Big Brother 16: Popularity Poll – Week 8

Big Brother 16 Cast
Big Brother 16 Cast – Source: CBS

Which Big Brother Houseguest is your favorite? Cast your vote now & tell us why you think he or she is the best of the season. I’ll keep running this each week for the rest of the season for fun.

Considering one Big Brother fan got to shout his opinion to HGs last night, they might be getting a whiff of how some of the viewers feel. Now here’s your chance to tell us what you think.

Check out our other popularity polls to see the latest trends for this season’s Houseguests on BB16.



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  1. Still have no clue how joey won originally.
    Really hoping ariana doesn’t rig america’s favorite for frankie
    Atm seems like Donny is clear favorite

  2. This is hard! I voted for Nicole because the question was who is your FAVORTIE houseguest not who is the one I think should win. Nicole is my ultimate fav because she is so cute and sweet and humble and funny. Donny would be my second favorite for pretty much the same reasons. But the houseguest I would choose to win a half million would be by far Derrick as he has played a very masterful game and continues to play safe and smart and under the radar. Victoria is my least favorite.

  3. I think Frankie and Cody’s popularity dropped from last week..and Christine? 0%?..OMG give her a break, she’s still in the house and playing………………..Cody.

    • She is trying to sleep with the kid on national television while being married to another man. If we wanted to watch porn we would watch……SOMETHING GOOD!

      • If she was trying to sleep with him… it would have happened. With that being said… It is inappropriate, but that’s for her husband to decide.

  4. Donny, Zach, Derrick, and Nicole being the top 4 is not surprising. Although I don’t like Derrick, he is playing a fantastic game. The other 3 have been my favorites this entire season, so I guess I finally had a year with good picks.

    • Derrick or Donny should win as they are the best game players. Zach is my fav! Christine…..I think the fame went to her head and, she feels like the hottest playmate – she craves attention from ANY man and, is jelous when other woman get it – isn’t she married? I feel so bad for her hubby, hope he take the high road and, doesn’t take it personal cause from what I can tell – he won’t miss much.

      • Do you think her husband fell in love with her laugh? Or, will he be happy he never has to hear it again like the rest of America and, her being obsessed over Cody like a horny teenager which we also can’t stand to look at? Cody=whinny baby+rat.

  5. I voted for joey because I still think she had the cutest butt out of everyone in the house!

  6. Matthew, it’s off subject, but I bet if you took a poll of your readers and asked if they wanted to see Frankie’s pictures OF HIMSELF with the HGs this week, it would be a resounding “NO”. You may have to do it for some equal opportunity/legal reason. I also know that I have the option to look at them or not. Honestly not complaining or questioning how you operate your site. I very much enjoy it and will keep enjoying it with or without Frankie…just would prefer without.

    • I do not like the pictures of Frankie. Seen a lot more of him than my eyes can take. Best part of this BB will be when they send his azz out the door.

      • I’m usually able to be more objective but he literally makes my stomach churn, my blood boil,my ears ache, my head hurt, my skin crawl, and my whole body shutter and not in a good way. It’s like after watching him, I need to repent for all the bad thoughts I have. I honestly can’t remember anyone in my whole life that made me think and feel so much negativity. Well, maybe a politician or two. I had to stop watching BBAD and I now just read updates.

  7. I voted for Donny because I love his one-liners. He’s down to earth and a comp beast. He’s my favorite even though he won’t win. Derrick is playing the best game.

  8. If Donny does not win AFP (but Frankie wins) I will personally manipulate Allison Grodner into saying “BB is rigged” and post it on YouTube for everyone to see.

    • I will be livid. It’s clear that Frankie is not the favorite. I can’t wait for him to read what ppl really think of him. The only reason i ever liked him in the beginning was bc of Zankie. i LOVE Zach!

  9. I want Donny to win the big money; Derrick the 50K , and Nicole AFP. And I think Christine and Frankie should pay me $1,000,000.00 in damages due to the carpal tunnel syndrome I developed while frantically clicking the remote whenever they were on camera. :) Just kidding…it should be 2 million.

  10. Will be happy with Donny, Zach, or Nicole winning.

    I prefer Zach bc that would shock the hell out of everyone in the house… especially Frankie. After the comments he made to Zach about having AFP in the bag… I would love to see his face when Zach won. Although, I think we will see that face no matter who wins… Unless it’s rigged for Frankie.

  11. I hope Donny wins. He is playing the best honest game and just being Donny. Derrick is not playing the best game. Everybody is playing it for him so without them, he would be nowhere. It better not be rigged for Frankie to win. I had heard it was rigged for Amanda to win last year but clearly that did not happen.

  12. Those guys are so full of themselves …. Production…. Come on and do what the public wants!!!! Put Donny on top!!!!

  13. Wouldn’t it be nice if Donnie won the whole thing and AFP and Nichole came in 2 nd So Zach would be AFP by default. Frankie has already received $15,000 too much as AP

  14. I like Donny and if Frankie is so famous where are all his fans now, because he sure doesn’t have the votes. I think he is a want to be!!

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  1. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 8 Eviction & Returning Jury HG | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16: Donny Thompson & Nicole Franzel Are Doomed | Big Brother 16

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