Big Brother 17 Rumors: New Players Or Returning Houseguests?

The upcoming Big Brother 17 season has everyone wondering if we’ll see a Big Brother cast of all new players, returning Houseguests, or a mix of the two. With just a week to go until the BB17 cast reveal we’re left with rumors and speculation, but is there any reason to believe them?

Big Brother 17 premieres June 2015 on CBS
Big Brother 17 premieres June 2015 – source: CBS

As reliable as the tide, the new season brought rumors that veteran players would be returning to the Big Brother house, but when this sort of conversation takes place each season it’s hard to give it much credit without supporting information.

Last year we saw claims that Big Brother was replicating Survivor’s Blood Vs Water which obviously wasn’t true, so it seems silly to again be reading that CBS is copying and pasting its reality show themes by going after a “Second Chance” season for BB17 just like Survivor 2015 S31 is doing right now. Anything is possible, but that seems like a lazy rumor to start.

As Big Brother Access reported, Evel Dick shared news that he heard we’d be seeing “at least some returning players” though he admits he doesn’t know if it’s true or not. ED certainly has plenty of connections and could hear reliable information, but it seems he didn’t feel confident enough to share without noting his own uncertainty of the rumors.

But if you want to go with someone who perhaps has the most Big Brother connections of all then we can turn to Julie Chen. Last season she noted we were unlikely to see a Big Brother All-Stars 2 season anytime soon thanks to the strong ratings of recent all-new casts. Of course she could be trying to throw us for a loop, but I don’t think that’s the case. Although a mixed cast of vets & newbies wouldn’t violate a “no all stars” statement, would it?

The Big Brother 17 cast will be revealed on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 and we’ll have all the bios and details for you ready to go that day. You can watch the reveal on the Live Feeds that day. I’ll also be sitting down with the cast at the same time to get their take with our interview videos arriving soon after. This timeline does raise another question for me: why CBS is rushing the reveal?

In recent past years I’ve met the cast for interviews and then several days later they were revealed to fans. This time they’re revealing the names before the press interviews. CBS could be nervous of another leak like Hollywood Reporter did last year when they foolishly posted the cast hours early. The year before that I was reading online discussions of Elissa being in the cast before I even interviewed her that day. Very frustrating to have happen when I’m out there working hard on these interviews.

While we’ve never violated our embargo it seems other members of the press have more holes in them than the Bomb Squad’s gameplan and it could be enough to force CBS to make sure they’re the first to make the cast known. But could that be because the names on the cast list are just too tempting to reveal in the case of returning players? We’ll know for sure next Tuesday!

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  1. Definitely won’t be All Stars with all the casting going on, a lot of people have been hoping for a mixed cast but I really don’t want that because I think it takes the attention off of the new HGs and if it’s anything like BB13, the veterans will be rigged to win. I think they would do another all new cast because even though BB16 was beyond boring, it had high ratings. I just hope this cast delivers this year and we have an entertaining season.

    • I agree that it’s just too distracting to have a mix. Newbies become second tier HGs and are overshadowed the whole time. I’d rather see all from one group.

      • Well you saw that the last year they had a mix a newbie won in Ian now Dan did get to the end but Ian won me personally I like to see a mix expecially if it’s newbies and say people who everyone wanted to see play but never really got that shot ie. Jodi, Howard, Kara, Nick a few that maybe weren’t all that good or very favored but would be good to see what they would do with a second shot.

      • I like the concept of second chance, but all the players would have to be players that were voted out before jury. I think that would be good.

      • Before Jury would be a good way to qualify HGs. They really need something easy to point to like that otherwise it’s just a bunch of folks that production wanted (and were available).

  2. Dick says the same thing every year. Mixed is really bad because it always favors the returning houseguests! Even in Survivor with mixed casts returning players always do really well. Having past hg’s back usually just destroy’s that persons legacy. The two season renewal last year just shows the faith the network has in all new player seasons, but there will definitely be stunt casting (Social media mogul and pop sensation….’s brother Frankie Grande for example).

    • they always renew Survivor two season’s at a time.. they film them back to back…& they had so much falth in the newbies that they shoved them back a season to S32…, something they filmed in March 2015 that won’t air until 2016

  3. Matt do you know if you can pay for the feeds as a one time payment like previous seasons or do you have to pay monthly?

    • You have to pay monthly and no one outside the US can sign up which sucks for those fans who reside there.

      • Oh no that’s fine. I know I used to be able to pay for all 3 months at once and now that they lowered it I wondered if I could still do that.

      • Have you looked at Hamsterwatch’s site? I think she addresses the non-US feed watcher issue….

    • Not to interject too but it is my understanding that it auto-renews monthly. Meaning that if you subscribed on June 8, it would auto-renew on July 9 for another month, etc. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong on this.

      • It was auto renew last year also but you had a choice if you wanted to make a one time payment. Just wondered if they would do that this year.

    • A-Town is correct. There is no 3-month plan or season pass this year. It’s just a month to month so when you’re done with the service you’ll want to cancel. You could add a calendar reminder on your phone.

  4. I just want a new house and new games and something different than slolp!

    • Me too. I’m tired of slop and have nots. They need some new fresh ideas.

      • Have them all fight to be Have’s every week as a group.

        If they lose a luxury/food task, everyone except for the HOH will be on staples, and a limited shopping budget for their groceries for the week.

        At least it will be something that could keep them occupied aside from the usual “whispers” and backstabbing.

    • Agree w/ Lavendargirl as having four or six returning houseguests as coaches w/o competing (similar to the Voice) to be judes on live eviction each week and give tasks for the losing teams on a challenge instead of slop.

  5. i would like to see a season of first ones evicted from each season getting another chance

  6. I just want a mix of new competitions while some of the things I have always love from the past remain. Also bring on a cast of people I can root for, at least a few. Its hard to watch when you get to the end and I pretty much dislike them all. I would be fine with it if they got rid of slop too, since I find it dumb and unfair usually.

  7. Glad to hear that you are interviewing the hg’s too Matt! Does this mean media day was not cancelled after all and CBS is instead just releasing their interviews first?

    Is Big Jeff doing the CBS interviews again this year, does anyone know?

    • Not sure if Jeff will be replace but from what I can gather Derek Levasseur will be involved in the show (somehow).

    • Well there is the “press junket” and “media day” which I always thought was unnecessarily confusing. Media Day is when members of the press/media go in for a rapid fire game with HoH, Veto, & eviction. Press Junket is when press comes in to interview the cast.

      Press Junket is most definitely happening. I don’t know about Media Day. I gave up trying to get included in that.

      I don’t know if Big Jeff is doing the CBS interviews this year.

      • You are right–“press junket” and “media day” are confusing terms. I actually had them reversed so I’m glad you clarified. Until I read your article, I thought everything was cancelled save for the CBS interviews with the HG’s. Glad to hear that press junket is still a go. I think fans definitely get more out of interviews like yours than the CBS interviews (like the ones Big Jeff has done that were so short and didn’t give much if any insight.)

        So I guess we can assume all press junket interviews to be released Tuesday AFTER CBS does theirs? Like yours will be? Sorry for an inane question. As a fan, I’ve just found the way CBS relays this info to be confusing and appreciate any clarification.

        Random question: I’m assuming the HG’s go into the house right after doing press junket interviews? Can you say what date you will be interviewing them?

        Thanks so much for listening! Looking forward to hearing your interviews (thought you did a great job last year!) Fans really appreciate all the effort!

  8. Here’s a twist, half newbies and half returning players…that DIDN’T make it to jury! That way you give HGs a second chance, but they wouldn’t have that much of an advantage, since they were only in the house for a week or two.

  9. I hope it’s only new cast members. I hate it when they bring back the old cast. Its happened so many times already, you get sick of it.

  10. I say they do 1 more new cast season and then for season 18, do All-Stars 2 with nobody that has played twice, and no winners either, all post BB7. Examples: BB8-Jessica, Eric…BB9-James…BB10-Keesha, Memphis….BB11-Kevin, Michele…BB12-Ragan, Matt…BB13-Kalia, maybe?…BB14-Frank(ugh), Shane OR Danielle, not both….BB15-Elissa, Helen, Aaryn, Jessie….BB16-Donny, Nicole, Caleb. They could seriously get a great cast for BB17 if it was a 2nd chance season, but I hope they wait one more time to do it(unless they get canceled if this season sucks). I also really want them to do a season like BB10 with no twists to really stir things up, I am sick of the “viewer interaction” twists, we shouldn’t have any affect on the game(even though we know it is production honestly)

  11. I would love to see returning houseguests (4 or 6) becoming judges similar on The Voice by having four teams. Voting can be done by judges throughout the season (having chairs turned not facing the houseguests) w/ non-nominaters to provide feedback to the coaches that can vote only to evict one per week till the final two are left at the finale. That will be a good new twist.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 17 Spoilers 2015 Season Cast News: All-Stars, Blood VS Water, or An All New BB17 Cast? | Celeb Dirty Laundry
  2. Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Did CBS Just Reveal Cast Is New? | Big Brother 17

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