After Thursday night’s live eviction and wild Returning Juror comp the Big Brother 16 Houseguests were left without a new Head of Household in the new phase of the season with just one Head of Household. The competition was held and we have the results of who won HoH last night.
The HGs were on an indoor lockdown after the show while production deconstructed the “Comeback Fight” competition from the evicted HGs. With that out of the way the remaining seven eligible Houseguests, everyone but Frankie as outgoing HoH, faced off and the stakes were high.
As soon as the Live Feeds returned we heard Derrick telling all the guys, minus Donny, that NO ONE was allowed to speak privately with Nicole and that she would be the new target alongside Donny. So unless one of those two won the plan would be simple and the returning HG would be wasted.
Big Brother 16 – Week 9 Head of Household:
Cody is the new HoH. So the plan should go through and either Nicole or Donny will be targeted.
Nicole said she was out first. Sounds like it might have come down to Donny & Cody. Sigh. Yes, Derrick said Donny had the right answer too but Cody beat him to the buzzer “by less than a second.”
Nominations are held on Fridays, but we’ll have to find out if it’ll be early like the rest of this season or late at night like past seasons.
Keep watching your Live Feeds to find out who could be going up on the block. Are you excited with the Heads of Household this week? Share your thoughts!
I really wanted Zach back in.
Gross. Well, looks like Christine’s gonna have a happy week after all despite Nicole’s reentry. It’s about time for Cody to grow a pair this week and make a big move. Or we’ll be seeing another wasted week, going down the drain yet again.
Derrick should use him to get Frankie out now. Cody’s reason can be that Frankie just nominated him as a pawn, so he should tell Frankie he’s the pawn to go up with Nichole.
Yes Frankie and Derrick need to go. Everyone listens to them two and are too stupid to see they are controlling the game. Victoria is a waste and should not be there. But she will go further than Donny because the one that deserves to win dont
Of the 4 that played to get back in should have won HOH. That would have made them squirm.
I don’t think he has a pair to grow. Lol
Good. Returning houseguest twists are lame.
Yup. And as soon as Donny gets evicted, there will immediately be an endurance HOH because as long as Donny is in the house, production will not do an endurance comp because Donny ain’t winning those…
Sounds fair to me.
Yep…just like no endurance for jury last night. Hayden would have own and put up Derrick and Cody. Production does not want that.
Agreed. I like Nicole and I’m hoping she can do something worthwhile with her 2nd chance but I think it’s totally unfair for anyone to get to come back into the game. What happened to the good ol’ days of BB where they didn’t have to rely on “super twisty twist twisters” to make the game entertaining. Back in season 2, 7, 10 (the best seasons by far), there was no lame ass twist (except the coup-d’etat in S7 which thankfully wasn’t used). Those seasons just had kick ass casts. Now they just use these stupid ass twists to try and make up for their poor casting.
This has been such a boring season. No power shifts except for that one week Nicole was HoH and they were trying to get Frankie out. I just hope if Nicole or Donny leave this week, the next one is HoH next week. Or maybe Derrick will try to get Cody to backdoor Frankie.
No chance Derrick goes after Frankie this week. He knows for a fact Donny is coming after him, and I’m sure he trusts Frankie a lot more than he trusts Nicole.
Who do you think he should target?
The guy that just nominated him for the first time.
How much ya’ll want to bet that there will be some lame “twist” to ensure that Donny AND Nicole don’t go home this week? It’s all but guaranteed Cody will nominate them both, and I’ll be shocked if there’s not a Pandora’s Box, Diamond Power of Veto, Coup de ta (or however you spell it) or some other “twist” where production, I mean America, gets involved.
Is that actually an issue? Like do you actually want to see these five nitwits continue to run this season?
I want fairness.
So, 5 against 2 – that’s fair to you????
LOL!! They’re in an alliance. Of course it’s fair. Blame the 2 for not starting their own alliance or finding a way to break the alliance of 5.
Was the Brigade fair?
Yes and no. Huge alliances just spawn fan favorites on the other side of the house. The Brigade ended up turning Brenchel into the underdogs, and so they ended up gaining a huge fan base. Now it’s the Detonators vs. fan favorite Donny. So fair in that they started the alliance, unfair in that the rest of the house – who are just as capable and playing this game and are usually better people in general – are screwed over.
Took the words out of my mouth. The year Jordan won, that’s the year Jeff got the coup de TA?
It started as an alliance of more than half the house. And the same people week after week. Pretty boring being able to predict every week with no surprises. We could of just wrote Derrick a check in week two and ended the show.
Well, as of now, they are the only two on the other side of the house. I think it depends on how much of a stink we, the live feeders, put up with this decision that will sway whether or not production gets involved. Like in BB 13 – Jordan was a huge fan favorite, so that was a big influence.
Here’s hoping!
It has been boring all these past weeks because these huge alliance was floating from beginning to the Final 2 if they can! And yet, Big Brother did not do anything all this time. I will welcome an intervention because the odds are stacked against Nicole and Donny and none of the Detonators outside of Derrick is playing the game! If this goes on, it will be another wasted 2 weeks before the Detonators are forced to evict one of their own! Even Zach being
evicted is more of circumstance and not by design. Donny winning the BOTB is what led to Zach’s eviction otherwise, if Donny lost the BOTB then, he would be out and another week wasted! People watch Big Brother for the game play, not for house guests to take a vacation and float from beginning to the end! Otherwise, let us just evict everyone and give the check to Derrick and spare us all the boredom and call it a day!
I 100% agree!
Good. I hope that happens. Time for things to change. Like you stated you already know who’s going up. Just like every week we know who’s going up. BORING
If Big Brother production EVER wants the returning HG twist to go off without a hitch, then they have to either guarantee that HG’s safety for the week of the return OR immediately grant them the position of HOH. With the sole exception of Judd, this twist has NEVER worked. I’m willing to bet they’re groaning behind the scenes right now, knowing we’re all gonna be complaining about this twist not working again this season.
Why give someone WHO’S ALREADY BEEN EVICTED an advantage over everyone else who hasn’t been evicted? That would make zero sense. The returning house guest has ANOTHER opportunity to win 500k. THAT’S THEIR ADVANTAGE. They shouldn’t get safety for the week or an automatic HOH. Do you know how ridiculous that would be?
Is the retuning player at a big disadvantage coming back because they’ll likely get targeted immediately? Absolutely. But who gives a rip. They’ve already been evicted and really have no business being back in the house.
This is not a game show. It’s all about ratings. People don’t like the boring predictability of this season. CBS wants viewers to stay tuned in.
Yeah, and with fan fav Donny now the target, that’ll be a huge ratings loss.
Let’s hope CBS thinks America tunes in to see Frankie.
Omg sorry DOESNT tune in to seeing Frankie. This is how upset I am, can’t type right. Thanks for the correction
Because usually the returning houseguest deserves at least 2nd place over the pawn someone takes to end. Ex; Gina Marie
it would make it more interesting thats why. Otherwise it is just a big waste of time.
Why shouldn’t they? It’s a game and I’m sure if Derrick was evicted you’d be whistling a different tune.
It worked in BB9, BBCanada 1, and BB15.
Really? Who was it in BB9? (Canada doesn’t count to me – they do everything better than we do, lol).
As I canadian I will say thanks for those kind words but bbcan only plays for $100 000 and 2nd $20 000
It’s not really about how much they win at the end, especially because Canada’s is tax-free, and it’s still a windfall to a lot of Canadians :P
Besides, most of BBCan try just as hard, if not harder, to win than the average BBUSA player.
We do have taxes in canada just not on lottery winnings or game winnings and my point was that bbcan has it’s areas that are lacking the same as anywhere else
Yes, however, in Canada the winnings are not taxed
and you base this on your extensive tax knowledge? that television show compensation is the same as government lottery winnings?
I said that
Sorry, lol, should’ve read the next comment :)
I didn’t like the BB Canada one because I fucking hate Gary. He’s such an obnoxious, self-absorbed, arrogant prick and rather abrasive too. Take all the qualities that everybody hates about Frankie and multiply them x2, that’s Gary. But somehow, people like him.
Judd had to win a lot to stay as long as he did when he came back and he ultimately lost. And I agree. I wish they would do just that
They’re all ready targeting Donny. We’ll see if production decides to step in to save this year’s fan favorite or if they’ll just let the game progress at this point.
And in a more interesting twist than the one we just had tonight, Dani Donato wants Donny and Nicole to stay in the house!!! Who would have ever seen that coming???
Wow that is surprising coming from Dani. Maybe married life is mellowing her.
Lol, CBS has been cramming Frankie down our throats the whole season…and you think they want Donny to win?! I don’t think so. Donny didn’t try to cheat either.
It makes me so mad that Frankie and Christine of all people think that Donny has no fans. These are the most hated HG ever. Will someone please tell Frankie to grow up. OK you’re gay, we know that and it’s great, but quit being so dramatic, and jumping on everyone and kissing everyone. It just looks silly. If a girl was doing that, she would be called a slut and if a straight guy went around kissing all the girls, he would be called out for it………… stop it. It is just silly. Gay men are not that immature.
Christine get off of Cody. You are so ugly and such a back stabber.
ROFLMAO @ “Christine, get off of Cody”. That ain’t going to happen, especially since Derrick has ordered “no alone time with Nicole” rule.
Fakie, I mean Frankie, is really sucking up to Cody. What a surprise. Didn’t Frankie put him up last week, and use the POV on Caleb? Wake up!
Fakie lost is boy toy and needs a new boy toy to cuddle with!
Derrick needs Donny out because he is the only non-robot in the house and is a huge threat to his game as he had the nerve to try to flip the house this week. He won’t be meekly led to slaughter
BB15 was so much better than this year’s boring crap.
BB15 was the worst season ever. Nobody to root for. ALL jerks.
Last season was not as boring as this one at least, imo. Less likeable cast but, definitely more unpredictable.
That was the F^#$@%# bigots of all time. Half of them lost their jobs for the crap they said in the house.
So in other words derrick won hoh
pretty much
Yes he is HAS THE BIGGIST COCK in the house now
Goodbye Zankie goodby Crody and say hello to Frody
Uh oh, Frankie better watch out. Christine won’t like that one bit.
I would love to see that rat faced floozy and Frankie get into a knock down drag out fight over Cody – Frankie is beyond fake on the live shows – He makes me sick with the constant posing – It must have crushed him that he was not able to speak with Julie in the DR last night and lost out on some camera time
Christine’s husband’s right to worry about Cody. Since Zach is gone, Christine’s the best looking guy left in the house. And Frankie, Derrick and Christine are all delusional if they think they have any fans. I don’t even know why they think they would. I must say, I didn’t really start disliking Derrick as much as I do until he lied about Nicole to get her evicted and he hasn’t quit lying since then. But to be so disrespectful to Donny and about Donny, ALL of the remaining HG’s have done that. Well, except Victoria, but does she even count? She’s probably outside, as we type, wondering why the sun’s shining. Derrick will win this game. I wish Donny or Nicole would, but it’s too late for that now. I just haven’t figured out who Derrick will take with him to the final 2.
Derrick and Frankie foolishly think they are popular because they are part of Team America – That being said, Team America was chosen 2 months ago and opinions of the players have changed dramatically
I know, right? And did you hear Derrick and Frankie bitching about Donny being part of Team America? It’s too bad Derrick won’t be able to work “undercover” anymore. Well, except with Victoria. But how could he? I know I could never take him seriously as a cop. If he pulled me over and I saw it was him, i would just start laughing and pull away. He would have to follow me home.
I am beyond angry. Spinless Cody.. Nicole reentering was a waste. This was a comp that Hayden could have pulled out. But, no, I didn’t get my way.
Donny lost by seconds. Argh. Cody keeps saying how he is going to tell off Donny. Right.
I know he was second. That is why when they got back into the house the gloating, like they are bad asses. Really. Again, Nicole was clueless about days, and proved first out. I am so grumpy. Victoria knocked Quasimodo Derrick out of the comp.
Yep, even a broken clock is right twice a day……….
Nicole was saying last night being out of the house threw her off. She was thinking the days were in the 50’s and they were actually in the 60’s. She even said she’s so embarrassed she was off on the days.
Cody’s dreaming if he thinks he’ll catch Donny off guard, lol. He can start spouting all he wants, and all Donny has to say is “I know. I walked in on you guys in the HOH room, remember?”
Haha, have you seen the meme of a crowd of people titled “all the people Cody is going to call out” ;) I think its on zach..twitter
LMAO – Cody is going to tell off Donny? Cody talks a big game in the DR but has yet to back it up with actual implementation in the house – Cody is Derrick’s lapdog
Oh after he won HOH he’s in the FR with all the other dimwits and he’s saying I’m going out there right now and calling out Donny and Nicole. Two minutes later “I’m not going to say anything”. You’re such a big bad boy Cody. NOT
Oh after he won HOH he’s in the FR with all the other dimwits and he’s saying I’m going out there right now and calling out Donny and Nicole. Two minutes later “I’m not going to say anything”. You’re such a big bad boy Cody. NOT
He might be foolish enough to do it. But Donny would handle it with class. I think Cody would be humiliated and deflated by what Donny would say. Donny wouldn’t back down and Donny wouldn’t scream or make a fool of himself like Cody would. Donny would be calm and truthful. I don’t think Donny would roll over and play dead for anything or any amount of money. He is, by far, the most decent player to ever play this game. Which is why he won’t win, but I think that will be just fine with him.
Hated that buy back comp.
Did they give him flash cards? LOVE IT!!!!!!
Cody is again all for Quasimodo Derrick. What the sam skippy hell is going on. Frankie should be the target. He gloats and sucks up air time…he is loaded, and told you people. Don’t get me started with Victoria. Miss I can not get up from my insignificant ass and clear a draw out for Nicole. Victoria so entitled can’t wash a dish. Arrrgh.
But… if Frankie leaves, what will Big Brother air in place of all his camera whoring per episode? Maybe Victoria doing her makeup or more cuddle sessions between Christine and Cody… the frames are limited :3
Oh great, another member of detonator or whatever the alliance name is won HOH, looks like Donny and Nicole are the for sure nominees, and most likely Donny could be going home, (unless he wins POV) either way one of them will be leaving.. So predictable.
Amazing how the game changes. Remember when Cody got disqualified in the second week and Devin one. We were all rooting for Cody to have won it. Now if only he could be disqualified tonight.
ROFL I know, right???
damn. there’s some people on here getting so butthurt that the players they like aren’t on the winning side or that the players they hate are still in it.
cody & derrick really needed this HoH so i’m glad that cody won. they would’ve been in trouble otherwise with a strong pair like nicole & donny who are gunning for them.
But if it had went the other way and Donnie had won you would’ve been pissed too. We all want our Favorite player or players to succeed
So I guess you like predictable and boring.
Just erased my BBAD on my dvr. Now I will try to sleep
This season could’ve been golden. Why didn’t they keep the bob going one more week? Giving Nicole the 1st HOH and Cody the 2nd. Why bring someone back if they are just going to render them powerless.
Or giving Cody 1st hoh as he won and Donny 2nd hoh as he came in second
Absolutely! I think they cut the bob one week too soon.
Can someone tell me who are they planning on sending home.
Does everyone really think anything said in here really has an impact on what the show does? That’s cute. Lol
Do you necessarily have the authority to say that with your username being what it is?
I don’t think what I say will have an impact. I don’t disregard your opinions, I just think it’s funny everyone thinks that comments in here will influence “production”
Production absolutely keeps up with all the blogs, social media and ratings.
Its a total waste for the show to let people come back if they dont have safety for a week.
wellllll one good thing has come of this nite….Get Ready>>>>Here It Comes>>>>> Cody told Fankie that he wanted to sleep in the HOH by himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Frankie is not a happy HG lmao
Was probably more to keep Christine out. ;)
Frankie is one entitled SOB – Why does he automatically think he should be allowed to occupy the HOH for the entire summer?
Poor Donny :( It seems like the guy just can’t catch a break. I was hoping that with a juror returning, there would be a big move made against the Detanators. Unless something big happens, this will be a boring, predictable week like most of this summer has been.
Where is the BOTB when you need it. Than Donny & Nicole would go up, the detonators would put up somebody from their own side to try and win it but fail at it. Giving Donny & Nicole safety.
I feel reason they didn’t have it is if donny did win hoh. he would nominate two detonators. They would throw it. Then he would be backdoored.
This season has got to be the worst! Predictable every show you know what’s going to happen! HOH, Who’s getting nominated and to who goes home! Cody change it up and make a bold move. Derrick and Christine on the block!!!!!!
I have tried to remain positive all season, but this is the nail unless production gets involved with an extra veto or Pandora’s box. I think it is funny that Frankie was the target two weeks ago and he is just one of the gang again.
Double power of veto, like Rachel won to keep herself and jordan safe?
they are just letting derrick stroll up to the $500,000 and no one is even trying to stop him…
I predict Cody will use his HoH wisely and make big moves…naw, just kidding! He’ll sleep in the nest bed, cuddled with all his snacks and goodies, while his ally carts him around all week on his coat-tail making all the decisions. So…congratulations to Derrick for winning HoH!
I don’t think this season is boring at all. How is the domination of this alliance any different than the Brigade in season 12? The other HG’s participate in the same competitions the Detonators participate in. If they want a power shift, maybe they should win one. I think Derrick should win this season because he clearly has complete control over every situation. Good game play should be rewarded and if you can’t win a comp than that is nobody’s fault but your own. I love Donny like everyone else, I do but to me this is a GAME and the best player is Derrick. I miss Zach Attack already. Gonna be boring watching the live feeds without him now.
And that season was boring as crap too. Anytime a group runs the table in the house, it’s predictable and boring. Everyone votes together. No surprises. I hate how boring this season has become and I hate Derrick and his minions too.
See ya never Zach!!!!
Again, where is Pandoras Box? That could really shake up the game some….and Lord knows we need SOME unpredibility!!! I think we all know Donny/Nicole will go up and only one can come down, If that.
Good. I am not a fan of Cody but bringing Nicole back is such a waste. It would have been much better if Zack or Hayden came back in. Oh well. At least it wasn’t Jocasta.
If Donny and Nicole go up and it stays that way then the smarter move would be to evict Donny, not Nicole. He is clearly the better player. I like Donny and he would be one of my picks for a winner but from a game perspective he would be the choice if I was in the Detonators alliance. Nicole, if she stays will target Christine if she wins HOH next week and that’s not bad for the guys at this point either.
It would not have mattered if it was Zach or Hayden because they would have been on the hot seats as well unless, they won HOH.
They will not survive for long because the Detonators have the majority vote including 6 house guests vs now 2 house guests. That is way too much of an advantage to overcome. Huge alliances should be discouraged by adding more twists which penalize such huge alliances. If there were like 3 or 4 small alliances, it would have been better game play wise and that is a no brainer. One way would be to have a contest with a Diamond Power of Veto each week which would mean those on the block have a chance to put up two house guests of their choice without the POV to save them! No alliance can be safe and float from beginning to end because now, anyone could have huge power to evict anyone!
Let us face it. Nicole and Donny had a huge hill to climb and a small chance of climbing that hill. You have 6 house guests aligned against 2 of you. If Nicole did not come in, it would have been 6 vs 1. The odds are really stacked so high to take out the Detonators. Zach was evicted by circumstance which is Donny winning the BOTB. So, looks like a pretty boring week putting up both Donny and Nicole. So, we would not have any drama or excitement for another 2 weeks.
I am really amused by the number of people defending productions decision to return a juror (it’s just part of the game) and wanting even more interference to do something about Derrick and the alliance. Maybe not the same people. but usually there is an outcry to stop interfering. Guess it just depends on whether or not it helps their favorites.
honestly besides favorites, its more based on entertainment value. so far power hasn’t shifted and this has been a pretty boring season. Lot of us just want something to shake it up.
Point taken—-I just think some people want it both ways.
Well this season was better than last…..but I think Big Brother has just lost its appeal……they join these alliances and then it is predictable…… All Hail the mighty Derrick….just sign the check to him and get it over with already……Maybe then he can quit his job……haha….I am sure he won’t clearly he likes the power…….But he deserves the win because he did run the house…..But thankfully Donny will get voted as favorite player!!!! so at least he won’t be left with nothing after having to spend all summer with these idiots!!!!!
Cody was going to target Frankie; he said it numerous times last week but I’m sure after all the stuff with Donny he will change his mind, and b/c he comes close to winning every comp.
Anyone know if BBAD is on in Canada?
yes it is but they have changed the channel and they bleep out everything its un watchable
returning houseguest should be HOH…
If this season of BB was meant to cure all the insomniacs out there I think they have succeeded it is soo boring and predictable and unless one of these sheeps wakes up and starts playing for themselves instead of Derricks then just give him the cheque and be done with it
Good. This is what’s best for Derrick.
Word on the street is that Derrick has been cast in an episode of “Botched” next season to fix his jacked up nose – Those massive nostrils deserve their own Twitter Account – Zing
Nicole coming back into the house really makes no difference. Sadly the girls were not equipped to WIN BB at all! Unless Donny, Nicole, Victoria & “The Roach” (Christine) band together, the end season will be just as predictable as the entire season has!! As a BB fan I had hoped after having to endure last seasons “Racist House” this time around we would get back to basics of what the game was intended to be but unfortunately this year was about “Men vs Women” only the women were made out to be weak, vulnerable and dumb as rocks!!! Sad part is the Women made it all to easy for the men!!! Derrick used his Cops skills And these ppl are so clueless they never had a chance.
Wow what a waste! The returning house guest should have been given immunity or HOH – I love that Derrick has ordered that none of the players are “allowed” to have private conversations with Nicole – The house guests need to wake up and stop playing Derrick’s game and start looking out for themselves – Ratings are going to plummet if Nicole and Donny are not kept in the game given that Zach is now ensconced in the Jury House
did u see my post lol? I agree 100%
So you want to reward a player who’s already been evicted with an HOH? Right…
Last time I checked Big Brother was produced for entertainment value – This is not The Olympics – It’s not about what’s fair – Making the returning player HOH would be good TV period
I have never wanted the DPOV as much as I do now. I think if Bb took a poll and asked the houseguest what does DPOV stand for most of them wouldn’t know. Frankie probably think it is a new species of fish.
I wish Cody would realize that he wont win against Derrick or Frankie and align himself with D&N to make a big move.
Sio glad that either Donny or Nicole will be going home. Neither deserve to stay…sick of both of their VOICES !!!!!
Wiggy…I totally agree with you and all you complainers, just stop watching if you do not like what is going on !!!!!
Someone needs to get some balls and back door Derrick!! This season is so predictable!! Boring!!!
We already know who’s going up. Just like every single boring week after week after week…….
If any of them decide to stick with Frankie, they are absolutely stupid because if he wins , allllll that money is going to charity and all of them would have been playing for nothing!!! Yes its good if he wins and he uses it on charity but its time to cut him loose! love Frankie but its a dumb move to take him all the way!
Worse season on Big Brother..EVER! Would love to see Nicole and Donny rally and start making big moves. But it doesn’t look like they are even going to get a chance! Frankie and Christine make me want to puke and Victoria is a flipping idiot!
this season is not that great , I did like the BOB twist but I was hoping that with the comp of the evicted coming back they would have done something different, too say that this is the most twisted summer ever is wrong , nothing was that twisted about it when it came to bringing back a house quest. they changed nothing, THey should have shaken the house up by giving the winner at least some power over the others.
like the winner auto , is safe and has the power to nominate the two house guest of thier choice to sit on the block. And saying nothing until noms are anounced, by the HOH And hen bam ,JUlie says by the way since so and so won the right to come back you have the chance to change the noms. the twist. Now that would have been a twisted sister move, Maybe next year.
this is becoming a little boring, Donny should not even try anymore and him and nic should just walk out. Since it seems that for some reason after all the happened nobody will back door pinky, It may change but, as it sits right know all is the same blah blah blah, donny and nicole out no real game playing no real guts just the same ole same ole.
This time you can miss an entire night and come back and not be surprised at all. This is the first year that someone like franky with so much energy at the begining and witty has made the show boring, he is like too much frosting , it is good when you first start but gets boring and tasteless as time goes on. and sickening,
I don’t usually like special powers, (DPOV, Pandora’s box, etc) but this season needs something to get it going. There is absolutely no suspense and no game play from anyone on the Detonators, except Derrick. The only reason Derrick has gotten so much control is because the rest of his alliance are flat out stupid. He saw that and jumped all over it but it has made the season so boring and, frankly, any reasonably intelligent person would be questioning him by now. But no, not one of his sheep has a clue. I would like to say he’s playing an excellent game but given what he has to work with, it’s a stretch. I still hold out a slim hope that something worth watching will happen before the season ends.
These people are a bunch of cowards, no one plays this game for themselves, if someone don’t grow a pair and make a big move Frankie or Derrick will win BB, I would really like to see Donny sitting at the end but I don’t think that will happen, this season has been one of the most boring seasons ever, no one had the stones to do anything to shake up the house.
I will be discusted to see them let a juror back in to be bullied by the HG. Greed is very ugly. I liked Derrick at the beginning of the season but as a parent I don’t think his behavior would make his daughter proud in the name of money. They should have more respect for themselves and their families to act like they are on camera/ I am ashamed for them…
Boring….Boring…I stopped watching it on Sundays and Wednesdays. I only watch it on Eviction night. The Rest I Get from reading your comments on this site. Hope Christine and Frankie Goes home pronto ! Like TODAY !
i was so hopping zach would of came back in the game. i think what Frankie did to zach was terrible. now i cant stand Frankie. hes a liar and is always justifing why he does what he does
Dear BB, please stop the scripted version of this so called Reality TV!
I don’t care who wins anymore. I will just come here to see what is going on. I have better things to do than watch a predictable show.