Big Brother 16: Nicotine Gets Stubbed Out

Big Brother Houseguests Nicole Franzel and Christine Brecht quickly became a duo this season but that pairing has come to an end after one of them overplayed her hand this weekend.

Nicole & Christine as Nicotine on Big Brother 16
Nicole & Christine as Nicotine on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

In a bid to manipulate her Head of Household reign, Christine went to Nicole on Saturday with some big claims. Unfortunately for Christine, Nicole wasn’t buy the stories and it exposed her previously hidden intentions. Oops, Christine.

When Christine came to Nicole she completely miscalculated Haycole’s bond and that cost her big. She just doesn’t know it yet. What Christine told Nicole was that Hayden had made out with Victoria. Nope. Christine was trying to pit Nicole against Hayden or at least undermine her trust in him.

Pressing her luck Christine went on to say that Hayden was trying to keep Zach while she knew that Nicole wanted Zach evicted this week. It did not work and Nicole wasted no time in telling Hayden what Christine had attempted. Oops again.

Sunday afternoon, Flashback to 1:30PM BBT 8/3, Nicole talks with Donny and tells him what Christine is trying to do. Donny suggests she deceive Christine to get her to use the Veto and then instead of renom’ing Donny she could renom Frankie and get him evicted.

When Donny refers to Christine as Nicole’s friend she gets upset and tells him to stop calling her that as they stopped being friends yesterday. Ouch.

Looking to outdo herself again Christine went to Nicole on Sunday afternoon. Flashback to 5PM BBT. “I have information!” declared Christine. Decoded: “Sit down so I can lie to you!”

Christine has been back and forth on whether or not she wants to keep Zach. One conversation has her wanting him out then the next is how she needs to keep him.

This time Christine was hoping to convince Nicole that Zach wasn’t targeting her if he stayed. How would she do that? “Zach wants to backdoor Hayden!” *Facepalm*

The Nicotine ship has sailed and won’t be returning anytime soon. Nicole is fully aware of Christine’s manipulation attempts, but Christine thinks she’s being super smooth with it and has no idea that their friendship and alliance has ended. Considering Christine had mostly used her in a one-way arrangement this isn’t a big loss to Nicole and she can maximize it by stringing Christine along as long as possible.

Are you surprised that Nicole figured out Christine’s duplicity? Should Nicole call Christine out or just play along for now? What would you do?



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  1. It’s never a good idea to call people out. What is there to gain from that? Everybody is already catching onto Christine’s antics. Just stay quiet and let Christine ruin her own game even more. That’s what Nicole will do because she’s a smart person.

  2. It’s never a good idea to call people out. What is there to gain from that? Everybody is already catching onto Christine’s antics. Just stay quiet and let Christine ruin her own game even more. That’s what Nicole will do because she’s an intelligent person.

  3. Finally! I am so ready for Christine to be outed. Her antics and her laugh are equally annoying!

  4. I was wishing for the day Nicole figures Christine out and it finally happened! Sorry girl but…Pffft, you’re only No. 5 in the Detonator totem pole.

  5. I’m hoping that the detonators fall apart before Thursday’s DE. I don’t care if it’s one of them going or if it is a crash and burn with all of them still in the house. Nicole wising up about Christine might be just the ticket, if she can convince Cody and/or Derrick that Christine is really Ratine.

    Nicole, you go, girl!

  6. This week will be sad, Christine will probably use the veto on Jocasta and then Nicole will surely indicate Frankie. An eviction between Zach and Frankie. It will be really sad! But it is good that Nicole get ready if that happens (and probably will), everyone will go after her!

      • HOW is Donny an ass? Please explain that to me. He has morals, he is polite, he genuinely cares about his fellow houseguests, and does small kindnesses for each one of them DAILY. Yeah, what a dickhead…*eyeroll*

      • He is boring, he is not really anyone’s friend or ally. Frankie and the other guys are trying to keep him in the house, while Nicole, Hayden and Christine couldn’t care less about him. At the moment Donny is trying to evict one of the people that, besides also being in the Team America, is not trying to get him out of the house. So YES, he is an ass!

      • And Frankie’s not doing the same to him??? Every week he tries to get Donny evicted. It’s a game simple as that and they are playing it.

      • No, he is not!!! The only time he had something to do with it, it was only because he knew Donny would not leave. And let’s not forget that Frankie did not tell Cody to send Donny, Frankie just told him not to send Caleb to eviction.

      • Are we watching the same show? You are wrong about Donny as well as Zankie. Can’t get out those two fast enough for me.

      • I can already imagine how much fun the show will get if they leave. I mean, Nicole, Jocasta, Victoria, Donny, they are sooo fun to watch ¬¬
        The only ones that are worth watching would be Derrick, Caleb and Cody, but lately they are forgotten.

      • Donny’s not doing that…he heard that’s what Nicole wants to do and he said he’d go along with it…not the same as him putting him up! Donny needs this alliance with Nicole and Hayden and I don’t blame him for wanting Nicole to really think about what she’s planning to do and what she will do if the opportunity presents itself!

      • Well, he is so bad, like you are saying, that everyone on the house (except Jocasta and Victoria) where thinking that Devin was right… that Donny was an old Navy Seals special forces member.
        Hayden yes it´s boring… he just wants to get a girl. Nicole was good… until he got some french kisses. She didn´t want to go to the “action”, so he jumped ship. Still makes some plays but he is trying to get another girl.
        Frankie… is Andy on steroids. If they talk a bit more about the information, they will see Frankie has the main point of talk.
        On the other side, there are only 2 persons on the house that know that Derrick is nothing like he claims to be. Donny and Victoria. Donny knows that he was making lies right from the first contact. Victoria found 2 weeks ago when Derrick let go a word that is something connected with the cops and victoria had dated a cop. (even that she made that remark but never talked with everyone about it…)

      • Excuse me, but Frankie has wanted Donny out for awhile now. He was really pushing for it when Donny didn’t want to do the last TA task (which Kudus to you Donny by the way). As for being boring, nah he’s just layed back. Love, Love, Love Donny.

      • Donny is from my hometown, so I think he keeps the game entertained, I’m definitely rooting for him, I love people that’s bubbly, and so happy about life, I like Frankie, he’s hilarious as well, but can be so annoying, Zach yes he has a big mouth but he keeps the game going as well, at least there not floaters. I’m a huge BB fan! I’m definitely rooting for Guys: Derrick or Donny. Girls: Victoria or Christine.
        Yes, I’m rooting for Victoria she’s been on the block basically every week and still managed to escape it.

      • Careful what you say – as of now, I’m pretty sure Donny is in the lead for America’s Favorite Player.

  7. Glad she got the sleep out of her eyes re: Christine. Love that she is stringing her along for now. If she cons her into using the POV, she better (for her sake) use it on Joc. If she uses it on Zach, Joc goes home – not Frankie. Even if she uses it on Joc, Zach goes home – not Frankie. If they are sure Zach is going, why let Frankie know you are onto him? Just let Zankie think Zach is safe to keep the house calm til the live vote. Let Zach be cocky. Why put Frankie en garde unless he is a sure thing to go home? The Hitmen will vote out Zach before they vote out Frankie (and Joc before Frankie).They need the votes.

    • Yes, but let’s not forget that this is a double eviction week, Zach probably is going, but someone is going with him.

  8. Big mistake Christine! A few things you don’t mess with, someone’s significant other, their money (and maybe their food). Wrong tactic trying to put Nicole against Hayden. What Rachel said “nobody mess with my man (Brenden)”

  9. One good way to deal with Christine is lie to her. Nicole should tell her that Frankie has a new alliance with Derrick and Cody and they plan on targeting Christine and Zach! That should light a fire under her ass. Christine probably would believe Nicole because she has been true to her.
    Act like you are not onto her and spread lies an disinformation. Then, go to Cody and Derrick and tell them the Christine is planning to target them next! Sow seeds of doubt and Hayden should say the same things to Cody and Derrick then, watch to see if it works.

    • I think she doesn’t want to go aggressive with her. She’s also content with Zack going. Christine still trust Nicole. Remember Derrick/Cody have enough information to use against Nicole/Hayden and they were going to use it, but decided not to do it. They still have those options. They’re all playing both sides Next week, lines will be drawn again. Alliance will change.

      • Thursday will be exciting. Will the Detonators regain their power in HoH for the 2nd elimination (and no BoB)? Or will Hayden or Donny snatch it? And rising out of the smoke & ashes from that bomb – who will win the 2nd HoH for next week (and have it all to him/her self (no BoB)? So excited!

      • Stop !..You’re killing me ! Hayden or Donny snatching it?..You know I like that..I might have my feeds in the bath rm. if that happens. lol

      • Lol Thanks, Cyril. I think we all need to keep a bucket close by on Thursday night “just in case”! Back to back HoH wins, Donny, only this one counts! Then Hayden wins the 2nd HoH Thurs night! Assuming Donny takes out Caleb, Frankie/Derrick/Cody/Christine: “Dude, you have to put up Joc & Vic and B/D Donny! They took out 2 of ours this week (Zach & Caleb) – We have to keep the balance of power!” Detonators will have 2 less votes if 2 of them are on the block. As long as 2 of ’em are sitting up there next Thurs night, Hayden will have the votes to evict whomever he wants (after POV is used or not). There’s still enough of them left for a spare in case they decide to use the B/D.Hayden/Nicole/Donny may have to win POV the following week but that’s ok. They still have Joc & Vic to sacrifice AND still have the votes. So excited!!!!

    • Derrick talked about doing this with Nicole. He said he thought about saying something negative about Nicole to Christine to see if she would tell Nicole. But I really think he’s just covering his bases. I don’t think he’s too worried.

  10. I was so hoping for this to come about! You go girl (Nicole that is)!!! Hope Nicole plays along for now and wait til next week to spread a rumor to the rest after DE is over!!! :-)

  11. At least Donny is starting to show that awesome gamesmanship that he’s always getting so much credit for.

  12. Nicole is playing this smart. She’s doing exactly what she needs to do right now. Nicole’s best bet in this game at the moment is to stick close to Hayden and Donny.

    • Nicole needs to make this play in a few hours.
      She already knows that Christine is working with Zach and Frankie.
      Hayden… well Hayden is playing just to get a girl onto his bed to have some action. He doesn´t bother with the game. Whatever anyone tells him to do… he does.
      Christine will need to make a play too… if she doesn´t use the veto, I think that Nicole will call Christine out right on the DE Thursday.
      So, the detonators will have a free play that is take Christine out after Jocasta.

  13. Knowledge is power, it is great knowing what someone has done or said about you & they have no idea you know. So of course keep playing along.

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