new HoH.

Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, & by Email Updates so you get all the latest news. Keep watching your Live Feeds to find out who could be going up on the block. Are you excited with the Head of Household this week? Share your thoughts!



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  1. I think it’s the egg comp or a see saw comp like the one Frankie and Caleb won last season.

    • I don’t remember a see saw comp that season…I remember something similar to that in Season 14 where the former contestants were coaching before coming in to play.

      • I think he’s talking about the BoB Frankie won by himself despite Caleb refusing to play.

      • That one didn’t involve a see involved ropes and getting a ball from one level to the next!

      • Caleb still won the free trip outside to go see a football game, even when he refused to play with Frankie! :-)

      • That’s how stupid Caleb is, he didn’t want Frankie to win, all he had to do was play and let the rope slip at the wrong time. In a way it was funny b/c it was Donny/Zach (maybe?) I think playing next to Frankie and seeing their efforts getting beat by 1 guy doing the work of 2.

      • Had to hand that one to Frankie. He was a competition beast (unlike Caleb when compared to Frankie), both were the most annoying hgs that season…just in different ways.

      • Who was is Caleb loved? Amber and she wasn’t interested at all… so funny… he was almost like “look at me HOW can you not jump this?”

      • Agreed, but the pole sort of did a see-saw motion. It’s the only thing I can think of that fits.

      • One of the comps did have the see saw after all…transferring balls from one spot to another without them falling out of the basket? Or you were forced to start all over again. I’ve slept since then, so please forgive me! This ol memory isn’t what it used to be…Frankie won that the first time, then with the rewind Caleb won it. Derrick couldn’t compete either time as he was the outgoing HoH!

      • I believe it was the one played twice at F5 because of the rewind, where they had to transport balls over a see saw and balance them on a shovel.

      • The rewind involved figuring out who was in comics in a timed sequence. Frankie won that the first time. Cody the second!

      • Im pretty sure the comp involved with the rewind was the one when they transported balls from one side of a seesaw to the other side frankie won first and caleb won second the comp with the comics was a veto comp

      • Okay…memory is coming back. You’re right BBsuperfan…it did! I forgot about that comp. Geesh! Was that the HoH comp or the Veto?

      • Remember last season’s redo week? The HOH comp that Frankie won and when they redid the week Caleb later won it. That competition with the gardens and stuff.

  2. A special message to James and Meg from Winston Churchill:
    “This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.”
    In other words, GO KICK ASS!!!

    • The train hasn’t left the station and it could change tracks. But if Becky goes, hopefully her toe will get better and she or Jackie one will beat Smug Shelli to get back in the house..

      • Hell, Shelli might go after V also. Depending on who’s #4 in Jury, they all might want back to get Vanessa… actually Becky said Liz is the one deserving to be targeted.

  3. You know it would be real smart of CBS to develop some new competitions for the houseguests the way they do it now there is no element of surprise for the viewers and the houseguests can predict which comp is coming up . Rather boring when everything is so predictable

    • I think they should too, but I might know their reasoning. They’re sticking to the same comps and calling it something like tradition. I think they think returning viewers want classics comps instead of new ideas. Like how people who have followed BB for years know what Zingbot and Otev are, you know what I mean?

      Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and they’re just running out of ideas. Between 2 twists that returned this year (twins and BotB) and the new weekly twist falling flat, they’re simply being either lazy or clueless.

  4. The show thread tonight is this one:

    Big Brother 17: Who Went Home Tonight? Live Eviction Show Results

  5. Would you call this track and field thing an endurance comp? I suppose in some sense it is.

  6. This comp is gonna hurt Austin in the long run if they have to hold their position for up to 30 minutes. He was resting his knee when the show went off the air and believe me, that will bite him in the ass sooner rather than later.

    • This competition is all about fast-twitch muscles, which Austin has loads of. Men also have a lot more than women, so this one is nearly impossible for any woman to win. Austin should win easily if he doesn’t mess up. He doesn’t even need to watch the monitor, he can watch his competition.

      • They probably thought not knowing when the GO is coming would even it for the girls… $10 says Vanessa will be whining “It wasn’t fair, the guys had an advantage” and she’d be right.

      • Someone needs to tell her a false start is a false start. It doesn’t matter who she’s racing against.

      • How does that fit in her argument? LOL… her logic is faulty just don’t tell her that b/c when you do there’s going to be an argument, maybe a big argument.

      • The “GO!” aspect was clever, but they ruined it by making the run to the buzzer so long. It should have been just a foot or two out of reach, then it would have been more about reaction time than who has the strongest leg muscles.

    • It bit his ass all the way to the win!! Another week of weak players….. No guts to take out the head of the snake!! So long James or Steve!! I doubt he’ll go for Julia! If Jonny-Mac goes I’m done!! Lol I say that but I’m so frickin’ addicted to this stupid show!!

      • Don’t give up if JMac goes, he could come back. Truthfully I hope he doesn’t and Becky comes back.

      • He won’t go for Julia, at least not yet. He doesn’t want to piss off Liz at this point. They will need to be split up eventually though, otherwise they will be F2

  7. Someone on Joker’s claims they saw someone state that Vanessa won – but that was BEFORE the feeds even came back, so that was one not funny troll.

    • Just need for Austin and Vanessa to join them, then Steve. Let JMAC and James fight it out.

  8. Looks like Vanessa started going too soon.

    EDIT: Steve might be out, too, but can’t tell.

    EDIT 2: Okay, no, he lucked out. Vanessa false started before he did.

  9. Zingbot lines

    Vanessa- The national weather service called for flash floods but they didn’t expect you to cry a river zing!

    Austin- Your showmance is so cute ooops I for got its a nomance zing!

    Julia- When I see you I 1st think your liz but then I relies you dumber weaker and less attractive zing!

    Liz- You made a very big move as HOH, in the room zing! (idk lol)

    Meg- They say everyone is good at something but you proved that myth wrong zing!

    James- Most of the time the woman wears high heels to reach eye level with the man unfortunately for you its the other way around zing!

    John- Now being a doctor makes sense thats why the gloves have yet to come off zing!

    Steve- You said your a super fan but so far all you have done is talk to your self you do know you could have done that back home zing!

    • Or Steve. God only knows who he will put up on the block. Plus Vanessa will be in his ear like even harder than before.

  10. lol no one is going to take out vanessa besides john because they are to scared to come after her

  11. I really hope Austin throws this comp..I cannot take another week of him and Liz in the HOH bed. Let’s go Steve!

      • Look at Austin, smell Austin… look at Liz… enough said. Even her sister is disgusted. It’s disgusting how he hangs on her, like someone said look how he puts both hands on the back of her head to keep her in a prolonged kiss… ewwwwww. When she tries to squirm away he could snap her neck… not saying that would be a bad thing.

      • I honestly think Vanessa shines this season because the houseguests are so awful in comparison. If she went against intelligent people she would not have been around for so long lol

      • Thats what they said about Russell from survivor then he did it against in HvV. They also said wills strategy would never work again and it almsot did.

      • Russell’s a whole different animal, BB is too tame for his like… very strong-willed and very logic thinking… he’d rule paranoia and he was always thinking steps ahead of others. I did not like him b/c I felt he would play dirty if not downright dangerous to others well-being and OUT-KILL is not part of good play. He would have ate Vanessa for lunch & used a toothpick on his teeth when he was done if he was playing.

    • I’ll tell you what I believe quite a few previous HGs would LOVE to have a crack at Vanessa… she’d have to totally revamp her strategy.

    • It will probably be James and Johnny Mac on the block. Rooting for Johnny Mac to stay. Becky has a chance to re-enter the Big Brother House next week. If Johnny is still in the Big Brother House, the two of them can try and win HOH and put up Vanessa and LIz and send Vanessa to the jury house.

  12. This is one of the most blatantly rigged HoH competitions in the history of Big Brother. They might as well have made it a weightlifting competition.

    • First, I want to note that I wrote that message when Vanessa was still in the game.

      Having run track and field for 4 years, I can tell you that short races are all about fast-twitch muscles. They help you “explode” from a standstill. Austin works these muscles out daily. Women have less than half the fast-twitch muscle mass as men, so even if the women worked them as much as Austin, he would easily win. The women never had a chance, that’s why they were the first ones gone.

      Austin doesn’t even have to watch the monitor for the “Go!” screen. He can be at the buzzer before anyone else even if they all go first.
      James had a slight chance because of his much smaller body mass, but at the end of the day Austin can jump from that starting position much too quickly.

    • Is no one else as pissed as I am? This was ridiculous! Austin could only lose if he fucked up majorly.

      • He could have false started, though like you said or someone said he just needed to watch everyone else and wait until someone moved… was he on the end so he could look in one direction to see everyone?

  13. You know what, I’m glad Austin won. These idiots have had plenty of opportunities to break up the twins and Austin and they’ve squandered it. Morons.

    • I predict James and Meg will go up since they are the only ones out of the alliance.
      This will be a great wake up call for being so trusting.

      • I’m thinking JMac and James or Steve (outside chance w/V trying to talk him out of it) with the idea to tell the 2 put up they’re pawns. Unfortunately JMac believes anything, Austin can probably convince him, he doesn’t need to win Veto either, that he’s safe.

      • the only good reason to put up Meg to be a pawn!!! she brings nothing to the game,just because she is nice does not mean she should win! Kicking her out would be so stupid! She’s not playing the game, she can’t win anything, and she doesn’t seem to care!

    • They definitely did, instead of teaming up J/S/JMAC/ M to try and get the twins and Austin out of the game. They are not playing too smart at all. Either way, Austin sees JMac and Vanessa as a bigger threat. James and Meg are just coasting, when they should be trying harder to ensure their safety. These people make no sense. I don’t understand anyone’s game play.

    • absolutely!! Those idiots didn’t even start playing the game up until a few weeks ago! And even then, they’re still not playing that hard! It’s like summer camp! A free vacation! None of them deserve to win! James is pretty good at competitions but he has only made any moves when he was HOH, aside from that him, Johnny Mac, Meg, Becky…. we’re not making any moves, some talk here and there but for the most part it just seemed or seems like they are just trying to make it to Jury to extend their vacation at summer camp!

      • Hey….. Wait a minute! Please don’t put Becky in the same category as all those guys… Look what she tried to do to Vanessa. She not only put vanessa on the block Becky also told vanessa exactly what she thought of her. Becky pleaded with James, Meg & Jackie to stick to their guns & vote vanessa out, but then poor James got his itty bitty feelings hurt by Shelly & the clothing issue. So James wanted to vote out Shelly instead. The other 2 blind mice went along with him instead of taking the one chance they’d all been waiting for. I just wish they all weren’t so stupid.
        Now as far as Austin & his harem……. Please-uh get those three-uh out-uh already-uh!! I CAN’T STAND THEM!! Like, really can’t stand them.
        He’s full of himself or ‘judas’ or whoever he thinks he wants to be & the twins…. They’re just ‘mean girls!’ Biatches! Mom & dad must be very proud of 2 of their kids, fer sure der!
        Yes, BB you sure do know how to pick’em!! But then you had Frankie on last year so what the hell was I thinking…?…. that normal, descent people would actually be on the show representing the average joe?? Ha!! I laugh at myself!! Foolish!! Haha!!

      • first of all I wanted to start out by saying it’s nice to see I am NOT the only one who types out long comments lol
        & I didn’t look at Becky that way, so you are very correct on her gameplay the second time she was HOH and put Vanessa up! TOTALLY AGREE! however aside from from that HOH did she really do a lot before and after? true question! Because I definitely agree that she was one of the only ones on that side of the house not completely acting as though she was at summer camp. but at the same time, besides making that risky and big move against Vanessa, she didn’t really do too much more. Totally my opinion and I am definitely wrong a lot of the times lol….. I just don’t think she did much for the game. that entire side of the house when Jason was still around just got back and barely created alliances and those alliances were pretty small!!!! & short lived. she along with Meg, Jason, James, John and So on did not do too much in regards to gameplay and alliances. After Jason left it did like a small fire under their butts but they still continued to follow the strong alliance and vote out who they (Clay Shellie Austin Vanessa & the twins ( wanted voted out. they could have and should have created an alliance and changed the whole game but instead they (I guess!) were in fear of Shellie and clay and now Austin and the twins therefore they decide back them on every eviction. I am blown away that these people are supposed to be super fan because all I saw was a lot of fans playing the game like it was summer camp and they were just happy to be there and even more happy to make it to jury! Like Austin! Yes he was in a good alliance and talked himself out of being backdoored but his main goal was to make it to jury with Liz. that’s pathetic! Plus he has a girlfriend that I found out tonight they have been together for almost 2 years! I knew nothing about their relationship prior to that so I assumed his relationship was not one that was solid and so long relationship! How completely disrespectful is he!? I loved Zingbot calling him and Liz out! It was so funny and totally pissed off lLiz lol

        as for the twins and often and whomever, I would be being a hypocrite if I insulted their characters! I believe the game is really just mind blowing when you’re in there and you do and say things you normally would never do or say! Example is Vanessa! She is nothing like how she is being lately in the house! So I get it now! I have watched every season since day one and finally this season it is someone I have actually met quite a few times and I know a lot of her good friends who are mutual friends of mine so I know the true Vanessa and so I can’t judge the rest of the “cast” because on a personal level, outside the house I really don’t know what they’re like but I do know Vanessa is very different! she’s quite quiet, very down to earth and super friendly! She is also very loyal and very charitable! its hard reading all the negativity about her! I know some of it she brought on herself and I know she will own up to it but a lot of what fans are commenting about her is untrue! Make sense?

    • I wouldn’t be too sure, I hear tell that Austin wants to get the feather in the hat to send Vanessa out the door. Then again.

      • He may, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he disobeyed her. He also has stated that he want’s Julia gone too so who really knows what he want’s.

      • Liz told him if he did that, she wouldn’t vote to evict her. She could make his life hell in that house too!

      • He could always tell Liz that Julia is a pawn and that she has never been on the block so that could be his cover story. Julia more than likely will stay , just depends on who is next to her on eviction night.

      • Its not what he wants that matters. Its what he is – and he is a wimp. Vanessa will walk all over him again this week and JMac and James will be the targets.

    • Nope Austin says he’s going after her. The only thing that will save her is winning POV.

  14. For such a big guy, let’s see if he has the b…. to get blood on his hands and get rid of Vanessa. I see James and Meg on the block, or a BD for James.

  15. Well, we’ll see how this week goes. He’s gonna have to be careful how he plays this, though, especially with whoever goes out having a 1 in 4 chance of coming back in this Thursday.

      • NO… anybody but Jackie. LOL… not to get personal but doesn’t her smile remind you of the mouth you’d crave on a pumpkin? Or maybe Reba McEntire’s smile?

        I wish I could post a pic in here and no, I will not change my avatar to Reba.

      • Now that you mention it, yeh, she does. Sort of a Jack Nicholson as the Joker kind of smile. Pull her hair back really tight and wahlah! :-)

      • Don’t get me wrong she’s attractive but in a different kind of way. The Joker is pretty close too, mainly that’s her brother?

  16. I dislike Austin even more than Vanessa. Only hope this week is someone talking him into getting Vanessa out – otherwise a very boring Austwins week!

      • Joni, I know your “Exactly” is a reply to Matt but it looks like it’s to my comment. LOL. So THANKS for agreeing to what I said. LOL!!!

      • Well you both did say practically the same thing…so yeh, it would be the same answer to your comment too! hahahaha

    • I wish people would stop saying “it’s going to be a boring week”, you need to quit manifesting that in your mind… think POSITIVE… it’s definitely going to be a boring week. Naw just joking, just think about it from the standpoint of it’s only determining who the #4 Juror is… the fireworks begin with the ‘resurrection’ of one of those four.

      Unfortunately history doesn’t show a returning Juror doing much in the game except maybe getting ‘dirt’ out about someone they despise. BUT maybe this season with the right person returning it could be different.

  17. Another disappointing week in the BB house I’m afraid. James is going home this week because Vanessa will bully Austin into sending him out arguing if Jackie comes back in the house they will team up again. Of course Austin will fall for this nonsense and frankly if he does, he will go out next week I think.

    Austin will reason if he doesn’t take out Vanessa this week, she will be the bigger target again next week. This will go on until Vanessa BDs Austin.

    • This is true! But is Jackie that fierce at competitions like the Austwins are just now proving to be?

      • I don’t think Jackie is that good at comps. She won one and that was when there were two HoHs. But Vanessa will spin into into Jackie being an amazon warrior capable of superhuman endeavors.

      • Shelli said if she made it back in, she’d be teaming up with Van if Van were still there!

      • Maybe not… didn’t you notice Shelli response to Jackie’s reveal about what Vanessa is doing in the House? Wait until Becky gets there… I WOULD LOVE an entire 1 hour show of the Jury House… BB should do it NOW, the believe the RATINGS would be sky high.

      • Yeh, I did…and yeh, I would love to hear what the three girls are talking about without Van there listening in or speculating! hahaha

      • She hasnt won a physical comp. either so I dont think Jackie is a huge threat but we’ll see who gets back in the game.

      • All this talk of Jackie is mot… does that make sense… yup b/c Becky’s the one coming back or Shelli. CRAP… anyone (even #4 juror) but not Jackie. We need someone good enough to knock out Austwins – that means Liz then take out Vanessa in that order, then Austin/Steve.

        Hopefully were Shelli to come back she would not take the easy way out and slide back to her spot w/her prev alliance.

        Gosh, I can’t help but to think Becky would return and turn the House upside-down.

      • I tend to lean toward Becky, Shelli, then Jackie… going with smartest IMO down the ladder… now if V showed as #4 she’d be my ‘just not’.

  18. Wow I thought Austin said they don’t need to win this and it was just him and James at the end and he wanted James to win it??? What happened with that?? I thought they wanted someone else to win to get Vanessa out or my thought was he may try to sway whoever one to put up Julia..not sure what Austin is planning now As he said they didn’t need this win so I’m confused unless he has another plan in his head this makes no sense

      • Well are you being so nice, Joni? Why not say it, Austin a big fat effing LIAR!!! Well, it’s for sure he won’t get rid of the twins but let see if maybe he goes for V… him finding out dirt on her from Becky/JMac and JMac made a comment about having the feather of being the one to evict V to tell the Jury would be a move that could help him win it all.

      • What was I thinking he said he would go after V which means he’s NOT going after V. Actually waiting until next week would be a better move though getting her out this week would still be a good one.

    • He want to keep using vanessa as a sheld thinking that someone else will put her up next week and he can make his stay 2 weeks more.

      • Well he must have something in mind he knows Julia needs to go and Vanessa but he doesn’t want to be the one which is why he said he didn’t want to win very strange

      • Right now I’m going to give Austin the benefit of the doubt to go for it! It’s the only way he’ll be able to stay in the game and better protect the twins from going before her.

    • If you keep in mind whatever comes out of Austin’s mouth is b.s. then you’ll know what he ain’t doing.

      • Damn, I missed out there. I hope Austin gets rid of Vanessa, because nobody will beat her in final 2, the house needs to realize this.

      • I believe Austin will come to his senses and realize that too…she wanted to BD him before…what’s to say she won’t be given the opportunity to actually make it happen if he allows her to stay?

      • I believe Austin will come to his senses and realize that too…she wanted to BD him before…what’s to say she won’t be given the opportunity to actually make it happen if he allows her to stay?

      • Yep and we’ll know what his plan is once he puts up his noms… he’ll be discussing any BD plans with the twins for sure. If it were to be V as the BD, it will be interesting to see if he avoids her, making her super-paranoid or the Austwins lie straight to her face… they better be good liars or she’ll pick up the vibe and it could get UGLY.

    • For sure!!! By the way I made a comment that Liz or Julia would probably look very pretty ‘glammed-up’ but at the Eviction ceremony I’d have to say whoever did her make-up, did not do a good job and she looks better w/o it.

      • Since posting comment above, I’ve heard Liz has been grooming Austine SO I THINK maybe Austin did Liz’s make-up for the ceremony.

  19. Is it just me or does it truly seem that the comps are tailor made to make it very easy for production to decide the winner in advance? Just run the comp most suited towards your desired winner’s skill set. Easy as sin.

    • Every hoh is pre planned because everything is shipped to a ware house ready for construction. So no they are not tailor made.

      • The HouseGuests are chosen 3 months before the show airs. There are some backups in place in case someone quits before the show starts, but for the most part they know who will be in the house well in advance.
        I’ve never heard that the competitions were made in advance, though – where’d you get that information?

      • It seems counter-intuitive to rent a warehouse to store items you are only going to use once. A lot of the stuff is kept on-site for use in the next seasons. You can see it in the background of interviews and previews. I really doubt they buy anything in advance, it would be a waste of money.

      • I think CBS owns the storage because they reuse 9 out of 10 comps each year it would be less costly to have them pre made then used for the next 10 years then make them new on the spot.

      • The HouseGuests are chosen 3 months before the show airs. There are some backups in place in case someone quits before the show starts, but for the most part they know who will be in the house well in advance.
        I’ve never heard that the competitions were made in advance, though – where’d you get that information?

    • This is the most tailored competition ever. You could play this one 100 times and Austin would win every time as long as he didn’t release too early.

      • Well, he certainly had an advantage over James. James made it close but Austin’s arms have to be 8 inches longer than James’.

      • It’s not about the reach or the leg length, it’s about fast-twitch muscles. This competition was basically “who can sprint 10 yards the fastest?”

      • How many lbs of force does James generate? Just kidding it doesn’t matter… Austin won and you would figure he’d do well in that comp but it was like he was blowing the others away. What am I saying I didn’t even see it, except the 1st heat.

      • I’d really like to see Austin strap James to his tatted chest like a back pack. That would be hilarious!

      • Didn’t JMac miss the buzzer to go out or was the bad info? The guys had the advantage but I would have given the edge to JMac, out of blocks quick but a coin-toss w/Austin. I would like to see how a non-injured Becky would have done in this or even Liz, she’s pretty quick.

      • We can think of a sprint start as basically an angled squat. Austin should be able to squat twice his body mass. That means he’s generating well over 500lbs of force when he “explodes” from the crouched starting position. I would probably guess he is hitting around 800lbs of force on his starting marks. I would be very impressed with Becky if she could manage 200lbs.

        I’m not saying Becky isn’t athletic, it’s just that women are built differently. They don’t have the fast-twitch muscle mass men do. That’s why all 4 women went first, followed by the men in order of who had the best squat-weight-to-body-weight ratio, although I would have guessed JMac had more than Steve. This might have well have been a squat contest.

      • Oh yeah… well, did Austin ever get hit by a train? LOL.

        You didn’t have to go to all that trouble… I just wanted know if JMac missed the buzzer.

      • I can’t believe they allowed Austin to win when one of his knees touched the ground, something they weren’t allowed to do either.

      • Was that against the rules, if so I missed it… I thought you just had to keep the 3 buttons pushed in. I think I would have used BadBoy suggestion as the words on the sign changed, yell “GO” to get someone to false start… wonder if that was against the rules & if not, did anyone try doing that.

      • Maybe I missed hearing Julia say anything about that. Austin was the one who said he’s glad they didn’t catch him putting one of his knees on the ground. So who really knows what the rules were anymore? LOLOL

      • Here’s the thing they have replay… they could have gone back and disqualified him imo and we know they do & have used replay for that type situation and for photo finish.

    • Yep cause Austin could take three steps to James’ 30.

      Guaranteed eviction by production of james.

      Bet they received a lot of calls regarding james’ proposal, but they do nothing about Austin.

  20. Agree with Prince below,James is toast,poor Meg..they can toy with her at will,then evict her when they are ready,she is Victoria without a protector,nothing more,might as well be lamp shade on the BB set..Austin will not put up Vanessa,too much of coward..hiding behind anything he can find,Vanessa in the beginning and now the twins,this man is afraid of his shadow and don’t forget his best buddy was Jace,that alone tells you everything about this guy,no judgement.

  21. Well..Judas said this week is going to be intense….I hope he’s not talking about Meg….let’s see what he can do.

  22. Well..Judas said this week is going to be intense….I hope he’s not talking about Meg….let’s see what he can do.

    • Well, if V isn’t in Austwins plans then she’ll nix Steve going up. And why Meg, she’s harmless. Okay, I can give you James. LOL.

      • Could be nice see Vanessa & Steve on the block, but I think that it’s not a good idea send she to the jury house in this point, maybe she’s not dangerous in the competitions like Shelli or Becky, but anything could happen and she could win and return to the house; I think that maybe the best (and probably risky) it’s send a weak contender like Meg or even Steve, Becky, Shelli and Jackie are better than they in the comps, and one of the could return.

  23. Great news! Twins are safe yet again! The early relaxed players are really picking it up now!

  24. Great news! Twins are safe yet again! The early relaxed players are really picking it up now!

    • Austin wants the HoH room so he can grope and smother Liz. I wish BB would reprimand the HGs who turn the HoH room into a bordello.

      I am waiting for Liz’s parents to show up at the BB house to rescue their daughter.

      • Surely you’re joking? She didn’t. Uuuggggggghhhhh

        One of the websites someone attached a GIF, sitting on the floor vomiting in the toilet. Now ‘ s the time for me to go therr.

      • The next time it happens I’m yelling at the t.v. “Give it to her Austin… make her scream for more… you’re the man, Austin”. You know what they say “if you can’t stand them… “

    • If Austin does what he just said, I believe he may have found his balls that had been misplaced for awhile…getting Van out once and for all, since Liz didn’t have the balls to try it!

    • That’s what Liz and Julia wanted to do…Austin said he wasn’t going to if he could win it!

  25. For now we have Austin telling Liz that “people will have to understand,” meaning. He’s wanting to put James and John up as pawns and BDing Vanessa! Just hope he sticks to that plan, though!

    • He might go for the GLORY & figure that would look good on his resume applying for the Winner’s Job. Plus Austin was happy with what Becky & JMac said about V being the one that came up with the get Austin, remember she was pissed he lied straight to her face about telling Jason about the twins and maybe other stuff.

  26. Best thing would be f4 Vanessa wins hoh Liz wins pov Austin and Julia are on the block. Liz tells Julia that over the past 90 days I have grown to love Austin and its clear you will never accept him so for that I vote to evict you Julia.

  27. I doubt Austin has the Balls to get rid of Vanessa. It would take Becky or Jackie getting back into the game to get rid of her.

  28. Austin won HOH meh maybe he will get Van out or maybe James or John…. I don’t know with him !

  29. I wouldn’t be so sure that Austin won’t target Vanessa, but at this point I agree that James is much more probable. They’ll probably attempt a backdoor. But, James still has a high chance of being drawn and will play his ass off for the Veto. If he wins, I don’t see Austin wasting his HoH on Meg, and the Austwins seem to feel pretty safe with JMac and Steve.

    • Austin is already going to put John and James up as pawns. If JMac or James comes down, Van will go up!

      • From what the feeds sound like, Austin’s current target seems to be James. Looks like he is going to nominate Steve and JMac as pawns.
        It’s not really necessary, though, since James’ odds of being drawn in the Veto are around 75% even the nominees and HoH won’t use HouseGuest’s Choice on him.

      • He’s going to tell Steve about putting JMac (who he believes Steve is working with) and James up as pawns. That’s what I got from Jokersupdate who watched the feeds.

  30. Liz making comments about how she hopes Austin doesn’t get a letter from “you know who”…girlfriend back home?

      • You know one thing we might be missing about the GF… maybe with Austin
        coming on BB it was chance her to ESCAPE!!! If she can just pick
        the lock on the cage.

      • I don’t think there was a huge vested interest by either in their relationship. That’s why he feels no guilt clinging on to Liz.

    • I hope his girlfriend does send him a letter that they are expecting a baby. That would be funny.

    • I am sure that Austin doesn’t care. He is so into Liz – scary how much he is. Clelli got a lot of hate for how serious they talked, but this is far more nauseating.

      In the game – Austin has played well and is looking good. But personally, man… Hope the old GF formalizes dumping him the day he leaves BB house and then he turns to Liz and she is off running to cash her $500K and doesn’t give him her number. Would serve him right.

      • I hope not..but in a way, it could work out that way…but first Liz has to win the money! I just can’t see that happening!

  31. Vanessa will turn on the tears again and tell a few lies and she will be OK another OK….its called a poker bluff

    • Yup… but I’m happy to say the other HGs seem to be over her crying and have graduated to get her out of House to the Jury House so we don’t have to listen to the crying & whining.

  32. You know what would be really funny? Austin should nominate Vanessa and when she asks why, he should tell her it’s because she’s so paranoid and doesn’t trust the plan. Isn’t that what she’s always telling HGs? “You played too hard, which means you don’t trust us.” Throw it right back on her.

    • Its best for them to not poke the bear because she will some how stay and then R.I.P Austwins

    • They’ve learned to avoid her and will do what Liz did…”I’m not making any deals,” but added, “so stop being so paranoid Vanessssssaaah” (she stole that from Becky by the way)…only because Van went crying to Liz and Julia about it! hahaha

    • Problem is whatever you on her would just bounce back on you. LOL!!! But I get your irony, so true.

      • Agreed, I lose interest when the battlefield is narrow and predictable, I see only sheep following sheep. no wolves this season, and Vanessa isn’t a wolf, just a goat that leads them off a cliff. lol

  33. If production wanted Meg to win HoH, I don’t know what kind of comp they would have to come up with to tailor to her “strengths”….maybe sleeping. The girl is sadly tragic.

    • Probably some kind of drinking game would be good for Meg. Maybe they could have a contest to see who can do the most “Blow Jobs”

  34. From strategic standpoint, there is no more house war. the sixth sense died when Clay and Shelli went home, this Austin’s Angels crap will only last if John and Steve remain sheep, but at this rate I see James going home, if he doesn’t pull out veto win. its a numbers game and the game favors the twins right now, if Vanessa can survive James and John, just give her the money right now. Becky made some solid points and they still didn’t listen to her, this cast is so weak and painful to watch.

    • They may not want to get rid of Vanessa now, because this week will determine who comes back, so they might not want to risk the chance of her getting evicted, just so she can possibly come back once again.

      • I think Vanessa will be an emotional, high strung mess when evicted. I don’t see her competing very well to get back in. I think she’ll be extremely flustered.

      • Getting rid of Vanessa is not a good idea for Austwins anyway. Vanessa is not going to target them right now. Not while James and John are gunning for her.
        If they’re smart, they’re gonna get rid of James this week, Him almost winning HOH should show them that he’s a threat (competition-wise).

  35. What happened to throwing it so that they can use James to do the dirty work and get out Vanessa? Hope Austin grows some balls and still goes with the evict Vanessa plan. Doubtful but still wishful.

    • I thought he wanted to ensure that he won. He’s a total jerk. Now they will see the true Austin.

  36. Austin won. Gross nhe doesn’t have the guts to put up van. It would actually be smarter to get her out next week so she can’t compete in the returning juror comp so I think James will go this week

  37. I said it since the STUPID day that Vanessa/Shelli knowingly let the twins enter the house that they would rue that day because they’d form an unbreakable alliance. I also said a few weeks ago that I see the Austwins winning now, with them being a rock solid alliance. Bingo, Yahtzee.

      • Ditto! They didn’t have me as a hg who had more knowledge of same sex twins rather than fraternal male/female ones, like Shelli had than with Liz and Juliahhhhh!

      • Exactly… I didn’t think it was a good idea but had no idea it would mushroom to what it has but that doesn’t mean it can’t be stopped.

        That why I’d like to see Becky return, if anyone can stop a runaway train, it might be her. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

      • I knew it was not a good idea for the goblins. Do you think austin will backdoor james? He is such a bottom feeder.

      • I think Austin has 3 names… JMac, James & Steve… whoever doesn’t go OTB will be BD’d, I doubt it will be Steve. He’ll want to put 2 HGs that could win Veto so he can BD someone. That’s to me is why Sweet Meg won’t go up.

        So James most likely or JMac. Unfortunately for JMac if the Veto is not used it’s JMac.

  38. The house sets should’ve gotten the twins out before they could even enter the house as separate players. They’re pretty much ruling the house with their alliance. Yikes

  39. With numbers dwindling, it is posible that the Austwins win the HOH every week, alternating HOHs between the three. Nice going “genius” Vanessa for letting twins into the game.

  40. I really don’t like Liz. Everyone says that if she got out then Julia would drift to the other side but I can’t really see that happening. I think she’d stay with Austin and van just because she’d be safe with them until Meg, James etc were out

    • He says his intention is to BD her. We shall see! He only said this to Liz..nobody else. But then Liz started whining about how nervous she was about him doing this.

  41. I say we just wrap the whole house up in Saran wrap, HG’s included, hitch it up to a big trailer, drive deep into the wilds of Alaska, dump it off, and drive away. We could call it Survivor Alaska.They’re useless as BB contestants, so they might as well give us some other kind of entertainment. I’ll volunteer to be the driver.

  42. I don’t want to see James go this week. As a girl I find some of his comments unite irritating but he’s one of the only lively hgs left. He’s pretty much the only one that can make me laugh. Him and jmac.

      • But you’d cry too if you were alone in that House, especially with James creeping around and not know, WHO… WHAT… or WHEN the next attack will be.

      • How came she felt alone when Lil Stevie was under her and poked her? It’s like a big slap to that boy’s face when she said that.

  43. UGH. Austin and the twins are stupid, shallow, they talk annoyingly, whine too much, play stupid games during After Dark. Complain, whine, did I say whine? They have no game. This is going to be interesting though. I don’t think Austin has the guts to nom Vanessa. But if he does, and she wins Veto, he is screwed. it’s either Jmac or James.

  44. The thing I don’t like about a jury member coming back like this is that the reason they went out in the first place was numbers. So they come back in and become an easy target the very next week.

    • Omg yes!! It sucks because we don’t really get to see them play because they’re pretty much evicted as soon as they walk back in

  45. BBCAN is way better than bbus. They’re both similar but the twists are way more entertaining and I’ve mostly been excited to watch every episode when it aired. This season I be never even been excited to see an episode. The only bad thing about BBCAN is that most of the hgs are way too nice(as a Canadian I feel this is just a stereotype) and there isn’t much drama. However Bruno and Sarah were quite entertaining with their fights on bbcan3. If you haven’t seen bbcan3 it it’s really worth the watch

    • Hold on a minute, I’m thinking you may be prejudice… just can’t put my finger on why I’d think that. Plus we wouldn’t understand what they’re saying, speaking Canadian and all. Everytime one of them said “about”, we’d be like, what did he say his ‘boot’, what about his ‘boot’.

  46. Has anyone else noticed that Clay was dressed nicely and got evicted. Shelly was in her competition clothes and didn’t go home. This week Becky was dressed to go home and John was in competition clothes. Did they know what the vote was going to be?

      • Yep…believe it. It was mentioned in Jokers by one of the hgs…then there were FISH…oops!

      • I would think the rehearsal is mostly like working with a winner of HoH or Veto on their speech but it could be they do a 2nd Take on occasion of a ceremony if they know it can’t be edited… just my guess. Seems the Nomination ceremony follows a certain script that they have practiced & rehearsed and sometimes go slightly off script with a word here & there.

      • Becky pretty much was told she was going to be evicted in advance, so she dressed for the occasion. But if they were to change their minds (which they’ve been known to do at that last second), she could have shorts under her dress so she could hurry and get a shirt to put on in time for the comp. She wasn’t wearing heels either…they were flat shoes, which she could wear in the comp too!

    • I noticed that too. Shelli was wearing running shoes etc and so was john. Thought it was just bc they knew who was going home based off what they were being told by the hgs and stuff

    • Yeah the votes so far haven’t been secret. They know how it will go.
      When I saw Shelli in athletic clothes before the eviction, the only thing I could think was “she knows!”

  47. FINALLY Austin wins!!!! I REALLY HOPE he doesn’t put up or backdoor Vanessa!! He owes her BIG TIME & the main reason she has a target on her back is because she didn’t backdoor him!!!! He owes her his life!!!! From the VERY beginning she had his back!!

    • Not really. She wanted to BD him..Shelli is the one that convinced her not to. He really doesn’t owe her anything.

      • No…. totally disagree! With all due respect :-)
        he lied to her, straight to her face so she thought about it and it was totally clay, Shelly and Julia who were in on it! when Becky was just telling them the other day about it, Julia did not even defend Vanessa when Julia knew the whole time but did not tell Liz when they switched spots! I don’t know what’s up with that!
        when Austin found out (about the back door plan) he begged Vanessa to keep him, and she was willing to do so but told him to never lie to her again! She accepted the apology & understood he was just desperate when he talked to Jason! Then Vanessa told him everyone in their alliance (and everyone else want him out aside from Liz) so she told him to clean up his mess with clay and Shellie or else she, (Vanessa) had no choice! she doesn’t do what other people tell her to do!!!
        she was already doubting backdooring him because she did ultimately trust him & wanted to remain loyal to him.
        but her back was against the wall, he needed to win back the entire alliance or else Vanessa had no choice but to go with the house or get too much blood on her hands!
        and what some people are forgetting is that Austin did say to vote out Julia, that he did not care when speaking with Jason. Vanessa will stay loyal to Austin till the end because she is loyal to him.Austin has done a lot of stupid things but Vanessa never turned on him. in fact, everyone is calling her paranoid but she has every right to be! She is good at reading peoples faces and what not, so she is sensing something is up, and has every right to be paranoid! Like she was saying on yesterday’s episode (Wednesday) that Austin was not speaking to her very much, and talking no game & she truly was upset because of his actions! And again she has every right to feel the way she is feeling, I don’t see how people see otherwise! If Austin put her up or backdorred her it would be not only totally upsetting for her because she did save him, it would also show a lot of his character! it’s a game, obviously I know that lol but aside from the fact that Vanessa is playing the game!!! she is very smart, and is making all the right moves and she would be a good person to get out of the house, Austin would be a fool! she completely has his back, so why should he affect her! liz will only take him to the end if Julia is gone and I strongly believe if one twin leaves the other twin will go the next week so I believe it is in Austin’s best interest to keep Vanessa and hope someone takes her out the following week! Honestly it bugs me so much listening to the Austwins put her down so much! She has always been very loyal to them all! And blah blah blah lol lastly, when clay and Shellie were in the house, everyone blame them for everything, everyone said they were running the show! Now everyone left is pointing their finger at the Vanessa for things she was involved with but was not alone in doing so. In my humble opinion :-) :-) blah blah blah blah blah lol my super long posts

      • CRAP, I totally forgot what I was going to say now and it obviously would be a waste of time anyway. Here’s the short & sweet… everything Vanessa does is of her own making, no one is going to talk her into anything… she did turn on Austin (of her own) just didn’t follow through b/c he begged to be her biatch. Some people view her play as smart but some of us see it all comes out of her paranoid brain. And you can take her crying, whining, paranoid play she’s all yours.

      • I am no fan of her crying, I’m no fan of anyone on Big Brother crying but it’s a reality game and true emotions come out! I have followed Vanessa career for many many many many years and the side of her on Big Brother is not a side I know of. she is used to playing a game where she relies on nobody but herself! so, logically the game is getting to her! I don’t agree with everything she does, however I do think she is at least playing the game aside from everyone else! And maybe she’s doing things people don’t like but hey, it’s working! They could have back door her last week and they didn’t! So whatever she’s doing is working. and a side note, she is probably really emotional because not only is she cut off from all her family and friends but also, not long ago she was married and got divorced and shortly after that her ex husband died of cancer. She was still very close to him! So maybe this all this time and the house, so much free time is getting her. we as fans don’t know what is going through each and everyone’s head in the game! and I have no problem with people disliking her for her gameplay, but I think it’s only fair that I am allowed an opinion, and that I see what’s really going on. she is a loyal person, and she was loyal to Austin from the very very beginning! So when he lied directly to her face, it hurt her a lot and she knew she could no longer trust him so when the idea of backdooring him was brought up she was essentially on board but I do believe once he told her the truth, she was obviously forgiving and wanted to remain loyal to him so she told him she can’t do it alone without ruining her game and he had too mend fences! that she was happy he did! now I will believe he owes her! sue me for thinking someone she is completely loyal to owes her and thinking if Austin does backdoor her that he is an idiot! she is a good player so logically getting rid of her would be smart however she could easily come back this week, I mean next week! So I don’t think this is the week to get rid of her.

      • sorry, I do intend for my replies to be short and sweet lol…. And another fact is she is very very good at reading people so her paranoia is validated because she is a huge target! so when everyone talks about her being so paranoid, does she not have the right to be paranoid? Everyone wants her gone, her alliance members are against her for the most part so she has absolutely every right to be paranoid! yeah, it’s annoying but she’s trying to win a game! and like most other past Big Brother guests, she is doing whatever it takes! I strongly believe the only reason she is looking so bad by playing so hard is because no one else is really playing! most of the house just seem happy to make it to jury!!

      • Ha, ha… I usually have that intent too but get carried away, so no problem I was half joking. LOL, notice I said half joking b/c I think you’ve make up your mind and can’t be swayed and that’s not a bad thing.

        Think about this possibility, maybe Vanessa ALWAYS thinks ‘everyone talks about her’ (even in the real world) and that’s why she looks ‘genius’ that she just “knows” the HGs are talking about her… does that make sense?

      • I have made up my mind about Vanessa however I do not like things she is doing/saying (honestly I don’t read a lot of the feeds) but a few people have said she is being very hypocritical and I do not agree with that! And her constant paranoia and crying do drive me crazy as well! So don’t get me wrong, I do not think she is playing the perfect game.
        in regards to the “real world” no she is not a paranoid lunatic by nature lol nor is she super emotional! she is a very strong person. & the truth is in the real world she is extremely intelligent! And I think, actually I know it is not good for her game on Big Brother b/c she is overthinking things, does not have an off switch and is coming across as extremely paranoid. so other house guests are annoyed by it. but she plays again professionally so I just think it’s hard for her to shut things down even for 10 minutes while in the house because she is still playing a game. and like I keep saying, yes she is very paranoid and it does get very annoying however she does have every right to be paranoid. she knows things are not right with her alliance, obviously because she is a pro poker player she is good at reading things, reading peoples facial expressions so like I said she does have a right to be paranoid and she does have the right to be questioning her alliance.
        I understand what you’re saying, she might just appear to be a genius but, the truth is she really is lol….. And she is the one & the only one who is essentially ruining her own game buy all her actions. sorry for the long reply lol I really need to learn how to keep things shorter!

      • & thank you for having a mature debate and friendly debate with me :-) over the last week I have had quite a few, mainly woman attack me personally for defending Vanessa. what I am trying to get across is all the personal attacks on Vanessa character I do actually find offensive, so I find myself defending her. in the real world, Vanessa is an extremely nice person! she is very down to earth, very friendly and she is also very charitable! She works with a few charities and does a lot of good things for a lot of people. I have met her several times through mutual poker player friends and every time she has been very nice, and very friendly. She is never been a snob or treated anyone badly in my presence. and my friends who are friends with her always speak very highly of her. several people on here have called her a washed up pro poker player which makes me laugh because that is so far from the truth! And from the beginning of the game when I found out she was going to be on the show I was very excited to actually know someone who was going to be on my favorite show :-) I just think the game got the best of her and unfortunately she is coming across as some crazy chick!
        everything I say or reply to is always in good fun, I am never personally attacking anyone nor am I taking the debate to another level! it’s all in good fun :-) so thank you for being understanding and not attacking me personally. I am actually a really nice person too lol and I am very surprised when I receive messages/replies from some people who gets so worked up about it! it’s a game lol and whoever said playing big brother meant you couldn’t lie, be paranoid, be a hypocrite and what not! DR.WILL was the king of Big Brother! and most of the previous winners of Big Brother did not win the game by being completely honest the entire game! its how you play big brother!

      • Wow, thanks for the insight on Vanessa I’m so glad to hear she’s not like what we’re seeing and truthfully I’m more concerned about her mental/physical well being at this point. Totally understand why you defend her like you do, from what you say about her.

        I think you hit it on the head saying “unfortunately she is coming across as some crazy chick”, I hope some others read your comments… it would probably tame down the personal attacks on her but not so much the attacks on her game play, it’s difficult to watch sometimes.

        Can’t help but to think maybe the stress and just the wear & tear of living in that House hasn’t caused her a chemical imbalance. She appears to me like she needs a vacation, don’t know how the death of her ex-husband last year effected her but maybe Big Bro was something she should have skipped or delayed doing.

      • I agree, the house is getting the best of her & it’s just so bad how she is coming across in the game! To be honest with you, I was very very surprised when I found out she was going to be on Big Brother this season…….. from the very beginning when I found out, super confused on how she ended up there and why! I guess maybe they were hoping for a lot of poker fans to watch this season!? (because poker is very popular now!) I am thinking whomever does the casting chose her because of what she does for a living,!! Kevin from Big Brother Canada 3 was super popular and played a pretty good game! Maybe that was why they asked her!? & she lot a superstar anything like that so the probability of anyone knowing who she was outside of the house was not likely. but I was surprised no one recognized her!

      • I recognized her. Looked up Kevin (BB Canada) figured you meant he was a poker player also. Reading about latest POV comp and the aftermath, hate to say it but she’s still playing the nutso paranoid, she’s some actress or what we’re seeing is the real Vanessa. Read this some where “you can learn more about a man in 1-3 hours of play then you can in lifetime of normal living”. Her behavior is abnormal, did the stress of life in that House bring it on? I’d say I hope BB is keeping a close eye on Vanessa. I don’t do the Live Feed so I’m guessing she over-thinking and her mind is going 100mph 24/7, she’s only sleeping from exhaustion and maybe not getting enough deep-sleep, this would make the paranoia worse.

      • Forgot to mention Dr Will is one of my favorites also, his 1st season they kept him in to take to F2 and a sure win and then his smart plan won it for him. LOL. One of most enjoyable seasons was the All Stars one where Will & Boogie teamed up, they had me in stitches the entire season, I think Boogie won that one. Ring, ring… yes, I agree they don’t have to be completely honest just not ruthless. I was pretty peed-off the way the guys strung Britney along that one season but it can get sad when they’re dirty with someone you like on the show.

      • BOOGIE!!! loved him! and especially loved the way him and Dr. Will were in the diary room, they were hysterical! This season needed people like that! no one aside from Johnny Mac is funny! Austin and Jace were pretty funny together, with the air guitar lol and the sound effects BB did! Too bad it as short-lived :(
        this season has been way too predictable and a complete lack of one-on-one alliances make for boring television! I think they got rid of a few good characters too early! Jace (I think!!) would have provided quite a bit of entertainment!

      • Ring… ring… loved the phone conversations of Will & Boogie. The Jace/Austin thing, did nothing for me… my problem with both of them is I see them as big show-offs. I don’t like show-offs and I don’t like women (Mama Da & multiple ones on Survivor) or guys (Jason) with attitude that snap their finger across your face… though I did think Jason was pretty funny at times,”My-lant-ta!!!”

        It get me that people say its been predictable, think about it… the original plan never get carried out but right near the vote we generally know who’s leaving, I just wish some of the votes would have been closer.

        There was one season you could tell the HGs got together before the vote b/c all the vote were Whatever to 0. I don’t like it when a HG votes against a friend, afraid of what the Power of the House will do to them, like how will they know unless Production is telling them, guess that could be happening.

      • Forgot to mention this, have you seen the “John & Becky – a little bit of your heart” video clip on youtube? I wonder if John’s heart went out of the game when Becky left? His little Eviction ceremony speech was all about “that girl” and how wonderful she is and how he can’t do any on those things.

      • haha I’m laughing at myself! I seriously can’t even post 1 comment that is less than a paragraph! sorry, so much for you to read lol…. But I just wanted to say thank you for not personally attacking me and having a friendly debate :-) the amount of hate comments I have gotten lately are ridiculous! I am a strong person and can take it and know who I am! those people that need to personally attack my character clearly are not good at friendly debates! I guess attacking my character is more fun for them but this is the internet and it’s easy for people to hide behind their computers and call people names! Anyway blah blah blah blah blah lol thank you G-Man ♡♡

      • You’re welcome. What? This is a ‘love-fest’ compared to what it use to be, like back during BB12 (Rachel Reilly) you had to have a thick skin. It seems the HG’s that are more villain or ruthless types have fans that will use every means to defend their favorite HG and will have more of a tendency for personal attacks maybe that why they relate to that certain HG. So if they can’t convince you their fav is the best player then they’ll get satisfaction attacking you and name calling.

      • Thought I might mention this, I had forgotten… if you put your cursor on a person’s avatar/name you’ll notice a little ‘flag’ to the right-side… if someone gets ‘inappropriate’ I would suggest you click on that. I’m guessing but maybe the site manager will delete that comment or warn that person to not be inappropriate in the future. And I believe personal attacks would fall under that ruling.

      • Thanks for the tip G-Man!!! I have thick skin, and people hiding behind their computer screens to insult me makes me laugh! Its completely hypocritical of them when they question my character for liking and defending Vanessa! it makes them look like idiots! Totally contradicting themselves! and to be completely honest with you, yes I would enjoy just friendly debate however if people want to insult me then so be it! I am completely comfortable with who I am and I have no problems defending myself andI can laugh at myself, so it’s even easier to laugh at them!
        I don’t necessarily like it! It sometimes takes the fun out of these debates but whatever! It is what it is! thanks again :-) :-)

      • That’s a good attitude to have. I love the debate too and if some humor enters in that makes it that much more enjoyable. It seems I have a photo-

        graphic memory but most the time the flash doesn’t go off so my recall can be fuzzy.

        I can actually read stuff (not only on here) I’ve written months or years ago and think “I wrote that? I can’t believe I wrote that”. LOL.

        I’ve got thick skin too, hate to admit it but I will ‘joust’ with someone who insults me just to return the favor. Sometimes it’s interesting to go a few rounds… the last one I said “I love you more” and that ended it. When I realize they want the ‘last word’ that’s when they’re in trouble. LOL.

      • I agree and V blew it all out of proportion… those that don’t agree forget that part but that’s why she had to throw the “he lied right to my face” (he just bend it a little) to top it off and give the idea of a BD legs to actually pull off.

        What he told Jason was NO BIG DEAL, should he have done it w/o bringing his alliance up on it before he did it… NO… but I just don’t get V’s big whoop. Never- mind, she’s just a drama queen sometimes.

      • There you go, well said… yes and that’s just the main prize money, think I saw where Derrick won $575K.

      • TRUE…… very true! But then this is big brother, and if he backdoors her he might not get her vote! if it came down to him and someone else in the end. so when playing the game, the house guests all have to remember that and I just think it would be a stupid game move on Austin’s part to get rid of her. I think it should be meg, James or Johnny Mac to do it. and getting her out ASAP is a smart game move only because she is playing such a good game for the most part! but there is so much more time for people to get rid of her! I believe he should keep his loyalty to her and let someone else take her out! just my opinion :-)

      • I can see your point, and it’s a good one. I just think that she’s aware of the fact she’s a good player and a threat to his game, so she may respect the move in the end. She may consider it one of the best moves he made in the game.

    • OMGosh, I think Amy’s (?) looking for you!!! He owes V his life b/c she had the choice to BD him and didn’t? Sorry, where’s the logic of that? She’s the one that setup the possibility of a BD over something she totally blew out of proportion (gosh, that’s a surprise & then didn’t pull the trigger. Here’s what he owes her BIG TIME – a big boot out the door. Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am

      • It WAS a discussion!! There was never a 100% plan to backdoor him….. It was a discussion between Vanessa, clay, Shellie, and JULIA……. & regardless of how it went down, he begged her for his life in the game!!! And she gave it to him!!! how you can’t see that, I really don’t know! But Austin is a fool, he wasn’t even begging for his life in the game! He was begging that he made it to jury with Liz! regardless of how it went down he owes her, and aside from that she is completely loyal to him and has been from the beginning so it would be a stupid game move for him to is that her! the only good reason to get rid of her is because she is playing an awesome game! End of story!

        Wham ban thank you ma’am!

        Who’s Amy? LOL …..

        why can’t we have a friendly debate? You don’t need to get so worked up :-) it’s all good! Agree to disagree!

  48. Ugh. Now we have to spend another week watching Austin and Liz in the HOH room. Yuck !!!!

      • You forgot to add the “uhhhh”. It’s Yasssssuh!” as Liz or Julia would say! hahaha

      • No and I don’t know why but the “…uhhh” & the “…ahhh” don’t bother me… could I be in love? LOL… I do kind of like Julia too.

      • It’s truly sad when we digress to Liz speak! LOL.

        But we’ve begun the indecisive trail again. Not once has anyone stuck to the plan…..

      • When he and Liz are alone you have to. Even if he’s alone petty himself you have to. She does push him away sometimes. They have been seen doing something you don’t want to see. I quit watching for a week. I couldn’t take it. I read that she cut his nails. Happy I didn’t see that. I’m done until next Sunday. I can’t do much more than that because of his grossness.BB should be embarrassed.

      • OMGosh, so funny… she pushes him away and that why he’s gone to the two hand grip on the back of her head. So she grooming him, Julia should hand Liz the scissors. Though Julia probably wants to USE them on him herself… like straight to the heart, she may be waiting until F3.

      • OMGoshuhh… “something you don’t want to see”… that’s like a pandora’s box
        or something with LOTS of things I could think of and then WISH I
        hadn’t. We’re getting low on mind bleach here… put it on the shopping list.

  49. About time for BBAD to come on here. I so hope Austin gets his “walking papers” I mean letter from his now ex-gf back home in his HoH basket!

      • Shame the letter never came. The letter that did come Austin said he believes his sister, Gabby probably wrote it for his parents, because his mother wasn’t all that talkative and that his father was a drunk and it would have been nasty.

  50. It’s clear that Meg is the new “Victoria” smh
    What a useless HG. The comp was so simple and she couldn’t even do it. Smh

    • It involved the bending of the knees…again…Meg has a really bad knee that just doesn’t ever want to cooperate in comps like these.

      • It’s all in her plan, she’s reeling them in, holding back until F3 or F4… not really but it would be genius if it were true… I’d give her the money were that the case.

      • I think Meg found that she’s just not cut out for BB when it comes to the comps. She’s a social drinking game kinda gal!

      • Yep, me too! The biggest floater ever in BB history to make it to Final 2 if that occurs!

  51. OMG Austin is already talking to Liz saying this might not be a good week to get Vanessa out. WTF??? Now he’s talking about getting JMac out because if he comes back he won’t hold a grudge. If this happens I hope whoever comes back wins HOH and puts the twins up with a backdoor Austin plan.

      • Get ready to scream because he wants to target JMac. All I know is JMac needs to win the POV. Austin is talking about getting TV time two weeks in a row. He’s so full of himself right now it’s disgusting. And Vanessa saying we’re all making it to final 5. (Steve). She’s saying I can’t see anything that’s going to stop us. Whoever comes back needs to team up with James and Meg and break them up.

    • He’s not a man!!! He’s a coward . He’s never gonna push anyone to hard. He’s a spineless punk ass.with no balls. BB wants to keep him because of that and the shock of how filthy disgusting he is.

      • Yeah, but… oh, oh a ‘yeah, but’ Frankie was 10 times as sickening as Austin and just 1/3 the size… and Frankie believes everyone loves him. I think Austin would prefer you hate him, he’s a wrestler for crying out-loud, they want to be hated.

      • But Austin is no Cold Stone Austin. I could never hate anyone…but I despised Frankie more than I ever will Austin. Austin is more of a puttytat than CS was! Think of another word than puttytat there…it’s true meaning! hahaha

      • Had problem with Frankie… see him too much as a ‘flaming’ showoff.

        Not that I was ever into WRASSLING but with all those tats and his size I think Austin/Judas could come out like a DEMON. He’s holding back or saving it for later.

      • I agree. He’s making me sick on the feeds tonight. I had to switch them to watching Steve and JMac playing chess. Rather watch boring than watch disgusting. He’s talking about getting all kinds of TV time. I want to throw up. Now they’re targeting JMac and I’m so pissed.

      • Agreed and don’t blame you… did you catch the opening of Eviction Ceremony when Julia says “Good Evening, Houseguests” and they all were silent and pointing their index finger at her… WELL, I had my middle finger up for Austin, there was no doubt in my mind it was his idea… WRASSLERS (sic) are all self promoters… I can’t believe we haven’t heard his Hulk Hogan impersonation yet, trust me it’s coming… mark my word.

    • As Gomer use to say “SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE”… actually waiting a week is probably a better idea.

      • Van’s plan is to put up Steve and JMac as pawns and BD James. That’ll benefit her game since James has been gunning for her since Shelli left.

      • She’s now seeing a flaw in her plan and says it should be James and Meg..but then says, “Steve needs to go up instead of Meg!” God…she tires me so easily now. But she also keeps forgetting she’s not HoH…once again! Crossing fingers Austin just ignores her and does what he feels should be done. BD Vanessa…”point blank and period” as DaVonne said.

      • I’m thinking she’ll go without sleep and pretty much be a zombie by Veto Ceremony… doesn’t matter that she’s not going OTB or not being BD’d, she believes she could… she might just OD (after saving up her meds) or go over the edge for no reason. $10 says she has an extra dose to take before a comp just in case she needs it or BB is late w/her regular dose, that ain’t happening again.

      • Vanessa sold out Steve in less than 3 minutes inside the HOH room. She is too afraid of going out. She thinks she’s head honcho.