The Big Brother 17 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results. Talks on the Feeds suggest we could have the first Backdoor of the season playing out in Week 1 which sounds like great fun to me!
It’s Day 9 in the Big Brother house so the new cast of HGs had already completed the noms and BotB leaving just the Veto in way of deciding the final nominations for Thursday’s eviction episode.
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Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results:
- Steve won the Power of Veto!
Players today were James as HoH, Jackie and Steve as noms plus John, Jason, and Becky who were selected to play.
When the Feeds returned everyone on the cams were freaking out in panic mode. Seems paranoia is taking over and HGs are worried that Jace has some reason to feel safe despite him being the Backdoor target. Right now the plan is for Steve to save himself, obviously, and then Jace is renom’d and evicted on Thursday.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up soon and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.
Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.
I dont think that Steve is the savant everyone says he is. Being super socially awkward and looking as goofy as Ian doesnt make you a genius. But, in the looney echo chamber that is the BB house, reason often takes a backseat to group-think. I think Jackie is the better player. She is manipulative and very gamey. She is the better player, which is why she isnt going home. Congrats to Jackie for playing the entire house without anyone noticing–but there is still lots of time for a re-think.
I hope Audrey is backdoored. She’s on my last nerve, as well as Da’Vonne. Just fyi, not okay to use “n” word Da!
You’re a hater
I’m not a hater. I just don’t care for her gameplay. Can we get to know them first? I watched some on live feeds and its impossible for them to have a conversation without accusing someone of talking crap about one of them. The way Da was with poor Steve last night, she’s a bully. She knew he hadn’t done anything
Honestly just sit quiet first week and you won’t go home. Both Steve and Jackie are doing this. Jace, Audrey, and Davonne are not
The town Steve is from, Gouverneur, NY, is a place I lived in for a year, and I taught at the high school there in 1979-1980. For that reason, I will root for him.
Talks of backdooring Day and Audrey are also in discussions. So much happening today.
By Day do you mean DaVonne? I sure didnt see that coming. Aud for sure, though.
Yes I mean Da. I don’t know about whoever else posted it
She can’t be nominated because she sat out the comp
Not true. They just said something good may happen.
That’s not guaranteed
Oh true!
Matt’s been calling her Day! LOL
I hope one of those two go. They have the house in a mess, and it just started
This isn’t related to POV but what happened between Clay and DeVonne?
This is the whole debacle started by Da, then spread to Audrey, and it amounts to nothing. I was wrong about Audrey. She’s playing too hard, too fast, as well as Da
That chick is so irking…Da and Jace are simply the worst
I would love for Jace to stick around just to see him irritate people. It’s sickening, but entertaining in a way. Maybe just another week, but I don’t have feeds and I might feel different if I did.
I can deal with Jace more than Audrey and Da
Agree, same reason why I wanted Devin to stay just to irritate people.
Yes, Joey, kind of the same thing. LOL
Devin and Jace are cut from the same cloth ::yuck::
To be honest, Devin carried the entertainment factor in BB16. Once he left it got boring.
I’m so with you on that! I’m ready for Jackie to go already…don’t throw tomatoes at me yet. It’s just the only choice I could think of for starters! :-)
I sure do hope he doesn’t have an identical twin!!!
Lololol he doesn’t seem as bad on the feeds today
I finally got a little time to read a few current updates. It sounds like Audrey was in a tizzy after POV comp. It’s hard to tell from reading. Was she being intimidating with her confrontations?
Yes and never shuts up. They answer her, and she just keeps on and on. Apparently she never heard the phrase “beating a dead horse!” Both she and Da need to cool it
Thanks, BHFan. From reading, it sounded intimidating, but it’s hard to tell by just reading the comments written about it.She has chutzpah, it seems.
She sounds like another Amanda. Can’t stand players who stay up in HOH room all the time. No one can strategize in peace. Not only is she was always there, but had to have remote for the monitor. I don’t know if will like half of these players
I agree! She doesn’t budge from that HOH. I don’t like Davonne either. When she pulled that on poor Steve last night, I’m done with her. She knew he hadn’t said anything about her, and just pounced as soon as he walked in the HOH and then said oh you’re fine to him. He was upset, and I’m not okay with that
Her hair flippin is beginning to get to me! haha I’m usually not so petty like that…but come on. It’s almost as annoying as Danielle from Season 14 looking in the mirror all the time! :-)
Is it a toss-up between Danielle and Victoria, or is one the no-doubt-about-it winner of the looking at myself contest?
Jace is still the target.The other options/rumor were just squashed.They’re having a meeting right now in HOH Audrey is playing hard and so as Mr. Miyagi.
I haven’t been able to watch the feeds today. After the Tigers I’m going to catch up on them.
Go watch now Cam1 and back up a little’s interesting
Mr. Miyagi, hahahahaha!
lol how are you
Starting to watch BBAD that I have DVR’d. I’m already behind. I had a date with my husband. Been reading the threads here and some current updates. Getting a little warm in that house it seems! You’ve been MIA, too.
I know I was MIA Although I have feeds, I still go to Jokers updates They have pertinent HG’s convo there.
I’ve only been home for a couple of hours and read Jokers to see what happened after POV. Lawdy, lawdy, lawdy!
I go to Joker’s too. Watched feeds some last night, but it’s such a mess with those two running the house, I find it hard to watch
I know. Feeds will get better for us when get to know these players. I can’t even remember some of their names..and faces. lol
No more late nites for me … the F Word has taken over BBAD ~ BBAD is very very BAD.
Better than all the edit-outs where I miss others’ convos because they had to edit out another’s potty mouth. I pretend they didn’t say that word now! My 22 yr old son has conditioned me! LOL
Hi KSJB, Cheryl Davis here. How are you doing? Remember me…. Remember I told you after last season of BB16 was over that I was going to try out for BB17, I least I think it was, anyway Chicago was there last stop for casting calls if you heard about that, and it ended up being in a building right across the street from the building I work in. I went nuts when I saw that, and was driving everybody on my job crazy about how I was going over there to try out. The date was April 11 at 10:00a.m. I got there at 8a.m. Of course I did not get picked, but it was fun all the same. Andy and Helen were there meeting and greeting people in the hallway, shaking hands and giving hugs. BB asked them to be there because they are from Chicago, and they abliged. I had met Andy before and when I saw him again at the calling, he remembered me. Anyway the calling consisted of us of course standing in a line that got longer as the day went on. We started on the street level of the building, then after 9a.m. we went up to the third level where we all lined up against the wall. People that worked for CBS with is right next door to the building I was in, they gave us a paper with a number on it, and on the back of that piece of paper we put down our name address phone etc….Then they took our picture five people at a time while we held up our numbers. After that they sent us in 6 people at a time to see the producer. But before we went in one of the workers gave us of briefing which was, no hand shaking, no hugs, don’t her your age or what our jobs were. Then we went in. She the producer went on with the group interview. She just asked up our names, why we wanted to be on BB, what would we do if we were chosen, and of the six of us that were in there, who would we alinge with and who would we put up for nom. All in all it was a great expereince and I will keep on trying until I can’t try no more. I’ll be 57 this year and I will always love this show.
Of course I remember you from last year, Cheryl! You weren’t joking were you?!? Please do it again and good luck! I would love to see a season where there were as many people over 40 as there are under.Seems like us, ahem, middle-aged people, need to be represented, but we surely aren’t this season. At least you are letting everyone know that there were “older” people trying out. Did you notice others that looked, we’ll say, over 40, in line? Good on you, Cheryl and as long as you can stand in that line…Never Give Up!!
Thank you. I will keep on keeping on. Chat with you later
I consider myself as 25 with shipping and handling charges attached! LOLOL You go Cheryl!!!
LOL….Thank you, I will…
Hi Cyril Axel Cheryl Davis here. How are you doing?
Hi Cheryl..I’m so sorry I can’t remember…well, it doesn’t matter. I’m good and we’re back here again. Anyway, I did enjoy reading about your experience as BB applicant. I felt like I was there. lol
LOL…you were in spirit because I remember all you guys…chat later..
Wax on … Wax off
Wax on … Wax off
*snickering under my breath here* ! hahaha
I read an interesting comment made by Becky to Liz about how fast Liz’s hair grows because her roots are more evident than in her picture. It left me wondering if Becky was maybe a little suspicious or if it was just casual convo.
I think Becky is figuring something out, but doesn’t want to say just yet! hahaha
Dang I still haven’t caught liz’s twin. I have to be more observant, I’ll check for roots
Clay, Becky and Liz need to go. BORING players.
Hey everybody, Cheryl here. Can someone please tell me, I was watching a recording of BBAD from last nite when I got home from work today, and Audrey and some other house guest were hanging out in the HOH room. Audrey open a note that was ONLY for the HOH eyes only, and read it out loud to the other people that were in the room with her. WHY WHY WHY did BB allow her to do that. The note revealed that the HOH must pick 2 HG for america’s favorite players.
That was a joke, if you saw the camera panned to read the letter and it was informing HOH James he had to pick players for have not. Clay and Audrey were just messing around.
Ok, thanks, I missed that.
Lololol I didn’t see it
Because they let her do whatever she wants! I’m tired of her already
I am having so much trouble putting names to faces this season!!
I have the cast page open in another tab and go back there all the time to make sure I match name and face.
Smart idea! Thanks, I’ll do that until I can remember also.
Good idea…I’ll start doing that too! Thanks Cap!
The common sense of an intelligent man really comes in handy to us ladies at times.:)
not often … maybe, just maybe once in a blue moon … or possibly when pigs fly ~
Me too!
Me too…I kept thinking Steve was the “wrestler with tats” instead of Austin…Steve looks more like an Austin and Austin looks like a Steve! hahaha
Right and all the names starting with the letter ‘J’. Oh my!
Let’s count them: James, Jace, Jason, Julia, Jackie, Jeff and John. Was I supposed to mention Julia yet? hahaha Did I get them all?
It’s driving me crazy! And hey, do you think Liz/Julia are going to be able to pull it off?
I think Liz/Julia are getting in trouble with Day already as Liz/Julia said one thing one day then went back on it the next day, like she’d forgotten she’d said that with Day! Many are already gunning to get rid of her before Austin, after they get rid of Jace! hahahaha
Haha, yeah! Da’vonne asked Liz/Julia if she remembered throwing a pillow at her and she said no then had to backtrack 2 minutes later with “yeah, I remember”. It’s unintentionally hilarious!
And Audrey said, “she freakin lied to me and continued to lie while Austin was sitting right there too!”
I don’t know how the hg’s do it.
I don’t know who I like and don’t like yet.
I will not be watching the live feeds, so I would come here to read about it.
I like Jeff and Jackie from the Amazing Race, but not sure if I will like them on BB.
What were the words that were completed by each contestant in the Veto comp yesterday?
The person that needs to go is Vanessa! If any of you peeps are watching BBAD/POPTV this girl has lost her everlasting mind! Woooah! Why did she even apply? The tricky thing is everyone is treating her like some delicate flower because they don’t know if she’s acting or just plain CRAZZZZZIE!
Please God! Let Jackie stay. I really need her to stay in the game she makes the game fun to watch!!! If she gets evicted I will stop watching the show and I really want to keep on watching the show!!!