Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Blackout: Final Five Eviction & Schedule

The Big Brother 17 Live Feeds are set to go down later this morning for a 36-hour blackout intended to protect results and spoilers from the upcoming Final 5 eviction.

Big Brother Live Feeds only on CBS All Access
Big Brother Live Feeds only on All Access – Source: CBS

Houseguests have been warned they’ll be on lockdown and know to expect something is about to happen but while we know more about this at the moment they’re about to know a whole lot more than we do. At least until Tuesday night.

CBS announced via its news ticker on the All Access site for us to expect the Live Feeds to go dark at approximately 9AM PT (12PM ET) on Monday morning. This would be followed by 36 straight hours of Jeff Loops until things return at 9PM PT (12AM ET) on Tuesday.

The return time is set by the conclusion of the west coast broadcast of Tuesday’s special eviction show. Of course that’s ridiculous because the east coast show will have already revealed who was voted out and they’ll continue to protect that secret for an extra three hours of blocked Feeds. Did I say ridiculous already?

There will be more than just the eviction though. Once the upcoming votes are settled, which we will have plenty to discuss on that shortly, the remaining Final 4 Houseguests will head out to the backyard where all but Vanessa, the outgoing HoH, will compete for a guaranteed spot in the F3. But wait, there’s more.

To be ready for Wednesday’s live eviction show the HGs won’t be able to rest after that HoH competition. There will be nominations made, which are irrelevant at this stage, and then they’ll be off to the races for Power of Veto.

The Veto competition will be held during the Feeds Blackout and we’ll get the results of that comp when things return at 9PM PT on Tuesday night. We might not have to wait that long for all the spoilers though.

Last year we got about 5 minutes of Feeds leaked, intentional of course, ahead of the special eviction that revealed Derrick had won HoH and the HGs were preparing for the Veto comp. It’s quite possible we could get that again, but keep in mind that last year it was very clear who was going to be voted out from F5. This year? Not so much. I’m dying to know so it’ll be fantastic if we can get that same early look.

There will be plenty more to watch on your Live Feeds during this final week of events including the fallout from the next eviction, preparation for Wednesday’s live eviction, and the final HoH endurance competition. So don’t ditch your Feeds just yet and if you haven’t tried them then there’s always the Free Trial to see what it’s like.

To make sure you get any potential leaked spoilers be sure to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates so we can send them directly to you as things develop. Ready to find out what happens next on Big Brother 17?



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  1. If people still think producers and CBS do not have full control of this show and who makes it to the finals well I advice you to think outside the box!!!
    Total blackout to “protect” spoilers Ya right !!!

  2. The projected plan was to make Vanessa into the finals if she wins or not is not important cuz CBS wanted “air time” during all season for her so audience will know her so when they launch the poker show she will be well know (liked or disliked) that at the end there is no such thing as bad publicity, the fact people are hating on her is a great thing for her and for the producers.

    Everything u watch on TV reality ir not reality has a purpose and that is get your attention for ratings and cash in $$$$$

    • Your entire conspiracy theory is based on an unsupported claim from a “I know someone who knows someone who used to work with someone at CBS” post on Facebook. (Remember the “Amanda is going to win because she’s BFF’s with Grodner!” claims?)

      Magically no one has any actual proof of this alleged poker show. No press release, no production information, nothing. But please, carry on.

    • Well crap, you could say that for most of the HGs. Hopefully “THEY” have someone play Vanessa’s part b/c she stinks.

    • How CBS gonna explain that? Hereeeeees! Our new show! Oh BTW we lied to all off the bb fans by disclosing Intel to Vanessa during this season so we could promote a show which has been in the works for a year. Psyche. We uh, we booked her for both and uh. Damn sorry fans we fk’;’ ypu.

  3. Vanessa is must be the target, especially if she can’t play in the next HOH… the house has to know how hard she is playing both sides of the house.

    • I think it’s obvious and you think it’s obvious but it’s also rather obvious these houseguest are delusional and can’t do anything without Vanessa’s say

      • No…Austin..per convo with JMac and Van last night around 11:26 p.m. BBT…Van has never been nearly as serious as she was then and very rarely has she ever spent that much one on one time with JMac alone. She’s planning to blindside Austin! Feedsters have been saying the same thing! I didn’t want to believe it, though! We shall soon find out, right?

      • U talking about Vanessa’s plan. But what is Jmac’s ??? We don’t know what his plan his. He never said .

      • He never said…can’t be a big one…but he’s messing with Steve’s head for sure! Either in a good way or bad way!

      • CRAP, I was hoping you were kidding. Maybe JMac was doing more of the reverse-reverse-reverse thing, did Van’s head blow up at the end?

        I’m hoping it’s a diversion from a Aus/Liz deal to oust Steve then Vanessa, that’ll throw her ‘skittles’ results out the window.

  4. Austin is a double dipper, reusing his spoon to taste each different cupcake.
    He’s gross, obviously and we all know that isn’t all he double dips.

  5. Here’s my dream when the 3 HGs (JMac/Aus/Liz) start competing Van yells out tips to her fav that she wants to win b/c cheating is allowed for her and as you know she can’t compete. Here’s the best part, Vanessa is the target for all 3 so her helping doesn’t matter.

    Actually she would already know or at least be stressing over that fact and trying to figure out a edge for the upcoming ALL IMPORTANT PoV comp, that is her last lifeline.

      • Definitely, chances are Vanessa would still be the target if she’s sitting by him, which she would be if Liztin wins HOH, and in the event Vanessa won veto and the other half of Liztin sat next to John he might still be able to get by because that would leave Vanessa the only casting vote and I do think she would knock out the Liztin on the block but it’s not worth the risk. He needs to win, put up Liz and Vanessa, Vanessa win veto and then Vanessa chose who leaves out of Liz and Austin.

  6. Damnit … What can I do during 36 hours without live feeds? Should i paint the house? Fix the gate? Get a life? It’s damn to hard to make a decision!!! Perhaps i just go to get some M&Ms to help me think!

  7. John needs this HOH, chances are Vanessa would still be the target if she’s sitting by him, which she would be if Liztin wins HOH, and in the event Vanessa won veto and the other half of Liztin sat next to John he might still be able to get by because that would leave Vanessa the only casting vote and I do think she would knock out the Liztin on the block but it’s not worth the risk. He needs to win, put up Liz and Vanessa, Vanessa win veto and then Vanessa chose who leaves out of Liz and Austin.

  8. If they dont evict Vanessa this week, the just plain dumb and she deserves to win. They should want to now play the game without her telling them what to do.

  9. I wondered if they would tape the HOH after today’s eviction or if they would do it live on Wednesday like they do for the DE. Thanks for that info Matt.

  10. Not sure?
    Perhaps I use a spoon to dip on all of it? Lick the spoon clean and keep on dipping on them?
    Then put the spoon back on the shelf.
    Go to the loo, don’t wash hands, go to bed and start fish fingering.
    Well … rolling my eyes … I feel better now.
    Thx Suzzie Q.

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