Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 12: Sunday Highlights

Houseguests are practically too exhausted to even fight for their Big Brother life anymore as things wind down in the final days of the BB17 season, but it’s not over yet. Veto Ceremony arrived and gave us the final noms of the round ahead of Monday’s “surprise” eviction.

Vanessa warns Steve about John's vote
Vanessa warns Steve about John’s vote – Source: CBS All Access

Yes, Houseguests know the eviction is coming up early and the time crunch is on as this week’s current target learns of his probable fate, but is it too late? A late-night conversation may have left things up in the air, however.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, September 13, 2015:

8:45 AM BBT – Early wake up call for the HGs.

8:55 AM BBT – Vanessa asks Steve if he’s followed up with John to see where he is with his vote. She’s worried about John going against him.

9:00 AM BBT – Vanessa walks away and Steve says “Good for you, John.”

10:00 AM BBT – Austin upstairs unloading to Vanessa his talk last night with John about his F2 deal with Steve. Vanessa promises Austin she’ll tie-break in his favor. She has now promised both Austin and Steve safety this week.

10:10 AM BBT – Vanessa makes Austin promise he won’t cut her at F3 over John.

11:10 AM BBT – Vanessa talking with Steve and tells him he needs to convince John his chances are better if Steve stays this week.

11:15 AM BBT – John called to DR and Veto Ceremony follows.

12:00 PM BBT – Feeds return. John saved himself from the Block and Austin was renom’d at the meeting.

12:03 PM BBT – Steve goes to John looking for support. Steve says the choice is up to Vanessa. John doesn’t disagree.

1:30 PM BBT – John working out with Austin in the backyard.

3:15 PM BBT – John warns Steve that Steve needs to get Vanessa to convince John to keep Steve this week. Steve realizes he’s in a bad spot. He’s discouraged.

3:25 PM BBT – Steve is trying to convince John to keep him. Steve says if he stays then Liz will be gunning for him (Steve), but John disagrees and thinks she’ll be after all 3 of them if they vote out Austin.

3:45 PM BBT – Steve camtalking and upset about how bad things look for him right now.

4:10 PM BBT – Steve says he still feels like he’s going to throw up ever since the second DE. He’s extremely stressed out.

5:30 PM BBT – Liz finds they have cupcakes as a gift. Feedsters voted between brownies or cupcakes. Game changer.

5:40 PM BBT – Vanessa and John are talking at the hammock. She says she’s still indifferent. John admits he knows this choice will end a superfan’s dream either way he votes. He asks which way she thinks is better. Vanessa admits she has a better chance at F4 with Steve gone, but if he’s there and wins it then Steve would keep her over the showmance.

5:49 PM BBT John asks Vanessa if she’s just going to keep the nominees in suspense this week. She says yes because she thinks this is a week that no one is going to be happy.

6:06 PM BBT – Steve asks Liz for her vote. He knows it’s a lost cause, but he says it would be rude not to ask her for a vote. Rude? OK. I think he means “dumb.”

7:15 PM BBT – HGs are hanging out in the backyard chit-chatting. Nothing major going on at the moment.

8:33 PM BBT – Austin tells Vanessa that John said he’d vote for him to stay if Austin throws the HOH to him.

8:35 PM BBT – Vanessa tells Austin she can’t tell John to vote to keep Austin because that will get back to Steve. Vanessa compliments how John is playing the game and Austin notes that John finally started playing the game on Day 88.

8:42 PM BBT – Austin, Liz and Vanessa discuss Steve and how he’s going to go this week. Liz wants to know why he keeps coming up to the HOH room. Vanessa says he just keeps asking if there’s anything he can do do stay.

8:46 PM BBT – Vanessa tells them that John’s vote is meaningless this week because it will either be two to evict Steve or a tie and she’ll break it to evict Steve. So she tells them they don’t need to make any deals with John. Talk turns to the HOH competition and Vanessa thinks Liz or Austin will beat John.

8:48 PM BBT – Austin thinks they’re taping an eviction show on Tuesday to air Wednesday and then there will be a live eviction on Thursday. He’s one day off, though, as they’re taping the eviction episode today that will air Tuesday and the live eviction is Wednesday.

8:55 PM BBT – Liz thinks it’s weird that Steve asked for her vote. (Why is it weird? That’s what you’re supposed to do. You’ve known Austin for like 90 days)

9:10 PM BBT – Houseguests start a game of Sling Band.

10:15 PM BBT – Vanessa tells John that she wants to do something crazy and make a big move. She wants them to make their mark on Big Brother. She wants to do what hasn’t been done this season and blindside someone. As in Austin. She tells John that she wants to break the tie to evict Austin, mentioning that it would impress the jury. She says she’s realized that she hasn’t been thinking this through properly but now has. So she, as of now, wants Austin out.

10:17 PM BBT – She tells John that Steve or Austin can’t know this is going down. She and John shake on this plan and then she goes into how she will explain this all to Liz after the fact. She says “sorry, I came here to win.”

10:19 PM BBT – Vanessa says they’re going to think they’re keeping Austin but they’re not. She asks John if they’ve got a deal and he says yes. Vanessa says it’s going to be a big bomb in the Big Brother house.

11:20 PM BBT – Steve is studying numbers of items in the house again and talking to himself. He’s stressing Vanessa working so hard to keep him and John together in the house.

11:30 PM BBT – Austin can’t figure out what Steve is doing (in general) and why he doesn’t appear to be trying harder to stay.

12:20 AM BBT – Liz and Austin talking about the upcoming eviction. Austin notes how scary this has become. He says they’ll be the first showmance to make it to the end together.

1:00 AM BBT – Steve still up and snacking, but not for much longer. All Houseguests are soon fast asleep and resting up for the next eviction.

Houseguests know they’re going on lockdown Monday morning so there will be no surprise over the upcoming eviction. As for what’s going to happen at that eviction? I’m excitedly uncertain! I can’t believe we’re going to have to wait an extra day to find out.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Will there be an audience for today’s eviction? Is there any chance of the results being leaked prior to Tuesday’s episode?

  2. Can we believe Van Van this time? Or she’s going to blindside both Vampire Dentist and Lil Stevie at the same time to save her butt at F4 to make sure the showmance goes gun-ho on the veto holder (coz he breaks his deal with the Big Troll)?
    She has to have the last say, doesn’t she?

    • Oh, she’s made up her mind or least the ‘skittles’ did it for her, she just working angles to get what she wants.

    • she doesn’t really have a mind….did you not notice? lol…
      They should have just left her alone in the HOH room and she would have imploded. instead, they talk to her one by one, like she is important or something. And what difference does it make what you say to her? She remembers things the way SHE wants to remember and gets pissy when the other HG play the game. And what do the HG’s do? cower…..because they are cowards!! What a sad, sad season this has been.

      • Wow, you’ve got Vanessa pegged but so do Austin and JMac maybe even Liz to a degree that’s possible.

        Cowards? They have kept her that’s too easy an answer why imo. Austin would say I made an alliance w/her from the get go & I’m using that ‘loyalty’ as part of my resume w/Jury. JMac had/has wanted to get rid of her but after being evicted saw it best to use her for his advancement & insight into what she may be planning. Liz, I have no idea and Steve obviously likes her for her mind, it’s the demented part of her mind he doesn’t get and his distrust of her, she sees and so distrusts him back.

  3. Vanessas smart no doubt. So if durring that deal/convoy with Mac last night her personal goal was to get Mac to vote Austin out, she did it to burn the discussions and trust Austin and John have created in the last week. She knows and stated no doubt, Steve beats her in the final comp and she wants the $. So this maneuver divides John and Austin, since now Vanessa is the tie breaking vote “doing Austin a huge favor”, right? True since Austin will know John voted against him. If this is her plan and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is because she literally has not missed an opertunity, once, it makes sence. However John knows she’s bat sht crazy and full of sht so he may not be buying it and he also knows and stated to her. I don’t care, Steve wins in Jury and against me in comp????
    Her arguments to John were weak also. We, she said. WE will be favored in jury for making a big move. Naaaaaaa. Thinks John. Now either I’m being paranoid, or I’m on the $. I angled it all out.

    • Brian, what you’re suggesting wouldn’t be a bad move on Vanessa’s part. However is it possible that Vanessa really wants Steve to stay?

      I think the better move for JMac is to vote Steve out and trust that what Julia disclosed to him about not trusting Vanessa is the shared feelings of Liz and Austin. This is interesting because Julia really didn’t want to talk to JMac and thought talking to JMac was stupid. It MAY save the game for Austin and Liz!

      I think Steve staying is better for Vanessa.

      Breaking down the final four for JMac (with Steve evicted).

      JMac safe by winning HOH or veto.

      Austin/Liz win HOH and veto. (this is where the trust comes in). The veto winner picks between JMac and Vanessa. This is the PERFECT opportunity to take out Vanessa. Quite honestly I think this play (taking JMac to final 3) gives Austin or Liz a great chance to win the game.

      To use a “Vanessa term”, Austin or Liz have incentive to take JMac to the final three.

      Austin/Liz win HOH, Vanessa wins veto. Are Vanessa’s odds better taking a showmance to the finals or breaking up the showmance by taking JMac?

      I think (and I think Vanessa thinks this also) if Vanessa is in F2, she wins. If she doesn’t win the final HOH, Vanessa has a chance of being pulled to final two by Liz if Austin has been evicted, she has no chance of final two if Austin or Liz win the final HOH.

      Breaking down these scenarios for JMac, it would seem that he almost certainly will make final three IF he evicts Steve.

      If Austin is evicted.

      Steve wins HOH, Liz wins veto. The trust issue (between JMac. Ausliz) should be the same as if Austin and Liz are both in the game. But will that be the case? Could Vanessa convince Liz to keep her? Look at what Vanessa did to Julia during the last veto comp. THIS cold play into JMac’s decision on who to evict.

      Steve wins HOH. Vanessa wins veto. Vanessa takes Liz. No way will Vanessa take JMac with Steve already guaranteed a spot in finals.

      JMac has a MUCH BETTER PLAY by taking out Steve.

      • Yea, I’m saying Steve must go
        Best for both. Vanessa has a 66% chance to stay with Liztin. Stwve and John together would burn her fast. She’s next on both thier lists.

      • I’m saying the whole deal with Mac was a smokescreen to expose him and destroy trust with Austin next round. But John knows this I think. She has seen John and Austin talking working out and doesn’t want 3 on 1 next round. So She cons him to vote against Austin and Austin finds out and goes to Vanessa and says I knew I could always trust u I owe u. She is the tie breaker in that scenario.

      • I understand what you are saying about the smoke screen, and I think if that’s what Vanessa is doing that’s a good play.

        However, I’m not so sure that Steve going is better for Vanessa.

        With Austin gone, I think Liz will work with Vanessa. I think hat’s the best Vanessa can realistically hope for in final four (two on two).

        For Vanessa (with Austin gone).

        Vanessa safe with veto win.

        Steve wins HOH, JMac wins veto. JMac keeps Liz.

        Liz wins HOH, JMac wins veto. JMac keeps Steve.

        Liz/JMac wins HOH, Steve wins veto. Can anyone say for certain that Steve won’t take Vanessa? I think Steve would take JMac, but it’s not as clear cut as all of the other options that have been presented to this point. And from here on out, the odds start tilting in Vanessa’s favor.

        Steve wins HOH, Liz wins veto. Liz takes Vanessa.

        JMac wins HOH, Liz wins veto. Liz takes Vanessa.

        Clearly Steve staying in the game is better for Vanessa.

      • With Austin she’s guarenteed to final 3. John and Steve not so much. Also she Punked John and steve. She put them up! They want blood. Lastly Steve has a better chance to beat her for the $ than Liztin. Also they’ve has trust way longer. So I apreciate your motor running and hey u may be right.

      • I think Austin would guarantee Vanessa anything at this point. I don’t see him following through on that pledge.

        Does Vanessa really believe that Austin and Liz would take her to final three? She won the last HOH because she was paranoid!

        I really think the only person Vanessa can fully trust to work with her moving forward is Liz. And that’s only true if Austin has been evicted.

        I think all of this goes back to our discussion last week about why it would have been better for Vanessa to throw the HOH. By winning the HOH, she has really boxed herself in.

        It’s not that so much that Steve will work with Vanessa, as to why her better move is to keep Steve. It’s more the fact that by evicting Austin Vanessa frees up Liz to work with her moving forward.

        I really think that if Austin stays, Vanessa HAS to win the veto or she’s done.

        With Steve still in the game, she has a good chance of moving to final three if Liz wins the veto.

      • Maybe, maybe. But I still think Mac and Steve have greater motivation to crush her next round. Mac alreadyy stated it straight up. “He said we’d have all the power” to Austin. Steve knows Vanessa is the only 1 to beat him for $500k in jury. If u was Vanessa I’d stick with the two that kept me off the block, and promise me the world. Ypu have a strong opinion and I like that. We can’t know and that’s why they play. Why would she change her mind in one day? Mac won veto, so what. Besides why did she want him out in the 1st place? He’s last in of now? Liz would be pissed. Yes she wants the $ but.Liz/Julia/ knew she was vile when she burned julia. And liz told Julia to rat Vanessa out to John before she left. Julia destroyed her to John. Last remember Liz’s face l? The disgust when Vanessa dropped that insane 3 pronged deal on them.

      • You may be right, but I really think that once all the factors are added, Vanessa’s better play is to evict Austin. It opens up more paths to final three.

      • HOW? do you truly think Steve, the sneaky king and John who loathed Vanessa pre scamper squad would be better to put your life in the hands of for 1 week. I can’t see it. I’m telling you no. Lol just playin

      • Well Vanessa does get to play veto, so she still has some determination as to her fate.

        And as I explained above, despite the fact that Vanessa would have evicted Austin, Liz’s best play if she wins veto is to keep Vanessa. Why would Liz want to go into final 3 against JMac and Steve?

      • What’s Mac’s better play? In final three?

        1. Liz
        2. Austin

        May beat either if everything breaks just right for JMac

        3. Steve
        4. Vanessa

        JMac has no shot to beat Vanessa and a small chance to beat Steve.

        JMacs best play, win HOH and take Liz to F2.

      • Rember she can’t play HoH. She’s got 2 chances in liztin. One or none with Mac and steve. BTW if I was them I’d burn her ass stat for trying to eviCT me.

      • And just for insurance, after next POV (if Van’s up & still OTB), Jmac can then share with Liztin what Vanessa tried to get him to do. I’d have to say that.
        Even if Jmac is HoH and Liz is on the block and Austin has the only vote…I could not assume Austin would VTE Vanessa. I would not assume that Liz would VTE Vanessa. I don’t think you can put anything past Vanessa’s persuasion until she is completely out of the house.

        You betcha I’d tell them regardless. :)

      • Yep, don’t forget if Aus/Liz/JMac go F3, JMac still has a good shot to win too. Obviously you know that but it’s a better chance for JMac to win as compared to going F3 w/Van & Steve (6 HoHs total vs. Aus/Liz w/3).

        For those of us that root for a favorite plus like good game play this is a win-win and of course I believe a more exciting finish w/JMac/Aus/Liz as compared to JMac/Van/Steve or Aus/Liz/Van or the other lame combos.

      • I think JMac has a BETTER chance to win with Austin and Liz.

        I think for JMac to have ANY chance to win he needs to win at least one of the final two HOHs. Preferable BOTH. He absolutely can’t be pulled to F2.

        With two HOH wins and up against Liz, I think JMac wins. Two HOH wins MAY be enough to beat Austin, but I don’t think JMac will have quite as clear cut a win in that scenario.

      • It depends does JMac smell better than Austin and wear a shirt more often than Austin and shave closer than Austin and brush his teeth & floss more often? LOL

      • That’s a lot of “if’s”. Austin no way wants to take JMac to final 3 if he’s the POV winner. Where as Steve wants to go to the final 2 with JMac if he’s the POV winner. I’d rather have 1 person on my side (Steve) then 2 people ( Liz, Vanessa) against me.

      • It’s hard to follow what exactly you’re responding to Lavendargirl. So please forgive if I am not understanding your response in context.

        Please explain the “ifs”.

        In final four, if Austin hold the POV and has a choice between JMac and Vanessa, I think he would be foolish to take Vanessa. Of course I also thought Cody was foolish for taking Derrick to F2 last year.

    • I wouldn’t put it past her but if she keeps the showmance together, she’s less likely to make it to final two because we know Austin and Liz would probably take each other given the chance. Liz is onto her and so is Austin,she has a better chance with Steve staying but again this is Vanessa.

  4. Vanessa can’t should not trust JMac as He should not trust her….I see STEVE being evicted Jmac knows he can’t beat Steve in final 2 or Vanessa for that matter

    • Why wouldn’t he win? He has won 4 PoVs and 1 BoB.
      He might not have won any HoH yet, but he’s a constant second placer in most comps so it means he’s an all round good competitor, perhaps lacking the luck only in winning HoH.
      Besides, he has good rapport with all the jurors except the troublesome threesome and being an evicted player fighting his way to F2 is a big achievement. He could even win this plus AFP if he’s allowed.

      • JMac has virtually no chance of winning F2 with Steve or Vanessa. To this point, he has been in on almost zero percent of house strategy.

        He needs at least one and probably two HOH wins to have a chance to beat either Austin or Liz.

        Sleeping, throwing HOHs, giving good dairy rooms and having Vanessa shave your back hair MAY be entertaining for viewers, but it doesn’t present a good resume on why JMac should win the game.

      • I think it’s because he slept through the days and won’t do well on that comp. Vanessa even manipulated him about studying together. It’s like 92% of what she thinks is a manipulation. Can’t be healthy.

      • No. But he is good with big brother lure. He knows it inside and out. Can tell you what the 2nd evicted HG in season 2s shirt color was. They know this.

    • I don’t even think at this point, that Jmac is thinking: “Who can I beat in F2?” I think he is thinking about the next HoH. I’m not in his head but I could see him being paranoid enough to think Austin, Liz & Vanessa are in cahoots – maybe even with Steve and that Vanessa is probably laying a trap for him to make him the big target next (by Liz, Austin) instead of her.

      IDK. I wish Jmac cam talked so we’d know what his thoughts are. Even in the DR but those are too short. :)

  5. Sneaky on Vanessa here late. I really think she’s trying to blindside the Rockstars with full intent of evicting Steve and wants the deciding vote on her.
    Question though: if you’ve been working with Austin “since day 2” then why is he on the block and not his boo? That, and Liz is, in my opinion, more of a threat than Austin to win comps from here out.
    It’s fair to say Vanessa has run through so many different real and fake stories in her head she doesn’t have a full grasp on what is true. She doesn’t remember earlier conversations as evidenced work JMac on the episode last night. There is no reality check in the house and Vamessa is truly affected by this.

    • Vanessa is relying on Liz’s statement that she wants to go to the end with a female Vanessa believes Liz would pick her over any guy to go to f2 once austin is gone. Liz IS the better competitor between the liztins, which is why she wants to keep her. Plus austin is too besotted. He’d never choose Vanessa over liz

    • I think it’s better for Vanessa’s game to get rid of Austin, not Steve. I really don’t think Vanessa is doing a head fake here.

      Look up occam’s razor.

  6. Vanessa is trying to trick John into letting her decide who should go out. At this point she is looking to putting knoch on her belt to impress the jury.

    • Yea man. Control anyone???? hey Austin, you owe me and John went against you so your recent friendship I’ve been spying on is blown up.

    • Yep, I still think if JMac has a deal w/Aus & Liz and Liz & JMac vote out Steve, Vanessa’s going to say OH CRAP, WHAT JUST HAPPENED? and she doesn’t get tie-breaker. And she now realizes she needs to start training for that important PoV, she’s got to go OTB. I hope she despairs or is out of gas.

    • I think she is def laying a trap for Jmac. His “hinky” vote would “prove” to Liztin that Vanessa is the more trustworthy of her/Jmac and would make Jmac the #1 target next instead of her. She likes the odds of her OGs winning HoH/POV in the next comp.

      I think she likes HER odds of winning the F3 HoH.
      I think she even has practiced her arguments “just in case” Liz or Austin win F3 HoH, as to why she is the best person to take to F2 for THEIR game. She’s that cocky. She may be that good. ;)

  7. So it seems the majority of us agree that this is Van Van doing her jedi mind trick again hahaha. Funny!
    Either we are getting better at reading her or we have become her loyal followers.

      • Love it… she’s deserving of it, the way she treated the other HGs. Why they let her get away with it I don’t know, like a moth attracted to the flame.

      • You actually think being “water boarded” is a reward? LOL.

        I see where you might think I meant deserving of winning, OH HELL NO!!! I was responding to what Brian5150 said. LOL.

        Though I have said if Van won I’d applaud her but I won’t like it by any means.

      • G, you know the feeling of trying to put two magnets together, how there’s resistance. That’s what it will feel like if I’d make an attempt to clap for her. I will fight the feeling! LOL

      • Was just reading Vanessa ‘ s wiki entry. Wow! Debate team, 4.0, finished school early, the eldest of her siblings. No tge reason she’s nutty.

      • Because she always created the element of doubt, destroying trust. Moth to flame is very enticing. She thought ahead, pushed that agenda, and a sucker was born. It was week to week destruction of others, 1×1 they dropped.

    • I can assure you I didn’t switch to #TeamVanessa but I will say if Van wins I’ll applaud her but will also say I didn’t like her methods and it was really hard to watch but I guess it’s like watching a train-wreck happen.

  8. V stated to John “I just realized going to final 4 with a showmance doesn’t make sence.” John thinking “we were here two days ago Vanessa and you sawed Stwve and I.” She also said mac and Steve being a showmance was planted in her head by Austin. John thought cloud. You think of everything Vanessa. Why change now? He figured her out.

  9. We know evicting Austin is the smart thing to do however I have a feeling it won’t happen. If Vanessa breaks the tie and evicts Austin, I will like her a little but not enough to root for her to win the game. At this point I want John to win and Steve to come in second as they are the least annoying ones left in the house.

    • Like Austin said yesterday..John has finally started playing the game on Day 88. I agree that a HG doesn’t want to come in the house and go batshit crazy those first couple of weeks or so..but..I don’t have alot of respect for players that wait until practically when the season is done to finally start playing the game…I know I will get feedback from JM lovers…but this is my opinion. Those vetoes he won earlier were when BOB was in play and he basically was given the win when all of the “throwing” was happening.

      • Well at least he’s playing his game on day 88 because Austin has been playing Vanessa’s game since day 2

      • Couldn’t have said it better and who cares what Austin says.

        You know the saying “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”, think about how JMac has played since returning… think of Steve’s as his friend and Van as his enemies and Austin is kind of in between who has Liz’s ear.

      • John has been playing the entire game. he’s done what he has to do and throws HOH & some veto comps to lay low. Hes a smart player.

      • PPl seem to focus on comp wins now. must be these new BB fans. did they forget about dr. will?

        not comparing jmac to will. just saying.

      • Not to mention all the second placings in most comps. He could win the baseball HoH but he threw it for Lil Stevie to win.

      • Austin was always a wuss when it came to comps. He was always one of the first 3 out. He did not want to strain himself.

      • I respect your opinion but I ask you this… what exactly has Austin done? He has a dethroned HoH from week 3 I believe, a HoH a couple weeks ago that he wasted evicting Johnny Mac, who came right back in the house and 1 veto that he just won to get himself off the block that landed the twins against each other….. I didn’t realize Austin had been playing. He’s the one that for sure has been laying low hiding behind numbers of the twins.

      • I am not referring to Austin’s gameplay..I was merely re-stating what he said on the feeds yesterday..and I agreed with him.l

      • I know, I was trying to say why I disagreed and say what has Austin done as in, he’s one to talk. He seems to believe he’s done soooo much in this game but he really hasn’t at all. He’s just disregarding Johnny Mac because he apparently doesn’t play the way he does I guess. I would understand if Johnny Mac has come this far and had no comp wins but he has 5 wins AND won his way back from jury. So I’m just not understanding or agreeing with his Johnny Mac not playing comment.

      • I think he was playing all along. Look how many times he went up as pawn to help further others. He was building trust. When he felt unsure, he covered himself and won what he needed to survive. He got himself back in the game, gave the win to Vanessa to build the trust with his biggest nemesis, and has continued to prove he deserves to be there. I’m glad he is still in the game, and letting his strategy show now. Remember he was voted out because he was perceived as a threat.

    • I really disagree. I think evicting Steve is the smart thing to do for Vanessa. If Vanessa gets John to vote to evict Austin, and then she breaks the tie to keep Austin, it gives Austin and Liz more reason to evict John next week should one of them win the veto. Not to mention that Austin really does seem serious about his loyalty to Vanessa since day 2. On the other hand, if John wins the F4 veto and Vanessa is on the block with Austin/Liz, he’d be crazy to go to final 3 with a showmance.
      If she gets rid of Austin, I think John or Steve would both vote to evict Vanessa if they win the veto next week.

      • You both are missing WHAT IF… JMac has a deal w/Austin & Liz, Liz & JMac vote Steve out. Van’s like OH CRAP, WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Then after HoH, Van goes OTB w/a pawn… this totally solves Austin/Liz problem w/Van and JMac who brokered the deal get Jury points for jettisoning Van if he gets to F2, IF they do manage to get her out… a snake has extraordinary ability to slither thru things.

        Yes, Van could win PoV but she’ll have stiff competition w/JMac+Aus+Liz w/6 PoV wins among them. And yes, JMac has to win against the Shomance but heck considering he was in the Jury House already that’s a better good turn around even if he only get F3.

      • There is no such thing as a pawn anymore. Whoever loses is on the block. whoever wins is off the block.

      • And if they evict Steve, Vanessa is safe to F3 if John or Vanessa win POV. John would never evict Vanessa to go to F3 with a showmance.

      • One more I believe w/F4 unless I’ve got brain freeze… at F5 lets say Steve goes Tues… at F4 JMac wins HoH, Van’s the target, she’s put OTB, wouldn’t the other HG OTB be a pawn? Or are we talking semantics?

      • At this point deals are a mute issue. At this point u make deals to tell people what they wanna hear (per Austin who was correct in stating it to Vanessa). It don’t mean u gonna go through with the deal.

  10. Again, Vanessa’s true intentions are betrayed by her actions. Obviously, she still trusts Liz and Austin over Johnny Mac and Steve no matter what she says. “Actions speak louder than words!” Why would you keep Liz in the Big Brother House just before the most crucial HOH of all? This coming HOH is the most important because Vanessa cannot play for HOH and her fate will lie in the hands of whoever wins HOH. And if she winds up on the block which is very likely, she will have to compete for POV with those still in the game. No way can you tell me that a combo of Johnny Mac, Steve and Austin against Vanessa in the POV is not more preferable to a combo of Johnny Mac, Austin and Liz. That is a 2/3 or 67% probability that the next HOH is going to be either Austin or Liz. I hope Johnny Mac can win the next POV again. He will also, be the sole vote to evict who he wants on the block. Looking very likely like an Austin and Liz showmance duo for the Final 2.

    • And your saying what I said that the whole smokescreen was to bust the trust between Mac and Austin. As well as expose it.

    • Just for reference PoV wins at this point: Aus 1; Liz 1; Steve 2; Van 2 and JMac 4. Most recent JMac & Austin.

      So combo of JMac, Steve & Austin = 7; JMac, Austin & Liz = 6.

    • The HOH isn’t that important, the veto is. They’re the one who gets to choose who to go home (unless the HOH wins veto. in that case, the HOH chooses who chooses to go home). If Vanessa evicts Steve, then she would prefer Liz/Austin to win HOH. That way if John doesn’t win veto, he ends up on the block. If Austin/Liz is HOH and Vanessa/John were on the block, the veto holder would (I think) vote to evict John. And if John is the veto holder and it’s Vanessa and Liz/Austin on the block, it would be foolish for John to go to F3 with a showmance because neither of them would take him to F2.

  11. I don’t want to believe her but “my gut” (lol) is telling me she really will evict Austin. I look at it like this. If she’s really wanting to blindside someone, make a big move, throw a bomb on Big Brother then the only ones left to blindside are Liz & Austin. She’s already warned Steve he’s in danger of leaving so he clearly wouldn’t be blindsided if was evicted. Johnny Mac knows to expect anything from Vanessa but also knows it’d be no surprise if she evicted Steve. The only people that would be shocked if Austin is evicted are Austin & Liz. No one would be shocked if Steve was evicted.

    • I just don’t think she needs that to win in jury “this big move business” I think that sniper sight was adjusted at macs nose, to tell him what he needs to hear to win. Rember his big concern. I loose in jury against Stwve and you.

      • I think the whole jury thing he said was bull to get her to take him. He has to know he has a compelling argument to make and that the jurors in the house could be swayed. I think she does believe she needs that big move to give her that extra push if anyone was on the fence about her.

      • Disagree.
        Jury votes
        Vanessa 1st
        Liztin 3/4
        Mac 5
        Austin has went 34 ns without going on the block. Kept a showmance and twin sisters aligned with him. That is amazing. Also made friends with everyone. No enemies in jury.

      • Oh wow, yeah, I completely disagree with that lol! 100%! I’ll start with JMac- He has 5 comp wins and also his win to come back from jury, if he makes F2 he’d be the first HG to come back from jury and do so, he was very strategic with the comps he won or threw to keep the target off of himself, and if he can pull it off he’d be the one that evicts Vanessa. No one would do it the entire game.
        Steve- 5 comp wins, also strategic in the comps he won or threw, and he was the one that went after Austwins, and would also be the one to evict Vanessa as well.
        Vanessa- 6 comp wins, kept Austwins safe, and had a hand in every HoH of the season, nuff said lol
        Liz- 5 comp wins, was able to stay safe for 5 evictions to let her sister come in the game and was in a showmance
        Austin- 3 comp wins, wasn’t nominated until week 12

        Yeah, I get Austin may not necessarily have enemies on the jury but he also doesn’t have a compelling argument either. He didn’t keep the Austwins safe, Vanessa and Shelli did with their HoH’s and Liz did with her comps. He was lucky the HG’s not on his side didn’t target them, they wanted their numbers instead. Liz is a toss up but the other 3 are equal in their own right with Steve a little behind.

      • 34 noms isn’t luck. Shelli didn’t give a sht about Austin saved him 1 time when V was gonna stab him in the back. John is loved. He suckered all summer until that revenge return, which was very cool. Now he’s coming up. Y o u said if heakes final 2, we’re not there yet. I can get on board with you about Vanessa and Steve, even Liz. I still think V-1, Stwve -2 the rest I’ll go with you. Thanks for your response.

      • When I said he sued I meant he was disengaged sleeping all day. Yes I know it was his strategy so no one wanted to take him out but the jury might prefer a gamer who attacked more.

  12. A thought not discussed. Liz has been very quiet. I promise while in the Limo at the concert on the way back, she pleaded Austins case. That’s why she tells him not to worry and goes about her business. That’s a lot of time to be with Vanessa. And though we think Liz is a few noodles short, she has some social skills.

  13. I want to believe her. I REALLY want to believe her. But Vanessa’s been flighty before. There’s no guarantee she won’t wimp out at the last minute.

    • I don’t think Jmac trusts her enough to “just” leave it up to her decision. I think if Jmac wants to roll with Liztin, he will vote out Steve without Vanessa’s approval. If he wants to save Steve and thinks it’s possible, I think he’ll have no choice but to leave it to Vanessa.

      If Jmac votes to save Steve because of Vanessa’s promise of a blindside, and then Vanessa saves Austin – Jmac is in even bigger trouble than before. That would make Liztin believe that Vanessa is on their side and to be trusted more than Jmac. It wouldn’t matter if Jmac told them afterward that Vanessa told him she was VTE Austin, etc.

      I think Vanessa is laying a trap for Jmac. She’s ok to lose Steve (I think) and this way, Austin (& Liz) will never work with Jmac afterward and Liztin will evict Jmac next. I think that Vanessa is cocky enough, if not good enough, to think she can either win the NEXT HoH (F3) to break up the showmance. And I think she is tweaking her arguments to each Liz and Austin “just in case” one of them wins F3 HoH, to convince them to take her to F2 instead of their sweetheart. If anyone thinks they can do that, it’s her. Lol.

  14. Of course if this really happens it would be the one worth seeing and we have to wait and then of course no boos from crowd for austin. Same thing happened last year

  15. Vanessa is right,time to throw a bomb into the BB house,evict Austin would be a good move,not without risks but greater peril leaving a “showmance” intact this late in the game,Liz would have been the better choice and most likely she realized this now but will settle for the 2nd best choice and that is Austin.

    • How can this be a blindside folks with so few people in the house. I could see it if she evicted james. That would truly be a blind side. He’s not in the house. LOL

      Vanessa is telling Austin and Johnny mac the other non so that if they share info, they are perplexed who she truly wants out. She trusts no one else but herself.

      • Look on the bright side, this season is almost over and by the time Big brother comes around again. You will have forgotten all about her.

      • Probably. But i never forgot evil dick.for some reason i liked him. He wasn’t like Vanessa. He’s really sick now. Last time i saw him he was on celebrity rehab.

  16. I sure hope it’s Austin that goes today but nobody knows if what Vanessa told Austin was true or if what she told JMac was true or just setting him up. Either way I’m praying JMac wins the next HOH.

  17. I don’t care i love Austin! Jmac are you serious or are you dumb? They all fell under Vanessa spell. I can’t take her!ughhhhhhh send that craybitch home! Really bb. Y’all suck with Vanessa to win.y watch y commert you want this ugly cat eyes manipulate bitch to win. Shame shame Shame on you cbs!

  18. In 48 hours from right now, we will have a new HOH and we will know who was on the block and who won the POV. In addition to that, we should know who the renom is as well. There will not be much time between the eviction today (that will be shown Tuesday night) until Wednesday’s live eviction. So many scenario’s have been stated in this section that it is really hard to try to cover them all in one post. I stated either yesterday or the day before that Austin could be the one to walk out the door and some thought I was crazy because of the showmance staying until the final 2. We are at a point that each HG HAS to play their own game and we are at the point that no matter what Vanessa say’s or does could result in her eviction.

    With that said, I still like Liz, JMAC and Steve for the final 3, with Liz and either JMAC or Steve going to final 2. In about 2 and a half days we will see who has made the right decision’s and who made the blunder’s of this final week of BB.

    • I hope the DR had a heart to heart talk with Vanessa and encouraged her to get rid of Austin instead of Steve.
      Good job production!
      JMac gotta win that HOH now.

  19. I think for Vanessa’s game taking out Steve is the best move. Steve will be her competition for the final 4 veto. If Vanessa doesn’t win veto I can see Vanessa evicted at final 4. At least with Austin around, John will probably target Liztin and vice versa.

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