Big Brother 16: Zach Rance In Real Danger This Week

The Big Brother 16 house is shifting and one of its more popular Houseguests looks posed to be caught in the middle and possibly off-guard come Thursday night if things don’t change soon.

Zach Rance on Big Brother 16
Zach Rance on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Zach Rance and Jocasta Odom are both on the block this week with the Power of Veto Ceremony coming up and I’ve already detailed out what’s going to happen there. Where things go from there could be very interesting and with this week’s target as volatile as he is, this could get dramatic.

Zach went in to this situation confident that he had the support he needed to stay. He’s got the four Detonators voting plus Caleb. That would keep him out of reach of Nicole’s tie-breaking grasp with five of the eight votes. So what’s going on?

Nicole is pushing hard to send Zach out the door. Hayden, her closest ally, sorry Christine, is down for that too. So where’s their influencing coming from on all this? “Rationale” is the oddly named new alliance featuring Hayden, Nicole, Derrick, and Cody. Derrick and Cody are hoping to straddle the lines between Rationale and Detonators, apparently by voting out one of the Detonators. Go figure.

Derrick and Cody had several conversations on Sunday where they agreed that they’d just have to let Zach go. Both are worried about Zach’s impact on their game since he can’t keep his mouth shut. I believe it’s become known that Zach revealed the Los Tres Amigos (Zach + Derrick + Cody), but I’m not sure how far that’s spread. It’s reckless moves like that which undermine Zach’s position in the game.

Christine has been swaying back and forth on whether or not to keep Zach. She seems to agree with whoever she’s talking to at the moment when it comes to whether or not to evict Zach.

Frankie has stood pretty steady on waiting to keep his most reliable ally in the game. He is confident that they have the votes and has not started to scramble, but that could happen soon.

Derrick and Cody’s current stance to side with Rationale is a strange one if simply looking at the numbers. Besides them, only Hayden can compete in the HoH comp this week while over on the Detonators side they’d have Frankie, Zach, and Christine. The numbers would be stronger to stick with Detonators over Rationale or at least to convince Haycole that they need to keep Zach.

We are still 3+ days from the eviction vote and we all know that can seem like an eternity in this game when things change as quickly as they do. Derrick may come around on this idea since his typical approach has been to agree with someone, get them to let their guard down, and then completely work them over. Or maybe he won’t and Zach will be blindsided and sent out the door.

What do you hope happens this week? Are you ready to see Zach evicted or would you prefer for Jocasta to head out the door? Share your thoughts below.

Update: As expected, Christine did not use the PoV. Zach and Jocasta remain on the block.



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  1. Out of those two, I would definitely prefer to Jocasta go. At least Zach is entertainment.

  2. Zach will be saved.

    Derrick is on board for Zach staying, its just Cody’s paranoia that in his way. If Derrick can’t convince him now, trust me, once Team America gets their next mission, I can almost guarantee that there will be a choice that benefits Zach and helps him stay. Production has sneaky ways on interfering. I don’t think they would want to lose their ratings boy so soon in the game. At least not till jury. But then there’s the DE, and anything goes during those. So he may survive the first eviction but maybe not the 2nd..

    Only time will tell.

    • It will be sad if Zach stays…then again, maybe not and we’ll eventually see the house break down and split up the biggest alliance!

      • If you want that drama to unfold, Zach staying might be your only chance. If nothing else him staying gives this easily a better chance than Jocasta staying. It’s sounding like Zach would go after Derrick and even Cody at some point. Does anybody think Jocasta wants to do anything, let alone anything big?

      • I think Jocasta is wanting to leave…missing her boys and always being put on the block is wearing her thin.

    • Derrick is the one that is paranoid. OMG he flips back and forth so much I can’t keep track.

      • He’s trying to test out who really is loyal or not and see if all he’s testing this out with stick together or go tell others about what was said. It’s very confusing, but he’s setting them all up to fall like dominoes!!! Sneak!

  3. Zach is safe probably 99.9%. Only danger would be if Cody and Derrick flip on him which seems unlikely at this point. Absent a miracle, Jocasta seems set to be evicted. Nicole’s HOH is wasted. She should try and use lies and disinformation on Christine to force her to use her POV. Tell Christine that Frankie has a new alliance with Cody and Derrick. Also, tell Derrick and Cody that Christine is plotting with Frankie to evict them next time out! If there is anyone who can make these lies believable, it is Nicole!
    She is perceived as naive and innocent by most. Let them believe that and use it to your advantage!

    • I totally agree with you on that…can only hope she doesn’t waste her HOH by convincing Christine to use the Veto on Jocasta! Please let this happen Production!!!

    • Haven’t you watched the feeds? One minute Derrick wants him gone the next minute he doesn’t. Cody has wanted Zach gone. It’s anyone’s guess if Zach stays or goes but as of now he’s going.

  4. Correct me if im wrong, but wasnt there a 9 person jury last season? i assume that the remaining houseguests have made it to jury assuming they do the same this year. Besides, I believe that is why they are having the double eviction. So that one houseguest does not have to be alone for a week.Plus, the fact that Zach is there entertainment… It just makes me think we have our jury already.

    • Yep, but they could throw in a twist and only have an 8-person jury instead of 9. We shall soon see!

    • Last yr was first time there were 9. Production could change their mind and make it 9 if they think Zach is leaving. I really don’t think it will though. It had always been 7 before.

  5. It wouldn’t happen, but it would sort of be hilarious if Zach were to be evicted and Frankie started acting like GM after Nick’s eviction.

    • We have a GM this season. His name is Caleb. I’m surprised he hasn’t flipped out. And was just as shocked as Nicole that he was asking about Nicole’s friend. Geeez. This guy.

  6. I definitely don’t want Zach to go! I would love a power shift but keeping Jocasta is pointless since she’s literally useless in this game. Derrick has figured out that this week is the DE so he’d be smart to keep Zach as a number on his side to win and keep him safe.

    Zach is my favourite, this is the first time I’ve been nervous of someone possibly going home this season!

  7. She didn’t use it SO if things don’t change from last night (lot of time for that) then it’s bye bye Zach!

  8. God keep Zach just for entertainment value. Jocasta is just plain weak. She can’t compete in anything and when she does she claims to get sick. I would boot her out just incase she tries to sue BB when she comes up injured.

    • I love Zach’s tantrums, but if I’m in the house, I want to string Jocasta along as far as I can. Hell, I’d take her to the final 2. She can’t win anything, she has made no game moves, she never talks game. If… and that’s a big if… she does win HOH, she is a wild card. But even keeping a strong ally, you know that at some point you’re probably going to have to turn on each other. Forget the honor of beating the best. Play to win the game!

  9. I may be the only BB fan to say this but I want to see Zach gone and Jocasta stay. She is so inspiring and strong in her faith, something we unfortunately don’t see a lot of on tv. This week, I hope Zach walks out that door with Christine right behind. A big move needs to be made to save this boring season.

    • That’s just it. Zach is “entertaining” and I do like him, but if he’s sent packing instead of Jocasta imagine the crap that could stir up. Fingers would be pointed at who didn’t vote with the other Detonators and that could work against Christine. I really want to see her go. Don’t allow Nicole’s HOH to be wasted. We really need Donnie or Hayden to win the next HOH. But I feel that Jocasta will go home and that one of the Detonators will win HOH and either Donnie, Nicole or Hayden will be sent packing.

      • Looks like Nicole’s HOH got wasted. She should have put up the 4 guys, Derrick, Cody, Frankie and Zach. Jocasta and Victoria with Donny and Hayden was 4 sure votes she already had in her hand. She also holds the tie-breaker vote. I just hope Nicole does not get evicted next. Obviously, Zach and the others are going to target her and there will not be enough votes to save her unless she wins the POV. I hope Hayden wins the next HOH and puts up the Detonators, Frankie and Christine for maximum drama!

  10. you didn’t mention that Caleb can compete for HOH. that throws the numbers in the detonators favor.

  11. Early on, when derrick and cody aligned with hayden and nicole, they later told other detonators about it and implied that it was another fake alliance.

  12. Vote for Zach to go home PLEASE. He is the kind of person that nice people can’t stand and besides that he has charmed that he doesn’t like any of them.

    • I don’t mean any offense, but I just find that to be terrible reasoning. This is Big Brother. “Being nice” shouldn’t factor in.

    • Nice people can’t stand…lol. I don’t see how anyone stands Jocasta she would annoy the crap out of me especially if i had to listen to her stupid diary room sessions all day

    • Zach is an extremely sarcastic guy. He’s literally joking when he says he hates everyone! Plus, if you’ve heard on many occasions some of his conversations he’s a soft hearted guy trying to be a villian.

  13. I disagree. I think Zach — while good TV drama — is a problem for Derrick and Company (be honest — Derrick is the leader so far this season). Derrick is playing, so far, a flawless game with hardly any blood despite being the main puppet master. Keeping big mouth Zach is dangerous — as I wrote 20 times when they decided to keep crazy Zach over useless non-threat Pao.

    • But for sheer drama and fun — I hate to admit Zach is better for TV watching. But these people want to win big money, not have fun (some of them) with Zach.

    • I’ve heard a lot of talk of Zach (with Christine and Frankie) going after Cody and Derrick, who are my two favourites, and yet I still want Zach to stay. That creates interesting possibilities, seeing them somewhat turn on each other, especially when Zach and Cody were “bros”. Like him or not, Zach brings so much more to this game than Jocasta. I’m not sure who can really argue that.

      I don’t necessarily think Jocasta is “harmless”. I only think that because I wouldn’t bet on her ability to win anything. But imagine for a second she falls into an HoH win that’s perhaps question-based and thus a bit of a crapshoot. She would probably allow others to make her HoH decisions for her basically by giving into their suggestions of who “is a big threat” and who isn’t. She could thus just as easily go after Derrick or Cody. She’s a wild card in that sense, nobody really knows where her head is in the game, since she doesn’t even seem to be playing it.

  14. PUhleasse god make jocasta leave. You think Zach’s diary rooms are obnoxious? what about frickn Jocasta’s? “hi it’s the block calling!” She is literally useless and is really just irritating more than anything. Oh I’m sick I can’t win anything I love jesus boo frickn hoo. Zach is the most entertaining person in this house BY FAR. He might not make the brightest decisions, but he makes the most fun decisions. If he goes, who will be there to entertain us? Derrick? Derrick is a solid gameplayer. However, he is INCREDIBLY BORINGGGGG! Like seriously boring. He is not like Dan or Will. Dan made crazy and shocking moves and was the best strategist of all time. Will was made for TV and full of charisma while he was manipulating people. Derrick is a smooth talker, but has no sort of pizzazz or really anything exciting…Why any big brother fan would want zach gone over jocasta is beyond comprehension

    • I can’t stand that “is the block calling” joke. It’s lame. As is the “Is the other Jocasta there you know I am”. What does that even mean? She’s not even remotely funny. I get what she’s trying for but I’m being snarky/sarcastic. “Mama J don’t play”…you sure about that? People have even said they “love the bowties”, and I can’t figure out why. I’d enjoy the show more if she left. I also can’t comprehend Big Brother fans wanting Zach out more than her.

  15. I wouldn’t be surprised though if Frankie, Christine or Zach won HOH that they would put up Derrick or Cody. Zach has mentioned Cody, Christine and Frankie have mentioned Derrick. So if Derrick and Cody go against Nicole without telling her then Derrick will not only have Nicole and Hayden after him but also Christine, Frankie and possibly Zach.

    • Maybe if Zach survives this week on the block, he’ll try to win HoH. He said this last one that he threw it but acted like he really wanted it. He told Frankie early on he wasn’t going to try to win “until necessary”. Not sure what qualifies as “necessary”.

    • That’s why the game would be more boring but safer for the whole house if they were playing SMART several weeks back and voted out Zach over Pao when they had the chance. Zach will come after people…Pao would have been like another Victoria to use. The genius (in a reality TV sense) of Dr. Will is he was smartass-funny but didn’t seem like a threat, even though he was. Zach is nothing like him.

  16. What exactly is Jacosta doing in the BB house?!?! Can someone please tell me why she is there? I just don’t understand how you get on BB and not play.. Same goes for Victoria. Everyone else seems to be playing – some maybe not the best game, but still they are atleast playing.

  17. Derrick isn’t flip flopping, folks. He’s playing “open and workable” and biding his time until Wednesday-ish. Then he will get Zach the votes.

    You don’t trouble idiots like Caleb and Victoria with too much information so early in the week. They will be told how to vote when they need to know.

    As for Cody, the kid needs time to cool down from his conversation with Christine. He is way too paranoid at the moment to respond well to logic. Derrick knows all of this. Come Wednesday, Derrick will pull out his go-to “numbers” argument, and rationalize things with Cody.

    Frankie is the fifth vote, obviously. Zach isn’t going anywhere.

    • I really hope you’re right. You sound sure and you back up your points well, and that’s comforting. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

      • None of this is any longer valid. DR clearly interfered and things changed overnight. I’m sure there will be a detailed post here tomorrow morning.

  18. It’s time for Zach to go. He’s just a little better at comps than Jocasta. He only won HOH because he was working with Cody. In the veto comp. he got to choose a prize. He sucks at comps.

    • Cody was working with Frankie when he/they won HoH, the egg-fence competition, and Zach and Amber were close behind. Zach won HoH by himself. It was a questions competition where you had to buzz in first. He and Frankie won that one after Derrick threw his spot to Frankie so he could see his grandfather.

      I’m not saying he’s amazing at competitions but he’s far better than Jocasta. Anybody is better than Jocasta. Even Victoria.

  19. I find it a bit funny how many people criticize the houseguests for maybe looking in the mirror just a little bit too much. There’s vanity and then there’s being surrounded 24/7 by cameras and knowing people are watching you at all times, even when you’re asleep sometimes. Put yourself in those shoes because I would bet it’s a pretty odd thing to deal with. So sue them if they want to check if their hair is ok or something like that. I guess some of them do it a little too much but again, it’s a tough spot to be in, and one that most people haven’t experienced. I’m not vain at all but if I was in the house I might check a little more than I do in my daily life. It’s human nature when you specifically know people are looking at you, as opposed to just going out for the day and thinking “people MIGHT look at me”.

  20. DONT CARE WHO GOES….as long as it isn’t my sexy Zach Attack! He’s the hottest & most fun to watch of everyone in the house, as far as im concerned!

  21. In my opinion if Zach goes it will really ruin the show! Zach & Frankie (Zankie) are, from my POV, the two who straight up MAKE this seasom exciting! Their quasi-gay bromance is so hot & makes this installment of Big Brother interesting- ZANKIE 4 EVER!!!

    • Two things. 1) That comment sounds really gay, “bromance is hot” 2) This is coming from a gay man.

  22. Jocosta…GoHome!!!! She attributes nothing at all to the game itself, nor to the entertainment value of BB either!

  23. Keep Zach. He is playing the game and possibly could win it all. I like Jocasta but she hasn’t done anything – time for her to go!

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. ‘Big Brother 16′ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Ceremony Results | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16: Derrick Flips Zach’s Closest Ally | Big Brother 16
  3. ‘Big Brother 16′ Counting The Votes In Week 6 | Big Brother 16
  4. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 6 Power of Veto Episode | Big Brother 16

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