The Power of Veto Ceremony is coming up quickly for the Big Brother 17 Houseguests which meant this week’s targets, Clay and Shelli, and had one last chance to push for safety.
When Clay and Shelli came to the realization that “it’s either us or him” they were ready to talk to James but just how much were they willing to tell him?
Flashback to 4:45AM BBT 8/3 as James meets up with Shelli and Clay in the bathroom downstairs. Shelli wants to know if anyone is campaigning to save them like they’ve been told is happening. James says no, that everyone was content with them being the noms. The couple is ready to talk with James behind closed doors.
They head upstairs for their big reveal of info but soon it’s just Clay and Shelli interrogating James for info instead. James doesn’t give up much of anything so eventually Shelli is ready to talk. She starts out by naming Vanessa… as someone she finds loyal and trustworthy. Well there goes that. I think James was expecting her to sacrifice details on Vanessa, but no.
Shelli and Clay begin to detail out Austin and his Judas persona. They find him scary and must be this week’s target. James goes to get Meg and Jackie to join and hear this talk. Flashback to 5:50 AM BBT to hear more of the talk with all five of them in the room.
After Shelli gives her whole talk Jackie says she feels like this is all old information aside from the Judas alter ego. Jackie wants to know why Steve wasn’t the target last week like they had planned instead of Jason. Shelli again presses that Austin is scary, but Jackie isn’t buying it.
Jump ahead to 6:20 AM BBT as Chelli have left leaving James, Meg, and Jackie to discuss. Jackie isn’t buying any of the stuff Shelli was selling. She wants to know why is Austin suddenly the big threat this week when they had him dead to rights last week but let him walk.
Jackie throws it out there: if either Shelli or Clay don’t go home this week then it needs to be Austin. She says they can’t keep the three of them together. Jackie says if they get Vanessa out then it’d make Shelli and Clay happy. Jackie is pressing hard for Vanessa to be the renom.
James. my dear James,
My my my I yi woo. M M M My Sharona…
Oh Cyril…you make me laugh! As I’ve read the latest comments, I do see how it’d be a more interesting week if Vanessa and Shelli were put up against each other; and I really don’t like Vanessa. But, I just want to see the ‘power couple’ (as I’m sure they see themselves) broken up.
Exactly. He has nothing to lose from leaving it the same and voting one of them out!!!
Matt: The following should read Vanessa, not Austin…
“Jackie throws it out there: if either Shelli or Clay don’t go home this week then it needs to be Austin.”
If I were James, I’d listen to Jackie! There’s too much chance that Clay might go home, if noms stay the same. Sending Clay home, is only a small bite out of the 6th snake. He needs to replace Clay with Vanessa!!!
Right!..It’s a gamble. There’s a chance for Shelli to stay.
Vanessa and Shelli need to be both in the block to guarantee one of them going home this week. That also, removes one tough competitor for HOH going after James this coming week. Otherwise, Clay is gone and both Vanessa and Shelli will be coming after James the coming week.
That’s why even though I hate Vanessa he needs to take Clay down and renom Liz. That way Shelli goes home for sure. That couple needs broken up and Clay isn’t that big of a threat at the moment since he’s basically Shelli’s lap dog.
Putting up Liz is not a good plan. First, there are only 4 guaranteed votes to keep Liz (Austin, Julia, Jackie, Meg). Second, it give Van the power to decide who she wants to keep, instead of James having the power. Third, it makes 2 more people even madder at James.
His only options, as the 3 of them now know, are to either keep the noms the same or replace Clay with Vanessa.
Honestly, as much as I want the power couple broken up this week, I would love to see Vanessa go home. But if he doesn’t change the moms Clay’s going and I feel like that will be a waste. I’m still not sure why Steve and JMac haven’t caught on to their pon status yet.
Plus I think Vanessa is the one who keeps the 6s alliance together, if clay goes shelli will still be strong coz of Vanessa, and she would be more focus coz there’s no more showmance
Vanessa is the glue that keeps them together. You have clay and shelli on one side and austin plus the twins on the other. As much as I hate clay and shelli staying, Vanessa leaving would be the one that ends the 6th sense
Very true, if only there’s a way those Queens can be voted out together
That is exactly what he needs to do…take down Clay and put up Vanessa…
He still might do that but won’t say til the ceremony to anyone! Veto ceremony can’t get here fast enough.
Whatever happens this week he can’t chance that both Clay AND Shelli will be left in the house.
This is actually turning into a good season… Everyone is turning on each other and you don’t know where the ball is going to roll next …, we have a couple wild cards in the mix like Steve and Johnny who don’t really give out much as to what would they do if they win hoh … This is getting really good… No one is loyal except James , Meg , and Jacks
Correction from the blog: Jackie said that if Shelli/Clay don’t go this week it has to be Vanessa (not Austin). I like how Jackie isn’t afraid of getting blood on her (or James’) hands.
I really hope James considers what jackie have told her. I like her in TAR i thought she’ll remain floating around in BB but now she’s right there analyzing and strategizing, I’m glad she didn’t turn out to be like Becky.
Me tooo!!!
The outsiders are on the right track as far as the targets, but if they want more info to be spilled, Vanessa is a good renom. Vanessa vs Shelli? Let the two duke it out………….imagine the feeds..
Well, looks like Clay and Shelli are edging around using my plan. But doesnt sound like they are doing it very well. I dont understand why Clay/Shelli still trust Vanessa so much. She does so many obvious things that point out how sneaky and fake she tries to be. Ah well.
Same as Becky! Idk how the underdogs aren’t catching on to her ways yet!! It’s clearly obvious!
They figured it out this morning.
Haha Well it’s about time they catch the rat before it starts any unnecessary drama
Andy loves Becky..he called her a f*****g rat on tweeter.
I laughed so hard when you posted that earlier! hahaha
Now I’m hoping that Van says something today that makes James want to put her up next to Shelli on the block. She might, since she has trouble keeping her mouth shut!
I do want Vanessa out but I really want to keep Clay & Shelly up against each other.
I’d love to see Vanessa put up as a renom next to Shelli. The two of them on the block together would make an amazing few days of feeds
So true
That would be a great thing to watch. Vanessa would absolutely believe Shelli and Clay threw her under the bus. We would see some epic shouting matches between the two and the alliance would surely fall apart completely. This would work out in favor of Jackie, Meg and James because they could pick whoever they wanted to align with.
That’s exactly what I was thinking
They worked so hard to not throw Vanessa under the bus that they just ended up confirming to James Jackie and Meg that Audrey was right and Clay/Shelli/Vanessa are the power players. Honestly they should put Vanessa up and send her home, with her gone they can probably peel off Clay and Shelli from Austin and the twins. Bring in a Becky and John and you have the numbers. Sounds like they won’t and just keep it the same, which is OK but leaves Vanessa to hold the remnants of sixth sense together. With Steve they still would have the numbers. I do think James was joking about putting Vanessa up, but it’s the smart move.
Best to break up Shelli & Clay and then hope Shelli goes home because then that breaks up Shelli and Vanessa too . Clay is easily persuaded and I don’t think he will be as angry if Shelli leaves as Shelli will be if he leaves. LOL…Clay always has Meg.
Clay no longer has Meg.
Meg sobered up and saw the error of her ways! hahahaa
I think this is the most exciting renom/backdoor so far … hurry up already!
Why Austin is safe again? But ask Audrey tho, safe for two weeks but gone on the third … so hopefully next week they will get rid of Judas. Hallelujah!
Austin is safe this week, because he’s a follower, not a leader. James is gunning for a big fish, i.e., Shelli, Vanessa or Clay.
You knew that it was a rhetorical question regarding Judas, rite? If I didn’t know what you were nicely telling me, then I was as dumb as Clay as Jason thought.
Oops! I sometimes misread things. Sorry about that! No, I don’t think you’re dumb at all!! That was me being dumb. :)
John,Steve,twins and Austin votes — will they screw up all the plans being made to get a certain person out? And Becky. Getting good BB.
I think leaving the noms the same makes sense but it would be so freaking nice to see Vanessa and Shelli up against each other. Forget Shelli/Clay, I would like to see the meltdown there
Hey Matt, thanks for the article like always, but just a correction:
The following should not be ” Jackie wants to know why Steve wasn’t the target last week like they had planned instead of Jason.”
But ” Jackie wants to know why Austin wasn’t the target last week like they had planned instead of Jason.”
She knows why Austin was saved. She wanted to know why Steve wasn’t the replacement, since he was originally Plan B.
Oh, you’re right. Lol sorry my bad, I just got confused
Interesting math that Vanessa did. There’s 95% chance their alliance would have remained intact if BoB stayed in the play. Having BoB dropping coupled with Endurance Comp, there’s 50% chance for the outsiders winning.
The floor just dropped under Vanessa and her plan. That’s the huge factor in why we have an exciting week.
Shelli was very smart when she told JaMegKie that she trusted Vanessa. Clay is sacrificing himself for Shelli, so she knows she has the votes to stay. Jackie knows that voting out Clay will result into the creation of a new power couple in V and Shelli, so James’s HOH reign won’t amount to anything. This is why Jackie wants V on the block next to Shelli. If Shelli is voted out, Clay becomes a free agent. If V is voted out, the brains behind 6Sense is gone. Either way James would flip theBB house. Shelli knows this, and can easily collect more votes against V with Clay and Shelli willing to make deals as a duo.
I’m hoping James wakes up and puts Van up beside Shelli. He can tell Van its not a backdoor, she’s just a pawn to get out Shelli. Then he doesn’t go back on his word to her. Then let the house decide, if Van stays he’s still good with her, if Shelli stays he can say he did it to save her but either way one of the heads of the snake will be gone.
He is not good with her now. She already told her alliance if they win HOH they should put up Jackie and Meg with a backdoor plan for James.
James has info on Austin and the twins and he need to use to to complete turning them into allies.
Pull clay off, renom Vanessa. You already have Meg, Jackie, clay and probably Beckys vote. Get John or Steve and Vanessa is gone
The only problem with that is Clay and Shelli are still in the house together and will come after him. Like Steve said, why have two vengeful people coming after you when you can have one?
After this is over, Vanessa may very well be alone in the house. Its obvious the survivor of Clelli is going to blame Vanessa for this. If its Clay, he may have support from Meg and Becky but he too will be out there pretty much on his own.
Which is why you guarantee clay stays. He is more honest that shelli or Vanessa. Plus if he saves clay and shelli doesn’t get voted out, they will be thankful for at least one week
He definitely needs to take Clay off and put Van up. Getting Clay out won’t help him and Clay is asking everyone to vote him out.
That’s the viewers’ consensus but living in the house is different than being a viewer and since they didn’t tell them about Vanessa’s involvement with them, James isn’t going to budge. Time’s running out.
Shelli has proven she’s good at comps, Vanessa won her first hoh only by luck, I don’t think she’s as good as shelli at physical. But if Vanessa goes it makes the 6S weaker, Vanessa seems to be the leader of that alliance so without her they will be scrambling and I don’t see them that close to austwins. So James need to give chellie a chance make them happy and take them on their side for the mean time.
I don’t have the feeds because I’d never get anything done…so thanks to all of you who are privy to the inside info. It helps me know what’s going on! I can’t stand Vanessa; but I really want to see Chelli broken up. But as many of you have already said, if Clay left, Van and Shelli would surely target James next week IF they have the power. Truthfully, all I want to see is the house shaken up. I want someone to get blood on their hands and NOT vote the way the house wants. Bring some excitement back to the game, guys!
Me too, but I will defend her a little bit. She is playing the game like its a game. She keeps the personal stuff to a minimum and focuses on game moves. Her ego is as bog as the house and that makes her very unlikable at times but her ruthless game play does not bother me because it is just that – game play.
Great point, Prince. I see exactly what you mean.
He is country crude but I am really starting to like James. I love his quick wit and you cannot say he doesn’t have guts. Putting up Shelli and Clay is turning out to be an amazingly successful plan. Not only does it break up a power couple and possibly get rid of the best comp performer in the house, but the 6th Sense Alliance is shattering. Vanessa is on the run. The Twin have taken control of Austin and are much more willing to step away from Clelli.
Before this week, Jackie and James were dead meat. Now they have a chance to blend in with the house and last a few weeks longer than they would have.
It took a lot of patience but James, Meg and Jackie finally got some real information out of Shelli. At the same time they saw through the BS and that Shelli and Clay are still protecting Vanessa.
At this point, why is Shelli so afraid of Vanessa? She should be m ore afraid of James. Clay and Shelli know one oof them is going home so she should be willing to throw anyone under the bus. We know its not real life. Its BB and anything goes pretty much.
I think Shelli knows she will need Vanessa if they both survive this week. Vanessa also needs Shelli. If Shelli goes home I predict Clay getting much closer with Austin and the twins, leaving V isolated. Shelli has looked around the entire house and V is the only soft landing spot for her, because she knows Austin and the twins are not campaigning for her and V is the only person they and she can all trust.
What about landing with James and Meg? He’s got the whole “Meg single girl closer in age” thing and Austin hasn’t meant much competition-wise. Might it not be smarter (there’s the rub) to team up with James/Jackie/Meg? (I don’t have the feeds so apologies if this seems like a silly idea.)
I believe Shelli is auditioning for a career after big brother and this is the real reason why should will not throw Van under the bus. She want her and Clay to be like Jeff and Jordan. She sees herself as the female Jeff. But Jeff and Jordan were genuinely nice, at least on TV. Shelli is clearly playing to the cameras and sometimes forgets people are watching – like when she attacked Julia last night for not doing more for her.
Jackie, Meg and James are not nearly as dumb as Shelli and Clay think they are and, frankly, are all way smarter than Clay who has to be scolded by Shelli all the time for his game play.
Arrogance is their downfall and its the reason one of them is going home.
Yep…they got a bit too comfortable without a Plan B!
My prediction: Whether it’s the best decision or not, I see James keeping his noms exactly the same. He is pretty steadfast in keeping his original targets the same. My best guess is that he will keep both lovebirds in the hot seats and then tell the house he would like to see Shelli go home. Shelli has won 2 HoH (nearly a 3rd) and knocked out her 2400 punishment like a champ! That hasn’t escaped the attention of Jame’s or any of the HGS with an IQ. With that in mind, I say that James doesn’t use his golden Veto and Shelli goes home.
He’s working on getting Austin’s support now by letting him know that Shay threw him UTB. If Austin swings towards voting out Shelli, so will the twins. The twins wanted Shelli out more than Clay in the first place.
Any news on james/meg/jackie finally catching on to becky?
They know!
When did they FINALLY figure it out?!?!
Right before the nomination ceremony when he only told Meg, Jackie and Becky who he was just thinking of putting up at that time…it wasn’t definite. When it got back to him that someone knew who he was suggesting, they did a process of elimination, but kept that info to themselves without telling her or anyone else that they knew who the mole was.
Aha!! I wasn’t sure that they’d figured it out & they haven’t even mentioned it amongst themselves on feeds – unless Skippy cut to fish whenever they did. Thanks!!
Oh awesome, wasn’t sure if I missed talks about this, and I guess I did…. She needs to be out out there already. I don’t understand how she can continue to betray those who have NEVER out her up.
Awesome! I keep hearing news of a possible DE but im not giving my hopes up, but if it does, wouldnt be awesome to see barbie and ken leave the same week!!!?
At this point leave it the same and hope. He changes it now he makes people mad and they will gun for him next week. Clay goes home Shelli and Vanessa are going after James. I think he blew uphis game this week.
He knows that it is a possibility and I have to give him a high five for that. He sees the move as what is best for his game even though it may come back to bite him.
Jackie said “if clay and Shellie don’t go home this week it has to be Vanessa” you put Austin, and that is false, she said Vanessa.
Send Shelly or Clay packing, preferably Shelly first!
Earth has apparently shifted, as Austin goes back to bed without touching Liz or her chair. hahahahaha
Sorry to see Becky is a rat, but it dose’nt surprise me, she’s probally a Bronco’s fan too.
James should have asked Shelli and Clay the question, if one of you go, what will you do for me?
Keep the Noms the same!
If James keeps the noms the same, he will win AFP.
Who else would get it?
Season’s not over. Hard to say! For this week alone he would…overall, I doubt it. That might go to Vanessa if she gets away from being put on the block now!
I hope not!!! I always prefer AFP to go to someone likeable.
Me too..but I’ve always been in the minority every season! hahaha
OMG Shelli you’ve been playing the game since day one. Don’t stop now. Quit being so friggin loyal to Vanessa when all she’s done is throw you under the bus. Tell James everything and make him see that it’s just Meg and Jackie against the rest of the house playing for HOH. Tell him you guys will work with them and you’ll be able to get JMac and Becky so you guys will have the numbers.
Exactly, but she constantly second-guesses herself as does Vanessa!
It appears that Shelli does not have that option. On the feeds it looks like James is not buying anything Shelli is selling. He is not even trying to hide the vibe that Shelli is his #1 target, so it’s better for Shelli to preserve Vanessa’s vote than to anger her by backstabbing her to a guy whose mind is already made up.
I agree. Jettison V. Use JJM to target Austin, Steve. Clelli more than likely, with the twins and Jmac, can get JJM later. Use them while u can. Play smart!
No insult intended at all. I’m honestly very curious. What is it about Shelli that makes you root for her?
James just told Clay that it’s still a toss up regarding replacement noms.
Don’t you get the feeling that it’s an “all or nothing” for Shelli and Clay both and not one over the other??
I listened to the conversations as much as the feed would allow. Jackie is a smart player and her doubts and suspicions are helping to keep S&C on the block.
IOW..they need to tell them everything regarding Vanessa (which throwing her UTB will require). And until then, the noms will remain the same me thinks! If they don’t well they have no one to blame but themselves. You think James will tell them before the ceremony or at the ceremony?
John’s now asking James if he’s made up his mind…haven’t heard the answer yet.
Looks like James has his mind made up. He’s going to leave the noms the same because he said to JMac that he wanted Clay and Shelli to give him info before he made the noms and they didn’t.
That means Clay is done. As soon as the veto meeting ends Vanessa will use all her Jedi mind powers convincing the AusTwins, Steve and Becky why Shelli is the best save. JaMegKie may have the power, but V still has the numbers even after this week. I can’t believe she still controls the BB house. Incredible!
Sad, but I believe you’re right. Shelli will be out for revenge if she’s not voted out and Clay will be moping so much, he won’t fight at all.
If this all goes down, I would bet that production is going to do a memory challenge for HOH. That means V, JMac or Steve as HOH for a possible DE week. That would be Epic.
You betcha!!!
You betcha!!! Would be a perfect time to test their memory while they’re all recovering from this upset!
Maybe not. James told Austin about Shay throwing him UTB. We’ll see how that festers.
The interesting thing about Austin is that he is an emotional player, but let’s Vanessa do all his thinking for him. He also owes her his life in this game and this decision is too insignificant to go back on that pledge.
It’s a shame that Clay and Shelli hadn’t confided in James before they were on the block, thinking they were safe. That’s what happens when you get too comfortable in the BB house.
As long as either Shelli or Vanessa go home…
Shelli is not no Shirley Temple, she’s very conniving. Jason didn’t get no mercy from Shelli or clay. I hope she goes home. She’s playing everyone. She is the dark side, not the light side. Jason was a animated comical character and was a sweet kid. I miss him on the show.
She’s conniving in a sweet and whiny kind of way. Her along with Vanessa are dangerous!
You are so right! Vanessa has her poker face at all times and Vanessa was not always in the backyard like Shelli and Clay were. They’re both conniving in different ways.
Which makes leaving Shelli in the house with Vanessa very dangerous. I am in the belief as many are here, take Clay down and put Vanessa up..
It speaks volumes when Shelli doesn’t think that anyone is looking at her but forgets about the cameras. Her face changes completely and she often looks downright evil. She thinks she is a player but her type are dime a dozen. The real players will fool literally everyone until it is too late to stop them. They stay under the radar while running the whole show at the same time. Derrick from last year is a perfect example of this.
Couldn’t agree more! Funny how when Jason came to Chelli for help they were no where near considering keeping him. Then they sit there and tell James they didn’t want Jason to go. Well if that is true why didn’t you vote to KEEP Jason. On After Dark it was interesting to hear Clay say James or Meg’s name never came out of his mouth as someone they wanted to go. I get they have to lie to try to save their uppity butts in the game, but it got to be comical.
One can only hope that James wakes up in time to take down Clay and put up Vanessa. It is clearly the best game move– but we all need to keep in mind that we have better access to the “big picture” than they do. So we can only hope that somehow James figures it out in time.
If Clay goes it really doesn’t help James’ long term game. How could it when two very ticked off snake heads now want you for dinner? Vanessa OR Shelli leaving would cause so much (former) 6th Sense alliance instability and infighting that they would forget all about James due to being consumed by the ensuing drama.
Again, I hope James figures this out on time! Best game move is to take down Clay and put up Vanessa. :)
You are right this is the best move, but I wouldn’t write off the 6th Sense alliance quite yet. If Shelli is saved, she will go back to Vanessa. Juliz completely trust V and where Liz goes, there’s Austin on her leash.
Great point!
I say keep the noms the same, break up the power couple NOW. Vanessa is already on notice and isn’t that well trusted, if the couple is allowed to remain into jury along with the twins, anyone not in the sixth sense alliance will have a hard time winning this year, since this season is filled with idiots and fame whores. I wish BB would actually cast people who watch the show and stop bringing in recruits. since it seems actual strategy tends to a backseat to personal feelings, I just hope nobody has forgotten about Lizard and Julia. they are a pair of snakes, I hope one of them leaves soon, but right now I just want Clay and Shelli gone, Shell this week and Clay next week, just so long one leaves now. having the couple in jury is stupid. as they will try to run things there, as they have the house, with so many sheep this season.
I’m with you, Duran. Send one of the power couple home, Vanessa can go later. Agree 100% with your assessment of the HG’s – most of them have been doing what other people want them to do. Stupid.
I am so proud of James , break up that sick happy home I would to see either of those smug cocky people walk out that door, bye bye,, James is my favorite player at this time
Now Shelli is asking Meg if they spoke to Austin about what they said. Did Chelli not expect that James would go and tell Austin? I think telling Austin helps get more votes to get Shelli out. Liz telling Austin she wants Shelli out and she doesn’t trust her. Pretty sure Austin will do whatever Liz wants. Not sure about Julia.
Julia already said that she wants Shelli out.
And now Liz has said the same thing, according to Jokers.
Karen!!! Woo Hoo! I was asking Cyril if he’d seen you anywhere!
Hey, I just posted my first posts with my new computer. I’m still not caught up and have other things I have to do at present,but hopefully I’ll be back full steam ahead by tomorrow. But dang, do I ever wish James knew enough to feel the need to take Clay off and put V up!
Congrats on the new computer! That’s what I was hoping it was. :)
It’s wonderful! Thanks. Gotta go do more setting up on it. See ya’ll later. :)
Too bad he already made a deal with V.
IF that is true, that would be enough votes to get rid of Shelli, right? Meg, Jackie, Liz, Julia and Austin. Johnny Mac told James he would vote with what the house wants, take that for what you will.
Vanessa just said she will back up 1000% whoever stays behind(clay, Shelli) GG is right, put Vanessa up!
I freaking despise Becky and Shelli and Clay is such a moron,, he attened college ? really ? I have my doubts, lol,, anyway I am glad to see Shelli and Clay up together, and I hope the current alliance can stay in power long enough to Vanessa or Becky out next week,,Becky is such a weasel OMG
He attended college on an athletic scholarship. While plenty of smart people attend college on athleticism, there are some that squeak through college only because of being good at their sport.
And, let’s not forget, he attended college not only on an athletic scholarship, but in Texas. With the creative text booking they do down there god only knows where his head is at.
After last night’s episode, there’s clearly not much left in his head after all those shots he took in football. No one can comprehend what he’s saying half the time!
What if Clay self evicts to keep Shelli in the house? If he does then production should go on with eviction as normal and allow someone to come back from jury or do away with a double eviction. I don’t know how much they can change what they already had planned but my opinion they shouldn’t give in to them not fair for the ones in there playing the game.
How about allow James to nominate someone else to put in his place and evict another person? That way, it would give pause for anyone in the future who would have thoughts of doing the same thing.
Hey..How about where have you been? .Red has been looking for you.
Found her! LOL And she has a new computer!
Really? YES!..she’s playing the GAME!
Oh, you didn’t miss me, Cyril? Gee, thanks. LOL Just got my new computer set up enough to post a few. I’ve got to do some more work on it, though. From what little I have read on Jokers, it sounds like we are getting DRAMA!!!! About time.
Karen, I already sent you a synopsis of what’s happened, if you want the quick version first.
Thanks, redroses. I haven’t even read my email. Went to BBN and Jokers first. I have issues, don’t I? LOL
You have your priorities! LOL
Of course I did miss you yesterday. I heard your computer crashed, so I was gonna have my friend Jose pick up your PC and return it sometime today..I’m glad you have a new one. YES!
Got one of those Lenova Flex computers. I’m not use to this speed. I told my husband I might get an internet ticket. Haha Maybe Jose could show me how it works. By the time it’s out of date, I might have it all figured out. Every time I hear the name Jose, can’t help but think of the song “Jose Cuervo”. Hey, is that your friend? LOL
Darn it, too! I just saw where the noms stayed the same. Was hoping V got put up. I’m worried Clay will go home.
Oh you’ll enjoy your Lenova for a long time. Big difference when you have a fast PC…omg Karen, I’ve never heard of that song, So I listened to it on Youtube…that is just too cowboy for me lol. Is it Shelly West big hair version?.
You listened? Did Jose? LMHO. Well, I didn’t say I was fond of it.
I applaud James for having some guts – But I think running and telling everyone what he is being told just lowers his trust level. People will be less likely to want to tell him things in the future.
Nothing to lose James, stick to the plan. Keep mom’s the same, Its the only way you can maintain respect.
Yes, I agree. Keep Clay and his mom.
It sounds like Julia, Liz and Austin seem on board with getting Shelly out…which would guarantee Shelly goes home, right? (Meg, Jackie, Julia, Liz, Austin v. Steve, JMac, Becky, Vanessa)
Unless Van unleashes her voodoo on the Austwins. Thursday is a LONG way away.
“Clay is getting pissed off and says he’s going to exchange words with James today if he was repeating what Shelli told him last night.” Now there’s a threat. This coming from one of the very people who left the HOH room last night and felt it necessary to wake up Vanessa to tell her their version of everything that had just been said upstairs. Somebody needs to read these two the definition of ‘hypocrite’.
LOL yes, quite the hypocrisy.
Hypocrite is a big word for CLay, more than one syllable!
That was so funny last night – that montage of Clay’s intelligible speech!
He’d have to ask his mom what it means. Then Shelli would explain to him that there are good hypocrites and bad hypocrites, just like she did when she explained throwing someone under the bus for the right reasons vs. the wrong reasons.
As does the word “clingon” too and that’s only 2 syllables!
It is very hard to listen to clay and shelli talk about how they have played with integrity and how they have not lied to anyone knowing that they have been instrumental in every eviction except for james’ 1st hoh. And how they should be allowed to stay until jury but I don’t know why they feel more entitled to jury than any of those who have been sent home.
Especially Jason, since he is such a superfan. He should have made jury over them, IMO.
I agree! Damn Austwins should have been decided long ago before the other twin came in to play!
If there’s any justice in this game (I know, what am I thinking???), Shelli will go Thursday night; then one from this group: Meg, Jackie, Austin, Liz or Julia) will win HOH and nominate Vanessa and Clay. That way (except for possible veto interference) 2/3 of the snake will be gone. And then the rest of the HGs can start feasting on each other.
Noms are the same!
Really gonna hate waiting til Thurs now. Clay and Shelli said they should enjoy the next 4 days as much as possible.
IMO Vanessa will be campaigning hard to keep Shelli. She will tell Austin he owes her for keeping him off the block and he needs to get the twins on board.
I doubt it after watching V ignore her after the ceremony was over.
Why is Shelli crying about missing Clay for 2 months? They only have a month and 20 days left. Ahahahaha
Do you know if they even live near each other? Are they really going to try to make something work outside the game?
All this amounts to is a little crush is ending because one has to leave summer camp early. Their relationship is as deep as a kiddie pool.
He will keep the noms the same.
James wasn’t kidding, he IS making some moves. he kept the noms the same and this house just became a whole lot more interesting, thank you stud. you just saved this season for me, much obliged. now Vanessa please be the first to jury.
I’d go along with Vanessa being next out the door…but one of his alliance members will have to win HoH now to secure that decision. Go Jackie!!!!
So what do you all think about V’s reaction to Shelli after the ceremony by walking away and going to her room?
Steve just came clean with James on who was targeting him. He said, “Clay and Shelli!” Clay and Shelli wouldn’t admit that to James themselves.
you would think that since the same people in power would nominate the same people to get you and your allies ( day, jason, audrey + jeff ) there’s an alliance targeting you. i think it was wise for steve to reveal that info, as that could be used as the reasoning behind clay/shelli’s eviction.
Right. James will campaign now to get out who he wants to go out the door Thur night. He wants Shelli gone!
Vanessa tells Austwins that Clay and Shelli blew up their game and is suggesting to them that they all team up with James, Meg and Jackie going forward! Whatever that means…she didn’t specifically say to vote out Shelli or Clay though which leaves me hanging on what her decision is going to be when she votes.
shelli is the bigger target, as she has won hoh and has nominated a lot of james’ alliance members/allies.
Right…Clay’s just a byproduct of that, not the infiltrator!
Oh Vanessa! Calm the heck down! First big mistake you have made! The other side of the house won HOH and you lost a #, and info was spilled in the process. So flippin’ what? You can’t join JaMegKie because you already burned that bridge by BDing Jason. Welcome back Clay or Shelli, hug it out, win HOH and keep your numbers. You are a pro poker player for heaven’s sake! Start acting like one. Suck up your loss and play your next hand!
It’s good she have a plan at least before eviction night and moving forward.
I don’t enjoy watching Shelli believe she is the power-stroker in the house. I am all for getting her g.o.n.e. It will be very interesting to see who the house then gravitates to as the ‘leader’ of the gang.
Vanessa turns the corner way too often. As soon as someone comes to her with gossip, or even a different strategy that is easily sold to her, she does a 180. The best play was made when James put Sheclay on the block. Wish he could have put the twins up there as well.
So is DE next week for sure??? If so, that will mean first has to go home and 2nd to jury, right?
I think Shelli is starting to accept that her number may be up instead of Clay’s since she’s the one that won the 2 HoH’s and put people on the block.
I think James needs to call in each house guest individually and tell them who he wants out and leave it up to them but to let each one know that his alliance has become larger than 3 before the ceremony took place. Let them scramble to find out who’s with James and who isn’t with what he would like to see take place on eviction night. It’s a long shot, but not a bad idea, right? That way he’ll get a direct view of what’s in store for him moving on. But this is just me! What do ya’ll think?
James’s power is all gone. He has no vote and has to sit out HOH. He should use this time to mend fences with the 6th sense and work on a cease fire. If Vanessa approaches him and offers to merge the alliances to isolate the Clelli survivor, he should jump at that. I just don’t think James is thinking about the long game, or is unable to.
I think he requires time now that the hardest part for him is over. He’s still got time. And seeing how Shelli is now going on a smear fest, it’s giving him even more reason to get the house to vote her out instead of Clay.
How does everyone think how the votes will fall Thursday? Shelli haters are Steve, Jackie and James. Meg hates Clay because he lied to her face, but likes the eye candy in the house. So that’s three votes against Shelli. V and Austwins will come to their senses and likely vote to keep Shelli, so it’s 4-3 for Shelli, with Becky likely to follow V’s lead and Johnny Mac voting with the majority to remain invisible. James has no vote and is now the weakest safe player in the house (Would you want to pin your hopes on Jackie or Meg to win HOH?). My guess is 6 for Sherri, 3 for Clay.
If Austin and the twins are telling the truth to Shelli and Vanessa then Shelli is staying and Clay is going home. Clay will be evicted buy Becky, Liz, Julia, Vanessa, Austin and Steve.
But this vote is going to show James and Meg – AGAIN – that the other side of the house cannot be trusted. Period. James made a huge mistake trusting Vanessa. He had to put her on the block next to Shelli – as he said – to cut off the head of the snake.
It is amazing to me how Vanessa lies to everyone by omitting little facts and making a few up but everyone trusts her. Its Derrick all over again.
Vanessa is so easily turned against anyone who has a good argument. In other words, non-threatening. But Clay and Shelli can look you in the eye and say the exact opposite of what they think, so getting out either one is a huge PLUS in my opinion. I thought I was going to like both of them, but Shelli is just as devious as they come. And Clay is being led around by his… other brain.