Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 6: Sunday Highlights

Sunday started out quiet in the Big Brother house as Shelli worked her way through guarding the BB17 castle, but once that wrapped up we were back to our drama of the week.

Austin keeps his eyes on the prize
Austin keeps his eyes on the prize – Source: CBS All Access

Shelli and Clay worked overnight on their Operation Backdoor Steve but it’d take a lot of convincing to get James to change his target at this stage.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 2, 2015:

8:20 AM BBT – Shelli has been doing her Castle Guard work all night. She hits the 1600 sword battles mark. 800 more to go.

10:00 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call while Shelli and Clay sleep outside. She’s exhausted, but a long way to go.

1:00 PM BBT – It’s slow around the house as Shelli continues her sword battles and reaches 1900.

1:15 PM BBT – Clay and Shelli talking game. Clay doesn’t think he’d do Big Brother again. He’s worried about his opportunities outside the house and if leaving now will impact that.

2:45 PM BBT – Meg and James catching up. They think they have the votes to send out Shelli this week.

3:00 PM BBT – Liz stops by the HoH room. She warns James that Clay is asking to be voted out. James has heard this already and doesn’t seem too concerned.

3:30 PM BBT – There was a message in the sky that said “I love you. – S”. Houseguests could see it, but nearby residents reported on Twitter that it wasn’t aimed toward the house. Shelli believes it was a message to her.

5:55 PM BBT – Shelli completes her 2400 sword battles in time.

6:45 PM BBT – HGs are all quiet or sleeping (in places they shouldn’t be sleeping). Nothing going on.

7:50 PM BBT – Some movement finally going on in the house again. Shelli eating as other HGs wander about.

8:20 PM BBT – Shelli and Clay talking about they want to approach James to use the veto on one of them and targeting someone else.

9:10 PM BBT – James and John talking about why Shelli needs to be the one to go over Clay.

9:20 PM BBT – Vanessa tells Shelli and Clay there’s no reason to get their hopes up because James won’t change the nominations. She gives them some advice on how to still try to get him to change his mind.

9:35 PM BBT – Clay and Shelli want to talk to James but he doesn’t want to. Meg tells him she should at least hear them out so he doesn’t seem like a tyrant.

9:42 PM BBT – James meets Shelli and Clay in the HOH room. They tell James they just want to get to jury and that they will offer themselves up next week (sounds like the same plan Austin made last week and didn’t stick to). Then they say they could ditch the others and be loyal to James and Meg.

10:35 PM BBT Clay mentions putting Steve up. And finally Shelli mentions targeting Vanessa over them.

11:00 PM BBT – James is considering their offers. They tell him they will be loyal to him. But he remains guarded. They won’t tell James who has been targeting him.

11:05 PM BBT – James tells them he will take some time to think about. The talk breaks up and they leave the HOH room.

11:07 PM BBT – James and Meg agree they should stick to the plan. Now they’re talking about why Shelli and Clay didn’t even mention Becky as an option. They’re now suspicious of Becky.

11:33 PM BBT – Vanessa tells Clay and Shelli she’s sorry but she’s gotten them no where. She says she’s useless this week (Vanessa is just afraid of going up).

11:40 PM BBT – Austin and the twins are talking to James now. They ask him if anyone else should be going up on the block. They all think the nominations should stay the same. None of them are ready to sell anyone else out.

11:56 PM BBT – Shelli is getting upset again. She still claiming innocence in Jason’s eviction and says she’s going to go home for something she didn’t do.

12:05 AM BBT – Shelli is mad that Austin is up in the HOH room. She says they saved him last week and now he is selling them out.

12:30 AM BBT – Julia upstairs with Liz, Austin, James, and Meg. Julia says Shelli was harassing her over not getting any backup and support. Says she doesn’t want to talk to Shelli anymore and that makes it easier to vote her out.

12:45 AM BBT – Vanessa checks in with HoH to see if they’re going to renom a floater. James says it’s not likely.

12:55 AM BBT – James tells Steve that people are pushing for Steve to go up as a BD, but he’ll make a safety trade deal and not do it.

1:55 AM BBT – Shelli & Clay talking with Meg. She says Austwins were fine with noms staying as they are. Shelli asks if they formed a new alliance. Meg says no.

3:10 AM BBT – Clay and Shelli tell Austin they know he’s not campaigning for them like they did last week.

3:20 AM BBT – Austin tells James that Clay and Shelli would lay down their games next week if James would take out a floater this week and let them get to Jury.

3:45 AM BBT – Becky warns Clay that Shelli will be a bigger target if she stays. She’s encouraging Clay not to give up.

3:55 AM BBT – James, Austin, and Meg discussing Chelli’s deal. James suggests he’s not convinced and will not use the Veto. Meg thinks the deal from Chelli sounds dirty.

4:15 AM BBT – James suspects Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, & Liz had an alliance but once they lost power everyone in it scrambled.

4:30 AM BBT – Meg tells Chelli that if they give him all the info they keep hinting at then maybe he’ll be able to change his mind.

Shelli and Clay are working hard to find a way to stay, but James is very doubtful about letting that happen. The night isn’t over yet though so we’ll keep watching to see what happens with that Veto.

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  1. Austwins! I love it. I don’t watch the feeds, so the whole time I was reading this, I thought Shelli’s sword fights was a euphemism for trying to swing a deal with votes. But then I remembered catching a glimpse of something posted earlier about medieval week? Drats! I was enjoying it as a euphemism.

  2. This is the point at which Chelli have to give James all the information in order to sell out someone from the sixth sense. If they don’t, there is no chance .

    I am surprised Meg is the voice of reason in saying, give us something to work with.

    • Meg is repeating what James has been telling Shay. Twice (once before PoV comp and again last night) Shay has been feeding James all kinds of really stupid promises. James’ response is simple. “You want me to save you, but you’re not giving me anything. Give me information and proof that someone else deserves to go home more and I’ll consider it. Until then, I can’t change the nominations.”

      It looks like there might be a 3rd attempt this morning as I’m posting this comment.

      • Ahh but those are the worst kinds of “threats”!!! Remember Donny!? (/snarkiness off)

      • Even if Steve made it to the final two, no one would vote for him to win. I find it weird how little air time Steve gets. It’s like even BB doesn’t like him. What is his deal? I have no bead on him at all.

      • He’s not really interacting with others, so BB has nothing to show. He spends a lot of time playing with the cameras, making faces in the mirrors, playing with toys, like a beach ball, by himself.

        Then again, he keeps getting kicked out of the room when others want to talk game. So, they aren’t treating him nicely, either. The only time his one ally, Van, talks to him is when she wants information or his take on strategy.

      • I don’t ever remember a player being such a non-entity. I’m sure BB is seriously regretting this casting choice.

      • BB has good reason not to give Steve air time. The live feeds are revealing. The women are all creeped out by him and the guys are shunning him to protect the women. Steve keeps trying to engage with the other HG’s, which just makes things worse for him.

      • Lousy social game and it’s going to bite him in the butt just like it did Jason not forming a more solid alliance with those he needed to.

      • yes but shellie and vanessa are bigger at this time. they are coming with guns a blazing

      • I wonder if James let Vanessa know that her name was mentioned as a possible threat/renom. James could tell her, make a deal that he wouldn’t renom her, and secure a vote to get Shelli out.

      • I think he did that already. Van is telling him that she’ll vote out Shelli, but she’s still campaigning to get Clay out. So, securing a promise to vote out Shelli from Van is pointless.

      • I don’t think it matters which one of them goes. Clay will be useless without Shelli, but if Clay goes, Shelli is so busy burning bridges and freaking out that I really don’t see her as a threat on her own.

      • I think it matters. Clay is not a threat when it comes to comps, is a horrible liar and is easily pliable. Shelli is a self-serving, comp beast.

      • Plus Clay would crumble, be even worse at comps with Shelli gone. He would be a lost puppy without her. If Shelli stays, she’ll be unbearable and ready to fight even harder….

      • Humph. I can see Shelli being good AND bad for Vanessa’s game. Yes, she is a bigger threat so keeping her in the game is good but Shelli is good at comps and would sell Vanessa out in a hot second. I could Shelli aligning with Becky, throwing Vanessa away and blame everything on her.

      • Good point. What the hell is with Becky? Is she desperate to be one of the “cool kids” hanging with the popular crowd? I don’t understand her apparent loyalty to Clelli.

      • Someone gave a great analogy of that yesterday. They said that the kids that are used by the “cool” kids are so desperate to be one of them, that they don’t even realize they’re just being used.

      • I’m having a ball with how exactly Shay and Clelli are trying to get James to save them both by the hour. Seems they’re getting their other alliance members to either turn on themselves or throw Shelli and Clay UTB. Yep, they’re all throwing each other UTB just as James suspected they would to save themselves. And that’s what he’s afraid Shelli and Clay would do with him moving forward. Doesn’t look good for them so far, but like I said, it’s changing by the hour!

  3. Come on James use your head. You suspect that Shelli, Clay, Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia are in an alliance? By now, if you still do not know who is in the alliance, nobody can help you. Don’t you find it strange that they all want Steve on the block? Why didn’t anyone from that group suggest Vanessa, Liz, Julia, Austin for that matter? And if Shelli and Clay was smart, they would suggest Vanessa as replacement nominee to James. James put up Vanessa and remove Clay from the block and this alliance will destroy itself. Tell them, someone in their group told you about their alliance. That should spread distrust and let them out each other and fight amongst themselves.

    • No kidding. James and Meg are not too sharp. I had to reread it 5 times yesterday to believe it when I read that he and Meg thought Austwins would target Becky if any of the three won HoH. Jeez Louise! Get with the program guys!

      • It would be funny if it wasn’t sad. The trend each season of Big Brother seems to be, everyone else has no clue of the alliance members, except the members themselves and the stragglers get voted off one by one and still do not know.

      • It is really ridiculous how off base that outside alliance is. I don’t get it. It blows my mind. In big brother if someone says they’re coming after X, then obviously they’re not. They (james & Meg) should be now campaigning for next week…telling their “suspected” alliance (6th sense) that Shelli wants Vanessa out, etc they need to work that social/psychological part of the game. Break them apart!

        And I can’t believe they only suspect those 5 are in an alliance…it should be a fact now.

      • They know now and are trying to get that alliance to rat out each other, info for James to carry to next week.

  4. Shelli and Clay begging to stay in the game is soooo funny. And Shelli sold Vanessa out. James please keep the noms the same so that Shelli can go the h&** home!

    • Keeping the nominations the same only helps the Sixth Sense alliance. Vanessa has already told the others to vote out Clay. That is huge waste of James HOH and Vanessa and Shelli will go after James this coming week. Put both Shelli and Vanessa on the block then, you stir the hornet’s nest. The alliance will fight amongst themselves which is what you want. Split them into smaller pieces. Let them pick between Shelli or Vanessa who they want evicted!

      • Too bad James/Meg woke up too late to truly understand who is holding the reigns: Vanessa. They’re sooooo slow. They hung around for the first few weeks like it was summer camp. I can’t believe they still trust the suspected alliance will simply vote the way they want. Sad, truly.

      • It’s not too late! James can still replace Clay with Vanessa on the block. Too late will be after the PoV ceremony.

      • When’s the ceremony??? I keep looking for that and James changing his mind.

  5. Just waiting for a voice of sanity to emerge from this mess. After half of Clelli is gone this week, V & the rest of the 6th Sense needs to sit down with JaMegkie and call a truce. Simple argument – Do we want to continue picking off one another or give each other four more weeks in the game by taking out the floaters (Becky, Johnny Mac & Steve). This plan would probably work for only one week, but it would at least stop the bloodbath for both alliances for a little while.

    • The Sixth Sense controls majority of the votes as Steve, John and Becky are snitches of Vanessa. James, Jackie and Meg have only themselves and have to play smartly. That means putting Vanessa on the block with Shelli and evicting one of them this week.

      • Steve is Van’s snitch. Becky is Shelli’s snitch. John is Clay’s snitch, although he appears to be rethinking that strategy.

      • I think it’s all part of John’s strategy, slippery slopes though they are. I think we only know “what appears” to be John’s strategy and not yet know what it really is. Time will tell.

      • James was also Clay’s snitch.They helped put themselves on the outs of a major alliance. I have to say if it was planned it’s pretty brilliant. “Ok 6th sense alliance, pick a buddy that’s not in the alliance and make them your bff”

      • He’s seeing the error of his ways now too for that. And Clay and Shelli have no choice but to see the error of their ways and how they’re where they are today…in an alliance where trust isn’t a given.

  6. I am afraid James is going to blow it. He is going to take Clay down and put up Austin and Austin will go. I want him out but I want Shelli out more. She is the worst. I thought Meg had better sense. They need to get rid of Becky and Steve after Austin and twins. But if James folds this week he will be out soon

      • Vanessa was HOH and put up jason which was the catalyst, yet….no one thinks of putting her up…I say Vanessa should just win the $ right now. This is ridiculous.

      • Actually they did say Vanessa was a big target too. You have to remember that it’s only two against five next week because James can’t play next week. They have to tread waters carefully.

    • He may be out soon either way, unless his side can hold the power, so while he’s there, he will hopefully keep the noms the same (or nom Vanessa in place of Clay) and do some real damage. I think he might hold it together. Fingers crossed

    • Maybe, maybe not. I’m thinking James will keep the noms the same and let Shelli and Clay’s own alliance members vote which one they want to stay and go! James didn’t have a lot going for him moving forward, but he’s definitely making a great move getting Shelli and Clay to get him the evidence he needs to make the best decision for his game. He’s basically getting the other alliance members to rat everybody out, including Shelli and Clay!

      • That would be best. If he puts up austin he is helping them. They told him austin was the reason jason was evicted. They could vote the way they wanted. And they are doing what austin did. Get austin or better vanessa out next week. James thinks the public loves shelli but that is not

  7. Falling asleep last night, I realized another option for James. Take Clay down and put Liz up. Then he’d definitely have Julia’s vote and Austin’s too.

    I doubt he’ll do it, but it’s an option he hasn’t considered (as far as I know).

    • James did considered that an option, but he wants to make sure that twins don’t come after him. Best way is not to use Liz as a pawn. His best option if he takes Clay down is to put Vanessa up and chop of one head of the snake. And put some fear into Becky and Steve that one of them is next.

    • If James does decide to use the veto (and I hope he doesn’t) and doesn’t take Clay down and put Vanessa up, he’s an idiot.

    • Yea, I was for that option for a while, but it’s only 4 votes to send Shelli home and Van gets to decide who goes and who stays.

      • She’ll vote Clay over Shelli because she knows Clay isn’t that great a competitor as Shelli is…then again, Vanessa likes to have a strong competitor to help her rid others for her game. She’s been the hardest read for me because her talks are so wishy washy and get lost in translation!

      • That’s what James’ plan was if someone else won Veto! It could work! Van would vote Liz to go over Shelli for sure! So the votes would work to keep Shelli then and then backstab Vanessa next week if she doesn’t win HoH or Veto!

      • Van would have to decide if Shelli/Clay + Becky is better for her or Austin/Liz + Julia. I’m not so sure she’d chose Shelli. I don’t think putting up Liz is a good idea. It gives Van too much power.

    • He’s considered that, but that was before Liz came to him and told him what she will do if he didn’t ever put her up if one or the other came off the block, something Shelli or Clay have never had to do in the past because they were in power with Vanessa.

  8. Shelli is so damn delusional. She thinks everybody has to do whatever she says and either gets pissed or cries when they don’t. So pretty outside, so fornicating UGLY inside.

    • Go, Jackie! She’s telling Meg/James that if Van goes, it’ll make Shay happy. She said that it has to be 1 of the three, Shelli, Clay or Van that goes this week! Smart girl!!

      • She’s been saying this, but James wasn’t listening until now that is. Loved what he said, “in my line of work, when you steal from other countries, you get your fingers cut off!” hahahaha

      • He’s listening now. J/J/M have come to the conclusion that there was an alliance with Shelli/Clay/Van/Austin/Twins. They believe that Shelli and Van were the leaders. They know that Shay didn’t come completely clean with them. So, as of now, the noms stay the same. If that changes, Van is the only option. (Their words)

    • Go Jacky. I am hoping the underdogs can buy themselves some time. Right now the odds are stacked so hard against them.

      • I soooo hope so. Vanessa is acting like she’s safe too while Shelli and Clay are on the block facing the DP so to speak.

      • Maybe that is part of James’ strategy. Let Vanessa thinks she is safe while he got the evidence he needed to cut the legs out from under her. Can you imagine the fight between Shelli and Vanessa about who sold who out first? LMAO!

      • Yep and oh what fun that will be! I hope they do what Jackie suggests to get that ball rolling.

  9. Sounds like James/Meg are finally getting smart about the “double agent Becky.Van reminds me of a smarter Audrey all over the place.If I remember right Clay hasnot won anything? So everyone should get rid of him.Go James

  10. Clelli is now done in this house. James would be smart to go after either the Three headed beast(Austwins) OR the biggest player in the game – Van. It was very wise to put up Chelli but at this point it feels like a wasted HOH since they have now been exposed – might as well use them and get bigger fish.

  11. Worst fear is that James will pull Clay and renom Becky (because of her double-agentness), which will do nothing for his game and end up saving Shelli.

    • It doesn’t look like it. I think he’s back to keeping the noms the same, even though Jackie is pushing to replace Clay with Van. Jackie is right.

      • I would have to agree. Either way, no matter how the vote goes down, one of the queen B’s is gone.

      • There’s still a chance that Clay might be going home, unless you’re calling him a queen B, too! LOL

      • It is so clear to all of us that either Shelli or Van has to go. James should listen to Jackie and do it! I think if Shelli and Van are both on the block, Shelli would go.

      • Maybe, maybe not. Hard to say! It’s anyone’s guess now that the house has been divided with UTBs and such.

    • That will be such a waste. Take Clay off and put up Van. Easy. And as many here have said, let them fight it out.

      • It would be brilliant to see how nasty these two would get duking it out for votes. I suspect Vanessa would come out the victor. She’s just better at the game than Shelli.

      • Vanessa, although I’m not rooting for her (gotta love the underdogs of course). She’s clearly one of the most strategic women in Big Brother history. The crown goes to Daniele but wow, Vanessa is like a female Derrick except much more emotional

    • I think the awareness that JAmes now has about Becky being a rat is huge. Now is not the time to get rid of Becky. Use the fact that you know she is a rat and set her up and then call her out.

      • Becky will always side with those in greater power. She’s already formed an alliance with JMac and Steve…with Steve, it’s not as strong than it is with JMac, though. It won’t be enough though without the other alliance that has more members. They need to group up with James, Meg and Jackie instead of relying on the 6th Sense members. Hopefully JMac will see the error of his ways before it’s too late too.

    • It’s good info for James in the future, but he’s adamant on getting out heavy hitters. Becky is not one and so as Steve.

      • He thinks he’s working with Van and just getting info from JMac. He tells Van things he’s heard and strategy. He only shares strategy with others, including JMac.

      • Steve is working with Steve and until JMac sees him doing more than providing info, he won’t rely on him for more than that…but he won’t lead him to the wolves either.

  12. Out of desperation this morning, Shelli finally shared the most crucial information to James, that can possibly help her case. “Austin has an alter ego, and his name is Judas”’s Judas fault. He did all these. lol

  13. Just read this on Jokers….
    James: “Vanessa is the head of the snake. Austin is the ball sack”


  14. At first, I really didn’t like Jackie as she was mostly just a floater. But wow, she’s definitely one of my favorites alongside James and Meg. Jackie has gotten a lot better and I hope she can win this next HOH because it looks like she’ll go after Vanessa which is a huge move considering Vanessa will win this entire game if someone doesn’t do anything. Though I’m glad Clelli is going, tired of seeing them all the time…

  15. Shelli and Clay will want Steve put up or Becky because neither of those two are really in their alliance.
    They are being used to get information from the others back to them. Becky and Steve are idiots and James should tell Shelli and Clay that maybe he would put up Liz or Vanessa just to get their reaction.

  16. I never understand HG’s strategy. Look at last season Cody was final HOH, took Derrick to the final two and lost the grand prize. Why??????? If he takes Victoria, he wins. Simple.
    Knowing that in the end there is only 2 seats why would anyone align themselves with a couple? You will always be the third wheel and last member of the jury. Congrats on 3rd place. Clay and Shelli have to be broken up and Liz needs to go. Why Liz? Because that her eviction would break up 2 couples – Liz/Austin and Liz/Julia
    As someone else said, keep Steve. He doesn’t win comps and if you can get him all the way to the final two, you’re guaranteed a win.

  17. I wonder if Shelli really believes that she is innocent in Jason’s eviction? She is delusional.

  18. Finally Shelli throwing Vanessa under the bus. Give James more info and you two might have a chance to stay.

  19. If I have to guess…I still thiky Shelli goes this week and here’s why…its gonna be close though…obviously, Jackie and Meg will vote for Clay…so that’s 2…John has said vote for Shelli, so that’s 1 for her…Vanessa will vote for Shelli as she wants someone strong to stay on her side…so 2-2…Steve has said Shelli is the bigger threat… So I’m guessing he votes out Shelli…Becky is playing both sides, so that I’m guessing she wouldn’t want to blow her own cover and go against the HoH’s wishes…so that’s another one for Clay…this week will depend on which way Austin, Liz and Julia will vote… They will vote as a block and they have lost trust in both Shelli and Clay and have been thinking about flipping and James and probably his allies by association… And this is why I think they ultimately I think they will evict Shelli…if they lost trust in the Clay and Shelli and wants to work with James and friends…they need to vote the way he wants to start building that trust with him and for that that to be a possibility… So I think Shelli goes…

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