The Big Brother Feeds turned on last night right on time and the BB17 cast was ready to deliver as we’ve come to expect in recent seasons. Once the song and dance was over it was on to the game and we learned a lot about the first nine days.
Houseguests were up until nearly the morning running through scenarios and their latest plans for eviction as the nominations and BotB had been held but the Power of Veto was still just around the corner on Friday. We should be ready for what comes next.
Jace Agolli was waiting for the cameras to go live before leading the group around in a circle of introductions and shout outs. If you thought Jace was a touch annoying in the premiere then you’re going to love this Jace. No, wait. Maybe not and apparently the rest of the house doesn’t much care for him either aside from Austin who appears to be his close ally.
Nominations were held with James Huling sending Jackie and Steve Moses to the Big Brother 17 block while Jason Roy nom’d Becky Burgess and John McGuire. Jason has since been dethroned leaving Jackie and Steve on the block, but we quickly learned they aren’t the main targets.
Power of Veto is coming up on Friday with Jason, John, and Becky joining James, Jackie, and Steve in the competition. Everyone in that group is prepared to use the Veto to free up a spot for Jace to be Backdoor’d. Jackie feels confident everyone but Steve would use it on her over him.
Jace is feeling a little paranoid and thinks something could be up, but Austin is incorrectly telling him everything is fine. It’s not. Jace has gone to James with concerns about Audrey running messaging through the house, but it’s likely too late for him. Unless…
Steve has put a few people on edge too and he was spotted talking with Jace leading some HGs to fear they’re working together. I think Steve was just trying to talk with Jace, but you know how appearances override reality in the Big Brother house.
On the drama side of things Vanessa had a complete meltdown which left Twitter conversations debating whether this was a manipulation move by her or truly an emotional overreaction. I’m thinking the latter, but you never know. Vanessa said she wasn’t built for this game and is stressed by people being “mean” to others. Oh my. It’s Day 9. 9 out of 98. Yikes.
Biggest “Huh? What?” moment of the night goes to Becky. She was hit by a train. Last year or so she was walking to work with her hood up and stepped in to the street only to get seriously injured by a tram. Doctors rebuilt parts of her face and considered brain surgery but she has since pulled through and recovered amazingly well. Craziness.
Showmances may be blooming as well with Shelli and Clay spending time together and flirting while Jace chases Liz/Julia and managed to pull her in to a 3-person alliance with him and Austin.
Speaking of Liz/Julia, it seemed really obvious that Julia was in the house last night and may have even swapped at some point. I can’t believe they’ll go unnoticed, but as we discussed yesterday on Twitter, they don’t have to remain undetected but rather just avoid five evictions. So yeah.
Houseguests went to be around 4:30AM BBT so they’ll be out for awhile this morning. When they’re up we’ll get ready for the Power of Veto competition with those spoilers to follow soon after. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get the latest.
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Lots of thoughts so far and initial reactions to some of the HGs. (usually my first impression is wrong in this game) 1. I have no issues with Audrey’s transformation, it’s OK, but keep it moving. I just hope she doesn’t use BB to promote awareness of it. There are other platforms. I watch for the game play, the backstabbing, the plotting, etc… I don’t give a crap about their personal life. 2. On a much less serious note, when Jace said “Rado”, I cringed. I was so embarrassed for him. He is trying way too hard to be cool and it’s doing the opposite. 3. Poor Steve doesn’t have a chance. He looks too much like Ian and the other HGs will be scared of that thinking he will beat them. He may make jury, but that’s it. I have more, but that’s what I feel like sharing right now.
Ready for some BB drama (without real life stuff being brought into it)
1) Personal dramas like that tend to be the thing that most other BB versions like to milk out from its participating castmembers, which for me, seems exploitative.
I agree
Is something funky going on with the site today? Have to sign in today to post, but it shows me on at the top?
Agreed. They are exploitative of the cast member AND the viewers.
The sad thing is, in our version here in the Philippines, Big Brother himself is the one stirring the pot. Last season, he got one housemate drunk on live TV (during eviction night), the following episode, he called the guy to the DR and scolded him like “Why did you allow yourself to be drunk?”.
I felt like I want to smack the the guy behind that hypocritical voice.
What platform? She introduced herself and after that it on. Real life stuff will be brought into BB house. Their story could be crazy as hell, but if you have feeds, you’ll hear about them…it already started. lol
Of course some things that happen in their lives will come up. I have no problem with that, I just don’t want that to be ALL I hear/read about them. Since it is only the beginning of the season, we don’t know how they will really be in the house yet.
I agree with you Cyril. It’s a turnoff and wears thin with most players when it doesn’t lighten up. They don’t want to be interrogated day after day over nonsense.
My first thought was Steve is this years Donny. An incredibly nice guy and a fan favorite. Unfortunately I think he is doomed to be a pawn and will be dispensed with late this season.
Nuh Uh
There will never be another Donny. Never. Ever.
…except I think Steve is so awkward that it will be hard for the viewers to relate to him. Part of Donny’s appeal was that he was the truly guileless nice-guy who was the perennial powerless pawn his entire tenure. Most viewers could imagine themselves in his position. Steve is all awkwardness without much warmth. At least this viewer cant relate.
I like Steve. It’s early yet, but I think he’s smart, and I think he’s socially awkward like Ian. We saw Ian win his season, when he was an outcast most of the season. I see him as being more like Ian than Donny
I felt bad for Steve, and I thought Da was awful with him last night. Don’t upset him for sport. It’s not cool
What time on the live feeds did Becky talk about her accident with the train?
Roughly 9:38PM BBT last night.
I don’t know how I missed that. Was she in HOH?
To me Jason is more annoying than Jace. I didn’t like Pee-Wee Herman then and I don’t like him now.
Pee Wee Herman is a national icon in this country. No houseguest on this show can touch that man. I have reached the decision that this show is a blatant copy of Pee Wee’s Playhouse except on the concept of people winning and losing money. You have inanimate objects talking, secret words galore and annoying people gossiping about tomfoolery and hijinks. Sounds really familiar?? Paul Ruebens. If you are reading this somewhere, please take a little moment out of your time, and watch this show and pay attention…you may have a significant ground to sue the hell out these people and CBS.
national icon …. hahaha… then so is Rhoda Morgenstern.
Who is Rhoda?
You can’t knock Pee Wee’s trap game or hustle. He’s the truth. He helped me ride a bike and want to work in the circus.
And Rhoda taught millions how to dress like a gypsie and wear a chemo scarf!
I loved Valerie as Rhoda. I loved his attitude and strength when diagnosed with brain cancer
That’s funny and cute
Mary Tyler Moore show. Valerie Harper – recently passed away with brain cancer I think
Lololol love that
His voice! Not comparing him to a PeeWee; however, a national icon???
His voice is PeeWee Herman. It makes me laugh, but it wears on me if I hear him too long. He knows the game tho
I said before I would wait a week to voice my opinion about everyone because you never know from their interviews before they go in the house. It’s not even a week and I already feel different about a few of them. I thought Jace was going to be fun to watch from his interview. WRONG!! He’s annoying as hell! From her interview I thought Vanessa would go far in the game. Wow talk about a meltdown. WTH? Jason is getting on my last nerve. And DA well I need a couple more days but wasn’t impressed with her last night.
Yeah…if Jace doesn’t chill SOON, I’m going to really get annoyed. And I hate being annoyed this soon. I try to make my decisions after at least a week, too, but, man! This guy is killing me. Jason is coming in at a close second. I really hope both of these guys prove me wrong as to how annoying they are, but…yeah, I’m thinkin’ that ain’t gonna happen.
Yeah, I had a good first impression of Jace based on his interview, but I was really turned off by him after watching the episode last night. He’s calmed down a bit knowing he could be in trouble.
He needed to. He was at 1000 first night. Blew past 100 quickly, and straight to 1000
I’m annoyed with several, and it makes it hard to watch. My pet peeve is watching people eat with their head in their plate. Sit up and eat like a grownup
Really? I couldn’t stand Jace in the interview. He came off as arrogant, while at the same time making some smart comments. Turns out, I was right. He does seem smart, and he’s extremely obnoxious.
Well spoken. His arrogance has no place anywhere. Such a bloody taint…Jason is right up there as well…::where are you Paul??::
Aren’t most of them that way until they’ve lived in the BB house for awhile? hahaha
I thought he would be fun though. I agree thought he was a little arrogant too. But he’s 10 times worse. Lol hope the backdoor plan works. Haven’t been on the feeds today yet so don’t know about the POV. Wonder if it’s been played yet.
That’s how long I usually give before voicing my opinions. They haven’t really started “talking” game yet! That’s when BB really starts for me! I need time to gauge each one of them and a week will give plenty of time for most of their true colors to start kicking in for me!
Same for me Joni, it takes a little time to see behind the façade.
i thought i luv Jace. always root for the surfers.. oh well, guess i ll keep my eye on the wrestler…
From what I’m seeing so far, the dominant person in this game is Audrey. She seems to be playing very hard, very fast. Not in a Devin sort of way, she seems smarter than that, but nonetheless being way too obvious and I have a feeling that if she doesn’t tone it down, she’ll be picking up on some people’s radars.
My early picks to go far were Vanessa, Steve and Austin. So far, I’m not seeing much out of Austin, but that could be a good thing seeing as for a guy of his stature especially, laying low is probably his best bet. But the fact that he’s so close to Jace has me a bit confused about his awareness of the house consensus.
Vanessa is a coin flip, either she’s a great manipulator and is making everyone think she’s weak and unstable, or she is actually weak and unstable. We’ll find out Sunday I suppose.
Lastly, I like Steve, but I’m concerned that he’s just too socially awkward to make it anywhere. People are already talking about him being “creepy”. Which isn’t too far off of how people felt about Ian at this point in the game, but still. I think additionally that people seeing the similarities between him and the BB14 winner already puts him at a clear disadvantage and his knowledge of the game might not help him at this point.
No offense but I would suggest new picks since your picks aren’t doing well so far.
Last night at some point I think Jace was actually beginning to worry that there might be a bd plan involving him, but Austin was like “Nah, you’re good bro”. Seems to lack a good judgment on what’s going on in the house.
Steve…. concur with what you said. Ppl automatically make connections between him and Ian. And as of now, he seems to be playing it like how Ian did during the Coachs phase…. socially awkward and creepy. With Ian though, he obviously didn’t have as big of a target on his back as Steve might have this season and Mike Boogie was there to help Ian out. I am sort of getting a pre jury boot vibe from Steve.
Lastly, if Vanessa is trying to be manipulative by crying, somebody should tell her that this would not help her in any way except annoy other hgs to the point they send her back to her girlfriend
You guys really think Steve is creepy? To me he just seems a little socially awkward. I hope he stays for a while. I’d like to get a better sense of his game.
He is very socially awkward..didn’t really know how to even give a good hug to the girls!! You can tell he wants to fit in so badly..I am rooting for far!
He’s a nice guy. Socially awkward, but not creepy.
Socially awkward? I don’t think so. Who are we to judge if someone is socially awkward?? Read Judges 4:1-5 and get at your Uncle Sanders…Stevie is cool in my book.
lol..ok fine..Leviticus 20.9
“‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head”. That’s your lame Leviticus quote. Where’s the relevance Axel?? ::going to get my lemonade and kick up my feet:: I in church?
Hozier did and LGBTs got their wish today. I know imposter Pee Wee Herman and Quack Pack are. Congrats to US government for doing something right for once.
It was just an opinion. Why is it every single year someone jumps on these threads and loves to berate? I said I was rooting for the guy!
I am just making observations and speaking the truth. Why every year does someone has to be so biased and belittle the houseguests and the glorious people of this show and this blog?
For the record, “creepy” might not be the best word to describe who Steve might be in real life or even in the game, but from the way that he has approached the female hgs (supposedly cornering them and bombarding them with tons of questions), it’s making ppl uncomfortable. So sorry if the word “creepy” offended anyone
I understand.
I personally don’t find Steve creepy, but people tend to be hyperbolic in the BB house.
I don’t take offense, but that’s why they were early picks. Currently, I don’t really have a very high opinion of anyone in terms of game perspective at the moment.
Jace is the exception.
I don’t think it was manipulative as much as “too soon” for that crap. Give her a chill pill first.
Absolutely agreed. If u want to be on the show u have to be willing to pay the price of being separated from ur loved ones for 98 days. If Vanessa is already having a emotional breakdown on day 9 or Sth, she can go back to her gf right now and millions of people out there would kill to take her place
I certainly hope that Steve isn’t watching the gals shower like Ian did. That’ll get you labeled creepy very quickly.
As I said in a previous post…there are no married people or senior citizens on this season. C’mon Allison G. What happened with the screening process??? Get both that elderly fireman or that old black secret agent with the feather in his head from Survivor or even Herschel Walker for Pete’s sake. About 53% of these lazy houseguests feel as though they are entitled to world; the others are narcissistic and have no manners or consideration. BB is not representing my demographics properly and I’m offended. Thank you for letting voice my concern.
Last season it was Franke. This season it’s Jason. Come on BB, if you are going to have gay menon this show, why pick some annoying high pitched twink. Not all gay men are like that. I’m sure there are plenty of hunks that sent in tapes.
A twist every week is weak. Seriously BB…::yawn:: give us the fans more power and say!
For me the twists were interesting the first few seasons I watched. Now they seem like distracts from the plots and intrigue!
You’re speaking the truth brother!
Please bring Donny back and get rid of that poker dealer. She doesn’t fit in that house. A lot of them people don’t fit in society at all.
Bring back Dan Gheesling, the best player, ever!!
Dan was the truth. He represented on BB Canada too. Great fan favorite. Eh…::country time ain’t going to hold me down::
Wait for the poker player to start grilling the poker dealer first! LOLOL
I have to admit that casting was a clever turn.
That’s going to be interesting ::getting some Popeyes now::
With Jace and Austin constantly hanging out together apart from the rest of the house to play with their hair, talk about their buffness and their needs for a rub and tug… it seems we have some latent tendency bromancing in the works…not to mention sharing a small chair once with their arm around each other.
So who comes off as the biggest threat so far? From BBAD, Id say Jackie. She is a smooth talker and can be very aggressive both as a player and as a person. Other hgs should have her on their radar.
Jackie is so annoying and dull. No one from the Amazing Race should be on this show. Serious threat. If it wasn’t for Paul Ruebens winning the HOH, she would have won hands down.
You do such a great job with this site, thanks for all the updates!
Doesn’t Clay remind you a little of Seann William Scott?