Big Brother 17: Houseguests Prepare To Target Vanessa Next Week

Overnight Vanessa made more moves to build deals and insulate herself from going on the Block next week, but now it appears as though most of the house is quietly moving in the opposite direction.

Austin, James, and Meg plan next moves
Austin, James, and Meg plan next moves – Source: CBS All Access

Following a failed attempt to flip the vote to keep Becky Vanessa agreed to the Austwins’ plan to hold on to John and move forward but not before setting up another mass deal leaving James and Meg as the target. Once Vanessa left the room, the talk took a different tone.

The Austwins have now taken over as the pivot players in the house and are well situated between Vanessa, Goblins, Steve, and John. Using this position they were able to convince Vanessa that she wasn’t in danger of being targeted.

Flashback to 11:20 PM BBT 8/19 last night as Vanessa talked through the benefits of keeping Becky. When that didn’t go over as she hoped she suggested bringing John in to the room and making him promise to keep all of them safe if he won. They soon get both John and Steve in there and the talk proceeds with a lot of smiles and nods from John.

Vanessa eventually leaves (11:55 PM BBT) so you can pick up there again as the Austwins talk with John and Steve. Austin is convinced that Vanessa will feel good enough to throw the HoH competition now that she thinks she’s safe with everyone. Austin thinks they have this locked down to go after her, but he says they still need to get the HoH win in their hands.

Jump ahead again to 12:10 AM BBT 8/20 as Austin, Liz, and Julia rehearse the version of the story they’ll tell James and Meg. Yep, they’re playing both sides of course. The Austwins don’t want James and Meg to know Steve was in the room because they want to hide their alliance with him.

Moving to this morning, Austin came to James and Meg to let them know Vanessa was trying to make a deal to keep the Austwins and her safe from John’s HoH if he won. Flashback to 9:50 AM BBT. Just as they practiced, Austin doesn’t mention Steve. He tells the Goblins he talked with John later and told him he could target Vanessa and to ignore that deal.

Once Austin is gone James tells Meg he thinks they could still end up on the Block if John were to win HoH. James is not willing to throw this comp and will be playing hard to get it, he tells Meg.

Then at 10:10 AM BBT John stopped in to talk with James and Meg. John tells James that even Steve is on board with the VTE Vanessa plan. Well, “pretty sure he is,” says John after a moment of thinking of it. John says they “need to make sure it’s done correctly this time.” James agrees but says the plan fell apart last time because Vanessa had a lot of dirt on people.

Considering how little it took to sway James last time to watch Becky’s whole plan fall apart, it might not take much to make it happen again. I’m thinking (hoping?) we’ve got a fun week ahead of us after tonight’s eviction and live HoH comp.



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  1. I want to see JMac win and get Vanessa out. It would be a big move he could say to the jury. It is about time someone made a move that really shook things up.

    • Big move? The whole house and all the jurors want her out. Yawn.. A big move at this stage would be to take out one of the Austwins. Would be good for anyone’s game who wants to win.

      If Van is nom’d this week (likely), the drama will exist for the week thru possible returning juror. But then, I (for one) will miss her in the house – not because I like/don’t like her – but because she adds drama.

      • Any time you take out a strong player it is considered a big move and you can say that to the jury. Thus far no one has had the guts to take her out. It doesn’t matter if the entire house wants her out, it matters who finally does it.

      • Does she add drama? I think Vanessa is in the same spot Audrey was. They both added drama at one point but then it just fizzled out. Fans cling onto the past hoping for it to happen again. It wont. Vanessa being in the house is making the house boring because everyone is so focused on her. As soon as Vanessa goes, new drama will pop up and the fun will get going again.

  2. James picked the worse possible person to be in an alliance with. Meg is completely useless. When James said he’d be playing hard to get HOH this week, did Meg say the same thing?

  3. I’m cool with Vanessa to be evicted next week…I’m also ok for her to return to the house. lol

      • Look at his edit. Scaring people? Nothing about his game play. Last night he played “the grudge” James play by his own rule. lol

      • If James get extremely lucky he might have a chance of winning this season. At least he’s entertaining to watch.

      • Totally!..I find humor in him, but I actually want to see him win another HoH…seriously.

      • If he does I hope someone will help him realize that his alliance with the Austwins is detrimental to his chances of winning. Hmmm, Vanessa could be very useful if she can get in his head. James is awfully stubborn when he gets an idea in his head though and right now he can only focus on getting rid of Vanessa.

      • Yes he does, thus vanessa us still in the house. He was too scared of shelli, so he got everybody on board to save vanessa. Now this week tje only one brave enoigh to do all their dirty work is paying for putting the cry baby up. I hope none of those people in the house but john wins the money!

      • I really dislike the fact that James and Meg couldn’t care less about ruining Becky’s game and now want Becky evicted.

      • They are still under the impression that Becky was never really with them. Only Becky and the viewers (that keep up with more than just the show) know that she became loyal to them.

      • Once Jackie was gone I suppose they had no further use for Becky – which is a dumb move. When James was HOH he should have used that time trying to increase the Goblins numbers. Instead he turns against Becky when she’s trying to evict Vanessa instead.

      • Replace ‘surprised’ with ‘sure’ then you got it. Or say “unsurprised” if there was such a word or add “not” in front of ‘surprised’… there are LOTS of better options here.

    • She has weaseled her way out of a lot of tight spots. My fear is that if she comes back, she’ll do her circle talk and everyone will lose the nerve to evict her a second time.

    • Why can’t anyone see that? David needs to get HOH he’s the only one willing to target them.

    • Wait, one step too far… evicted… no return ticket.

      As far as Austwins, just eliminate LIZ, that’s all it’ll take.

  4. I am hoping Vanessa wins HOH and puts Austin & JMAC on the block and then JMAC gets taken down and Liz backdoored. Now that would make for excitement.

      • Highly unlikely – why? b/c we’d love to see that happen so therefore it has no chance? You’re probably right but it would be sweet.

    • Great idea, Donna! Still, the way things have been going, Liz would probably win the POV, take Austin down and then someone else would have to go up. The replacement nominee could be Julia though, which would get rid of one of the Evil Angels.

      • If that were the case, I’m afraid that a JMac vs. Julia would send JMac home. Not sure what Steve would do, but Austin would talk James/Meg into keeping Julia.

    • I like it, I like it a lot. That way V is more PARANOID being HoH than being OTB w/JMac as HoH. But the Liz BD is the ‘cherry on top’. I’m thinking Austin would like to BD… no, I’m not going there. Sorry.

  5. Does anyone know who Vanessa plans to take to the F2 with her? I haven’t heard of her plotting to get the twins or Austin out of the game either which is surprising since Vanessa mostly spends all her time plotting her next move.
    I figured she would’ve wanted somebody to get out the Austwins eventually.

  6. Does anyone trust Steve and his connection with Vanessa? He may spill all this information to Vanessa.

    • If he spills it they should just evict him as plan B, don’t think Steve is the deciding factor in anyones plans lol.

  7. All of this means that, most assuredly, Vanessa will win HOH this week. That’s how it always seems to happen.

    • That would be a funny week, she’d probably still cry and think everyone was aganst her, even tho for a week it’d be as close as anyone has been to her in a while.

    • That’s what I’m expecting also. Too bad she won’t put Austin and Liz up – they’re her greatest competition at this point. The HG’s are a bunch of cowards this year though, hardly any big moves at all.

  8. So the entire house is ready to get Vanessa out this week. Looks like Vanessa is going to win HOH tonight. That’s just the way it seems to go.

    • Would be awesome and serves all the HGs right.

      James could’ve had her gone, if so desired by taking down Clay and putting her up.

      Now it isn’t all her fault (the goblins should’ve spoken up about their aversion to shelli) but Becky could have gotten her out as well if she had put her up against a target, like a twin, who would have forced her out.

      Liz could’ve renom’d her this week using her own veto.

      Everyone wants everyone else to do the dirty work. Wimps! Now, if Van would win and turn on the Austwins – perhaps she gets wind of the Austwins plans, that would be can’t miss TV.

  9. Not to be pessimistic but the F4 will probably consist of the Austwins and Meg. In that case it would be amazing to see Meg go on a comp run to the F2. We could be seeing the twins as the F2 I’m afraid. Hopefully Liz won’t turn into another Janelle and start dominating the comps.

      • There will never be another Janelle! But Liz has been looking good in the last 2 comps and I’m concerned she might be on a winning streak as well.
        I can’t wait to hear Liz at the finale: I WOOOOOON !

      • :D Thanks for the reminder.
        It would be great if Liz was shown in slow motion celebrating her victory IIIIIIII WOOOOOONNNNNAAAAAAAAA

    • If the Austwins are in the F4 all intact, that is a worst case scenario for the season. An Austwin is then guaranteed to win unless they are complete idiots. Would serve the others right if they don’t wake up and go after them as opposed to the drama queen who really is not much of a threat to anyone anymore.

      • Yes, it’s the absolute worse case scenario that I wanted to see as well. If Austin gives up his game for Liz she will probably win. If somebody evicts Liz then Austin could be this year’s winner. Maybe the person returning from the jury can shake things up. Shelli teaming up with Vanessa to get rid of the Austwins would be a good scenario.

  10. Another good reason for Shelli to be the HG returning from the jury is she could probably dominate the comps instead of Liz and would work to get rid of Austwins hopefully.

  11. Get one of the twins out! They will be final two If you let them stay. It’s. Stupid. They are a bigger threat than Austin! If the house kicks out Liz it falls apart.

    • Get rid of Liz and it could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The whole house would be loosely aligned free agents then – much better chance for more twists and turns

  12. I have a sneeking suspicion that Julia takes the next HoH. Never underestimate the power of sibling rivalry… As you recall, Julia pouted when not even chosen for the last PoV competition.

  13. Austin can’t get Vanessa out this week.
    First… No balls!
    Second…. If he does there’s a chance that she could return.
    It’d be foolish to this week.

    Moving forward;

    Austin takes out Meg this week.
    James wins HOH next week & takes an Austwin next week (Liz or Austin)
    Becky to return
    Week after Julia HOH takes out James
    Week after Vanessa takes out Liz/Austin (whoever left from prior week)

    Now you have Steve, Vanessa, Jonny-Mac, Julia & Becky left.

    The following week Vanessa wins HOH takes out Steve
    Jonny-Mac HOH week after takes out the head of the snake FINALLY with Vanessa gone….

    3 left ….. Becky, Jonny-Mac & Julia
    Now I’d like to see Jonny & Becky back together on those 2 chairs for round 3 so Julia would have to go & come in 3rd (serves everyone right for allowing her to even get into the game – foolish people! Tsk tsk)

    Now only Jonny-Mac & Becky to choose from.
    Becky or Jonny for the win!!

    And I solved the game at 5 AM cuz I couldn’t sleep!!
    Now I’ll go & solve world problems!!

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