Big Brother 17: Nomination Anticipation In Week 8

Overnight the latest Big Brother 17 nominations started to take form and this one was actually more interesting than I thought it might be when we first discovered who won HoH last night.

Becky Burgess and Larry the Llama on Big Brother
Becky Burgess and Larry the Llama on Big Brother – Source: CBS All Access

Talking with her allies, the new HoH was quick to identify who would be going up on the Block, but it’s the target debate that’s likely going to keep us entertained this week. Then there’s always the Veto wrench ready to be thrown in too.

With Liz in power that automatically lets us know that Julia and Austin are both safe by extension. Liz is getting frustrated with Vanessa, but she’s not that annoyed so Vanessa is safe too. Then you’ve got Steve who is feeling good after his big DE win and survival. He’s a useful tagalong for them so Steve isn’t in any danger.

Looking at the Goblins, Austin has wanted to hold on to that so they actually worked out some deals with them, but this was after they had already decided on their safety. So they’re off the board.

That leaves us with the obvious situation: John and Becky. They’ll be the nominees. There’s just no avoiding it because as Liz said, she’s down to a baby pool size of options.

Earlier Vanessa had promised John and Steve they were safe this week, which of course isn’t her decision to make at the moment, but that’s what she told them together soon after the HoH comp. John might not be as safe as she thinks or hopes.

Vanessa wants Becky out, but the Austwins might have another idea: keep a mongoose to get out the snake.

After a very interesting talk with Becky, Flashback to 2:53AM BBT Cams 1/2, the Austwins are now thinking Becky might not be their best option to go to Jury. Becky revealed a lot of information about Vanessa, her deals and methods, and while they aren’t ready to go after Vanessa directly they would be okay with someone else taking her out.

To make that happen the target would have to shift from Becky to John. Austin says they can tell Vanessa this is what they want and that’s how it’s going to be. Bold words in private, huh?

One of the things Becky told the Austwins about was the plan Vanessa had with Jackie to let James throw the comp and keep him and Liz on the Block so Vanessa wouldn’t have to be HoH anymore. Guess how much they liked that info? Exactly. Austin says they can keep that card in their back pocket and then apply it at the right time to justify why Vanessa doesn’t get Becky out this week.

Just imagine if the Austwins do that and Vanessa sees Becky is desired to stay. She’ll quickly figure out what’s going on and we could get some serious action and campaigning by Vanessa. Fun times ahead!

Of course there is also the renom potential with Saturday’s Power of Veto comp. If either John or Becky come down then we can expect either of the Goblins to go up and it could be Meg to keep the target on John if he remains or if John comes down then they’ll have another debate on whether or not to let one of the Goblins go to keep their mongoose Becky.

Nominations Ceremony will be held later today in the afternoon so we’ll have the official Big Brother spoilers before too long, but I don’t see much wiggle room in these plans. As I said, the interesting stuff will be what happens next when noms are out of the way.

If you were Liz and HoH this week, then who would you nominate? Join us on Facebook or Twitter to get the BB17 spoilers as soon as they happen on the Live Feeds.



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  1. Vanessa is going to try to run the HOH. THAT is what I will find interesting when Austin and Liz try to resist. Their best chance of getting Van out is to leave Becky and James in the house. They are too scared to outwardly turn on her.

  2. I feel like before all is said and done, Vanessa’s actions will get her on the block and in the Jury house.

    • Maybe it’s better if she goes later… after a juror returns bc you know she’d be the one to come back. Prob about the time they work up the nerve to get her out… she’ll come right back in.

  3. If they don’t do what Van wants with nominations……all hell is going to break loose. She will constantly remind Judas and Julia how she is the sole reason they are in the house. She will be so paranoid. LOL

    • Vanessa had to be a bully as a kid. She is just too good at threatening these people. Either that or she is a psychopath. lol

      If older people were in this game, I don’t think Vanessa would have so much control.

      • She is very intelligent. Same skills she uses as a professional poker player she is using on these folks in the house. I thought she was a goner a few days ago, she is a smart cookie and turned it all around.

      • No doubt. & now she’s even proven that she can get out of the impossible. That proves she’s a great player. Derick never had to do that last year. Which i guess you can argue makes him better bc he kept himself out of that position.

      • IMO, she is better than Derrick. I think if she does indeed win, a lot of people will be saying that.

  4. I cannot believe how great of a spot the Austwins are in, even if the Goblins side won HOH the target would’ve been on Vanessa. I think that Vanessa saw that and thus wanted to build an army against them just in case. Now I seriously think my boy Jmac is in grave danger and for the first time I actually want Vanessa to brainwash the HOH :(

    • Austwins are doing great. It’s baffles me how their obvious trio is never a target. They’ll coast to final 6 with Vanessa, get her out and then have the numbers in F5

      • I agree. I always thought it was flawed logic to even allow Julia to come into the game. I do not care if she is “on their side” it is still another person that will be in the way when push comes to shove and you have to turn on your own alliance.

    • Maybe (longshot I know) Becky can keep working Austin to get Liz to BD Vanessa and they will have enough votes to evict her with all of the other side plus Austin & Julia. Steve is the only one they won’t have and they can’t tell him because he will tell Vanessa and then “that” will happen. Sometimes longshot is all you got!
      The logic could be that once Vanessa is gone, it’s Austins (3) working with Becky, Jmac, James, Meg (4) to evict Steve. Then “game on” as Austin agreed with James before. Only Austin (trying to think like him for a minute) would work with James on the side to say hey, it’s us 3 and you and Meg, right – and we take out Steve and then Becky and Jmac and then it’s a free for all? James just has to say yes convincingly and then tell Becky and Jmac only (never trust Steve again) what’s up so they know to break up the band if they win HoH again and how best to do it. Do they aim for Liz? Hoping Austin & Julia don’t mesh but by then, they’ll kinda have to and both will be mad over Liz leaving. Do they aim for Austin and only have Liz mad – Julia not as much but some because he was their ally? I don’t see any reason to take out Julia first unless they have to because that will just make both of them mad as Austin will be betrayed and they do have “The Wall” comp coming up which Austin should slay.

  5. Vanessa is the biggest threat in the house. Put Becky and John up, backdoor Vanessa.

    • Vanessa and her alliance control the votes. You have Vanessa, Julia, Austin and Steve all with her side. If Becky and John are up, there is just James and Meg on the other side if you call it that. Those two are loyal to Vanessa and Austin so, it does not matter either way. Vanessa’s alliance will stick with her until there is still threats like Becky, John and James in the Big Brother House. They have the votes, they have the majority and control who gets evicted.

    • The Austwins will just coast with Vanessa til the final 6, take her out and then have majority in final 5

      • Nooope. I see either twin volunteering to be put on the block (but really evicted) because Van will promise her safety and she’ll believe her! :-)

  6. Still rooting for John and Becky to win that POV. That is the only way to throw a monkey wrench on this plan. Maybe, James will be put up as a replacement nominee. He is useless and clueless. I hope he ends up going this week. That would be super. James and Jackie deserve to be in the jury house as they created this fiasco in the first place.

    • To be fair James and Meg were the ones hellbent on Shelli. Jackie at one point actually considered the option of voting out Vanessa. Plus in hindsight, probably doesn’t seem like it would have caused that much of a difference anyways

      • If you do not see Vanessa controlling everyone in the house practically, then, you do not see that the biggest threat in the Big Brother House is Vanessa. Now, if this was Survivor, she would have been targeted first day out. Survivor takes out the strongest players first. In Big Brother, if you can manipulate the gullible house guests like James, Jackie and Meg, you do not have anything to worry about! They will do your bidding and ask what else you want done!

      • I would definitely agree that she is the smartest player in the house right now, but not necessarily the biggest threat cuz she isn’t in the best position. Her enemies and allies are both catching on to her game and although Becky failed to take out Vanessa, her week as a nominee still hurt her trust with a lot of people. If the Goblins side were to win HOH, I think Vanessa would’ve been the target. In addition, if Shelli stayed, Jackie still would be out and with Liz winning HOH the target could’ve been on Meg and James.

      • I agree if the other side had won HoH, Vanessa would be gone. If Shelli had stayed though, I think James would have been gone instead of Jackie. Then Shelli would have had Jmac, Becky & Steve all to herself.

  7. Liz will never BD Vanessa. They don’t seem to realize it needs to be 2 players left in the game. Van ranting in Jury house won’t make a difference because everyone in there will know in their heart she had something to do with them getting there. She won’t be eligible to win the game, so who cares.

  8. The house lost their chance to get rid of Vanessa… And Steve is a ______ (you fill in the blank)…

    • Will not happen…because Meg is taking the Victoria role…always will be put up and never goes…

      • Meg is the Final 2 option. However, Vanessa needs allies to help her take out Austin, Liz and Julia. She only has Steve. Now, she is working on John. If Becky is evicted, John is all alone and it is to his advantage to stick with Vanessa. They can get rid of James next. Then, Austin, Liz and Julia. I think a Vanessa, Steve and John combo would be a very big threat in the game and can take out Austin, Liz and Julia. The only danger to that plan is if Steve and John decide to evict Vanessa and take Meg with them to last 3. Then, Steve and John might take each other to Final 2. I think Steve will win if that is the case.

      • Steve would still have played a better game although, I like Johnny Mac and the house guest who played the best game usually wins in the end. You are forgetting Ian, was also, socially ackward but, won Big Brother.

  9. Man, I dont understand why the twins get so much hate. Yeah they can be annoying but they are gliding through this game like no tomorrow. Vanessa does call their shots, but it is working out for them. The twins were outed, managed to stay through 5 evictions, and were kept safety afterwards through Vanessa’s deals with other people. On top of that, everyone wanted to target other people in their 6thS alliance, such as clay and shelli. And now they want Vanessa out first. These girls are doing just fine. It’d be cool if they could be a F2.

    • The twins are extremely fake, annoying, whiny, nasally, stupid, pointless, dumb, boring and they sound like men when they talk. I met people like the twins in real life, and they are absolutely vomitrocious. Complete vomits with zero personality. Imagine Paris Hilton, or Kim Kardashian. But two exact version of her. That’s who the twins are.

      And the twin twist is the worst twist in BB history. Day figured it out right away. And then the twins confessed to it. They should’ve been kicked out for admitting to it.

  10. Steve was a waste of an HOH. Jackie and Meg is who you put up? Why would you waste your HOH to get out a weak player? And someone who America likes? Steve was never contender for AFP. But now he definitely has no shot of winning it.

    • very little blood on his hands thats why. If he gets someone strong out he gets a huge target on his back. now he is coasting to final 5 easily.

      • And then he goes because he’s disposable..he is playing a 2nd place game…actually, he got James and Meg mad…if he really wanted little blood on his hands, he would have gone after Becky and John….

      • all he has to do is win a few comps then he wins. if anyone is playing for 2nd its meg. Also he has finals 2 with vanessa and john

      • Win some competitions and be Vanessa’s puppet and making weak moves and not doing anything socially…I rather vote for Meg…at least she has allies and did something socially…and if Meg manages to win a competition, then…..

      • both vanessa and john won’t put him up tho and most likley will go home before him anyways

      • Vanessa has a final 2 with anybody. I think she she has a final 2 with the inflatable shark.

      • Vanessa will make deals with anybody. Becky even told her, no more deals. Vanessa probably has a deal with Larry the llama.

      • I’m talking about final 2 deals. Not the bs week by week type of stuff. She has only ever made one final 2 deal that I’ve seen/heard about.

      • her final 2 with steve seems semi legit. Just last night she was doing damage control for him with adc

      • Ok, so he make it to the final 5, and gets evicted by someone who he could’ve gotten out during double eviction. What is the point of that? He’s now out $500K, and his big accomplishment is getting out Jackie? Someone who was not after him?

      • if he got out a vaustwin there would be 3 people coming after him. with no real allies. Since liz won this hoh if he had taken out vanessa his ass would be on the block right now probably going home. Also vaustwins aren’t really going after him either. Big moves mean a big target on your back. Jackie while not gunning for him is definitely not an ally.

    • Why should any HG give a damn about popularity? And how can you say Jackie and Meg are weak when they had enough power this past week to flip the vote against the HOH’s wishes?

    • I had some hope for Steve, but he has shown himself to be some one who knows a lot about BB but doesn’t know how to play the game.

  11. The Twins have the numbers know, so I agree with their tactic on not going after Vanessa just yet. If Becky and the James can work on them this week, there’s a chance she develops as a quick backdoor option.

    Last nights DE really hurt the Goblins. They lost a member, lost part of Becky’s trust, and with a Liz win, could mean the Goblin squad loses another member.

    • Becky and Jmac want to work with James and Meg. They’re a foursome now (based on what I read after the show last night online).

      • Only a 4some until eviction night. One of them will be going home. If John leaves, then Steve will absolutely glide over to Vanessa/Austin. Which means it would be the 3 goblins versus the 5 others.

      • Yep but hopefully Jackie/whomever returns to the game before they go down any more in numbers.
        I didn’t count Steve as being in with them anyway. :)

  12. Who do we want to see re-enter between Jackie and Shelli? As much as I like Jackie, I think Shelli would be a much more interesting return. I actually think she would go against Vanessa and the Austwins instead of re-joining them.

    • They’d both go after Vanessa I think, but Shelli is better at competitions. Overall though, I much prefer Jackie over Shelli.

    • How about no one comes back…I’m tired of this twist…they do it so often its hardly a twist….

      • I agree with that. IMO Once out, stay out. BUT if they insist, I want Jackie back. She was grace under pressure last night after being blindsided like she was. She’s a fighter.

      • She and Meg both were much more mature and classy than Shelli or Vanessa. Given, we had more time to see Shelli and Vanessa post nom. Meg was being very kind and patient with Steve last night as he was aggravating the living crap out of her. James was bugging her, too, but in a different way, and James didn’t just pull a fast one on her. I’d have told Steve to go chill.

      • To me, that’s what made Jackie’s exit so classy was that she was totally blindsided/dumbfounded and yet she maintained her poise and control of her emotions. You know she wanted to scream or cry or something. She had to. But she didn’t. She kept her chin up and was pure grace about it. That was much more difficult than having a week to practice your exit. Neither would be easy but Jackie’s had to be winged as it was a total surprise and she pulled it off seemingly effortlessly. But you know she was turbulent on the inside. I don’t know if she was thinking: “I have a shot to re-enter the game so play nice” or if she was just reacting graciously to the bomb that got dropped on her. But yeah, she gets all my props for handling it like a boss. :)

    • Depends on who else is in the jury pool. I want Jackie back. I don’t think the Austwins will have an “in” with her. They have a history with Shelli and could tempt her back in and try to work with her for F4.

  13. People spend a lot of time on these boards insulting the HGs for what they perceive to be extremely stupid choices made. This Season has been particularly strong that way. But I’ll tell you what, if this Season has taught future players anything (those who actually watch the show and aren’t recruited or recommended by players from other shows that is) it’s: “A Twin pair needs to be eliminated the second you know there is one.” They (TSS) had so much power early on it seems like it was impossible but looking back, others knew pretty early when it was possible to make that future problem stop and they didn’t. – Now it’s a much bigger problem. I suspect we won’t see a Twin Twist for a long time and when we do, they’ll be as identical as possible. – This Season has been fantastic!

    • I am astounded that they allowed the twins to stay. I shrugged it off initially thinking, that will never work. But not only did they not stop them, heck, they protected the twins to be “a number” for their side! The other side knew it and yet it happened. I was shocked how both Da and Jason handled it. I expected them to use it to their advantage or blow it out of the water. I know they didn’t get much of a chance because SS controlled that part of the game and they were protecting the twins. Without Julia in the game, Austin and Liz would have been another showmance to target still. SMH – I don’t understand how one side let it go and the other side invited it in.
      I will never understand that.

      • I get the “inviting it in” thing. 100%. A guaranteed vote is a big deal. Plus, both of them not being any actual threat to intelligence or physical stamina makes them a lot easier to dismiss. I don’t understand the Back Yard Crew’s thinking. They knew Liz and Austin were a pair and Austin wasn’t in their group. THAT’S what I’m surprised by. They did nothing at all. Just talked about it while Jason made fun of everyone and Meg giggled.

      • Not me. I would be like nope. They’re not coming in and they sho’ ain’t staying in.
        They had a secret alliance so they had the numbers and no one even had a clue.

      • I’m lost. Who had the “secret alliance”? If you’re referring to TSS, they all knew and the extra number benefited them. If you’re referring to the Back Yard crew they didn’t have a formed alliance. They had “people who hung out together and made sarcastic remarks.” – Did I miss something?

      • Yes, TSS. The other side did not realize there was a TSS. The only ones who knew were the actual members. That is why they were so dangerous in addition to their numbers.

      • I’m with you. I would have never gone for the plan to protect the twins either.
        What confused me even more was the other side knowing about the twins and thinking that it’s fine because they’ll just vote both of them out. What? Why not vote one of them out before the fifth week to get both of them?

      • Exactly. Single shot takes out two. I don’t know why the other side allowed that to happen, though they were a bit hamstringed for a few weeks, what with being on the block themselves and all – but still, they didn’t really zero in on it.

      • The backfired plan to get out Austin when one of the twins was on the block was where they lost all my respect. Are you people that dumb?

  14. Austin’s transparent attempts to control Liz were pretty funny last night. He might as well have said, “Don’t let Vanessa control your HOH…let ME control your HOH!” She needs to run everything by her sister this week.

  15. Wacky set of nominations by Steve. I don’t think Steve is thinking that many level ahead. Hello! You are allowed to strategize. They all sat down.They’re like 8th grader dancing. Dan G tweeted…”Why are they not strategizing?”

    • He did intend for Jackie to go. He told Jmac not to use the POV. Jmac acquiesced because he was afraid either Becky or James would go up (what he told Becky).
      Yes, that was intentional on Steve’s part.

  16. Has anyone been saying anything about Steve’s set up not working during the POV game? Or is BB just going to ignore that.

      • It probably doesn’t matter. But isn’t everyone supposed to have a fair shot doing the comps? Or am I being naive?

      • It is why he didn’t use it.

        Steve asked him not to use it.
        Jmac didn’t because he was afraid if he did (go against Steve’s wishes) that Becky or James would go up as the renom.

        So Jmac was protecting Becky. :)

      • Of course he was. He also knows Meg and Jackie are the least likely people left on their side to win anything. Freezing the noms was an easy call, even if Steve had said otherwise

      • So JMac is not fully in control with Steve. In that short period of time when he won the Veto, it was crucial that he influence Steve to backdoor Van. They’re not on the same page. Obviously, there was no contingency plan.

      • Interesting point. The one thing about Steve’s “instability” is that no one knows what he’ll do next. That weird moment during the show last night where he “needed a minute alone” (or whatever he said) was crackers. He’s a big, unpredictable element in everyone’s plans.

      • Exactly what I said to myself. Sometimes the unknown is more dangerous than the knowing!

      • DE is crazy. Players use to corner them in the storage room and literally lock it to make deals before the ceremony. Some of them stay behind the door and block it. lol

      • It’s true. He’s like a live-wire hanging off a telephone pole during a flood on a windy day. People are nervous around him. (For sound reason.)

      • Think there is any way that it could have been a contingent plan concocted by Van before the evictions started? You would think that Van would want Becky out, but who knows for sure what any of these HGs will do or want or think at any given time.

      • She’s good on shaping what people are believing in the house. Sloppy in some things and more ADD in a lot of things. lol ..She ‘s still BB’s ” most wanted”

      • I highly doubt it, but It’s possible. We never know what goes on in between the time that the feeds go out and the live show starts.
        That was enough time to work her magic on steve.

      • I wondered if Steve was apprehensive about Austin and the Twins making an alliance with the Goblins which would push Steve further down the pole and no longer needed by the SS.
        Then I thought well maybe Steve didn’t want to upset the SS and he didn’t want to upset his new buddy JMac so he took the easy way out with his nominations since he would make fewer enemies by nominating the Goblins.
        I still have no idea what Steve was thinking but he could have just freaked out with all the pressure being another likely option.
        I’ve got to get over to Jokers to see what’s going on.

      • You’re giving Steve too much credit. The boy is an idiot! He’s even admitted himself he sucks up to teachers to get better grades and recommendations etc. he’s not smart at all, well not in the way he wants people to think. In reality he’s crafty and a coward and a mommas boy.

      • he deserves no credit. Unless sucking up to teachers for good grades deserves rewarding.

        Sorry if this is TMI: But Liz told Julia w few days ago on the feeds that Steve never flushes the toilet when he uses the bathroom no matter what.

        I call that fowl and disgusting.

      • He’s not an idiot…he’s just socially awkward and avoids talking to others if at all possible.

      • If he isn’t then he sure is being called one all over Twitter. Even EvilDick called him an idiot. Lol

      • You don’t get into Cornell by sucking up to teachers. This post of yours is inflammatory nonsense.

      • I was so afraid that JMac would be duped into using the veto by Steve saying he wanted to backdoor Vanessa but instead backdoor Becky – his arch nemesis for some reason. I was so relieved when JMac didn’t use the veto and I wonder if Becky had any part of that decision.

      • Steve’s nominations probably did please Vanessa but I thought she would have preferred Becky going home than Jackie. I’m still trying to find out who did tell Steve to nominate those 2.

      • Reading the Jokers Updates Austin seemed to be all in favor of making an alliance with the Goblins so I don’t understand why Austin changed his mind? Wouldn’t they have wanted the more intelligent Becky to go home over Meg or Jackie?

      • From what I understand they want to keep Becky in hopes that if she wins another HOH she’ll want Van out and they are not opposed to that. They’re afraid to do it themselves.

      • Why upset the apple cart? Vanessa is still in charge and not Austin. His deal with James, Jackie and Meg is a sham. If it was a legitimate deal, why didn’t they vote out Meg considering Jackie is a better competitor and would be an asset to that alliance? They know that Vanessa would want the remaining threats on the other side evicted, that is why. That means James, Jackie, Becky and John. John, Vanessa is trying to draw in with her and I assume she will try and keep Meg as her Final 2 option. Now, Vanessa has gotten pretty much what she wants. If Becky and James is gone from the game, she can then, focus on turning on Austin, Liz and Julia and evict them from the Big Brother House.

      • Nope. He’s only talked with Van and Shelli! Both told him to target James and Becky or he’d be a goner.

      • Nobody did…he came up with that on his own to please Van so she could get Liz to not target him. He’s just now realizing his mistake in not talking game with other hgs.

    • I thought Steve might have broken his contraption on purpose during the POV comp to avoid making any more decisions.

  17. The Austwins and Vanessa are so annoying that even though I love me some Johnny Mac, I’m not sure that I can take much more of the “like…like…like…” used a trillion times in an hour and Austin is just creepy. IF James or Meg goes I’ll probably stop watching just due to the annoyance factor of whose left.

    • I honestly am having a hard time believing the twins are actually models. Clay I can definitely see being a model and if Jackie was I can see her being one too.

      But the twins?! They don’t have height, the looks or the personality. They are not all that!

      • No, they abandoned it without fanfare after the Gronk party week. They could easily bring it back since they just kind of ignored it for a few weeks without saying it was over.

      • The gronk week was already planed after the phone. They needed to give away the the cruise. They never did any after that.

  18. I can’t even watch the feeds anymore because of Vanessa. Can’t stand that girl and I’m sick of everything that comes out of her mouth.

    • Yeah I’m not watching either. I’m getting my updates from here. I can’t listen to those twins.

      • At least I find the twins somewhat entertaining. Van is just horrible. Everything that comes out of her mouth is 100% BS, ugh, I’ve had enough, LOL!!

  19. If any of them had half a brain they would get Vanessa out of the house sooner than later.nominate Becky and Meg as a pawn, if one of them wins POV, BD Vanessa. it will be hard to BD Vanessa given her magical powers and all.

    • look I dislike Vanessa as much as the next person But the Austwins can use her to get everyone out and in a final 4 situation it is almost impossible for her to beat them in every comp to get to final 2.
      So they are not afraid of Vanessa, they are a three headed snake whereas she is a one headed snake.

      • You forget that Steve is in Vanessa’s pocket and she is trying to draw in Johnny Mac to her side and maybe, she will use Meg as a final 2 option. If Vanessa has Steve and John on her side, she can target Austin, Liz and Julia once, Becky and James are both out. So, you have 3 good competitors against Austin, Liz and Julia? All they need is to win one HOH and they can wipe up Austin and the twins. Vanessa has it planned out. She is after all a poker player and she is able to plan ahead. The others are still thinking of the next thing they will do!

    • I agree but with one juror coming back in it might be best to wait until after that happens and then get her out. But either way she’s got to go or she’ll win this thing.

    • I had a bad feeling that if Vanessa survived eviction that might be the last chance to evict her. I won’t even bother being upset since her win seems to be a foregone conclusion now. Let’s hope I’m wrong though.
      I can still remember hearing Meg and Jackie saying they could get Vanessa out anytime since Shelli was more dangerous than Vanessa.

  20. This is setting up to be another typical week in the BB house. Wanna bet the Guliana Rancic twinidiots will nominate Becky & James and if one of them wins veto put up Meg to ensure either Becky or James leaves?

  21. People with vast BB knowledge, has a HOH ever promised a POV winner that if they use the veto their enemy will be backdoored or nominated, but used it on a POV’s ally instead?
    For example, if Steve told JMac he would nominate Vanessa if JMac used the POV and instead nominated Becky?

    • It’s a gamble, but if he said to JMac use the Veto and he will nominate Vanessa, I will bet my money on that.

    • Yes, people have done that before in BB. It’s sketchy though, you need to have back up behind you or else you put a huge target on your back.

  22. Steve is an idiot, but the more I think about it, the other houseguests are to blame for this as well.
    1.They all know they have people in their alliances who aren’t too mentally capable.
    2. The ones who actually talk to steve know that he is a beast at memorization.
    3. They knew the DE comp was going to be a mental comp

    Did it not occur to any of them to say, “Hey, steve has a good chance at winning this, maybe we should consult with him and tell him the plan or at least see where his head is”

  23. Vanessa is the biggest threat, but her and maybe James are the only ones actually playing the game. Meg is just there taking up space, Becky is just plain awful and no one knew she was there until last week, John is decent and the POV king, James was the only one brave enough to break up Chelli, Austin and the twins rode the coattails of Vanessa and Chelli until Chelli was gone and now who knows what will happen now that they have to make their own decisons. When Jackie was there she was irrelevant until Jeff left and then she flip-flopped between sides (almost as bad as Becky) and then was a knight. She did nothing remarkable. I hope Shelli returns because she is only one that would maybe do something, depending on who gets evicted next.

    So really, Vanessa is the only one is the house that deserves to win.

    • “James is actually playing the game”? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
      He couldn’t get out who he wanted and then he got manipulated and controlled by the one person they could and should have eliminated

      • I said maybe James, I personally don’t like his gameplay but he is the person who broke up Chelli. they were a power duo and he sent Clay home. he won HOH and POV in the same week, I don’t like him but I do have to give him props for doing that

      • That wasn’t great strategic game play. He just put those two up and won POV without any regard to the consequences.
        He’s doing well at competitions, but the actual “game play”.. not so much.
        If he had been smart, he would have taken the chance to evict Vanessa… both times he did have the chance.
        Then he would most likely still have Jackie by his side.

      • Both times? If he would have evicted Vanessa in place of Clay, you would still probably have Shelli and Clay in the house running it like Mcranda version 2. Clay AND Shelli would have been guaranteed to be in jury and Vanessa deserves to be in jury more then Clay, his ONLY saving grace was that Shelli won the competitions. I agree that if they were smart they would have evicted Vanessa instead of Shelli, but if Shelli comes back then you will have Vanessa and Shelli gunning after James, so he hasn’t made the ”smartest” game decisions, but he is the reason why Chelli isn’t in the house now.

      • It’s not about deserving, it’s about strategy. Let’s be real, Shelli was both, the muscle and the brain, in that team.
        It was much more dangerous to keep both Vanessa AND Shelli. If he had vetoed his own choice and put up Vanessa, one of them was definitely going home and not in jury, wouldn’t have mattered for him which one left.
        Instead, he got Clay evicted who was almost as useless as Meg in both game play and comps.
        Chelli was so overrated when it comes to being a danger. If they had evicted Shelli, Clay would have been rendered useless anyway…

      • Strategy wise, Vanessa is better then Clay by a long shot. Clay and Shelli pulled the strings to evict Da’vonne, Audrey, and Jason and they weren’t a threat? Clay was useless in every catergory except eye candy for Shelli. He is the definition of a ”dumb blonde” even though he isn’t even blonde. What makes you think that if Vanessa could flip the house this week that she wouldn’t have done the same the week Clay went home? Shelli is a better ally for most people then Clay. Clay would have sit and floated around until he got booted into jury because Shelli wasn’t there to save him week after week. The reason Shelli stayed over Clay is because he told everyone to vote him out and they know that Clay is a floater without Shelli and Shelli is a better ally.

      • Vanessa is the only person in the house that deserves the half million dollars because she is playing the game perfectly well everybody else is either floating their way to the top or riding Vanessa’s coat tails. And people were so mad when Jason got eliminated but what did he do? Nothing at all he sat on his ass the whole game and tried to crack wise jokes in the diary room he was a poor man’s Britney at best.

  24. Why JMac? It makes no sense! Take out a bigger player like Becky or Vanessa! Liz can’t make her own decisions to save her life…argh.

    • Liz doesn’t have a lot of reason to go against Vanessa atm. Liz is surprisingly smart. Putting up Vanessa and Becky will result in the surviving one coming after her. Becky is Van’s number 1 and Vanessa is Becky’s number 1. Take out John, James or Steve and let those two battle it out. Neither of them will put Liz in any danger to be evicted.

  25. If I was Liz I would put up James & Vanessa who are by far the two best players in the house and if one of them wins the veto I replace that person with Meg or Steve because they are this year’s Victoria and nobody would vote them out.

  26. If i was liz i will nominate two biggest threat to my game and that will be John and James if James comes down put Van up if James stay there and John come down then put Meg up because she is perfect Pawn no one will vote against her At the end of the day one of the two power player in this game will be gone Van or James

  27. nominate van and nobody listen to her con games because she will have them all cause remember she is a poker player so bluffing comes easy

  28. I could care less who gets nominated and who goes. I just hope JMac stays safe. All the others can fight it out for all I care. Bunch of idiots. Like I said before just write Vanessa the check now.

  29. Obviously Steve is spending way too much time talking to the cameras, plants and various other objects because he doesn’t know what the hell is going on. When he put Meg and Jackie up I realized that he’s actually not the secret genius waiting for the perfect time to make a BIG move because this was it and….. yeah, no. And now of course Liz the puppet is HOH and my Johnny Mac is in danger. Disappointed is an understatement.

  30. Liz isn’t gonna put Vanessa up IMO. What I think they need to do is put JMac and Becky up, with James as the backdoor option. He will almost certainly go after one of the Austwins and probably Vanessa if he stays.

  31. In the unlikely event that Meg actually wins the POV, she probably wouldn’t use it because then Liz would almost have to put James up. That’s Meg’s strongest ally now

  32. If Liz would carry out her plan, but backdoor Vanessa, Vanessa would most likely go home, and that would be a giant feather in Liz’s cap if she were to make it to Final-2. I like Liz. Come on, Liz, you can dooooo iiii-ittttt-ahh!

  33. Totally disgusted with turn of events. Vanessa, the twins, Austin should be out……steve’s move was stupid. Hate the show now.

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