‘Big Brother 16’ Team America’s Second Mission Vote: Target A Floater Or Threat

It’s time for you to vote, Big Brother fans. The Team America alliance is ready for their next mission after successfully pulling off the prank, even if it didn’t happen the way CBS presented it last night.

Team America's next mission
Team America’s next mission on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Instead of starting a rumor this week, Derrick, Donny, and Frankie will be trying to get a Houseguest nominated based on your votes. Of course that assumes Frankie does anything at all with the challenge this time besides accepting the payment. We’ll have to wait and see.

As for the options, it’s either a floater or a threat player in the game. So what will it be, America? You’ve got until 11:59AM ET (8:59AM PT) today to vote at CBS.com

Big Brother 16 – Team America Vote #2:

MISSION A: Target a Floater to be nominated.

MISSION B: Target a Physical Threat to be nominated.

Once you’ve voted in the official poll, be sure to share your pick in our poll too and tell us who you hope gets targeted to go up on the block. We’ll get the official results soon on the Live Feeds.



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  1. Voting for the floaters is predictable because that’s who they want. So I’m voting for physical threat, which could be one of the guys…I want chaos.

  2. Voting for a physical threat would force Derrick to flip his alliances, thereby creating havoc in the house. And creating a more interesting show for the viewers!

    • Unfortunately, I don’t think “purists” don’t see the same way as we do because they believe twists affect the game unless they forgot that HOH and POV were twists themselves that were introduced in their original seasons.

    • Not necessarily. Derrick doesn’t have an alliance with Brittany, who most see as the biggest physical threat amongst the females. I could also see Hayden being targeted as a physical threat.

      • It’s already Jocasta and Victoria even before this mission. So that’s easy. For physical threat, there are more choices.

      • You must not watch big brother! There is no way that one side will pick them off, they might get 1 or even 2, but this is BIG BROTHER…EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!! The house always shifts as soon as one side starts to dominate! That’s why we love this show sooo much!!!!!

  3. I don’t understand what determines if someone is a floater or a physical threat. Its a little too subjective. Some people might see Donny as a floater, I don’t, he would be more of a threat because he has won the most challenges this season. Someone might not see Christine or Frankie as floaters, but I do. They seem to be afraid to pick a real side and are just biding their time with the 5 person alliance.

    • Floating is an effective strategy if social game-wise, you are able to make strong and lasting relationships with most of the house. It’s a strong line of defense against the risk of being called out as one which is why Christine and Frankie have yet to be called out as floaters themselves.

      • Floating is a very good strategy because it leaves you with a lot of options and outs. I just think that this challenge seems subjective.

    • I agree. That’s why they made this vote so vague. It could be anyone. Depends who they think is a floater and who is a threat. And once again if neither of the three get HOH (really two because Derrick can’t play) then if the HOH doesn’t want to listen to them it means nothing once again. Get this stupid AT over with and move on.

  4. I voted for physical threat b/c for anyone who’s HOH (aside from Amber) can put Caleb up, reasoning he’s a physical threat. With his “cowboy beast mode” attitude I think he’d take it as a compliment & there wouldn’t be any blowback on the HOH or TA.

  5. This mission seems insanely easy if BB doesn’t specify an actual person. With 4 people on the block, one is bound to be a physical threat and one is bound to be a floater…

  6. I don’t like Frankie at all, but to his defense, the rumor that was created was his idea.

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