Big Brother 16: Who Came Back From Jury Last Night?

Tonight on Big Brother 16 we’ll find out who came back from Jury to continue their fight to win the half-million dollar prize and crown as the winner of Big Brother!

Returning Jury Competition on Big Brother 16 - Source: CBS
Returning Jury Competition on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

We’ve already see three of the four spots in tonight’s Jury competition with Jocasta Odom, Hayden Voss, and Nicole Franzel previously evicted from the house. During tonight’s show we expect to see Zach Rance join their ranks and battle it out.

So who will win their way back in for a second chance? The competition looks to pit all four players against one another instead of a jumbo-sized endurance competition like in last season of Big Brother.

In past weeks Nicole proved to be a very strong HoH competitor with several wins while Hayden has one Veto and one near-win HoH as well. Jocasta has won a BotB herself. Zach has had his own wins but will the adrenaline from his recent eviction give him the edge?

Yes! Zach was evicted and is now part of the Jury and will compete in tonight’s challenge. One of them will get back in the game. Let’s find out who!

Big Brother 16: Who Came Back From Jury? – Results:

  • Round 1: Everyone got a disc on
  • Round 2: Everyone got a disc again
  • Round 3: Nicole lost a disc
  • Round 4: Only Jocasta got a disc on
  • Round 5: Everyone got a disc. Jocasta leads.
  • Round 6: Nicole, Zach, & Jocasta tied for 1st.
  • Round 7: Nicole wins!
  • Nicole won her way back in to the game

What a crazy competition. It could have really gone to anyone at all. Jocasta lead up till near the end and almost won it!

It was a very, very close comp and came down to the final round of seven attempts. Zach and Jocasta were tied with Nicole going in to the last round, but Nicole prevailed.

Share your thoughts and check back soon for the live Big Brother spoilers!

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  1. Its going to be a really, really big waste of a competition is Jocosta comes back… I mean, what exactly did she do before she got evicted that could be considered “Playing the game”?

  2. I thought Joc had 0 shot. Turns out they thought of a comp (based largely on luck) even she could contend in.

  3. Zach really left with class…so proud of him! :-) Glad Nicole won the return..can’t wait to see what her strategy will be in getting Christine, Cody, Derrick, Frankie, Victoria and Caleb out (not particularly in that order)….while working with Donny, who I know will want to align with her!

  4. Glad she won, but they are just going to vote her back out, if she should win vop it will be Donnie. Getting boring as it is so predictable. These people are Derricks puppies and don’t have a mind of their own.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 8 Eviction & Returning Jury Live Recap | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Who Won HoH Tonight? 08-21-2014 | Big Brother 16
  3. Big Brother 16: Donny Thompson & Nicole Franzel Are Doomed | Big Brother 16
  4. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 9 HoH & Nominations | Big Brother 16

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